#ifndef __COLL_HXX__ #define __COLL_HXX__ #ifdef __cplusplus #include //#include "clist.hxx" #include // AFX_CDECL is used for rare functions taking variable arguments #ifndef AFX_CDECL #define AFX_CDECL __cdecl #endif #ifdef unix #undef ASSERT #endif /* unix */ #ifdef ALPHA #undef ASSERT #endif #define ASSERT(x) #define VERIFY(f) (f) class CObject; class CString; class CArchive; // object persistence tool #include "clist.hxx" const CString& AFXAPI AfxGetEmptyString(); #define afxEmptyString AfxGetEmptyString() // class CObject is the root of all compliant objects struct CRuntimeClass { // Attributes LPCSTR m_lpszClassName; int m_nObjectSize; UINT m_wSchema; // schema number of the loaded class CObject* (PASCAL* m_pfnCreateObject)(); // NULL => abstract class #ifdef _AFXDLL CRuntimeClass* (PASCAL* m_pfnGetBaseClass)(); #else CRuntimeClass* m_pBaseClass; #endif // Operations CObject* CreateObject(); BOOL IsDerivedFrom(const CRuntimeClass* pBaseClass) const; // Implementation // void Store(CArchive& ar) const; // static CRuntimeClass* PASCAL Load(CArchive& ar, UINT* pwSchemaNum); // CRuntimeClass objects linked together in simple list CRuntimeClass* m_pNextClass; // linked list of registered classes }; class CObject { public: // Object model (types, destruction, allocation) //virtual CRuntimeClass* GetRuntimeClass() const; virtual ~CObject(); // virtual destructors are necessary // Diagnostic allocations void* PASCAL operator new(size_t nSize); void* PASCAL operator new(size_t, void* p); void PASCAL operator delete(void* p); #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(_AFX_NO_DEBUG_CRT) // for file name/line number tracking using DEBUG_NEW void* PASCAL operator new(size_t nSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName, int nLine); #endif // Disable the copy constructor and assignment by default so you will get // compiler errors instead of unexpected behaviour if you pass objects // by value or assign objects. protected: CObject(); private: CObject(const CObject& objectSrc); // no implementation void operator=(const CObject& objectSrc); // no implementation // Attributes public: BOOL IsSerializable() const; //BOOL IsKindOf(const CRuntimeClass* pClass) const; // Overridables // virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); // Diagnostic Support virtual void AssertValid() const; // virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; // Implementation public: // static const AFX_DATA CRuntimeClass classCObject; #ifdef _AFXDLL //static CRuntimeClass* PASCAL _GetBaseClass(); #endif }; // Helper macros //#define RUNTIME_CLASS(class_name) ((CRuntimeClass*)(&class_name::class##class_name)) #define ASSERT_KINDOF(class_name, object) \ ASSERT((object)->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(class_name))) class CString; // growable string type struct CStringData { long nRefs; // reference count int nDataLength; int nAllocLength; // TCHAR data[nAllocLength] TCHAR* data() { return (TCHAR*)(this+1); } }; class CString { public: // Constructors CString(); CString(const CString& stringSrc); CString(TCHAR ch, int nRepeat = 1); CString(LPCSTR lpsz); CString(LPCWSTR lpsz); CString(LPCTSTR lpch, int nLength); CString(const unsigned char* psz); // Attributes & Operations // as an array of characters int GetLength() const; BOOL IsEmpty() const; void Empty(); // free up the data TCHAR GetAt(int nIndex) const; // 0 based TCHAR operator[](int nIndex) const; // same as GetAt void SetAt(int nIndex, TCHAR ch); operator LPCTSTR() const; // as a C string // overloaded assignment const CString& operator=(const CString& stringSrc); const CString& operator=(TCHAR ch); #ifdef _UNICODE const CString& operator=(char ch); #endif const CString& operator=(LPCSTR lpsz); const CString& operator=(LPCWSTR lpsz); const CString& operator=(const unsigned char* psz); // string concatenation const CString& operator+=(const CString& string); const CString& operator+=(TCHAR ch); #ifdef _UNICODE const CString& operator+=(char ch); #endif const CString& operator+=(LPCTSTR lpsz); friend CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string1, const CString& string2); friend CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string, TCHAR ch); friend CString AFXAPI operator+(TCHAR ch, const CString& string); #ifdef _UNICODE friend CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string, char ch); friend CString AFXAPI operator+(char ch, const CString& string); #endif friend CString AFXAPI operator+(const CString& string, LPCTSTR lpsz); friend CString AFXAPI operator+(LPCTSTR lpsz, const CString& string); // string comparison int Compare(LPCTSTR