/* * dllinit.cpp - Initialization and termination routines. */ /* Headers **/ #include "project.hpp" #pragma hdrstop #include "autodial.hpp" #include "inetcpl.h" #include "init.h" #ifdef _X86_ BOOL g_bRunningOnNT = FALSE; #endif /* Module Prototypes ****/ PRIVATE_CODE BOOL MyAttachProcess(HMODULE hmod); PRIVATE_CODE BOOL MyDetachProcess(HMODULE hmod); /* Global Variables ***/ #pragma data_seg(DATA_SEG_READ_ONLY) /* serialization control structure */ PUBLIC_DATA CSERIALCONTROL g_cserctrl = { MyAttachProcess, MyDetachProcess, NULL, NULL }; #pragma data_seg() #ifdef DEBUG #pragma data_seg(DATA_SEG_READ_ONLY) /* .ini file name and section used by inifile.c!SetIniSwitches() */ PUBLIC_DATA PCSTR g_pcszIniFile = "ohare.ini"; PUBLIC_DATA PCSTR g_pcszIniSection = "URLDebugOptions"; /* module name used by debspew.c!SpewOut() */ PUBLIC_DATA PCSTR g_pcszSpewModule = "URL"; #pragma data_seg() #endif /***** Private Functions *****/ #pragma warning(disable:4100) /* "unreferenced formal parameter" warning */ PRIVATE_CODE BOOL MyAttachProcess(HMODULE hmod) { BOOL bResult; ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(hmod, MODULE)); DebugEntry(MyAttachProcess); bResult = (InitMemoryManagerModule() && InitDataObjectModule()); #ifdef _X86_ // Remember whether we're running on NT or not g_bRunningOnNT = (0 == (GetVersion() & 0x80000000)); #endif #ifndef DEBUG // We don't need to get called on DLL_THREAD_ATTACH, etc. This // is for perf gains. DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hmod); #endif ASSERT(NULL == g_cserctrl.AttachThread && NULL == g_cserctrl.DetachThread); DebugExitBOOL(MyAttachProcess, bResult); return(bResult); } PRIVATE_CODE BOOL MyDetachProcess(HMODULE hmod) { BOOL bResult = TRUE; ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(hmod, MODULE)); DebugEntry(MyDetachProcess); ExitInternetCPLModule(); ExitDataObjectModule(); ExitMemoryManagerModule(); DebugExitBOOL(MyDetachProcess, bResult); return(bResult); } #pragma warning(default:4100) /* "unreferenced formal parameter" warning */ /****** Public Functions *****/ #ifdef DEBUG PUBLIC_CODE BOOL SetAllIniSwitches(void) { BOOL bResult; bResult = SetDebugModuleIniSwitches(); bResult = SetSerialModuleIniSwitches() && bResult; bResult = SetMemoryManagerModuleIniSwitches() && bResult; return(bResult); } #endif