/***************************** Module Header ******************************\ * Module Name: ntcftxt.h * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation * * Kernel call forward stubs with text arguments * * Each function will be created with two flavors Ansi and Unicode * * 06-Jan-1992 IanJa Moved from cf.h * 18-Mar-1995 JimA Ported from cftxt.h \**************************************************************************/ #ifdef UNICODE #define IS_ANSI FALSE #ifndef _UNICODE #define _UNICODE #endif #else #define IS_ANSI TRUE #undef _UNICODE #endif #include #include "ntsend.h" HWND TEXT_FN(InternalFindWindowEx)( HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndChild, LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pWindowName, DWORD dwFlag) { IN_STRING strClass; IN_STRING strWindow; /* * Make sure cleanup will work successfully */ strClass.fAllocated = FALSE; strWindow.fAllocated = FALSE; BEGINCALL() FIRSTCOPYLPTSTRIDOPT(&strClass, pClassName); COPYLPTSTROPT(&strWindow, pWindowName); retval = (ULONG_PTR)NtUserFindWindowEx(hwndParent, hwndChild, strClass.pstr, strWindow.pstr, dwFlag); ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strClass); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strWindow); ENDCALL(HWND); } HWND FindWindowEx( HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndChild, LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pWindowName) { return TEXT_FN(InternalFindWindowEx)(hwndParent, hwndChild, pClassName, pWindowName, FW_BOTH); } HWND FindWindow(LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pWindowName) { return TEXT_FN(InternalFindWindowEx)(NULL, NULL, pClassName, pWindowName, FW_BOTH); } extern WNDPROC mpPfnAddress[]; BOOL GetClassInfo(HINSTANCE hmod OPTIONAL, LPCTSTR pszClassName, LPWNDCLASS pwc) { IN_STRING strClassName; LPWSTR pszMenuName; WNDCLASSEXW WndClass; /* * Make sure cleanup will work successfully */ strClassName.fAllocated = FALSE; BEGINCALL() FIRSTCOPYLPTSTRID(&strClassName, pszClassName); retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetClassInfo(hmod, strClassName.pstr, &WndClass, &pszMenuName, IS_ANSI); if (retval) { /* * Move the info from the WNDCLASSEX to the WNDCLASS structure * On 64-bit plaforms we'll have 32 bits of padding between style and * lpfnWndProc in WNDCLASS, so start the copy from the first 64-bit * aligned field and hand copy the rest. */ RtlCopyMemory(&(pwc->lpfnWndProc), &(WndClass.lpfnWndProc), sizeof(WNDCLASS) - FIELD_OFFSET(WNDCLASS, lpfnWndProc)); pwc->style = WndClass.style; /* * Update these pointers so they point to something real. * pszMenuName is actually just the pointer the app originally * passed to us. */ pwc->lpszMenuName = (LPTSTR)pszMenuName; pwc->lpszClassName = pszClassName; } ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strClassName); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL GetClassInfoEx(HINSTANCE hmod OPTIONAL, LPCTSTR pszClassName, LPWNDCLASSEX pwc) { IN_STRING strClassName; LPWSTR pszMenuName; /* * Make sure cleanup will work successfully */ strClassName.fAllocated = FALSE; BEGINCALL() FIRSTCOPYLPTSTRID(&strClassName, pszClassName); retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetClassInfo(hmod, strClassName.pstr, (LPWNDCLASSEXW)pwc, &pszMenuName, IS_ANSI); if (retval) { /* * Update these pointers so they point to something real. * pszMenuName is actually just the pointer the app originally * passed to us. */ pwc->lpszMenuName = (LPTSTR)pszMenuName; pwc->lpszClassName = pszClassName; } ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strClassName); ENDCALL(BOOL); } int GetClipboardFormatName(UINT wFormat, LPTSTR pFormatName, int chMaxCount) { LPWSTR lpszReserve; BEGINCALL() #ifdef UNICODE lpszReserve = pFormatName; #else lpszReserve = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, chMaxCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpszReserve) { return 0; } #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetClipboardFormatName(wFormat, lpszReserve, chMaxCount); #ifndef UNICODE if (retval) { /* * Do not copy out more than the requested byte count 'chMaxCount'. * Set retval to reflect the number of ANSI bytes. */ retval = WCSToMB(lpszReserve, (UINT)retval, &pFormatName, chMaxCount-1, FALSE); pFormatName[retval] = '\0'; } LocalFree(lpszReserve); #endif ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(int); } int GetKeyNameText(LONG lParam, LPTSTR pString, int cchSize) { LPWSTR lpszReserve; BEGINCALL() #ifdef UNICODE lpszReserve = pString; #else lpszReserve = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cchSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpszReserve) { return 0; } #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetKeyNameText(lParam, lpszReserve, cchSize); #ifndef UNICODE if (retval) { /* * Do not copy out more than the requested byte count 'nSize'. * Set retval to reflect the number of ANSI bytes. */ retval = WCSToMB(lpszReserve, (UINT)retval, &pString, cchSize-1, FALSE); } LocalFree(lpszReserve); ((LPSTR)pString)[retval] = '\0'; #endif ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(int); } BOOL APIENTRY GetMessage(LPMSG pmsg, HWND hwnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax) { BEGINCALL() /* * Prevent apps from setting hi 16 bits so we can use them internally. */ if ((wMsgFilterMin | wMsgFilterMax) & RESERVED_MSG_BITS) { MSGERRORCODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } #ifndef UNICODE /* * If we have pushed message for DBCS messaging, we should pass this one * to Apps at first... */ GET_DBCS_MESSAGE_IF_EXIST(GetMessage, pmsg, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, TRUE); #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetMessage(pmsg, hwnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax); #ifndef UNICODE // May have a bit more work to do if this MSG is for an ANSI app // !!! LATER if the unichar translates into multiple ANSI chars // !!! then what??? Divide into two messages?? WM_SYSDEADCHAR?? if (RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB(pmsg->message, &(pmsg->wParam))) { WPARAM dwAnsi = pmsg->wParam; /* * Build DBCS-ware wParam. (for EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR...) */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTA_FROM_SERVER(pmsg, dwAnsi, TRUE, TRUE); } else { retval = 0; } ExitGetMessage: #else /* * Only LOWORD of WPARAM is valid for WM_CHAR (Unicode).... * (Mask off DBCS messaging information.) */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTW_FROM_SERVER(pmsg->message,pmsg->wParam); #endif // UNICODE ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL GetKeyboardLayoutName(LPTSTR pwszKL) { #ifdef UNICODE UNICODE_STRING str; PUNICODE_STRING pstr = &str; #else PUNICODE_STRING pstr = &NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; #endif BEGINCALL() #ifdef UNICODE str.MaximumLength = KL_NAMELENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); str.Buffer = pwszKL; #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName(pstr); #ifndef UNICODE if (retval) { /* * Non-zero retval means some text to copy out. Do not copy out * more than the requested byte count 'chMaxCount'. */ WCSToMB(pstr->Buffer, -1, &pwszKL, KL_NAMELENGTH, FALSE); } #endif ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } UINT MapVirtualKey(UINT wCode, UINT wMapType) { BEGINCALL() retval = (DWORD)NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx(wCode, wMapType, 0, FALSE); #ifndef UNICODE if ((wMapType == 2) && (retval != 0)) { WCHAR wch = LOWORD(retval); retval &= ~0xFFFF; RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN((LPSTR)&(retval), sizeof(CHAR), NULL, &wch, sizeof(WCHAR)); } #endif ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(UINT); } /**************************************************************************\ * MapVirtualKeyEx * * 21-Feb-1995 GregoryW Created \**************************************************************************/ #ifndef UNICODE static HKL hMVKCachedHKL = 0; static UINT uMVKCachedCP = 0; #endif UINT MapVirtualKeyEx(UINT wCode, UINT wMapType, HKL hkl) { BEGINCALL() retval = (DWORD)NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx(wCode, wMapType, (ULONG_PTR)hkl, TRUE); #ifndef UNICODE if ((wMapType == 2) && (retval != 0)) { WCHAR wch = LOWORD(retval); if (hkl != hMVKCachedHKL) { DWORD dwCodePage; if (!GetLocaleInfoW(HandleToUlong(hkl) & 0xffff, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, (LPWSTR)&dwCodePage, sizeof(dwCodePage) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { MSGERROR(); } uMVKCachedCP = dwCodePage; hMVKCachedHKL = hkl; } /* * Clear low word which contains Unicode character returned from server. * This preserves the high word which is used to indicate dead key status. */ retval = retval & 0xffff0000; if (!WideCharToMultiByte(uMVKCachedCP, 0, &wch, 1, (LPSTR)&(retval), 1, NULL, NULL)) { MSGERROR(); } } #endif ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(UINT); } BOOL APIENTRY PostMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BEGINCALL() switch (wMsg) { case WM_DROPFILES: if (GetWindowProcess(hwnd) != GETPROCESSID()) { /* * We first send a WM_COPYGLOBALDATA message to get the data into the proper * context. */ HGLOBAL hg; hg = (HGLOBAL)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COPYGLOBALDATA, GlobalSize((HGLOBAL)wParam), wParam); if (!hg) { MSGERROR(); } wParam = (WPARAM)hg; } break; case LB_DIR: case CB_DIR: /* * Make sure this bit is set so the client side string gets * successfully copied over. */ wParam |= DDL_POSTMSGS; break; } #ifndef UNICODE /* * Setup DBCS Messaging for WM_CHAR... */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA(wMsg,wParam,TRUE); RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(wMsg, &wParam); #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserPostMessage(hwnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL APIENTRY PostThreadMessage(DWORD idThread, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BEGINCALL() #ifndef UNICODE #ifdef FE_SB // PostThreadMessage() /* * The server always expects the characters to be unicode so * if this was generated from an ANSI routine convert it to Unicode */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA(msg,wParam,TRUE); #endif // FE_SB RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(msg, &wParam); #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserPostThreadMessage(idThread, msg, wParam, lParam); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } /**************************************************************************\ * StringDuplicate * * 03-25-96 GerardoB Added Header. \**************************************************************************/ #define StringDuplicate TEXT_FN(StringDuplicate) LPTSTR StringDuplicate(LPCTSTR ptszDup) { LPTSTR ptsz; ULONG cb; cb = (_tcslen(ptszDup) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); ptsz = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(NONZEROLPTR, cb); if (ptsz != NULL) { RtlCopyMemory(ptsz, ptszDup, cb); } return ptsz; } /**************************************************************************\ * InitClsMenuName * * 03-22-96 GerardoB Created. \**************************************************************************/ #define InitClsMenuName TEXT_FN(InitClsMenuName) BOOL InitClsMenuName (PCLSMENUNAME pcmn, LPCTSTR lpszMenuName, PIN_STRING pstrMenuName) { /* * We check the high-word because this may be a resource-ID. */ if (IS_PTR(lpszMenuName)) { #ifdef UNICODE if ((pcmn->pwszClientUnicodeMenuName = StringDuplicate(lpszMenuName)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!WCSToMB(lpszMenuName, -1, &(pcmn->pszClientAnsiMenuName), -1, TRUE)) { pcmn->pszClientAnsiMenuName = NULL; } #else if ((pcmn->pszClientAnsiMenuName = StringDuplicate(lpszMenuName)) == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!MBToWCS(lpszMenuName, -1, &(pcmn->pwszClientUnicodeMenuName), -1, TRUE)) { pcmn->pwszClientUnicodeMenuName = NULL; } #endif // UNICODE } else { /* Copy the ID */ pcmn->pszClientAnsiMenuName = (LPSTR)lpszMenuName; pcmn->pwszClientUnicodeMenuName = (LPWSTR)lpszMenuName; } COPYLPTSTRID(pstrMenuName, lpszMenuName); pcmn->pusMenuName = pstrMenuName->pstr; return TRUE; goto errorexit; /* Keep the compiler happy */ errorexit: /* Used by COPYLPTSTRID */ return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************\ * SetClassLong * * 03-22-96 GerardoB Moved from client\cltxt.h & client\ntstubs.c \**************************************************************************/ ULONG_PTR APIENTRY SetClassLongPtr(HWND hwnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR dwNewLong) { CLSMENUNAME cmn; IN_STRING strMenuName; switch (nIndex) { case GCLP_MENUNAME: if (!InitClsMenuName(&cmn, (LPCTSTR) dwNewLong, &strMenuName)) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, RIP_WARNING, "SetClassLong: InitClsMenuName failed"); return 0; } dwNewLong = (ULONG_PTR) &cmn; break; case GCLP_HBRBACKGROUND: if ((DWORD)dwNewLong > COLOR_ENDCOLORS) { /* * Let gdi validate the brush. If it's invalid, then * gdi will log a warning. No need to rip twice so we'll * just set the last-error. */ if (GdiValidateHandle((HBRUSH)dwNewLong) == FALSE) { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return 0; } } break; } BEGINCALL() retval = (ULONG_PTR)NtUserSetClassLongPtr(hwnd, nIndex, dwNewLong, IS_ANSI); ERRORTRAP(0); /* Clean up */ switch (nIndex) { case GCLP_MENUNAME: CLEANUPLPTSTR(strMenuName); /* Initialized by InitClsMenuName */ /* * We free either the old strings (returned by the kernel), * or the new ones if the kernel call failed */ if (IS_PTR(cmn.pszClientAnsiMenuName)) { LocalFree(cmn.pszClientAnsiMenuName); } if (IS_PTR(cmn.pwszClientUnicodeMenuName)) { LocalFree(cmn.pwszClientUnicodeMenuName); } break; } ENDCALL(ULONG_PTR); } #ifdef _WIN64 DWORD APIENTRY SetClassLong(HWND hwnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong) { BEGINCALL() retval = (DWORD)NtUserSetClassLong(hwnd, nIndex, dwNewLong, IS_ANSI); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(DWORD); } #endif /**************************************************************************\ * RegisterClassExWOW * * 03-22-96 GerardoB Added Header \**************************************************************************/ ATOM TEXT_FN(RegisterClassExWOW)(WNDCLASSEX *lpWndClass, LPDWORD pdwWOWstuff, WORD fnid) { WNDCLASSEX WndClass; IN_STRING strClassName; IN_STRING strMenuName; DWORD dwFlags, dwExpWinVer; CLSMENUNAME cmn; strClassName.fAllocated = 0; strMenuName.fAllocated = 0; /* * Skip validation for our classes */ if (fnid !=0) { /* * This is a hack to bypass validation for DDE classes * specifically, allow them to use hmodUser. */ if (fnid == FNID_DDE_BIT) { fnid = 0; } dwExpWinVer = VER40; } else { if (lpWndClass->cbSize != sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RegisterClass: Invalid cbSize"); } if (lpWndClass->cbClsExtra < 0 || lpWndClass->cbWndExtra < 0) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RegisterClass: invalid cb*Extra"); goto BadParameter; } /* * Validate hInstance * Don't allow 4.0 apps to use hmodUser */ if ((lpWndClass->hInstance == hmodUser) && (GetClientInfo()->dwExpWinVer >= VER40)) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RegisterClass: Cannot use USER's hInstance"); goto BadParameter; } else if (lpWndClass->hInstance == NULL) { /* * For 32 bit apps we need to fix up the hInstance because Win 95 does * this in their thunk MapHInstLS */ lpWndClass->hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); RIPMSG1(RIP_VERBOSE, "RegisterClass: fixing up NULL hmodule to %#p", lpWndClass->hInstance); } dwExpWinVer = GETEXPWINVER(lpWndClass->hInstance); /* * Check for valid style bits and strip if appropriate */ if (lpWndClass->style & ~CS_VALID40) { if (dwExpWinVer > VER31) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RegisterClass: Invalid class style"); goto BadParameter; } /* * Old application - strip bogus bits and pass through */ RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "RegisterClass: Invalid class style, stripping bad styles"); lpWndClass->style &= CS_VALID40; } /* * Validate hbrBackground */ if (lpWndClass->hbrBackground > (HBRUSH)COLOR_MAX && !GdiValidateHandle(lpWndClass->hbrBackground)) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "RegisterClass: Invalid class brush:%#p", lpWndClass->hbrBackground); if (dwExpWinVer > VER30) { goto BadParameter; } lpWndClass->hbrBackground = NULL; } } /* if (fnid !