// copied from shdocvw\resource.h // values adjusted to not conflict with shell32\ids.h // IE4 shipped with FCIDM_NEXTCTL as 0xA030 and we can not change it // because we need to support IE5 browser only on top of IE4 integrated. #define FCIDM_NEXTCTL (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST + 0x30) // explorer browseui shell32 // IE4 shipped with FCIDM_FINDFILES as 0xA0085 and we can not change it // because we need to support IE5 browser only on top of IE4 integrated. #define FCIDM_FINDFILES (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST + 0x85) #define IDD_BACKGROUND 0x7500 #define IDD_COMPONENTS 0x7501 #define IDD_ADDCOMPONENT 0x7502 #define IDD_PATTERN 0x7503 #define IDD_EDITPAT 0x7504 #define IDD_FOLDEROPTIONS 0x7505 #define IDD_ADVANCEDOPTIONS 0x7508 #define IDI_BACK_NONE 200 // shell32 id.h goes to 173 for icons #define IDI_FRAME 0x0200 #define IDC_PAT_LIST 0x7550 #define IDC_PAT_SAMPLE 0x7551 #define IDC_PAT_EDIT 0x7552 #define IDC_PAT_PATTERN 0x7553 #define IDC_PAT_PREVIEW 0x7554 #define IDC_EPAT_COMBO 0x7555 #define IDC_EPAT_SAMPLE 0x7556 #define IDC_EPAT_PATTERN 0x7557 #define IDC_EPAT_ADD 0x7558 #define IDC_EPAT_CHANGE 0x7559 #define IDC_EPAT_DEL 0x755a #define IDC_EPAT_NAME 0x755b #define IDC_EPAT_SAMPTEXT 0x755c #define IDC_EPAT_PATTEXT 0x755d #define IDC_BACK_WPLIST 0x7560 #define IDC_BACK_BROWSE 0x7561 #define IDC_BACK_PATTERN 0x7562 #define IDC_BACK_WPSTYLE 0x7563 #define IDC_BACK_PREVIEW 0x7565 // #define IDC_BACK_GROUP 0x7566 #define IDC_BACK_DISPLAY 0x7567 #define IDC_BACK_SELECT 0x7568 #define IDC_COMP_LIST 0x7570 #define IDC_COMP_NEW 0x7571 #define IDC_COMP_DELETE 0x7572 #define IDC_COMP_PROPERTIES 0x7573 //#define IDC_COMP_RESET 0x7574 #define IDC_COMP_PREVIEW 0x7575 //#define IDC_COMP_CHANNELS 0x7576 #define IDC_COMP_ENABLEAD 0x7577 //#define IDC_COMP_FOLDEROPT 0x7578 #define IDC_CPROP_COMPLIST 0x7579 #define IDC_CPROP_SOURCE 0x757a #define IDC_CPROP_BROWSE 0x757b #define IDC_GOTO_GALLERY 0x757c #define IDC_KBSTART 0x857c // ids for IDD_FOLDEROPTIONS // Warning: Do not change the order and sequence of the following IDs. // The code assumes and asserts if it changes. #define IDC_FCUS_WEB 0x7590 #define IDC_FCUS_CLASSIC (IDC_FCUS_WEB + 1) // 0x7591 #define IDC_FCUS_WHENEVER_POSSIBLE (IDC_FCUS_CLASSIC + 1) // 0x7592 #define IDC_FCUS_WHEN_CHOOSE (IDC_FCUS_WHENEVER_POSSIBLE + 1)// 0x7593 #define IDC_FCUS_SAME_WINDOW (IDC_FCUS_WHEN_CHOOSE + 1) // 0x7594 #define IDC_FCUS_SEPARATE_WINDOWS (IDC_FCUS_SAME_WINDOW + 1) // 0x7595 #define IDC_FCUS_SINGLECLICK (IDC_FCUS_SEPARATE_WINDOWS + 1) // 0x7596 #define IDC_FCUS_DOUBLECLICK (IDC_FCUS_SINGLECLICK + 1) // 0x7597 #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_IE (IDC_FCUS_DOUBLECLICK + 1) // 0x7598 #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_HOVER (IDC_FCUS_ICON_IE + 1) // 0x7599 #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_MAX (IDC_FCUS_ICON_HOVER + 1) // End of Warning: Do not change the order and sequence of the above IDC_FCUS_* id values. #define IDC_FCUS_RESTORE_DEFAULTS 0x759B // Warning: Do not change the order and sequence of the following IDs. #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_ACTIVEDESKTOP 0x759C #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_WEBVIEW (IDC_FCUS_ICON_ACTIVEDESKTOP + 1) // 0x759D #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_WINDOW (IDC_FCUS_ICON_WEBVIEW + 1) // 0x759E #define IDC_FCUS_ICON_CLICKS (IDC_FCUS_ICON_WINDOW + 1) // 0x759F // End of Warning: Do not change the order and sequence of the above IDC_FOCUS_* #define IDC_FCUS_WEBVIEW_GROUP_STATIC 0x7580 // ids for IDD_CHECKSINGLECLICK #define IDC_SC_YES 0x75A0 #define IDC_SC_NO 0x75A1 #define IDC_SC_MOREINFO 0x75A2 // ids for IDD_ADVANCEDOPTIONS #define IDC_ADVO_ADVANCEDTREE 0x75A8 #define IDC_ADVO_ADV_RESTORE_DEF 0x75A9 #define IDC_ADVO_RESETTOORIGINAL 0x75AA #define IDC_ADVO_USECURRENTFOLDER 0x75AB #define IDC_ADVO_IMAGEFOLDER 0x75AC #define IDC_ADVO_ADVANCEDTEXT 0x75AD #define IDC_ADVO_GROUPBOX 0x75AE #define IDC_ADVO_STATICTEXT 0x75AF // The constants below came from DESKHTML.DLL #define IDS_SUBSCRIBEDURL 0x7600 #define IDS_RESIZEABLE 0x7601 #define IDS_BASE_TAG 0x7602 #define IDS_COMMENT_BEGIN 0x7603 #define IDS_COMMENT1 0x7604 #define IDS_COMMENT_END 0x7605 #define IDS_HEADER_BEGIN 0x7606 #define IDS_BODY_BEGIN 0x7607 #define IDS_DIV_START 0x7608 #define IDS_DIV_SIZE 0x7609 #define IDS_IMAGE_BEGIN 0x760a #define IDS_IMAGE_LOCATION 0x760b #define IDS_IMAGE_SIZE 0x760c #define IDS_DIV_END 0x760d #define IDS_IFRAME_BEGIN 0x760e #define IDS_IFRAME_SIZE 0x760f #define IDS_BODY_END 0x7610 #define IDS_CONTROL_1 0x7611 #define IDS_CONTROL_2 0x7612 #define IDS_CONTROL_3 0x7613 #define IDS_DIV_START2 0x7614 #define IDS_DIV_START2W 0x7615 #define IDS_IMAGE_BEGIN2 0x7616 #define IDS_IFRAME_BEGIN2 0x7617 #define IDS_BODY_BEGIN2 0x7618 #define IDS_BODY_CENTER_WP 0x7619 #define IDS_BODY_PATTERN_AND_WP 0x761a #define IDS_STRETCH_WALLPAPER 0x761b #define IDS_WPSTYLE 0x761c // first style string #define IDS_WPSTYLE_CENTER (IDS_WPSTYLE) #define IDS_WPSTYLE_TILE (IDS_WPSTYLE+1) #define IDS_WPSTYLE_STRETCH (IDS_WPSTYLE+2) #define IDS_PAT_UNLISTED 0x7620 #define IDS_EPAT_REMOVECAP 0x7621 #define IDS_EPAT_REMOVE 0x7622 #define IDS_EPAT_CHANGECAP 0x7623 #define IDS_EPAT_CHANGE 0x7624 #define IDS_EPAT_CREATE 0x7625 #define IDS_COMP_BADURL 0x7626 #define IDS_COMP_TITLE 0x7627 #define IDS_COMP_EXISTS 0x7628 #define IDS_COMP_SUBSCRIBED 0x7629 #define IDS_COMP_BADSUBSCRIBE 0x762a #define IDS_SAMPLE_COMPONENT 0x762b #define IDS_CHANNEL_BAR 0x762c #define IDS_COMP_CONFIRMDEL 0x762d #define IDS_VALIDFN_FMT 0x762e #define IDS_VALIDFN_TITLE 0x762f #define IDS_BACK_TYPE1 0x7630 #define IDS_BACK_TYPE2 0x7631 #define IDS_COMP_TYPE1 0x7632 #define IDS_COMP_TYPE2 0x7633 #define IDS_VISIT_URL 0x7634 #define IDS_COMP_CONFIRMRESET 0x7635 #define IDS_BACK_FILETYPES 0x7636 #define IDS_COMP_FILETYPES 0x7637 #define IDS_ADDCOMP_ERROR_CDFNODTI 0x7638 #define IDS_ADDCOMP_ERROR_CDFINALID 0x7639 #define IDS_VISITGALLERY_TEXT 0x763a #define IDS_VISITGALLERY_TITLE 0x763b #define IDS_CONFIRM_ADI_REINSTALL 0x763d #define IDS_ADDRBAND_ACCELLERATOR 0x763e #define IDS_FOLDEROPT_TEXT 0x763f #define IDS_FOLDEROPT_TITLE 0x7640 #define IDS_FOLDERVIEWS 0x7643 #define IDS_LIKECURRENT_TEXT 0x7644 #define IDS_RESETALL_TEXT 0x7645 #define IDS_DIV_START3 0x7646 #define IDS_BODY_PATTERN_AND_WP2 0x7647 #define IDS_BODY_CENTER_WP2 0x7648 #define IDS_BODY_END2 0x7649 #define IDS_COMP_EXISTS_2 0x764a #define IDS_HTMLDOCUMENT 0x764b #define IDS_PICTURE 0x764c #define IDS_WEBSITE 0x764d #define IDS_ADDTODESKTOP 0x764e #define IDS_EDITDESKTOPCOMP 0x764f #define IDS_CDF_FILTER 0x7650 #define IDS_URL_FILTER 0x7651 #define IDS_TYPETHENAMESTRING 0x7652 #define IDS_IMAGES_FILTER 0x7653 #define IDS_HTMLDOC_FILTER 0x7654 #define IDS_CONFIRM_ADD 0x7655 #define IDS_INTERNET_EXPLORER 0x7656 #define IDS_MHTML_FILTER 0x7657 #define IDS_NOHTML_SELECTED 0x7658 #define IDS_URL_EXTENSION 0x7659 #define IDS_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_SUBSCR 0x765a #define IDS_CONFIRM_RESET_SAFEMODE 0x765b #define IDS_WPNONE 0x765c #define IDS_CONFIRM_TURNINGON_AD 0x765d // Not for the confirm close dialogs! #define IDS_MENU_SUBSCRIBE_DESKCOMP 0x765e #define IDS_YOULOSE 0x765f #define IDS_CMTF_COPYTO 0x7660 #define IDS_CMTF_MOVETO 0x7661 #define IDS_CMTF_COPY_DLG_TITLE 0x7662 //cmtf <=> CopyMoveToFolder #define IDS_CMTF_MOVE_DLG_TITLE 0x7663 //#define IDS_CMTF_COPYORMOVE_DLG_TITLE 0x7677 #define IDS_CMTF_ERRORMSG 0x7664 #define IDS_CABINET 0x7665 #define IDS_CANTFINDDIR 0x7666 #define ACCEL_DESKTOP 3 #define IDS_MENU_RESET 0x7667 #define IDS_SENDLINKTO 0x7668 #define IDS_SENDPAGETO 0x7669 #define IDS_SENDTO_ERRORMSG 0x766a #define IDS_NEWMENU 0x766b #define IDS_NEWFILEPREFIX 0x766c #define IDS_NEWFOLDER 0x766d #define IDS_NEWLINK 0x766e #define IDS_FOLDERTEMPLATE 0x766f #define IDS_FOLDERLONGPLATE 0x7670 #define IDS_NEWLINKTEMPLATE 0x7671 #define IDS_NEWFILE_ERROR_TITLE 0x7672 #define IDS_MY_CURRENT_HOMEPAGE 0x7673 #define IDS_FIND_MEUMONIC 0x7674 // Old Accelerator #define IDS_CONNECTING 0x7675 #define IDS_INFOTIP 0x7676 // Used by the shell automation object #define IDS_CMTF_COPYORMOVE_DLG_TITLE 0x7677 #define IDS_COMP_ICW_ADD 0x7678 #define IDS_COMP_ICW_DISABLE 0x7679 #define IDS_COMP_ICW_TOGGLE 0x767A #define IDS_COMP_ICW_TITLE 0x767B #define IDS_NEWHELP_FIRST 0x767C #define IDS_NEWHELP_FOLDER 0x767C #define IDS_NEWHELP_LINK 0x767D // Start Menu Info Tips. #define IDS_PROGRAMS_TIP 0x7680 #define IDS_FAVORITES_TIP 0x7681 #define IDS_RECENT_TIP 0x7682 #define IDS_SETTINGS_TIP 0x7683 #define IDS_FIND_TIP 0x7684 #define IDS_HELP_TIP 0x7685 #define IDS_RUN_TIP 0x7686 #define IDS_LOGOFF_TIP 0x7687 #define IDS_EJECT_TIP 0x7688 #define IDS_SHUTDOWN_TIP 0x7689 #define IDS_CONTROL_TIP 0x768A #define IDS_PRINTERS_TIP 0x768B #define IDS_TRAYPROP_TIP 0x768C #define IDS_MYDOCS_TIP 0x768D #define IDS_NETCONNECT_TIP 0x768E #define IDS_CHEVRONTIPTITLE 0x768F #define IDS_CHEVRONTIP 0x7690 #define IDS_ALL_PICTURES 0x76A0 #define IDS_ALL_HTML 0x76A1 #define IDS_HTMLDOC 0x76A2 // Still more constants moved (and renumbered) from shdocvw\resource.h //#define