lpsz) const; // straight character int CompareNoCase(LPCTSTR lpsz) const; // ignore case int Collate(LPCTSTR lpsz) const; // NLS aware // simple sub-string extraction CString Mid(int nFirst, int nCount) const; CString Mid(int nFirst) const; CString Left(int nCount) const; CString Right(int nCount) const; CString SpanIncluding(LPCTSTR lpszCharSet) const; CString SpanExcluding(LPCTSTR lpszCharSet) const; // upper/lower/reverse conversion void MakeUpper(); void MakeLower(); void MakeReverse(); // trimming whitespace (either side) void TrimRight(); void TrimLeft(); // searching (return starting index, or -1 if not found) // look for a single character match int Find(TCHAR ch) const; // like "C" strchr int ReverseFind(TCHAR ch) const; int FindOneOf(LPCTSTR lpszCharSet) const; // look for a specific sub-string int Find(LPCTSTR lpszSub) const; // like "C" strstr // simple formatting void AFX_CDECL Format(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...); void AFX_CDECL Format(UINT nFormatID, ...); // formatting for localization (uses FormatMessage API) void AFX_CDECL FormatMessage(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...); void AFX_CDECL FormatMessage(UINT nFormatID, ...); // input and output #ifdef _DEBUG // friend CDumpContext& AFXAPI operator<<(CDumpContext& dc, const CString& string); #endif // friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CString& string); // friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CString& string); // Windows support //BOOL LoadString(UINT nID); // load from string resource // 255 chars max #ifndef _UNICODE // ANSI <-> OEM support (convert string in place) void AnsiToOem(); void OemToAnsi(); #endif #ifndef _AFX_NO_BSTR_SUPPORT // OLE BSTR support (use for OLE automation) BSTR AllocSysString() const; BSTR SetSysString(BSTR* pbstr) const; #endif // Access to string implementation buffer as "C" character array LPTSTR GetBuffer(int nMinBufLength); void ReleaseBuffer(int nNewLength = -1); LPTSTR GetBufferSetLength(int nNewLength); void FreeExtra(); // Use LockBuffer/UnlockBuffer to turn refcounting off LPTSTR LockBuffer(); void UnlockBuffer(); // Implementation public: ~CString(); int GetAllocLength() const; protected: LPTSTR m_pchData; // pointer to ref counted string data // implementation helpers CStringData* GetData() const; void Init(); //{ m_pchData = afxEmptyString.m_pchData; } void AllocCopy(CString& dest, int nCopyLen, int nCopyIndex, int nExtraLen) const; void AllocBuffer(int nLen); void AssignCopy(int nSrcLen, LPCTSTR lpszSrcData); void ConcatCopy(int nSrc1Len, LPCTSTR lpszSrc1Data, int nSrc2Len, LPCTSTR lpszSrc2Data); void ConcatInPlace(int nSrcLen, LPCTSTR lpszSrcData); void FormatV(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, va_list argList); void CopyBeforeWrite(); void AllocBeforeWrite(int nLen); void Release(); static void PASCAL Release(CStringData* pData); static int PASCAL SafeStrlen(LPCTSTR lpsz); }; // Compare helpers inline BOOL AFXAPI operator==(const CString& s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator==(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator==(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator!=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator!=(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator!=(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator<(const CString& s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator<(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator<(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator>(const CString& s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator>(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator>(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator<=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator<=(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator<=(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator>=(const CString& s1, const CString& s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator>=(const CString& s1, LPCTSTR s2); inline BOOL AFXAPI operator>=(LPCTSTR s1, const CString& s2); class CMapStringToPtr //: public CObject { //DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CMapStringToPtr) protected: // Association struct CAssoc { CAssoc* pNext; UINT nHashValue; // needed for efficient iteration CString key; void* value; }; public: // Construction CMapStringToPtr(int nBlockSize = 10); // Attributes // number of elements int GetCount() const; BOOL IsEmpty() const; // Lookup BOOL Lookup(LPCTSTR key, void*& rValue) const; BOOL LookupKey(LPCTSTR key, LPCTSTR& rKey) const; // Operations // Lookup and