// Util.cpp : Helper functions and classes #include "private.h" #include "mlmain.h" #include #include const CLSID CLSID_Japanese = {0x76C19B30,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_Korean = {0x76C19B31,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_PanEuro = {0x76C19B32,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_TradChinese = {0x76C19B33,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_SimpChinese = {0x76C19B34,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_Thai = {0x76C19B35,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_Hebrew = {0x76C19B36,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_Vietnamese = {0x76C19B37,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_Arabic = {0x76C19B38,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; const CLSID CLSID_Auto = {0x76C19B50,0xF0C8,0x11cf,{0x87,0xCC,0x00,0x20,0xAF,0xEE,0xCF,0x20}}; TCHAR szFonts[]=TEXT("fonts"); static TCHAR s_szJaFont[] = TEXT("msgothic.ttf,msgothic.ttc"); // a-ehuang: mail-Hyo Kyoung Kim-Kevin Gjerstad-9/14/98 // OLD: static TCHAR s_szKorFont[] = TEXT("gulimche.ttf, gulim.ttf,gulim.ttc"); static TCHAR s_szKorFont[] = TEXT("gulim.ttf,gulim.ttc,gulimche.ttf"); // end-of-change static TCHAR s_szZhtFont[] = TEXT("mingliu.ttf,mingliu.ttc"); static TCHAR s_szZhcFont[] = TEXT("mssong.ttf,simsun.ttc,mshei.ttf"); static TCHAR s_szThaiFont[] = TEXT("angsa.ttf,angsa.ttf,angsab.ttf,angsai.ttf,angsaz.ttf,upcil.ttf,upcib.ttf,upcibi.ttf, cordia.ttf, cordiab.ttf, cordiai.ttf, coradiaz.ttf"); static TCHAR s_szPeFont[] = TEXT("larial.ttf,larialbd.ttf,larialbi.ttf,lariali.ttf,lcour.ttf,lcourbd.ttf,lcourbi.ttf,lcouri.ttf,ltimes.ttf,ltimesbd.ttf,ltimesbi.ttf,ltimesi.ttf,symbol.ttf"); static TCHAR s_szArFont[] = TEXT("andlso.ttf, artrbdo.ttf, artro.ttf, simpbdo.ttf, simpfxo.ttf, tradbdo.ttf, trado.ttf"); static TCHAR s_szViFont[] = TEXT("VARIAL.TTF, VARIALBD.TTF, VARIALBI.TTF, VARIALI.TTF, VCOUR.TTF, VCOURBD.TTF, VCOURBI.TTF, VCOURI.TTF, VTIMES.TTF, VTIMESBD.TTF, VTIMESBI.TTF, VTIMESI.TTF"); static TCHAR s_szIwFont[] = TEXT("DAVID.TTF, DAVIDBD.TTF, DAVIDTR.TTF, MRIAM.TTF, MRIAMC.TTF, MRIAMFX.TTF, MRIAMTR.TTF, ROD.TTF"); #ifdef NEWMLSTR #include "util.h" // Helper functions HRESULT RegularizePosLen(long lStrLen, long* plPos, long* plLen) { ASSERT_WRITE_PTR(plPos); ASSERT_WRITE_PTR(plLen); long lPos = *plPos; long lLen = *plLen; if (lPos < 0) lPos = lStrLen; else lPos = min(lPos, lStrLen); if (lLen < 0) lLen = lStrLen - lPos; else lLen = min(lLen, lStrLen - lPos); *plPos = lPos; *plLen = lLen; return S_OK; } HRESULT LocaleToCodePage(LCID locale, UINT* puCodePage) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (puCodePage) { TCHAR szCodePage[8]; if (::GetLocaleInfo(locale, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, szCodePage, ARRAYSIZE(szCodePage)) > 0) *puCodePage = _ttoi(szCodePage); else hr = E_FAIL; // NLS failed } return hr; } HRESULT StartEndConnection(IUnknown* const pUnkCPC, const IID* const piid, IUnknown* const pUnkSink, DWORD* const pdwCookie, DWORD dwCookie) { ASSERT_READ_PTR(pUnkCPC); ASSERT_READ_PTR(piid); if (pdwCookie) ASSERT_WRITE_PTR(pUnkSink); ASSERT_READ_PTR_OR_NULL(pdwCookie); HRESULT hr; IConnectionPointContainer* pcpc; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pUnkCPC->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&pcpc))) { ASSERT_READ_PTR(pcpc); IConnectionPoint* pcp; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pcpc->FindConnectionPoint(*piid, &pcp))) { ASSERT_READ_PTR(pcp); if (pdwCookie) hr = pcp->Advise(pUnkSink, pdwCookie); else hr = pcp->Unadvise(dwCookie); pcp->Release(); } pcpc->Release(); } return hr; } // CMLAlloc CMLAlloc::CMLAlloc(void) { if (FAILED(::CoGetMalloc(1, &m_pIMalloc))) m_pIMalloc = NULL; } CMLAlloc::~CMLAlloc(void) { if (m_pIMalloc) m_pIMalloc->Release(); } void* CMLAlloc::Alloc(ULONG cb) { if (m_pIMalloc) return m_pIMalloc->Alloc(cb); else return ::malloc(cb); } void* CMLAlloc::Realloc(void* pv, ULONG cb) { if (m_pIMalloc) return m_pIMalloc->Realloc(pv, cb); else return ::realloc(pv, cb); } void CMLAlloc::Free(void* pv) { if (m_pIMalloc) m_pIMalloc->Free(pv); else ::free(pv); } // CMLList HRESULT CMLList::Add(void** ppv) { if (!m_pFree) // No free cell { // Determine new size of the buffer const int cNewCell = (m_cbCell * m_cCell + m_cbIncrement + m_cbCell - 1) / m_cbCell; ASSERT(cNewCell > m_cCell); const long lNewSize = cNewCell * m_cbCell; // Allocate the buffer void *pNewBuf; if (!m_pBuf) { pNewBuf = MemAlloc(lNewSize); } else { pNewBuf = MemRealloc((void*)m_pBuf, lNewSize); ASSERT(m_pBuf == pNewBuf); } ASSERT_WRITE_BLOCK_OR_NULL((BYTE*)pNewBuf, lNewSize); if (pNewBuf) { // Add new cells to free link m_pFree = m_pBuf[m_cCell].m_pNext; for (int iCell = m_cCell; iCell + 1 < cNewCell; iCell++) m_pBuf[iCell].m_pNext = &m_pBuf[iCell + 1]; m_pBuf[iCell].m_pNext = NULL; m_pBuf = (CCell*)pNewBuf; m_cCell = cNewCell; } } if (m_pFree) { // Get a new element from free link CCell* const pNewCell = m_pFree; m_pFree = pNewCell->m_pNext; *ppv = pNewCell; return S_OK; } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } HRESULT CMLList::Remove(void* pv) { AssertPV(pv); #ifdef DEBUG for (CCell* pWalk = m_pFree; pWalk && pWalk != pv; pWalk = pWalk->m_pNext) ; ASSERT(!pWalk); // pv is already in free link #endif CCell* const pCell = (CCell* const)pv; pCell->m_pNext = m_pFree; m_pFree = pCell; return S_OK; } // CMLListLru HRESULT CMLListLru::Add(void** ppv) { HRESULT hr; CCell* pCell; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CMLList::Add((void**)&pCell))) { // Add the cell at the bottom of LRU link for (CCell** ppCell = &m_pTop; *ppCell; ppCell = &(*ppCell)->m_pNext) ; *ppCell = pCell; pCell->m_pNext = NULL; } *ppv = (void*)pCell; return hr; } HRESULT CMLListLru::Remove(void* pv) { AssertPV(pv); // Look for previous cell of given for (CCell** ppWalk = &m_pTop; *ppWalk != pv && *ppWalk; ppWalk = &(*ppWalk)->m_pNext) ; ASSERT(!*ppWalk); // Not found in LRU link if (*ppWalk) { // Remove from LRU link CCell* const pCell = *ppWalk; *ppWalk = pCell->m_pNext; } // Add to free link return CMLList::Remove(pv); } // CMLListFast HRESULT CMLListFast::Add(void** ppv) { HRESULT hr; CCell* pCell; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CMLList::Add((void**)&pCell))) { // Add to top of double link pCell->m_pNext = m_pTop; CCell* const pPrev = m_pTop->m_pPrev; pCell->m_pPrev = pPrev; m_pTop = pCell; pPrev->m_pNext = pCell; } *ppv = (void*)pCell; return hr; } HRESULT CMLListFast::Remove(void* pv) { AssertPV(pv); // Remove from double link CCell* const pCell = (CCell*)pv; CCell* const pPrev = pCell->m_pPrev; CCell* const pNext = (CCell*)pCell->m_pNext; pPrev->m_pNext = pNext; pNext->m_pPrev = pPrev; // Add to free link return CMLList::Remove(pv); } #endif // NEWMLSTR HRESULT _FaultInIEFeature(HWND hwnd, uCLSSPEC *pclsspec, QUERYCONTEXT *pQ, DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *PFNJIT)( HWND hwnd, uCLSSPEC *pclsspec, QUERYCONTEXT *pQ, DWORD dwFlags); static PFNJIT