// ORPC_DBG.H (tabs 4) // !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! // SEND MAIL TO SANJAYS IF YOU MODIFY THIS FILE! // WE MUST KEEP OLE AND LANGUAGES IN SYNC! // !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! // Created 07-Oct-1993 by Mike Morearty. The master copy of this file // is in the LANGAPI project owned by the Languages group. // Macros and functions for OLE RPC debugging. For a detailed explanation, // see OLE2DBG.DOC. #ifndef __ORPC_DBG__ #define __ORPC_DBG__ // Public: // This structure is the information packet which OLE sends the debugger // when it is notifying it about an OLE debug event. The first field in this // structure points to the signature which identifies the type of the debug // notification. The consumer of the notification can then get the relevant // information from the struct members. Note that for each OLE debug notification // only a subset of the struct members are meaningful. typedef struct ORPC_DBG_ALL { BYTE * pSignature; RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage; const IID * refiid; IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel; IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr; void * pInterface; IUnknown * pUnkObject; HRESULT hresult; void * pvBuffer; ULONG cbBuffer; ULONG * lpcbBuffer; void * reserved; } ORPC_DBG_ALL; typedef ORPC_DBG_ALL __RPC_FAR *LPORPC_DBG_ALL; // Interface definition for IOrpcDebugNotify typedef interface IOrpcDebugNotify IOrpcDebugNotify; typedef IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * LPORPCDEBUGNOTIFY; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) interface IOrpcDebugNotify : public IUnknown { public: virtual VOID __stdcall ClientGetBufferSize (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0; virtual VOID __stdcall ClientFillBuffer (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0; virtual VOID __stdcall ClientNotify (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0; virtual VOID __stdcall ServerNotify (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0; virtual VOID __stdcall ServerGetBufferSize (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0; virtual VOID __stdcall ServerFillBuffer (LPORPC_DBG_ALL) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct IOrpcDebugNotifyVtbl { HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject); ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This); ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This); VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ClientGetBufferSize)( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll); VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ClientFillBuffer)( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll); VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ClientNotify)( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll); VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ServerNotify)( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll); VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ServerGetBufferSize)( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll); VOID ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *ServerFillBuffer)( IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * This, LPORPC_DBG_ALL lpOrpcDebugAll); } IOrpcDebugNotifyVtbl; interface IOrpcDebugNotify { CONST_VTBL struct IOrpcDebugNotifyVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl; }; #endif // This is the structure that is passed by the debugger to OLE when it enables ORPC // debugging. typedef struct ORPC_INIT_ARGS { IOrpcDebugNotify __RPC_FAR * lpIntfOrpcDebug; void * pvPSN; // contains ptr to Process Serial No. for Mac ORPC debugging. DWORD dwReserved1; // For future use, must be 0. DWORD dwReserved2; } ORPC_INIT_ARGS; typedef ORPC_INIT_ARGS __RPC_FAR * LPORPC_INIT_ARGS; // Function pointer prototype for the "DllDebugObjectRPCHook" function. typedef BOOL (WINAPI* ORPCHOOKPROC)(BOOL, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS); // The first four bytes in the debug specific packet are interpreted by the // ORPC debug layer. The valid values are the ones defined below. #define ORPC_DEBUG_ALWAYS (0x00000000L) // Notify always. #define ORPC_DEBUG_IF_HOOK_ENABLED (0x00000001L) // Notify only if hook enabled. // This exception code indicates that the exception is really an // ORPC debug notification. #define EXCEPTION_ORPC_DEBUG (0x804f4c45) // Private: Declarations below this point are related to the implementation and should // be removed from the distributable version of the header file. // Helper routines to set & restore the "Auto" value in the registry BOOL WINAPI DebugORPCSetAuto(VOID); VOID WINAPI DebugORPCRestoreAuto(VOID); ULONG WINAPI DebugORPCClientGetBufferSize( RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID iid, void * reserved, IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS lpInitArgs, BOOL fHookEnabled); void WINAPI DebugORPCClientFillBuffer( RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID iid, void * reserved, IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr, void * pvBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS lpInitArgs, BOOL fHookEnabled); void WINAPI DebugORPCClientNotify( RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID iid, void * reserved, IUnknown * pUnkProxyMgr, HRESULT hresult, void * pvBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS lpInitArgs, BOOL fHookEnabled); void WINAPI DebugORPCServerNotify( RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID iid, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, void * pInterface, IUnknown * pUnkObject, void * pvBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS lpInitArgs, BOOL fHookEnabled); ULONG WINAPI DebugORPCServerGetBufferSize( RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID iid, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, void * pInterface, IUnknown * pUnkObject, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS lpInitArgs, BOOL fHookEnabled); void WINAPI DebugORPCServerFillBuffer( RPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage, REFIID iid, IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel, void * pInterface, IUnknown * pUnkObject, void * pvBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, LPORPC_INIT_ARGS lpInitArgs, BOOL fHookEnabled); #endif // __ORPC_DBG__