// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related // electronic documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. // Inlines for AFX.H #ifdef _AFX_INLINE // CTime and CTimeSpan _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan() { } _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan(time_t time) { m_timeSpan = time; } _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan(LONG lDays, int nHours, int nMins, int nSecs) { m_timeSpan = nSecs + 60* (nMins + 60* (nHours + 24* lDays)); } _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan::CTimeSpan(const CTimeSpan& timeSpanSrc) { m_timeSpan = timeSpanSrc.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE const CTimeSpan& CTimeSpan::operator=(const CTimeSpan& timeSpanSrc) { m_timeSpan = timeSpanSrc.m_timeSpan; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetDays() const { return (LONG)(m_timeSpan / (24*3600L)); } _AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetTotalHours() const { return (LONG)(m_timeSpan/3600); } _AFX_INLINE int CTimeSpan::GetHours() const { return (int)(GetTotalHours() - GetDays()*24); } _AFX_INLINE LONG CTimeSpan::GetTotalMinutes() const { return (LONG)(m_timeSpan/60); } _AFX_INLINE int CTimeSpan::GetMinutes() const { return (int)(GetTotalMinutes() - GetTotalHours()*60); } _AFX_INLINE LONG_PTR CTimeSpan::GetTotalSeconds() const { return m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE int CTimeSpan::GetSeconds() const { return (int)(GetTotalSeconds() - GetTotalMinutes()*60); } _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan CTimeSpan::operator-(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return CTimeSpan(m_timeSpan - timeSpan.m_timeSpan); } _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan CTimeSpan::operator+(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return CTimeSpan(m_timeSpan + timeSpan.m_timeSpan); } _AFX_INLINE const CTimeSpan& CTimeSpan::operator+=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) { m_timeSpan += timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE const CTimeSpan& CTimeSpan::operator-=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) { m_timeSpan -= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator==(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return m_timeSpan == timeSpan.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator!=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return m_timeSpan != timeSpan.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator<(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return m_timeSpan < timeSpan.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator>(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return m_timeSpan > timeSpan.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator<=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return m_timeSpan <= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTimeSpan::operator>=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return m_timeSpan >= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; } _AFX_INLINE CTime::CTime() { } _AFX_INLINE CTime::CTime(time_t time) { m_time = time; } _AFX_INLINE CTime::CTime(const CTime& timeSrc) { m_time = timeSrc.m_time; } _AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator=(const CTime& timeSrc) { m_time = timeSrc.m_time; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator=(time_t t) { m_time = t; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE time_t CTime::GetTime() const { return m_time; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetYear() const { return (GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_year) + 1900; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetMonth() const { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_mon + 1; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetDay() const { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_mday; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetHour() const { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_hour; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetMinute() const { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_min; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetSecond() const { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_sec; } _AFX_INLINE int CTime::GetDayOfWeek() const { return GetLocalTm(NULL)->tm_wday + 1; } _AFX_INLINE CTimeSpan CTime::operator-(CTime time) const { return CTimeSpan(m_time - time.m_time); } _AFX_INLINE CTime CTime::operator-(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return CTime(m_time - timeSpan.m_timeSpan); } _AFX_INLINE CTime CTime::operator+(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const { return CTime(m_time + timeSpan.m_timeSpan); } _AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator+=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) { m_time += timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE const CTime& CTime::operator-=(CTimeSpan timeSpan) { m_time -= timeSpan.m_timeSpan; return *this; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator==(CTime time) const { return m_time == time.m_time; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator!=(CTime time) const { return m_time != time.m_time; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator<(CTime time) const { return m_time < time.m_time; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator>(CTime time) const { return m_time > time.m_time; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator<=(CTime time) const { return m_time <= time.m_time; } _AFX_INLINE BOOL CTime::operator>=(CTime time) const { return m_time >= time.m_time; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif //_AFX_INLINE