pfnJIT = NULL; if (!pfnJIT && !g_hUrlMon) { g_hUrlMon = LoadLibrary(TEXT("urlmon.DLL")); if (g_hUrlMon) pfnJIT = (PFNJIT)GetProcAddress(g_hUrlMon, "FaultInIEFeature"); } if (pfnJIT) hr = pfnJIT(hwnd, pclsspec, pQ, dwFlags); return hr; } HRESULT InstallIEFeature(HWND hWnd, CLSID *clsid, DWORD dwfIODControl) { HRESULT hr = REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG; uCLSSPEC classpec; DWORD dwfIEF = 0; classpec.tyspec=TYSPEC_CLSID; classpec.tagged_union.clsid=*clsid; if (dwfIODControl & CPIOD_PEEK) dwfIEF |= FIEF_FLAG_PEEK; if (dwfIODControl & CPIOD_FORCE_PROMPT) dwfIEF |= FIEF_FLAG_FORCE_JITUI; hr = _FaultInIEFeature(hWnd, &classpec, NULL, dwfIEF); if (hr != S_OK) { hr = REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG; } return hr; } HRESULT _GetJITClsIDForCodePage(UINT uiCP, CLSID *clsid) { switch(uiCP) { case 932: // JA *clsid = CLSID_Japanese; break; case 949: // KOR *clsid = CLSID_Korean; break; case 950: // ZHT *clsid = CLSID_TradChinese; break; case 936: // ZHC *clsid = CLSID_SimpChinese; break; case 874: *clsid = CLSID_Thai; break; case 1255: *clsid = CLSID_Hebrew; break; case 1256: *clsid = CLSID_Arabic; break; case 1258: *clsid = CLSID_Vietnamese; break; case 1250: // PANEURO case 1251: case 1253: case 1254: case 1257: *clsid = CLSID_PanEuro; break; case 50001: *clsid = CLSID_Auto; break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; } return S_OK; } // BUGBUG: how do we handle UTFs and HZ encodings? HRESULT _ValidateCPInfo(UINT uiCP) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (g_pMimeDatabase) // just a paranoid { switch(uiCP) { case 932: // JA case 949: // KOR case 874: // Thai case 950: // ZHT case 936: // ZHC case 1255: // Hebrew case 1256: // Arabic case 1258: // Vietnamese case 50001: // CP_AUTO // just validate what's given hr = g_pMimeDatabase->ValidateCP(uiCP); break; case 1250: // PANEURO case 1251: case 1253: case 1254: case 1257: // have to validate // all of these hr = g_pMimeDatabase->ValidateCP(1250); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = g_pMimeDatabase->ValidateCP(1251); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = g_pMimeDatabase->ValidateCP(1253); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = g_pMimeDatabase->ValidateCP(1254); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = g_pMimeDatabase->ValidateCP(1257); break; default: return E_INVALIDARG; } } return hr; } // assumes the corresponding fontfile name for now HRESULT _AddFontForCP(UINT uiCP) { TCHAR szFontsPath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR szFontFile; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bAtLeastOneFontAdded = FALSE; switch(uiCP) { case 932: // JA szFontFile = s_szJaFont; break; case 949: // KOR szFontFile = s_szKorFont; break; case 950: // ZHT szFontFile = s_szZhtFont; break; case 936: // ZHC szFontFile = s_szZhcFont; break; case 874: szFontFile = s_szThaiFont; break; case 1255: szFontFile = s_szIwFont; break; case 1256: szFontFile = s_szArFont; break; case 1258: szFontFile = s_szViFont; break; case 1251: // PANEURO case 1253: case 1254: case 1257: szFontFile = s_szPeFont; break; default: hr = E_INVALIDARG; } // addfontresource, then broadcast WM_FONTCHANGE if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (MLGetWindowsDirectory(szFontsPath, ARRAYSIZE(szFontsPath))) { TCHAR szFontFilePath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR psz, pszT; MLPathCombine(szFontsPath, szFontsPath, szFonts); for (psz = szFontFile; *psz; psz = pszT + 1) { pszT = MLStrChr(psz, TEXT(',')); if (pszT) { *pszT=TEXT('\0'); } MLPathCombine(szFontFilePath, szFontsPath, psz); if (AddFontResource(szFontFilePath)) { bAtLeastOneFontAdded = TRUE; } if (!pszT) break; } if (!bAtLeastOneFontAdded) hr = E_FAIL; } else hr = E_FAIL; } // BUGBUG: WM_FONTCHANGE return hr; } // Extend LoadString() to to _LoadStringExW() to take LangId parameter int _LoadStringExW( HMODULE hModule, UINT wID, LPWSTR lpBuffer, // Unicode buffer int cchBufferMax, // cch in Unicode buffer WORD wLangId) { HRSRC hResInfo; HANDLE hStringSeg; LPWSTR lpsz; int cch; // Make sure the parms are valid. if (lpBuffer == NULL || cchBufferMax == 0) { return 0; } cch = 0; // String Tables are broken up into 16 string segments. Find the segment // containing the string we are interested in. if (hResInfo = FindResourceExW(hModule, (LPCWSTR)RT_STRING, (LPWSTR)((LONG)(((USHORT)wID >> 4) + 1)), wLangId)) { // Load that segment. hStringSeg = LoadResource(hModule, hResInfo); // Lock the resource. if (lpsz = (LPWSTR)LockResource(hStringSeg)) { // Move past the other strings in this segment. // (16 strings in a segment -> & 0x0F) wID &= 0x0F; while (TRUE) { cch = *((WORD *)lpsz++); // PASCAL like string count // first UTCHAR is count if TCHARs if (wID-- == 0) break; lpsz += cch; // Step to start if next string } // Account for the NULL cchBufferMax--; // Don't copy more than the max allowed. if (cch > cchBufferMax) cch = cchBufferMax-1; // Copy the string into the buffer. CopyMemory(lpBuffer, lpsz, cch*sizeof(WCHAR)); // Attach Null terminator. lpBuffer[cch] = 0; } } return cch; } typedef struct tagCPLGID { UINT uiCodepage; TCHAR szLgId[3]; } CPLGID; const CPLGID CpLgId[] = { {1252, TEXT("1")}, // WESTERN EUROPE {1250, TEXT("2")}, // CENTRAL EUROPE {1257, TEXT("3")}, // BALTIC {1253, TEXT("4")}, // GREEK {1251, TEXT("5")}, // CYRILLIC {1254, TEXT("6")}, // TURKISH {932, TEXT("7")}, // JAPANESE {949, TEXT("8")}, // KOREAN {950, TEXT("9")}, // TRADITIONAL CHINESE {936, TEXT("10")}, // SIMPLIFIED CHINESE {874, TEXT("11")}, // THAI {1255, TEXT("12")}, // HEBREW {1256, TEXT("13")}, // ARABIC {1258, TEXT("14")} // VIETNAMESE }; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNISNTADMIN) ( DWORD dwReserved, DWORD *lpdwReserved ); typedef INT (WINAPI *PFNSETUPPROMPTREBOOT) ( HSPFILEQ FileQueue, // optional, handle to a file queue HWND Owner, // parent window of this dialog box BOOL ScanOnly // optional, do not prompt user ); typedef PSP_FILE_CALLBACK PFNSETUPDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK; typedef VOID (WINAPI *PFNSETUPCLOSEINFFILE) ( HINF InfHandle ); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSETUPINSTALLFROMINFSECTION) ( HWND Owner, HINF InfHandle, LPCTSTR SectionName, UINT Flags, HKEY RelativeKeyRoot, OPTIONAL LPCTSTR SourceRootPath, OPTIONAL UINT CopyFlags, PSP_FILE_CALLBACK MsgHandler, PVOID Context, HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, OPTIONAL PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData OPTIONAL ); typedef HINF (WINAPI *PFNSETUPOPENINFFILE) ( LPCTSTR FileName, LPCTSTR InfClass, OPTIONAL DWORD InfStyle, PUINT ErrorLine OPTIONAL ); typedef PVOID (WINAPI *PFNSETUPINITDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK) ( IN HWND OwnerWindow ); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNSETUPOPENAPPENDINFFILE) ( PCTSTR FileName, // optional, name of the file to append HINF InfHandle, // handle of the file to append to PUINT ErrorLine // optional, receives error