#include #include #include "priv.h" #include "ids.h" #define SECURITY_WIN32 #include //for UNISP_NAME_A #include //for SCHANNEL.dll api -- to obtain encryption key size #include //error codes #include #include // INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH #define MAX_REG_VALUE 256 // Some Static strings that we use to read from the registry #ifdef UNIX #define VERSION "IEUNIX Version" #define UNIX_IE_PRODUCT_ID TEXT("86139-999-2001594-12504") #ifndef ux10 #define UNIX_IE_PRODUCT_FILE TEXT("%MWDEV%/ie/setup/sunos5/.iepid") #else #define UNIX_IE_PRODUCT_FILE TEXT("%MWDEV%/ie/setup/ux10/.iepid") #endif #endif typedef PSecurityFunctionTable (APIENTRY *INITSECURITYINTERFACE_FN_A) (VOID); // Returns the maximum cipher strength DWORD GetCipherStrength() { DWORD dwKeySize = 0; HINSTANCE hSecurity; INITSECURITYINTERFACE_FN_A pfnInitSecurityInterfaceA; PSecurityFunctionTable pSecFuncTable; // Can't go directly to schannel on NT5. (Note that g_bRunningOnNT5OrHigher // may not be initialized when fUseSChannel is initialized!) static BOOL fUseSChannel = TRUE; if (fUseSChannel && !g_bRunningOnNT5OrHigher) { // This is better for performance. Rather than call through // SSPI, we go right to the DLL doing the work. hSecurity = LoadLibrary("schannel"); } else { // Use SSPI if (g_bRunningOnNT) { hSecurity = LoadLibrary("security"); } else { hSecurity = LoadLibrary("secur32"); } } if (hSecurity == NULL) { return 0; } // Get the SSPI dispatch table pfnInitSecurityInterfaceA = (INITSECURITYINTERFACE_FN_A)GetProcAddress(hSecurity, "InitSecurityInterfaceA"); if (pfnInitSecurityInterfaceA == NULL) { goto exit; } pSecFuncTable = (PSecurityFunctionTable)((*pfnInitSecurityInterfaceA)()); if (pSecFuncTable == NULL) { goto exit; } if (pSecFuncTable->AcquireCredentialsHandleA && pSecFuncTable->QueryCredentialsAttributesA) { TimeStamp tsExpiry; CredHandle chCred; SecPkgCred_CipherStrengths cs; if (SEC_E_OK == (*pSecFuncTable->AcquireCredentialsHandleA)(NULL, UNISP_NAME_A, // Package SECPKG_CRED_OUTBOUND, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &chCred, // Handle &tsExpiry )) { if (SEC_E_OK == (*pSecFuncTable->QueryCredentialsAttributesA)(&chCred, SECPKG_ATTR_CIPHER_STRENGTHS, &cs)) { dwKeySize = cs.dwMaximumCipherStrength; } // Free the handle if we can if (pSecFuncTable->FreeCredentialsHandle) { (*pSecFuncTable->FreeCredentialsHandle)(&chCred); } } } exit: FreeLibrary(hSecurity); if (dwKeySize == 0 && fUseSChannel) { // Failed, so retry using SSPI fUseSChannel = FALSE; dwKeySize = GetCipherStrength(); } return dwKeySize; } BOOL SHAboutInfoA(LPSTR lpszInfo, DWORD cchSize) { HKEY hkey; char szVersion[30]; char szUserName[MAX_REG_VALUE]; char szCompanyName[MAX_REG_VALUE]; char szKeySize[11]; char szProductId[MAX_REG_VALUE]; char szUpdateUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; char szIEAKStr[MAX_REG_VALUE]; LPSTR lpszAboutKey; DWORD dwKeySize = 0; DWORD cb; DWORD dwType; BOOL fIEOrShell = TRUE; lpszInfo[0] = '\0'; szKeySize[0] = '\0'; #ifndef UNIX // Are we in the explorer or IE process? fIEOrShell = GetModuleHandle("EXPLORER.EXE") || GetModuleHandle("IEXPLORE.EXE"); if (g_bRunningOnNT) lpszAboutKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"; else #endif lpszAboutKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"; if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpszAboutKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // get the encription key size dwKeySize = GetCipherStrength(); wsprintf(szKeySize, "~%d", dwKeySize); // get the custom IEAK update url // (always get from Windows\CurrentVersion because IEAK policy file must be platform // independent cb = sizeof(szUpdateUrl); if(SHGetValueA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "IEAKUpdateUrl", &dwType, (LPBYTE)szUpdateUrl, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) szUpdateUrl[0] = '\0'; #ifndef UNIX // get the