/**\ FILE: proxycache.cpp DESCRIPTION: FTP Folder uses WININET which doesn't work thru CERN proxies. In that case, we need to hand control of the FTP URL back to the browser to do the old URLMON handling of it. The problem is that testing for a CERN proxy blocking access is expensive. \**/ #include "priv.h" #include "util.h" #define PROXY_CACHE_SIZE 15 typedef struct { TCHAR szServerName[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH]; BOOL fIsBlocking; } PROXYCACHEENTRY; static int g_nLastIndex = 0; static BOOL g_fInited = FALSE; static TCHAR g_szProxyServer[MAX_URL_STRING] = {0}; static PROXYCACHEENTRY g_ProxyCache[PROXY_CACHE_SIZE]; // Private helpers // void ProxyCache_Init(void) { g_nLastIndex = 0; for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < ARRAYSIZE(g_ProxyCache); nIndex++) { g_ProxyCache[nIndex].fIsBlocking = FALSE; g_ProxyCache[nIndex].szServerName[0] = 0; } g_fInited = TRUE; } /*****\ FUNCTION: ProxyCache_WasProxyChanged DESCRIPTION: See if someone changed the proxy settings via the inetcpl. This is important because it is frustration to find FTP fails because of the proxy settings, fix the proxy settings, and then it still doesn't work because we cached the results. \*****/ BOOL ProxyCache_WasProxyChanged(void) { BOOL fWasChanged = FALSE; TCHAR szCurrProxyServer[MAX_URL_STRING]; DWORD cbSize = SIZEOF(szCurrProxyServer); // PERF: If I wanted to be really fast, I would cache the hkey // so this would be faster. But since my DLL can be loaded/unloaded // serveral times in a process, I would leak each instance unless I // released the hkey in DLL_PROCESS_DETACH if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_REGKEY_INTERNET_SETTINGS_LAN, SZ_REGVALUE_PROXY_SERVER, NULL, szCurrProxyServer, &cbSize)) { // Is this the first time? (Is g_szProxyServer empty?) if (!g_szProxyServer[0]) StrCpyN(g_szProxyServer, szCurrProxyServer, ARRAYSIZE(g_szProxyServer)); // Did it change? if (StrCmp(szCurrProxyServer, g_szProxyServer)) fWasChanged = TRUE; } return fWasChanged; } // APIs helpers // /*****\ FUNCTION: ProxyCache_IsProxyBlocking DESCRIPTION: Look in the cache with the FTP server in pidl and see if we have a cached value that indicates if it's blocked by the proxy. PARAMETERS: *pfIsBlocking - Is the proxy blocking. return - Is the value cached \*****/ BOOL ProxyCache_IsProxyBlocking(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL * pfIsBlocking) { BOOL fIsInCache = FALSE; if (ProxyCache_WasProxyChanged()) ProxyCache_Init(); // Purge the results *pfIsBlocking = FALSE; // Assume we don't know. if (!g_fInited) { ProxyCache_Init(); } else { int nCount = ARRAYSIZE(g_ProxyCache); TCHAR szNewServer[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH]; // BUGBUG: Check if the proxy has changed. // Is this the same server we tried last time? If so, // let's just cache the return value. FtpPidl_GetServer(pidl, szNewServer, ARRAYSIZE(szNewServer)); for (int nIndex = g_nLastIndex; nCount && g_ProxyCache[nIndex].szServerName[0]; nCount--, nIndex--) { if (nIndex < 0) nIndex = (PROXY_CACHE_SIZE - 1); if (!StrCmp(szNewServer, g_ProxyCache[nIndex].szServerName)) { // Yes, so bail. *pfIsBlocking = g_ProxyCache[nIndex].fIsBlocking; fIsInCache = TRUE; break; } } } return fIsInCache; } /*****\ FUNCTION: ProxyCache_SetProxyBlocking DESCRIPTION: PARAMETERS: *pfIsBlocking - Is the proxy blocking. return - Is the value cached \*****/ void ProxyCache_SetProxyBlocking(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL fIsBlocking) { TCHAR szNewServer[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH]; // Add it to the cache because our caller will hit the server to // verify and we can be ready for next time. g_nLastIndex++; if (g_nLastIndex >= PROXY_CACHE_SIZE) g_nLastIndex = 0; FtpPidl_GetServer(pidl, szNewServer, ARRAYSIZE(szNewServer)); StrCpyN(g_ProxyCache[g_nLastIndex].szServerName, szNewServer, ARRAYSIZE(g_ProxyCache[g_nLastIndex].szServerName)); g_ProxyCache[g_nLastIndex].fIsBlocking = fIsBlocking; }