=0) */ if (!InitClsMenuName(&cmn, lpWndClass->lpszMenuName, &strMenuName)) { return FALSE; } BEGINCALL() WndClass = *lpWndClass; #ifdef UNICODE dwFlags = 0; #else dwFlags = CSF_ANSIPROC; #endif // UNICODE if (dwExpWinVer > VER31) { dwFlags |= CSF_WIN40COMPAT; } COPYLPTSTRID(&strClassName, (LPTSTR)lpWndClass->lpszClassName); retval = NtUserRegisterClassExWOW(&WndClass, strClassName.pstr, &cmn, fnid, dwFlags, pdwWOWstuff); /* * Return the atom associated with this class or if earlier * than Win 3.1 convert it to a strict BOOL (some apps check) */ if (GETEXPWINVER(lpWndClass->hInstance) < VER31) retval = !!retval; ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strMenuName); /* Initialized by InitClsMenuName */ CLEANUPLPTSTR(strClassName); if (!retval) { if (IS_PTR(cmn.pszClientAnsiMenuName)) { LocalFree(cmn.pszClientAnsiMenuName); } if (IS_PTR(cmn.pwszClientUnicodeMenuName)) { LocalFree(cmn.pwszClientUnicodeMenuName); } } ENDCALL(BOOL); BadParameter: RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_VERBOSE, "RegisterClass: Invalid Parameter"); return FALSE; } UINT RegisterWindowMessage(LPCTSTR pString) { IN_STRING str; /* * Make sure cleanup will work successfully */ str.fAllocated = FALSE; BEGINCALL() FIRSTCOPYLPTSTR(&str, (LPTSTR)pString); retval = (DWORD)NtUserRegisterWindowMessage(str.pstr); ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(str); ENDCALL(UINT); } HANDLE RemoveProp(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pString) { ATOM atomProp; DWORD dwProp; BEGINCALL() if (IS_PTR(pString)) { atomProp = GlobalFindAtom(pString); if (atomProp == 0) MSGERROR(); dwProp = MAKELONG(atomProp, TRUE); } else dwProp = MAKELONG(PTR_TO_ID(pString), FALSE); retval = (ULONG_PTR)NtUserRemoveProp(hwnd, dwProp); if (retval != 0 && IS_PTR(pString)) GlobalDeleteAtom(atomProp); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(HANDLE); } BOOL APIENTRY SendMessageCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, SENDASYNCPROC lpResultCallBack, ULONG_PTR dwData) { BEGINCALL() #ifndef UNICODE #ifdef FE_SB // SendMessageCallBack() /* * Setup DBCS Messaging for WM_CHAR... */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA(wMsg,wParam,TRUE); #endif // FE_SB RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(wMsg, &wParam); #endif retval = (DWORD)NtUserSendMessageCallback(hwnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam, lpResultCallBack, dwData); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL APIENTRY SendNotifyMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LARGE_STRING str; LPWSTR lpUniName = NULL; BEGINCALL() #ifndef UNICODE #ifdef FE_SB // SendNotifyMessage() /* * Setup DBCS Messaging for WM_CHAR... */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA(wMsg,wParam,TRUE); #endif // FE_SB RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(wMsg, &wParam); #endif /* * Allow system notification messages containing * strings to go through. */ if ((wMsg == WM_WININICHANGE || wMsg == WM_DEVMODECHANGE) && lParam) { #ifdef UNICODE RtlInitLargeUnicodeString((PLARGE_UNICODE_STRING)&str, (LPWSTR)lParam, (UINT)-1); #else if (!MBToWCS((LPSTR)lParam, -1, &lpUniName, -1, TRUE)) return FALSE; RtlInitLargeUnicodeString((PLARGE_UNICODE_STRING)&str, lpUniName, (UINT)-1); #endif lParam = (LPARAM)(&str); } retval = (DWORD)NtUserSendNotifyMessage(hwnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam); if (lpUniName) UserLocalFree(lpUniName); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL SetProp(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pString, HANDLE hData) { ATOM atomProp; DWORD dwProp; BEGINCALL() if (IS_PTR(pString)) { atomProp = GlobalAddAtom(pString); if (atomProp == 0) MSGERROR(); dwProp = MAKELONG(atomProp, TRUE); } else dwProp = MAKELONG(PTR_TO_ID(pString), FALSE); retval = (DWORD)NtUserSetProp(hwnd, dwProp, hData); /* * If it failed, get rid of the atom */ if (retval == FALSE && IS_PTR(pString)) GlobalDeleteAtom(atomProp); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL UnregisterClass(LPCTSTR pszClassName, HINSTANCE hModule) { IN_STRING strClassName; CLSMENUNAME cmn; /* * Make sure cleanup will work successfully */ strClassName.fAllocated = FALSE; BEGINCALL() FIRSTCOPYLPTSTRID(&strClassName, pszClassName); retval = (DWORD)NtUserUnregisterClass(strClassName.pstr, hModule, &cmn); /* * Check explicity for TRUE so we don't get a !FALSE when * converttogui fails and the NtUser returns a status code intead of bool. */ if (retval == TRUE) { /* * Free the menu strings if they are not resource IDs */ if (IS_PTR(cmn.pszClientAnsiMenuName)) { LocalFree(cmn.pszClientAnsiMenuName); } if (IS_PTR(cmn.pwszClientUnicodeMenuName)) { LocalFree(cmn.pwszClientUnicodeMenuName); } } ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strClassName); ENDCALL(BOOL); } SHORT VkKeyScan(TCHAR cChar) { WCHAR wChar; BEGINCALL() #ifdef UNICODE wChar = cChar; #else #ifdef FE_SB // VkKeyScan() /* * Return 0xFFFFFFFF for DBCS LeadByte character. */ if (IsDBCSLeadByte(cChar)) { MSGERROR(); } #endif // FE_SB RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN((LPWSTR)&(wChar), sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, &cChar, sizeof(CHAR)); #endif // UNICODE retval = (DWORD)NtUserVkKeyScanEx(wChar, 0, FALSE); ERRORTRAP(-1); ENDCALL(SHORT); } #ifndef UNICODE static HKL hVKSCachedHKL = 0; static UINT uVKSCachedCP = 0; #endif SHORT VkKeyScanEx(TCHAR cChar, HKL hkl) { WCHAR wChar; BEGINCALL() #ifdef UNICODE wChar = cChar; #else if (hkl != hVKSCachedHKL) { DWORD dwCodePage; if (!GetLocaleInfoW(HandleToUlong(hkl) & 0xffff, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, (LPWSTR)&dwCodePage, sizeof(dwCodePage) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { MSGERROR(); } uVKSCachedCP = dwCodePage; hVKSCachedHKL = hkl; } #ifdef FE_SB // VkKeyScanEx() /* * Return 0xFFFFFFFF for DBCS LeadByte character. */ if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uVKSCachedCP,cChar)) { MSGERROR(); } #endif // FE_SB if (!MultiByteToWideChar(uVKSCachedCP, 0, &cChar, sizeof(CHAR), &wChar, sizeof(WCHAR))) { MSGERROR(); } #endif // UNICODE retval = (DWORD)NtUserVkKeyScanEx(wChar, (ULONG_PTR)hkl, TRUE); ERRORTRAP(-1); ENDCALL(SHORT); } BOOL EnumDisplayDevices(LPCTSTR lpszDevice, DWORD iDevNum, PDISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice, DWORD dwFlags) { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; DISPLAY_DEVICEW tmpDisplayDevice; // Clear out things to make sure the caller passes in appropriate parameters ZeroMemory(((PUCHAR)lpDisplayDevice) + sizeof(DWORD), lpDisplayDevice->cb - sizeof(DWORD)); tmpDisplayDevice.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICEW); if (lpszDevice) { #ifdef UNICODE RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpszDevice); #else ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UnicodeString = NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, (LPSTR)lpszDevice); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE))) { return FALSE; } #endif pUnicodeString = &UnicodeString; } Status = NtUserEnumDisplayDevices(pUnicodeString, iDevNum, &tmpDisplayDevice, dwFlags); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #ifndef UNICODE LPSTR psz; if (lpDisplayDevice->cb >= FIELD_OFFSET(DISPLAY_DEVICE, DeviceString)) { psz = (LPSTR)&(lpDisplayDevice->DeviceName[0]); WCSToMB(&(tmpDisplayDevice.DeviceName[0]), -1, &psz, 32, FALSE); } if (lpDisplayDevice->cb >= FIELD_OFFSET(DISPLAY_DEVICE, StateFlags)) { psz = (LPSTR)&(lpDisplayDevice->DeviceString[0]); WCSToMB(&(tmpDisplayDevice.DeviceString[0]), -1, &psz, 128, FALSE); } if (lpDisplayDevice->cb >= FIELD_OFFSET(DISPLAY_DEVICE, DeviceID)) { lpDisplayDevice->StateFlags = tmpDisplayDevice.StateFlags; } if (lpDisplayDevice->cb >= FIELD_OFFSET(DISPLAY_DEVICE, DeviceKey)) { psz = (LPSTR)&(lpDisplayDevice->DeviceID[0]); WCSToMB(&(tmpDisplayDevice.DeviceID[0]), -1, &psz, 128, FALSE); } if (lpDisplayDevice->cb >= sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)) { psz = (LPSTR)&(lpDisplayDevice->DeviceKey[0]); WCSToMB(&(tmpDisplayDevice.DeviceKey[0]), -1, &psz, 128, FALSE); } #else RtlMoveMemory(lpDisplayDevice, &tmpDisplayDevice, lpDisplayDevice->cb); #endif return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL EnumDisplaySettings(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, DWORD iModeNum, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode) { // Work-around Win95 problem which does not require the caller to initialize these two fields. lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra = 0; lpDevMode->dmSize = FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE, dmICMMethod); return EnumDisplaySettingsEx(lpszDeviceName, iModeNum, lpDevMode, 0); } BOOL EnumDisplaySettingsEx(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, DWORD iModeNum, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, DWORD dwFlags) { UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString = NULL; LPDEVMODEW lpDevModeReserve; BOOL retval = FALSE; WORD size = lpDevMode->dmSize; if (lpszDeviceName) { #ifdef UNICODE RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpszDeviceName); #else ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UnicodeString = NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, (LPSTR)lpszDeviceName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE))) { return FALSE; } #endif pUnicodeString = &UnicodeString; } /* * Currently -2 is reserved (undocumented function of the NT api. * remove the check is win95 implements this. * -> -1 returns the content of the registry at the time of the call * if (iModeNum == (DWORD) -2) * { * return FALSE; * } * -1 should return the current DEVMODE for the device. * This is handled in the kernel part of the function, so we pass it on. * We will always request a full DEVMODE from the kernel. * So allocate the space needed */ lpDevModeReserve = UserLocalAlloc(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(DEVMODEW) + lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra); if (lpDevModeReserve) { lpDevModeReserve->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODEW); lpDevModeReserve->dmDriverExtra = lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra; /* * Get the information */ retval = (NT_SUCCESS(NtUserEnumDisplaySettings(pUnicodeString, iModeNum, lpDevModeReserve, dwFlags))); if (retval) { #ifndef UNICODE LPSTR psz; #endif /* * return only the amount of information requested. * For ANSI, this requires a conversion. */ /* * First, copy the driver extra information */ if (lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra && lpDevModeReserve->dmDriverExtra) { RtlMoveMemory(((PUCHAR)lpDevMode) + size, lpDevModeReserve + 1, min(lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra, lpDevModeReserve->dmDriverExtra)); } #ifndef UNICODE psz = (LPSTR)&(lpDevMode->dmDeviceName[0]); retval = WCSToMB(lpDevModeReserve->dmDeviceName, -1, &psz, 32, FALSE); RtlMoveMemory(&lpDevMode->dmSpecVersion, &lpDevModeReserve->dmSpecVersion, min(size, FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmFormName)) - FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmSpecVersion)); lpDevMode->dmSize = size; if (size >= FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmFormName)) { psz = (LPSTR)&(lpDevMode->dmFormName[0]); retval = WCSToMB(lpDevModeReserve->dmFormName, -1, &psz, 32, FALSE); } if (size > FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmBitsPerPel)) { RtlMoveMemory(&lpDevMode->dmBitsPerPel, &lpDevModeReserve->dmBitsPerPel, lpDevMode->dmSize + lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra - FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmBitsPerPel)); } #else RtlMoveMemory(lpDevMode, lpDevModeReserve, size); lpDevMode->dmSize = size; #endif if (size != lpDevMode->dmSize) { RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "EnumDisplaySettings : Error in dmSize"); } /* * Don't return invalid field flags to the application * Add any other new ones here. * We assume apps at least have up to dmDisplayFrenquency for * now ... */ if (size < FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmPanningWidth)) lpDevMode->dmFields &= ~DM_PANNINGWIDTH; if (size < FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE,dmPanningHeight)) lpDevMode->dmFields &= ~DM_PANNINGHEIGHT; } LocalFree(lpDevModeReserve); } return retval; } LONG ChangeDisplaySettings(LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, DWORD dwFlags) { /* * Compatibility */ if (lpDevMode) lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra = 0; return ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(NULL, lpDevMode, NULL, dwFlags, NULL); } LONG ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(LPCTSTR