#define IDS_SPACE 0x0400 #define IDS_PLUS 0x0401 #define IDS_NONE 0x0402 #define IDS_ELLIPSES 0x0403 /* System MenuHelp */ #define MH_SYSMENU (0x8000U - MINSYSCOMMAND) #define IDS_SYSMENU (MH_SYSMENU-16) #define IDS_HEADER (MH_SYSMENU-15) #define IDS_HEADERADJ (MH_SYSMENU-14) #define IDS_TOOLBARADJ (MH_SYSMENU-13) /* Cursor ID's */ #define IDC_SPLIT 100 #define IDC_MOVEBUTTON 102 #define IDC_STOP 103 #define IDC_COPY 104 #define IDC_MOVE 105 #define IDC_DIVIDER 106 #define IDC_DIVOPEN 107 #define IDC_HAND 108 #define IDB_STDTB_SMALL_COLOR 120 #define IDB_STDTB_LARGE_COLOR 121 #define IDB_VIEWTB_SMALL_COLOR 124 #define IDB_VIEWTB_LARGE_COLOR 125 /* Icon ID's */ #define IDI_INSERT 150 /* AdjustDlgProc stuff */ #define ADJUSTDLG 200 #define IDC_BUTTONLIST 201 #define IDC_RESET 202 #define IDC_CURRENT 203 #define IDC_REMOVE 204 #define IDC_APPHELP 205 #define IDC_MOVEUP 206 #define IDC_MOVEDOWN 207 // property sheet stuff #define DLG_PROPSHEET 1006 #define DLG_PROPSHEETTABS 1007 // wizard property sheet stuff #define DLG_WIZARD 1020 // if this id changes, it needs to change in shelldll as well. // we need to find a better way of dealing with this. #define IDS_CLOSE 0x1040 #define IDS_OK 0x1041 #define IDS_PROPERTIESFOR 0x1042 #define IDD_PAGELIST 0x3020 #define IDD_APPLYNOW 0x3021 #define IDD_DLGFRAME 0x3022 #define IDD_BACK 0x3023 #define IDD_NEXT 0x3024 #define IDD_FINISH 0x3025 #define IDD_DIVIDER 0x3026