add if not there void*& operator[](LPCTSTR key); // add a new (key, value) pair void SetAt(LPCTSTR key, void* newValue); // removing existing (key, ?) pair BOOL RemoveKey(LPCTSTR key); void RemoveAll(); // iterating all (key, value) pairs POSITION GetStartPosition() const; void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, CString& rKey, void*& rValue) const; // advanced features for derived classes UINT GetHashTableSize() const; void InitHashTable(UINT hashSize, BOOL bAllocNow = TRUE); // Overridables: special non-virtual (see map implementation for details) // Routine used to user-provided hash keys UINT HashKey(LPCTSTR key) const; // Implementation protected: CAssoc** m_pHashTable; UINT m_nHashTableSize; int m_nCount; CAssoc* m_pFreeList; struct CPlex* m_pBlocks; int m_nBlockSize; CAssoc* NewAssoc(); void FreeAssoc(CAssoc*); CAssoc* GetAssocAt(LPCTSTR, UINT&) const; public: ~CMapStringToPtr(); #ifdef _DEBUG // void Dump(CDumpContext&) const; void AssertValid() const; #endif protected: // local typedefs for CTypedPtrMap class template typedef CString BASE_KEY; typedef LPCTSTR BASE_ARG_KEY; typedef void* BASE_VALUE; typedef void* BASE_ARG_VALUE; }; class CMapStringToOb : public CObject { // DECLARE_SERIAL(CMapStringToOb) protected: // Association struct CAssoc { CAssoc* pNext; UINT nHashValue; // needed for efficient iteration CString key; CObject* value; }; public: // Construction CMapStringToOb(int nBlockSize = 10); // Attributes // number of elements int GetCount() const; BOOL IsEmpty() const; // Lookup BOOL Lookup(LPCTSTR key, CObject*& rValue) const; BOOL LookupKey(LPCTSTR key, LPCTSTR& rKey) const; // Operations // Lookup and add if not there CObject*& operator[](LPCTSTR key); // add a new (key, value) pair void SetAt(LPCTSTR key, CObject* newValue); // removing existing (key, ?) pair BOOL RemoveKey(LPCTSTR key); void RemoveAll(); // iterating all (key, value) pairs POSITION GetStartPosition() const; void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, CString& rKey, CObject*& rValue) const; // advanced features for derived classes UINT GetHashTableSize() const; void InitHashTable(UINT hashSize, BOOL bAllocNow = TRUE); // Overridables: special non-virtual (see map implementation for details) // Routine used to user-provided hash keys UINT HashKey(LPCTSTR key) const; // Implementation protected: CAssoc** m_pHashTable; UINT m_nHashTableSize; int m_nCount; CAssoc* m_pFreeList; struct CPlex* m_pBlocks; int m_nBlockSize; CAssoc* NewAssoc(); void FreeAssoc(CAssoc*); CAssoc* GetAssocAt(LPCTSTR, UINT&) const; public: ~CMapStringToOb(); // void Serialize(CArchive&); #ifdef _DEBUG // void Dump(CDumpContext&) const; void AssertValid() const; #endif protected: // local typedefs for CTypedPtrMap class template typedef CString BASE_KEY; typedef LPCTSTR BASE_ARG_KEY; typedef CObject* BASE_VALUE; typedef CObject* BASE_ARG_VALUE; }; class CMapPtrToPtr //: public CObject { //DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CMapPtrToPtr) #ifndef unix protected: #else // If this is not made public we get: // "map_pp.cxx", line 114: Warning (Anachronism): CMapPtrToPtr::CAssoc is not accessible from file level. public: #endif /* unix */ // Association struct CAssoc { CAssoc* pNext; void* key; void* value; }; public: // Construction CMapPtrToPtr(int nBlockSize = 10); // Attributes // number of elements int GetCount() const; BOOL IsEmpty() const; // Lookup BOOL Lookup(void* key, void*& rValue) const; // Operations // Lookup and add if not there void*& operator[](void* key); // add a new (key, value) pair void SetAt(void* key, void* newValue); // removing existing (key, ?) pair BOOL RemoveKey(void* key); void RemoveAll(); // iterating all (key, value) pairs POSITION GetStartPosition() const; void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, void*& rKey, void*& rValue) const; // advanced features for derived classes UINT GetHashTableSize() const; void InitHashTable(UINT hashSize, BOOL bAllocNow = TRUE); // Overridables: special non-virtual (see map implementation for details) // Routine used to user-provided hash keys UINT HashKey(void* key) const; // Implementation protected: CAssoc** m_pHashTable; UINT m_nHashTableSize; int m_nCount; CAssoc* m_pFreeList; struct CPlex* m_pBlocks; int m_nBlockSize; CAssoc* NewAssoc(); void FreeAssoc(CAssoc*); CAssoc* GetAssocAt(void*, UINT&) const; public: ~CMapPtrToPtr(); #ifdef _DEBUG // void Dump(CDumpContext&) const; void AssertValid() const; #endif void* GetValueAt(void* key) const; protected: // local typedefs for CTypedPtrMap class template typedef void* BASE_KEY; typedef void* BASE_ARG_KEY; typedef void* BASE_VALUE; typedef