#include #include IDI_ICON ICON DISCARDABLE "bookmk.ico" #ifdef FEATURE_SHELLEXTENSION IDI_TEMPLATE ICON DISCARDABLE "fldtemp.ico" IDI_SCRAP ICON DISCARDABLE "scrap.ico" #endif IDR_FANCYERR RCDATA BEGIN STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION MK_E_NOOBJECT MK_E_NOOBJECT MK_E_NOOBJECT MK_E_NOOBJECT MK_E_NOOBJECT MK_E_NOOBJECT NOERROR END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_FANCYERR "Windows was unable to open this file because it is already " (IDS_FANCYERR+1) "opened by another program (or multiple programs).\n" (IDS_FANCYERR+2) "You should close all the other programs that open this file and retry." (IDS_FANCYERR+3) "Windows was unable to open this shortcut because the " (IDS_FANCYERR+4) "target file or data that it refers to does not exist. " (IDS_FANCYERR+5) "You should delete this shortcut file and create a new " (IDS_FANCYERR+6) "shortcut based on the new location of the target data.\n\n" (IDS_FANCYERR+7) "Note: Some applications require you to save the file " (IDS_FANCYERR+8) "after creating a shortcut to part of the file's contents." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE "Shell Scrap/Document Shortcut viewer" IDS_TITLE_ERR "Problem with Scrap/Document Shortcut" IDS_ERR_DOVERB "Unable to open %1\n\n%2%3" IDS_ERR_DOVERB_F "Unable to open %1\n\nError (%4!x!)%3" IDS_ERR_COMMIT "Unable to save scrap/shortcut\n\n%2%3" IDS_ERR_COMMIT_F "Unable to save scrap/shortcut\n\nError (%4!x!)%3" IDS_ERR_SCRAPSAVE "Unable to create and store scrap/shortcut object\n\n%2%3" IDS_ERR_SCRAPSAVE_F "Unable to create and store scrap/shortcut object\n\nError (%4!x!)%3" IDS_ERR_CREATESTORAGE "Unable to create a storage in a file %1\n\n%2%3" IDS_ERR_CREATESTORAGE_F "Unable to create a storage in a file %1\n\nError (%4!x!)%3" IDS_ERR_CREATEDOCFILE "Unable to create a scrap/shortcut file %1\n\n%2%3" IDS_ERR_CREATEDOCFILE_F "Unable to create a scrap/shortcut file %1\n\nError (%4!x!)%3" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_BOOKMARK_S "shct.shb" IDS_BOOKMARK_L "Document Shortcut.shb" IDS_SCRAP_S "scrp.shs" IDS_SCRAP_L "Scrap.shs" IDS_TEMPSCRAP "%s Scrap () '%s...'.shs" IDS_TEMPLINK "%s Shortcut () '%s...'.shb" IDS_WOULDYOUSAVEAS "You have opened a read-only scrap file.\nDo you want to save it to a new scrap file?" IDS_MOVEFAILED "Can't save a scrap file to the specified location. Do you want to pick another location?" IDS_SCRAPFILTER "Scrap Files\0*.shs\0" END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_HRES_INVALID_SCRAPFILE "This is not a valid scrap/document shortcut file." END #ifdef FEATURE_SHELLEXTENSION IDD_VIEW DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 227, 200 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_NOIDLEMSG | DS_3DLOOK | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "View" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" BEGIN LTEXT "Preview:",-1,7,11,40,9 CONTROL "(not implemented)", IDI_SCRAPVIEW, "ShellOleViewer", WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL, 7, 24, 213, 150 END #endif #include "shole.rcv"