information ); HRESULT IsNTLangpackAvailable(UINT uiCP) { HRESULT hret = S_FALSE; for (int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(CpLgId); i++) { if (uiCP == CpLgId[i].uiCodepage) { hret = S_OK; break; } } return hret; } HRESULT _InstallNT5Langpack(HWND hwnd, UINT uiCP) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HINF hIntlInf = NULL; TCHAR szIntlInf[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szIntlInfSection[MAX_PATH]; PVOID QueueContext = NULL; HINSTANCE hDllAdvPack = NULL; HINSTANCE hDllSetupApi = NULL; PFNSETUPINSTALLFROMINFSECTION lpfnSetupInstallFromInfSection = NULL; PFNSETUPCLOSEINFFILE lpfnSetupCloseInfFile = NULL; PFNSETUPDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK lpfnSetupDefaultQueueCallback = NULL; PFNSETUPOPENINFFILE lpfnSetupOpenInfFile = NULL; PFNISNTADMIN lpfnIsNTAdmin = NULL; PFNSETUPINITDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK lpfnSetupInitDefaultQueueCallback = NULL; PFNSETUPOPENAPPENDINFFILE lpfnSetupOpenAppendInfFile = NULL; for (int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(CpLgId); i++) { if (uiCP == CpLgId[i].uiCodepage) { _tcscpy(szIntlInfSection, TEXT("LG_INSTALL_")); _tcscat(szIntlInfSection, CpLgId[i].szLgId); break; } } if (i >= ARRAYSIZE(CpLgId)) { goto LANGPACK_EXIT; } hDllAdvPack = LoadLibrary(TEXT("advpack.dll")); hDllSetupApi = LoadLibrary(TEXT("setupapi.dll")); if (!hDllAdvPack || !hDllSetupApi) { goto LANGPACK_EXIT; } lpfnIsNTAdmin = (PFNISNTADMIN) GetProcAddress( hDllAdvPack, "IsNTAdmin"); lpfnSetupCloseInfFile = (PFNSETUPCLOSEINFFILE) GetProcAddress( hDllSetupApi, "SetupCloseInfFile"); lpfnSetupInitDefaultQueueCallback = (PFNSETUPINITDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK) GetProcAddress(hDllSetupApi, "SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback"); #ifdef UNICODE lpfnSetupOpenInfFile = (PFNSETUPOPENINFFILE) GetProcAddress( hDllSetupApi, "SetupOpenInfFileW")); lpfnSetupInstallFromInfSection = (PFNSETUPINSTALLFROMINFSECTION) GetProcAddress( hDllSetupApi, "SetupInstallFromInfSectionW"); lpfnSetupDefaultQueueCallback = (PFNSETUPDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK) GetProcAddress(hDllSetupApi, "SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW"); lpfnSetupOpenAppendInfFile = (PFNSETUPDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK) GetProcAddress(hDllSetupApi, "SetupOpenAppendInfFileW"); #else lpfnSetupOpenInfFile = (PFNSETUPOPENINFFILE) GetProcAddress( hDllSetupApi, "SetupOpenInfFileA"); lpfnSetupInstallFromInfSection = (PFNSETUPINSTALLFROMINFSECTION) GetProcAddress( hDllSetupApi, "SetupInstallFromInfSectionA"); lpfnSetupDefaultQueueCallback = (PFNSETUPDEFAULTQUEUECALLBACK) GetProcAddress(hDllSetupApi, "SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA"); lpfnSetupOpenAppendInfFile = (PFNSETUPOPENAPPENDINFFILE) GetProcAddress(hDllSetupApi, "SetupOpenAppendInfFileA"); #endif if (!lpfnIsNTAdmin || !lpfnSetupOpenInfFile || !lpfnSetupCloseInfFile || !lpfnSetupDefaultQueueCallback || !lpfnSetupInstallFromInfSection || !lpfnSetupInitDefaultQueueCallback || !lpfnSetupOpenAppendInfFile) { goto LANGPACK_EXIT; } if (!lpfnIsNTAdmin(0, NULL)) { WCHAR wszLangInstall[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszNoAdmin[1024]; LANGID LangId = GetNT5UILanguage(); // Fall back to English (US) if we don't have a specific language resource if (!_LoadStringExW(g_hInst, IDS_LANGPACK_INSTALL, wszLangInstall, ARRAYSIZE(wszLangInstall), LangId) || !