Version number (version string is in the following format 5.00.xxxx.x) szVersion[0] = '\0'; cb = ARRAYSIZE(szVersion); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer"), TEXT("Version"), &dwType, (LPVOID)szVersion, &cb)) { DWORD dwLen; // added by pritobla on 9/1/98 // CustomizedVersion contains a 2-letter code that identifies what mode was used // (CORP, ICP, ISP, etc.) in building this version IE using the IEAK. dwLen = lstrlen(szVersion); cb = ARRAYSIZE(szVersion) - dwLen; SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer"), TEXT("CustomizedVersion"), &dwType, (LPVOID)&szVersion[dwLen], &cb); } #else // Get the version details from ieverp.h sprintf(szVersion, "%s.%04d.%04d",VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING, VER_PRODUCTBUILD, VER_PRODUCTBUILD_QFE); #endif // UNIX if (!fIEOrShell) { // Not in the explorer or iexplore process so we are doing some side by side stuff so // reflect this in the version string. Maybe we should get the version out of MSHTML // but not sure since this still doesn't reflect IE4 or IE5 properly anyway. MLLoadString(IDS_SIDEBYSIDE, szVersion, ARRAYSIZE(szVersion)); } // get the custom IEAK branded help string cb = sizeof(szIEAKStr); if(RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "IEAKHelpString", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szIEAKStr, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) szIEAKStr[0] = '\0'; // get the User name. cb = sizeof(szUserName); if(RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "RegisteredOwner", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szUserName, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) szUserName[0] = '\0'; // get the Organization name. cb = sizeof(szCompanyName); if(RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "RegisteredOrganization", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szCompanyName, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) szCompanyName[0] = '\0'; #ifndef UNIX cb = sizeof(szProductId); if (SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Registration", "ProductId", &dwType, (LPVOID)szProductId, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { szProductId[0] = '\0'; } #else HANDLE hPidFile; char szPidFileName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRead; SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(UNIX_IE_PRODUCT_FILE, szPidFileName, MAX_PATH); if ((hPidFile = CreateFileA(szPidFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { sprintf(szProductId, "%s", UNIX_IE_PRODUCT_ID); } else { ReadFile(hPidFile, (LPVOID)szProductId, 23, &dwRead, NULL); szProductId[dwRead] = 0; } CloseHandle(hPidFile); #endif lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szVersion, cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, "~", cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szUserName, cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, "~", cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szCompanyName, cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szKeySize, cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, "~", cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szProductId, cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, "~", cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szUpdateUrl, cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, "~", cchSize); lstrcatn(lpszInfo, szIEAKStr, cchSize); RegCloseKey(hkey); } else return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL SHAboutInfoW(LPWSTR lpszInfo, DWORD cchSize) { LPSTR lpszTmp; BOOL bRet = FALSE; lpszInfo[0] = L'\0'; if(NULL != (lpszTmp = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchSize))) if(SHAboutInfoA(lpszTmp, cchSize)) if(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpszTmp, -1, lpszInfo, cchSize) != 0) bRet = TRUE; if(lpszTmp) LocalFree(lpszTmp); return bRet; }