/*++ BUILD Version: 0002 // Increment this if a change has global effects */ #define ID_RIBBON_TRACE 105 #define ID_RIBBON_STEP 106 #define ID_RIBBON_BREAK 107 #define ID_RIBBON_GO 108 #define ID_RIBBON_HALT 109 #define ID_RIBBON_QWATCH 110 #define ID_RIBBON_SMODE 111 #define ID_RIBBON_AMODE 112 #define ID_RIBBON_FORMAT 113 // definitions for Ribbon buttons Widths and Heights for different resolutions // (use the same widhts and heights for now until the real dimensions come. #define RIBBON_CGA_WIDTH 18 #define RIBBON_CGA_HEIGHT 16 #define RIBBON_EGA_WIDTH 24 #define RIBBON_EGA_HEIGHT 16 #define RIBBON_VGA_WIDTH 24 #define RIBBON_VGA_HEIGHT 22