_LoadStringExW(g_hInst, IDS_NO_ADMIN, wszNoAdmin, ARRAYSIZE(wszNoAdmin), LangId)) { LangId = MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US); _LoadStringExW(g_hInst, IDS_LANGPACK_INSTALL, wszLangInstall, ARRAYSIZE(wszLangInstall), LangId); _LoadStringExW(g_hInst, IDS_NO_ADMIN, wszNoAdmin, ARRAYSIZE(wszNoAdmin), LangId); } MessageBoxW(hwnd, wszNoAdmin, wszLangInstall, MB_OK); goto LANGPACK_EXIT; } QueueContext = lpfnSetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(hwnd); MLGetWindowsDirectory(szIntlInf, MAX_PATH); MLPathCombine(szIntlInf, szIntlInf, TEXT("inf\\intl.inf")); hIntlInf = lpfnSetupOpenInfFile(szIntlInf, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (!lpfnSetupOpenAppendInfFile(NULL, hIntlInf, NULL)) { lpfnSetupCloseInfFile(hIntlInf); goto LANGPACK_EXIT; } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hIntlInf) { if (lpfnSetupInstallFromInfSection( hwnd, hIntlInf, szIntlInfSection, SPINST_FILES, NULL, NULL, SP_COPY_NEWER, lpfnSetupDefaultQueueCallback, QueueContext, NULL, NULL )) { if (lpfnSetupInstallFromInfSection( hwnd, hIntlInf, szIntlInfSection, SPINST_ALL & ~SPINST_FILES, NULL, NULL, 0, lpfnSetupDefaultQueueCallback, QueueContext, NULL, NULL )) { hr = S_OK; } } lpfnSetupCloseInfFile(hIntlInf); } LANGPACK_EXIT: if(hDllSetupApi) FreeLibrary(hDllSetupApi); if(hDllAdvPack) FreeLibrary(hDllAdvPack); return hr; } BOOL _IsValidCodePage(UINT uiCodePage) { BOOL bRet; if (50001 == uiCodePage) { HANDLE hFile = NULL; TCHAR szSysDir[MAX_PATH]; if (GetSystemDirectory(szSysDir, MAX_PATH)) { _tcscat(szSysDir, TEXT("\\MLANG.DAT")); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFile = CreateFile(szSysDir, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL))) { bRet = FALSE; } else { bRet = TRUE; CloseHandle(hFile); } } else { bRet = IsValidCodePage(uiCodePage); } return bRet; } WCHAR *MLStrCpyNW(WCHAR *strDest, const WCHAR *strSource, int nCount) { return wcsncpy(strDest, strSource, nCount); } WCHAR *MLStrCpyW(WCHAR *strDest, const WCHAR *strSource) { return wcscpy(strDest, strSource); } LPTSTR MLStrChr( const TCHAR *string, int c ) { return _tcschr(string, c); } LPTSTR MLStrCpyN(LPTSTR strDest, const LPTSTR strSource, UINT nCount) { return _tcsncpy(strDest, strSource, nCount); } LPTSTR MLStrStr(const LPTSTR Str, const LPTSTR subStr) { return _tcsstr(Str, subStr); } LPTSTR MLPathCombine(LPTSTR szPath, LPTSTR szPath1, LPTSTR szPath2) { int len; if (!szPath) return NULL; if (szPath != szPath1) { _tcscpy(szPath, szPath1); } len = _tcslen(szPath1); if (szPath[len-1] != TEXT('\\')) { szPath[len++] = TEXT('\\'); szPath[len] = 0; } return _tcscat(szPath, szPath2); } DWORD HexToNum(LPTSTR lpsz) { DWORD dw = 0L; TCHAR c; while(*lpsz) { c = *lpsz++; if (c >= TEXT('A') && c <= TEXT('F')) { c -= TEXT('A') - 0xa; } else if (c >= TEXT('0') && c <= TEXT('9')) { c -= TEXT('0'); } else if (c >= TEXT('a') && c <= TEXT('f')) { c -= TEXT('a') - 0xa; } else { break; } dw *= 0x10; dw += c; } return(dw); } // Following code is borrowed from shlwapi BOOL AnsiFromUnicode( LPSTR * ppszAnsi, LPCWSTR pwszWide, // NULL to clean up LPSTR pszBuf, int cchBuf) { BOOL bRet; // Convert the string? if (pwszWide) { // Yes; determine the converted string length int cch; LPSTR psz; cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszWide, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); // String too big, or is there no buffer? if (cch > cchBuf || NULL == pszBuf) { // Yes; allocate space cchBuf = cch + 1; psz = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, CbFromCchA(cchBuf)); } else { // No; use the provided buffer ASSERT(pszBuf); psz = pszBuf; } if (psz) { // Convert the string cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszWide, -1, psz, cchBuf, NULL, NULL); bRet = (0 < cch); } else { bRet = FALSE; } *ppszAnsi = psz; } else { // No; was this buffer allocated? if (*ppszAnsi && pszBuf != *ppszAnsi) { // Yes; clean up LocalFree((HLOCAL)*ppszAnsi); *ppszAnsi = NULL; } bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } int MLStrCmpI(IN LPCTSTR pwsz1, IN LPCTSTR pwsz2) { #ifdef UNICODE return MLStrCmpIW(pwsz1, pwsz2); #else return lstrcmpiA(pwsz1, pwsz2); #endif } int MLStrCmpNI(IN LPCTSTR pstr1, IN LPCTSTR pstr2, IN int count) { #ifdef UNICODE return MLStrCmpNIW(pstr1, pstr2, count); #else return MLStrCmpNIA(pstr1, pstr2, count); #endif } int MLStrCmpIW( IN LPCWSTR pwsz1, IN LPCWSTR pwsz2) { int iRet; ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTRW(pwsz1, -1)); ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTRW(pwsz2, -1)); if (g_bIsNT) { iRet = CompareStringW(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT), NORM_IGNORECASE, pwsz1, -1, pwsz2, -1) - CSTR_EQUAL; } else { CHAR sz1[512]; CHAR sz2[512]; LPSTR psz1; LPSTR psz2; iRet = -1; // arbitrary on failure if (pwsz1 && pwsz2) { if (AnsiFromUnicode(&psz1, pwsz1, sz1, SIZECHARS(sz1))) { if (AnsiFromUnicode(&psz2, pwsz2, sz2, SIZECHARS(sz2))) { iRet = CompareStringA(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT), NORM_IGNORECASE, psz1, -1, psz2, -1) - CSTR_EQUAL; AnsiFromUnicode(&psz2, NULL, sz2, 0); // Free } AnsiFromUnicode(&psz1, NULL, sz1, 0); // Free } } } return iRet; } #ifdef UNIX #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN #define READNATIVEWORD(x) MAKEWORD(*(char*)(x), *(char*)((char*)(x) + 1)) #else #define READNATIVEWORD(x) MAKEWORD(*(char*)((char*)(x) + 1), *(char*)(x)) #endif #else #define READNATIVEWORD(x) (*(UNALIGNED WORD *)x) #endif int WINAPI MLStrToIntA( LPCSTR lpSrc) { int n = 0; BOOL bNeg = FALSE; if (*lpSrc == '-') { bNeg = TRUE; lpSrc++; } while (IS_DIGITA(*lpSrc)) { n *= 10; n += *lpSrc - '0'; lpSrc++; } return bNeg ? -n : n; } int WINAPI MLStrToIntW( LPCWSTR lpSrc) { int n = 0; BOOL bNeg = FALSE; if (*lpSrc == L'-') { bNeg = TRUE; lpSrc++; } while (IS_DIGITW(*lpSrc)) { n *= 10; n += *lpSrc - L'0'; lpSrc++; } return bNeg ? -n : n; } /* * ChrCmpI - Case insensitive character comparison for DBCS * Assumes w1, wMatch are characters to be compared; * HIBYTE of wMatch is 0 if not a DBC * Return FALSE if match, TRUE if not */ BOOL ChrCmpIA(WORD w1, WORD wMatch) { char sz1[3], sz2[3]; if (IsDBCSLeadByte(sz1[0] = LOBYTE(w1))) { sz1[1] = HIBYTE(w1); sz1[2] = '\0'; } else sz1[1] = '\0'; #if defined(MWBIG_ENDIAN) sz2[0] = LOBYTE(wMatch); sz2[1] = HIBYTE(wMatch); #else *(WORD *)sz2 = wMatch; #endif sz2[2] = '\0'; return lstrcmpiA(sz1, sz2); } BOOL ChrCmpIW(WCHAR w1, WCHAR wMatch) { WCHAR sz1[2], sz2[2]; sz1[0] = w1; sz1[1] = '\0'; sz2[0] = wMatch; sz2[1] = '\0'; return lstrcmpiW(sz1, sz2); } /* * StrCmpNI - Compare n bytes, case insensitive * returns See lstrcmpi return values. */ int MLStrCmpNIA(LPCSTR lpStr1, LPCSTR lpStr2, int nChar) { int i; LPCSTR lpszEnd = lpStr1 + nChar; for ( ; (lpszEnd > lpStr1) && (*lpStr1 || *lpStr2); (lpStr1 = AnsiNext(lpStr1)), (lpStr2 = AnsiNext(lpStr2))) { WORD w1; WORD w2; // If either pointer is at the null terminator already, // we want to copy just one byte to make sure we don't read // past the buffer (might be at a page boundary). w1 = (*lpStr1) ? READNATIVEWORD(lpStr1) : 0; w2 = (UINT)(IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpStr2)) ? (UINT)READNATIVEWORD(lpStr2) : (WORD)(BYTE)(*lpStr2); i = ChrCmpIA(w1, w2); if (i) return i; } return 0; } int MLStrCmpNIW(LPCWSTR lpStr1, LPCWSTR lpStr2, int nChar) { int i; LPCWSTR lpszEnd = lpStr1 + nChar; for ( ; (lpszEnd > lpStr1) && (*lpStr1 || *lpStr2); lpStr1++, lpStr2++) { i = ChrCmpIW(*lpStr1, *lpStr2); if (i) { return i; } } return 0; } HRESULT _IsCodePageInstallable(UINT uiCodePage) { MIMECPINFO cpInfo; UINT uiFamCp; HRESULT hr; if (NULL != g_pMimeDatabase) hr = g_pMimeDatabase->GetCodePageInfo(uiCodePage, 0x409, &cpInfo); else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (FAILED(hr)) return E_INVALIDARG; uiFamCp = cpInfo.uiFamilyCodePage; if (g_bIsNT5) { hr = IsNTLangpackAvailable(uiFamCp); } else { CLSID clsid; // clsid is just used for place holder hr = _GetJITClsIDForCodePage(uiFamCp, &clsid); } return hr; } // CML2 specific utilities // CMultiLanguage2::EnsureIEStatus() // ensures CML2::m_pIEStat HRESULT CMultiLanguage2::EnsureIEStatus(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // initialize IE status cache if (!m_pIEStat) { m_pIEStat = new CIEStatus(); if (m_pIEStat) { hr = m_pIEStat->Init(); } } return hr; } // CIEStatus::Init() // initializes the IE status; HRESULT CMultiLanguage2::CIEStatus::Init(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY hkey; // Get JIT satus if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGSTR_PATH_MAIN, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwVal, dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwVal); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("nojitsetup"), 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwVal, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hkey); if (dwType == REG_DWORD && dwSize == sizeof(dwVal)) { if (dwVal > 0 ) _IEFlags.fJITDisabled = TRUE; else _IEFlags.fJITDisabled = FALSE; } } else hr = E_FAIL; // any other status to get initialized // ... return hr; } #define NT5LPK_DLG_STRING "MLang.NT5LpkDlg" // LangpackDlgProc() // Message handler for the NT5 langpack dialog. INT_PTR CALLBACK LangpackDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(g_bIsNT5); switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: HWND hwndCheckBox; RECT rc1, rc2; MIMECPINFO cpInfo; SetProp(hDlg, NT5LPK_DLG_STRING, (HANDLE)lParam); if ((NULL != g_pMimeDatabase) && SUCCEEDED(g_pMimeDatabase->GetCodePageInfo(HIWORD(lParam), GetNT5UILanguage(), &cpInfo))) { for (int i=0; i 0) { if (lpBuffer[uLen] == TEXT('\\')) { lpBuffer[uLen] = NULL; break; } } } } else uLen = GetWindowsDirectory(lpBuffer, uSize); return uLen; } // To speed up basic ANSI string compare, // We avoid using lstrcmpi in LOW-ASCII case int LowAsciiStrCmpNIA(LPCSTR lpstr1, LPCSTR lpstr2, int count) { int delta; while (count-- > 0) { delta = *lpstr1 - *lpstr2; if (delta && !(IS_CHARA(*lpstr1) && IS_CHARA(*lpstr2) && (delta == 0x20 || delta == -0x20))) return delta; lpstr1++; lpstr2++; } return 0; } // GetNT5UILanguage(void) LANGID GetNT5UILanguage(void) { if (g_bIsNT5) { static LANGID (CALLBACK* pfnGetUserDefaultUILanguage)(void) = NULL; if (pfnGetUserDefaultUILanguage == NULL) { HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("KERNEL32")); if (hmod) pfnGetUserDefaultUILanguage = (LANGID (CALLBACK*)(void))GetProcAddress(hmod, "GetUserDefaultUILanguage"); } if (pfnGetUserDefaultUILanguage) return pfnGetUserDefaultUILanguage(); } return 0; }