lpszDeviceName, LPDEVMODE lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lParam) { #ifndef UNICODE ANSI_STRING AnsiString; #endif UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; PUNICODE_STRING pUnicodeString = NULL; LONG status = DISP_CHANGE_FAILED; LPDEVMODEW lpDevModeW; if (lpszDeviceName) { #ifdef UNICODE RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, lpszDeviceName); #else UnicodeString = NtCurrentTeb()->StaticUnicodeString; RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, (LPSTR)lpszDeviceName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE))) { return FALSE; } #endif pUnicodeString = &UnicodeString; } #ifdef UNICODE lpDevModeW = lpDevMode; #else lpDevModeW = NULL; if (lpDevMode) { lpDevModeW = GdiConvertToDevmodeW(lpDevMode); if (lpDevModeW == NULL) { return FALSE; } } #endif status = NtUserChangeDisplaySettings(pUnicodeString, lpDevModeW, hwnd, dwFlags, lParam); #ifndef UNICODE if (lpDevMode) { LocalFree(lpDevModeW); } #endif return status; } BOOL CallMsgFilter(LPMSG pmsg, int nCode) { PCLIENTINFO pci; MSG msg; BEGINCALLCONNECT() /* * If we're not hooked, don't bother going to the server */ pci = GetClientInfo(); if (!IsHooked(pci, (WH_MSGFILTER | WH_SYSMSGFILTER))) { return FALSE; } /* * Don't allow apps to use the hiword of the message parameter. */ if (pmsg->message & RESERVED_MSG_BITS) { MSGERRORCODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } msg = *pmsg; #ifndef UNICODE switch (pmsg->message) { #ifdef FE_SB // CallMsgFilter() case WM_CHAR: case EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR: #ifndef LATER /* * we should not return "TRUE" everytime for DBCS leadbyte character... * but should convert DBCS character to Unicode correctly.. How I can do ?? * then ,finally, we just take what we did in NT 3.51, it means do nothing.. */ #else /* * Build DBCS-aware message. */ BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA(pmsg->message,pmsg->wParam,TRUE); /* * Fall through..... */ #endif // LATER #else case WM_CHAR: case EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR: #endif // FE_SB case WM_CHARTOITEM: case WM_DEADCHAR: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_SYSDEADCHAR: case WM_MENUCHAR: #ifdef FE_IME // CallMsgFilter() case WM_IME_CHAR: case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: #endif // FE_IME RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS( msg.message, &(msg.wParam)); break; } #endif //!UNICODE retval = (DWORD)NtUserCallMsgFilter(&msg, nCode); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); } BOOL DrawCaptionTemp(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPCRECT lprc, HFONT hFont, HICON hicon, LPCTSTR lpText, UINT flags) { HDC hdcr; IN_STRING strText; /* * Make sure cleanup will work successfully */ strText.fAllocated = FALSE; BEGINCALL() if (IsMetaFile(hdc)) return FALSE; hdcr = GdiConvertAndCheckDC(hdc); if (hdcr == (HDC)0) return FALSE; FIRSTCOPYLPTSTRIDOPT(&strText, lpText); retval = (DWORD)NtUserDrawCaptionTemp(hwnd, hdc, lprc, hFont, hicon, strText.pstr, flags); ERRORTRAP(0); CLEANUPLPTSTR(strText); ENDCALL(BOOL); } WINUSERAPI UINT WINAPI RealGetWindowClass(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR ptszClassName, UINT cchClassNameMax) { UNICODE_STRING strClassName; int retval; strClassName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(cchClassNameMax * sizeof(WCHAR)); #ifndef UNICODE strClassName.Buffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, strClassName.MaximumLength); if (!strClassName.Buffer) { return 0; } #else strClassName.Buffer = ptszClassName; #endif retval = NtUserGetClassName(hwnd, TRUE, &strClassName); #ifndef UNICODE if (retval || (cchClassNameMax == 1)) { /* * Copy the result */ retval = WCSToMB(strClassName.Buffer, retval, &ptszClassName, cchClassNameMax-1, FALSE); ptszClassName[retval] = '\0'; } LocalFree(strClassName.Buffer); #endif return retval; } WINUSERAPI BOOL WINAPI GetAltTabInfo(HWND hwnd, int iItem, PALTTABINFO pati, LPTSTR pszItemText, UINT cchItemText OPTIONAL) { BEGINCALL() retval = (DWORD)NtUserGetAltTabInfo(hwnd, iItem, pati, (LPWSTR)pszItemText, cchItemText, IS_ANSI); ERRORTRAP(0); ENDCALL(BOOL); }