# This makefile has been generated automatically by mwgenmakeC for # compiling MFC application. CUSTOM_RULES = /vobs/ie4/wininet.template SOURCES = \ sockreg.cxx \ ipconfig.cxx \ protocol.cxx \ optreg.cxx \ apdetect.cxx INCLUDES += \ -I.\ -I${WININET_DIR}/inc \ -I${WININET_DIR}/inc/private\ -I${WININET_DIR}/debug WLIB = apdetect LIB = lib${WLIB}.a CPP_OBJS := ${SOURCES:%.C=%.o} CPP_OBJS := ${CPP_OBJS:%.cpp=%.o} CPP_OBJS := ${CPP_OBJS:%.cxx=%.o} LIBOBJS = ${CPP_OBJS:%.c=%.o} SRCS=${SOURCES} ## you may define the following variables ## RUN.dir : the directory where you want the executables to go ## APP_CFLAGS : additional compilation flags for C compiler ## APP_CCPPFLAGS: additional compilation flags for C++ compiler ## APP_DLLFLAGS : additional link flags ## MWINIT_DEFINES : list of -D used to initialize ## Mainwin in certain specific ways ## MWLOCALES: list of country codes corresponding to the ## resources you have prepared in the res subdirectory ## NO_UNICODE = 1 APP_CFLAGS += ${WININET_CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} ${DEFINES} __cplusplus = true include $(MWHOME)/make.rules.simple