//Microsoft App Studio generated resource script. #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #include "diskcopy.h" #else #include #include #endif #include "ids.h" #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS IDI_DISKCOPY ICON DISKCOPY.ICO // Dialog DLG_DISKCOPYPROGRESS DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE 20, 20, 214, 98 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME|(DS_SETFONT|DS_FIXEDSYS) | DS_NOIDLEMSG | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | DS_CONTEXTHELP CAPTION "Copy Disk" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Start",IDOK,122,77,40,14 PUSHBUTTON "&Close",IDCANCEL,167,77,40,14 LTEXT "Copy &from:",IDC_STATIC,7,6,66,8 CONTROL "",IDD_FROM,WC_LISTVIEW, WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT | LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER | LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS,7,17,93,35 LTEXT "Copy &to:",IDC_STATIC,113,6,66,8 CONTROL "",IDD_TO,WC_LISTVIEW, WS_TABSTOP | WS_BORDER | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_REPORT | LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER,113,17,94,35 CONTROL "",IDD_STATUS,"Static",SS_SIMPLE | SS_NOPREFIX,7,76,102, 10 CONTROL "",IDD_PROBAR,"msctls_progress32",0x0,7,62,199,8 END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DISKCOPYMENU "Cop&y Disk..." IDS_INSERTDEST "Insert the disk you want to copy to (destination disk), and then click OK." IDS_INSERTSRC "Insert the disk you want to copy from (source disk), and then click OK." IDS_INSERTSRCDEST "Insert the source and destination disks, and then click OK." IDS_FORMATTINGDEST "Formatting destination disk." IDS_READING "Reading source disk." IDS_WRITING "Writing to destination disk." IDS_COPYSRCDESTINCOMPAT "The source and destination disks are not the same type.\n\nMake sure the disks you choose are the same type, and then try again." IDS_SRCDISKDMF "Windows cannot copy this type of disk." #if defined(DBCS) && !defined(NEC_98) IDS_SRCDISK1024 "We'll NEVER EVER deal with 1024 byte/sec disks!" #endif IDS_SRCDISKBAD "Windows cannot read the disk you are copying from.\n\nMake sure it is not damaged or already in use." IDS_DSTDISKBAD "Windows cannot write to the destination disk.\n\nMake sure it is not marked as read-only, damaged, or in use." IDS_ERROR_READ "Error: Unable to read from the source disk.\nCheck to make sure the disk is inserted properly in the drive, and the drive door is closed." IDS_ERROR_WRITE "Error: Unable to write to the destination disk.\nCheck to make sure the disk is inserted properly in the drive, the drive door is closed, and the disk is not write-protected." IDS_ERROR_FORMAT "Error: Unable to format the destination disk.\nCheck to make sure the disk is inserted properly in the drive, the drive door is closed, and the disk is not write-protected." IDS_ERROR_GENERAL "Error: Unable to copy disks on this drive." IDS_COPYCOMPLETED "Copy completed successfully." IDS_COPYABORTED "Copy was cancelled." IDS_COPYFAILED "Copy failed." IDS_CANCEL "Cancel" IDS_CLOSE "&Close" IDS_HELPSTRING "Copies entire disk to another disk" IDS_VERBSTRING "Copy Disk" END #include "diskcopy.rcv"