/* * with - With-procedures * A "With-procedure" creates an object, calls the callback (passing * the object), then frees the object. The return value * of the with-procedure is the value returned by the callback. * This encapsulates the concept of "Get something, do something with * it, then free it." Forgetting to free objects on the error path * is a common mistake; by doing it this way, the act of freeing the * object is done automatically. */ #include "tweakui.h" #pragma BEGIN_CONST_DATA #undef DEFINE_GUID #define DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \ const GUID name = { l, w1, w2, { b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 } } #define DEFINE_SHLGUID(name, l, w1, w2) \ DEFINE_GUID(name, l, w1, w2, 0xC0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x46) DEFINE_SHLGUID(IID_IShellFolder, 0x000214E6L, 0, 0); const CHAR CODESEG c_szStarDotStar[] = "*.*"; #pragma END_CONST_DATA /* * WithPidl * Create a pidl from an psf and a relative path, call the callback, * then free the pidl. * Returns 0 on error, else propagates the callback's return value * through. */ BOOL PASCAL WithPidl(PSF psf, LPCSTR lqn, BOOL(*pfn)(PIDL, LPVOID), LPVOID pv) { PIDL pidl = pidlFromPath(psf, lqn); if (pidl) { BOOL fRc = pfn(pidl, pv); Ole_Free(pidl); return fRc; } else { return 0; } } /* * WithPsf * Bind to an IShellFolder, call the callback, then release the * IShellFolder. * Returns 0 on error, else propagates the callback's return value * through. */ BOOL PASCAL WithPsf(PSF psf, PIDL pidl, BOOL(*pfn)(PSF, LPVOID), LPVOID pv) { PSF psfNew; if (SUCCEEDED(psf->lpVtbl->BindToObject(psf, pidl, 0, &IID_IShellFolder, &psfNew))) { BOOL fRc; fRc = pfn(psfNew, pv); Ole_Release(psfNew); return fRc; } else { return 0; } } /* * EmptyDirectory * Delete all the files in the indicated directory, first calling a * function in that directory. */ BOOL PASCAL EmptyDirectory(LPCSTR pszDir, BOOL(*pfn)(LPCSTR, LPVOID), LPVOID pv) { BOOL fRc; char szPrevDir[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectory(cA(szPrevDir), szPrevDir); /* For restore */ if (SetCurrentDirectory(pszDir)) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE h; if (pfn) { fRc = pfn(pszDir, pv); } h = FindFirstFile(c_szStarDotStar, &wfd); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { DeleteFile(wfd.cFileName); } while (FindNextFile(h, &wfd)); FindClose(h); } SetCurrentDirectory(szPrevDir); } return fRc; } /* * WithTempDirectory * Ask KERNEL for a unique temp name and create a temp directory there. * Change to the new directory, call the callback, and then change * back to the previous directory. Remove all the files in the temp * directory, then remove the temp directory. Note that we don't * implement full recursive cleanup, so if you create any subdirectories * in the temp directory, you have to remove them yourself. * Returns 0 on error, else propagates the callback's return value * through. */ BOOL PASCAL WithTempDirectory(BOOL(*pfn)(LPCSTR, LPVOID), LPVOID pv) { BOOL fRc; char szTmpDir[MAX_PATH + 1 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 1]; if (GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szTmpDir) && GetTempFileName(szTmpDir, "", 0, szTmpDir)) { /* Got a unique file */ DeleteFile(szTmpDir); /* Nuke the file; we want a dir */ if (CreateDirectory(szTmpDir, 0)) { fRc = EmptyDirectory(szTmpDir, pfn, pv); RemoveDirectory(szTmpDir); } else { fRc = 0; /* Couldn't create the directory */ } } else { fRc = 0; /* Couldn't generate unique name */ } return fRc; }