void* BASE_ARG_VALUE; }; class CArchive { public: // Flag values enum Mode { store = 0, load = 1, bNoFlushOnDelete = 2, bNoByteSwap = 4 }; //CArchive(CFile* pFile, UINT nMode, int nBufSize = 4096, void* lpBuf = NULL); ~CArchive(); // Attributes #ifndef unix BOOL IsLoading() const; BOOL IsStoring() const; BOOL IsByteSwapping() const; BOOL IsBufferEmpty() const; #else // In UNIX all the member functions which are defined here somehow // referenced by notifictn/notifhlp.cxx. WIthout these we get undefined symbol // references on UNIX. So I added these. -Pravin. BOOL IsLoading() const { return TRUE; } BOOL IsStoring() const { return TRUE; } BOOL IsByteSwapping() const { return TRUE;} BOOL IsBufferEmpty() const { return TRUE; } #endif /* !unix */ //CFile* GetFile() const; UINT GetObjectSchema(); // only valid when reading a CObject* void SetObjectSchema(UINT nSchema); // pointer to document being serialized -- must set to serialize // COleClientItems in a document! //CDocument* m_pDocument; // Operations #ifndef unix UINT Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nMax); void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nMax); #else UINT Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nMax) { return 0; } void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nMax) { return; } #endif /* !unix */ void Flush(); void Close(); void Abort(); // close and shutdown without exceptions // reading and writing strings void WriteString(LPCTSTR lpsz); LPTSTR ReadString(LPTSTR lpsz, UINT nMax); BOOL ReadString(CString& rString); public: // Object I/O is pointer based to avoid added construction overhead. // Use the Serialize member function directly for embedded objects. friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator<<(CArchive& ar, const CObject* pOb); friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CObject*& pOb); friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, const CObject*& pOb); // insertion operations CArchive& operator<<(BYTE by); CArchive& operator<<(WORD w); CArchive& operator<<(LONG l); CArchive& operator<<(DWORD dw); CArchive& operator<<(float f); CArchive& operator<<(double d); CArchive& operator<<(int i); CArchive& operator<<(short w); CArchive& operator<<(char ch); CArchive& operator<<(unsigned u); // extraction operations CArchive& operator>>(BYTE& by); CArchive& operator>>(WORD& w); CArchive& operator>>(DWORD& dw); CArchive& operator>>(LONG& l); CArchive& operator>>(float& f); CArchive& operator>>(double& d); CArchive& operator>>(int& i); CArchive& operator>>(short& w); CArchive& operator>>(char& ch); CArchive& operator>>(unsigned& u); // object read/write CObject* ReadObject(const CRuntimeClass* pClass); void WriteObject(const CObject* pOb); // advanced object mapping (used for forced references) void MapObject(const CObject* pOb); // advanced versioning support void WriteClass(const CRuntimeClass* pClassRef); CRuntimeClass* ReadClass(const CRuntimeClass* pClassRefRequested = NULL, UINT* pSchema = NULL, DWORD* pObTag = NULL); void SerializeClass(const CRuntimeClass* pClassRef); // advanced operations (used when storing/loading many objects) void SetStoreParams(UINT nHashSize = 2053, UINT nBlockSize = 128); void SetLoadParams(UINT nGrowBy = 1024); // Implementation public: BOOL m_bForceFlat; // for COleClientItem implementation (default TRUE) BOOL m_bDirectBuffer; // TRUE if m_pFile supports direct buffering void FillBuffer(UINT nBytesNeeded); void CheckCount(); // throw exception if m_nMapCount is too large // special functions for reading and writing (16-bit compatible) counts #ifndef unix DWORD ReadCount(); void WriteCount(DWORD dwCount); #else DWORD ReadCount() { return 0; } void WriteCount(DWORD dwCount) { return; } #endif /* !unix */ // public for advanced use UINT m_nObjectSchema; CString m_strFileName; protected: // archive objects cannot be copied or assigned CArchive(const CArchive& arSrc); void operator=(const CArchive& arSrc); BOOL m_nMode; BOOL m_bUserBuf; int m_nBufSize; //CFile* m_pFile; BYTE* m_lpBufCur; BYTE* m_lpBufMax; BYTE* m_lpBufStart; // array/map for CObject* and CRuntimeClass* load/store UINT m_nMapCount; union { //CPtrArray* m_pLoadArray; CMapPtrToPtr* m_pStoreMap; }; // map to keep track of mismatched schemas CMapPtrToPtr* m_pSchemaMap; // advanced parameters (controls performance with large archives) UINT m_nGrowSize; UINT m_nHashSize; }; // Inline function declarations #define _AFX_ENABLE_INLINES #ifdef _AFX_ENABLE_INLINES #define _AFXCOLL_INLINE inline #define _AFX_INLINE inline #include "collinl.hxx" #endif #include "afxtempl.h" #endif // __cplusplus #endif // __COLL_HXX__