IDS_COMPSETTINGS xxxxxx // already in shell32\resource.h // More constants moved (and renumbered) from shdocvw\resource.h #define MENU_DESKCOMP_CONTEXTMENU 400 #define MENU_STARTMENU_MYDOCS 401 #define MENU_STARTMENU_OPENFOLDER 402 // BUGBUG - raymondc - This used to be at FCIDM_BROWSER_EXPLORE+0x240. // What does that mean? Is that number special? I just gave it a new // number. #define IDM_DCCM_FIRST 0xA100 #define DCCM_MENUITEMS 20 // reserved space for Desktop Component Menu items #define IDM_DCCM_OPEN (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x01) #define IDM_DCCM_OFFLINE (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x02) #define IDM_DCCM_SYNCHRONIZE (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x03) #define IDM_DCCM_PROPERTIES (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x04) #define IDM_DCCM_CUSTOMIZE (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x08) #define IDM_DCCM_CLOSE (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x09) #define IDM_DCCM_FULLSCREEN (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x0a) #define IDM_DCCM_SPLIT (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x0b) #define IDM_DCCM_RESTORE (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+0x0c) #define IDM_DCCM_LASTCOMPITEM (IDM_DCCM_FIRST+DCCM_MENUITEMS) #define IDM_MYDOCUMENTS 516 #define IDM_OPEN_FOLDER 517 // Bitmap IDs #define IDB_MONITOR 0x135 #define IDB_WIZARD 0x136 // These numbers are for CShellDispatch (sdmain.cpp) to send // messages to the tray. //The following value is taken from shdocvw\rcids.h #ifndef FCIDM_REFRESH #define FCIDM_REFRESH 0xA220 #endif // FCIDM_REFRESH #define FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST+0x0060) #define FCIDM_BROWSER_TOOLS (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST+0x0080) #define FCIDM_STOP (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x001a) #define FCIDM_ADDTOFAVNOUI (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x0021) #define FCIDM_VIEWITBAR (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x0022) #define FCIDM_VIEWSEARCH (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x0017) #define FCIDM_CUSTOMIZEFOLDER (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x0018) #define FCIDM_VIEWFONTS (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x0019) // 1a is FCIDM_STOP #define FCIDM_THEATER (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x001b) #define FCIDM_JAVACONSOLE (FCIDM_BROWSER_VIEW + 0x001c) #define FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST+0x0040) #define FCIDM_MOVE (FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT+0x0001) #define FCIDM_COPY (FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT+0x0002) #define FCIDM_PASTE (FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT+0x0003) #define FCIDM_SELECTALL (FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT+0x0004) #define FCIDM_LINK (FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT+0x0005) // create shortcut #define FCIDM_EDITPAGE (FCIDM_BROWSER_EDIT+0x0006)