// Microsoft Windows // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1992 - 1996 // File: miscapi.cxx // Contents: Code for miscellaneous lsa mode NtLm entrypoints // Main entry points in the dll: // SpGetUserInfo // History: ChandanS 26-Jul-1996 Stolen from kerberos\client2\miscapi.cxx #include NTSTATUS NTAPI SpGetUserInfo( IN PLUID LogonId, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PSecurityUserData * UserData ) { SspPrint((SSP_API, "Entering SpGetUserInfo\n")); // BUGBUG Fields of UserData are logonid & flags. WHAT?? UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(LogonId); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Flags); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(UserData); SspPrint((SSP_API, "Leaving SpGetUserInfo\n")); return(STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED); }