LIBRARY COMCTL31 DESCRIPTION 'COMMCTRL - Custom controls' EXETYPE WINDOWS CODE MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE DATA PRELOAD MOVEABLE SINGLE HEAPSIZE 512 EXPORTS WEP @1 RESIDENTNAME ;Internal ; MENUHELP @2 ;; no win31 ; SHOWHIDEMENUCTL @3 ;; no win31 ; GETEFFECTIVECLIENTRECT @4 ;; no win31 ; DRAWSTATUSTEXT @5 ;; no win31 ; CREATESTATUSWINDOW @6 ;; no win31 ; CREATETOOLBAR @7 ;; no win31 CREATEMAPPEDBITMAP @8 ; CREATEHEADERWINDOW @9 ;; no win31 ; WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRUCT @10 ; GETPRIVATEPROFILESTRUCT @11 ; MAKEDRAGLIST @13 ;; no win31 ; LBITEMFROMPT @14 ;; no win31 ; DRAWINSERT @15 ;; no win31 CREATEUPDOWNCONTROL @16 INITCOMMONCONTROLS @17 ; CREATETOOLBAREX @20 ;; no win31 ; ImageList stuff ;IMAGELIST_CREATE @40 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_DESTROY @41 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_GETIMAGECOUNT @42 ;; no win31 ;;;;;;IMAGELIST_GETMEMORYSIZE @43 ;; we can reuse this # ;IMAGELIST_SETBKCOLOR @44 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_GETBKCOLOR @45 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_ADD @46 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_REPLACE @47 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_REMOVE @48 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_DRAW @49 ;; no win31 ;;;; RESERVED @50 ;IMAGELIST_GETIMAGERECT @51 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_GETIMAGEINFO @52 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_ADDICON @53 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_REPLACEICON @54 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_DRAGMOVE @55 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_STARTDRAG @56 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_DRAGSHOW @57 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_GETDRAGIMAGE @58 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_SETDRAGIMAGE @59 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_ENDDRAG @60 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_MERGE @61 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_EXTRACTICON @64 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_ADDFROMIMAGELIST @65 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_ADDMASKED @66 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_LOADBITMAP @67 ;; no win31 ;IMAGELIST_GETICONSIZE @68 ;; no win31 ; RESERVED up to @69 ;ALLOC @71 ;Internal ;REALLOC @72 ;Internal ;FREE @73 ;Internal ;GETSIZE @74 ;Internal ;SETDEBUGMASK @75 ;Internal ;GETDEBUGMASK @76 ;Internal ;ASSERTFAILED @77 ;Internal ;__AssertMsg @78 ;Internal ;__DebugMsg @79 ;Internal ;CREATEMRULIST @151 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;FREEMRULIST @152 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;ADDMRUSTRING @153 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;ENUMMRULIST @154 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;FINDMRUSTRING @155 ;Internal ;; no win31 ; PROPERTYSHEET @159 CREATEPROPERTYSHEETPAGE @160 DESTROYPROPERTYSHEETPAGE @161 ;CREATEMRUDATALIST @165 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;FREEMRUDATALIST @166 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;ADDMRUDATA @167 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;ENUMMRUDATALIST @168 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;FINDMRUDATA @169 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STR_GETPTR @233 ;Internal ;STR_SETPTR @234 ;Internal ;FINDHASHITEM @235 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;ADDHASHITEM @236 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;DELETEHASHITEM @237 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;GETHASHITEMNAME @238 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;SETHASHITEMDATA @239 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;GETHASHITEMDATA @240 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;CREATEHASHITEMTABLE @241 ;Internal ;; no win31 ; Dynamic array APIs ;Internal ;DSA_CREATE @320 ;Internal ;DSA_DESTROY @321 ;Internal ;DSA_GETITEM @322 ;Internal ;DSA_GETITEMPTR @323 ;Internal ;DSA_INSERTITEM @324 ;Internal ;DSA_SETITEM @325 ;Internal ;DSA_DELETEITEM @326 ;Internal ;DSA_DELETEALLITEMS @327 ;Internal DPA_CREATE @328 ;Internal DPA_DESTROY @329 ;Internal DPA_GROW @330 ;Internal DPA_CLONE @331 ;Internal DPA_GETPTR @332 ;Internal DPA_GETPTRINDEX @333 ;Internal DPA_INSERTPTR @334 ;Internal DPA_SETPTR @335 ;Internal DPA_DELETEPTR @336 ;Internal DPA_DELETEALLPTRS @337 ;Internal DPA_SORT @338 ;Internal DPA_SEARCH @339 ;Internal ; RESERVED up to @349 ;Internal ;======= Temporary stuff (?) =================================================== ; those string things ;Internal ;STRCHR @1100 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRRCHR @1101 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRCHRI @1102 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRRCHRI @1103 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRCMPN @1104 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRCMPNI @1105 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRCPYN @1106 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRNCMP @1107 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRNCMPI @1108 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRNCPY @1109 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRSTR @1110 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRRSTR @1111 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRSTRI @1112 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRRSTRI @1113 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRCSPN @1114 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRCSPNI @1115 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRTOINT @1116 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;STRTOLONG @1117 ;Internal ;; no win31 ;SENDNOTIFY @1200 ;Internal IMPORTS ; LOADIMAGE = USER.389 ;; no win31 ; COPYIMAGE = USER.390 ;; no win31 SEGMENTS _TEXT PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE _INIT PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE DOSBOX_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE PRSHT_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE LV_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE TV_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE DRAW_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE RARE1_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE RARE2_TEXT LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE