/* File: ntds.cpp Description: Contains definition for class NTDS. This class provides a simple wrapper around NT Directory Service name translation features. Currently, the Win32 functions to perform DS-sensitive name-to-SID translations are not present. These functions provide the same functionality. Revision History: Date Description Programmer -- 06/01/97 Initial creation. BrianAu 03/20/98 Reworked to use TranslateName rather than a combo BrianAu of DsBind and DsCrackNames. This ensures we're getting the proper info from the DS. It's slower because we have to re-bind to the DS for each call but I'd rather do that than bind incorrectly and not get the proper name information. */ #include "pch.h" #pragma hdrstop #include // For NetUserGetInfo and NetGetDCName. #include "ntds.h" // BUGBUG: These DS_NAME_FORMAT codes (ntdsapi.h> are not yet in the // corresponding EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT enumeration in sspi.h. // Since TranslateName passes these codes on directly to DsCrackNames // I've defined these here so I can get the latest behavior until Richard Ward updates TranslateNames and sspi.h. // Once he's updated that header, you can delete these three consts and remove the "SSPI_" prefix from where they're used in the code. [brianau - 3/19/98] #define SSPI_NameUserPrincipal ((EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT)8) #define SSPI_NameCanonicalEx ((EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT)9) #define SSPI_NameServicePrincipal ((EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT)10) // Given an account name, find the account's SID and optionally the account's container and display names. // The logon name may be either a DS "user principal" name or an NT4-style SAM-compatible name. // DS UPN = "brianau@microsoft.com" // SAM compatible = "REDMOND\brianau" HRESULT NTDS::LookupAccountByName( LPCTSTR pszSystem, // IN - optional. Can be NULL. LPCTSTR pszLogonName, // IN - "REDMOND\brianau" or "brianau@microsoft.com" CString *pstrContainerName, // OUT - optional. CString *pstrDisplayName, // OUT - optional. Can be NULL. PSID pSid, // OUT LPDWORD pdwSid, // IN/OUT PSID_NAME_USE peUse // OUT ) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_HIGH, TEXT("NTDS::LookupAccountByName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszLogonName)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pSid)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pdwSid)); DBGASSERT((NULL != peUse)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_HIGH, TEXT("Lookup \"%s\""), pszLogonName)); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // Assume the presence of a '@' character means it's a UPN. if (NULL != StrChr(pszLogonName, TEXT('@'))) { hr = LookupDsAccountName(pszSystem, pszLogonName, pstrContainerName, pstrDisplayName, pSid, pdwSid, peUse); } else { hr = LookupSamAccountName(pszSystem, pszLogonName, pstrContainerName, pstrDisplayName, pSid, pdwSid, peUse); } return hr; } // Given an account SID, optionally find the account's logon name, container name and display name. // If a DS UPN is available for the user, the container name will be the canonical path to the user object and the display name will come from the DS. // If a DS UPN is not available, or the account is an NT4 account, the container returned is the NT4 domain name and the display name is retrieved using NetUserGetInfo. HRESULT NTDS::LookupAccountBySid( LPCTSTR pszSystem, // optional. Can be NULL. PSID pSid, CString *pstrContainerName, // optional. Can be NULL. CString *pstrLogonName, // optional. Can be NULL. CString *pstrDisplayName, // optional. Can be NULL. PSID_NAME_USE peUse ) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_HIGH, TEXT("NTDS::LookupAccountBySid"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pSid)); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CString strSamUser; CString strSamDomain; CString strSamLogonName; // Get the SAM-compatible domain\user name for the SID. DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Calling ::LookupAccountSid"))); hr = LookupAccountSidInternal(pszSystem, pSid, &strSamUser, &strSamDomain, peUse); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // No need to go further if caller doesn't want any name information in which // case all they're getting in return is an indication if the SID is for a known account or not. if (NULL != pstrLogonName || NULL != pstrContainerName || NULL != pstrDisplayName) { CString strFQDN; bool bUseSamCompatibleInfo = false; CreateSamLogonName(strSamDomain, strSamUser, &strSamLogonName); // Start by getting the FQDN. Cracking is most efficient when the FQDN is the starting point. if (FAILED(TranslateNameInternal(strSamLogonName, NameSamCompatible, NameFullyQualifiedDN, &strFQDN))) { // No FQDN available for this account. Must be an NT4 // account. Return SAM-compatible info to the caller. bUseSamCompatibleInfo = true; } if (NULL != pstrLogonName) { if (bUseSamCompatibleInfo) { *pstrLogonName = strSamLogonName; } else { // Get the DS user principal name pstrLogonName->Empty(); if (FAILED(TranslateNameInternal(strFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, SSPI_NameUserPrincipal, pstrLogonName))) { // No UPN for this account. // Default to returning SAM-compatible info. bUseSamCompatibleInfo = true; *pstrLogonName = strSamLogonName; } } } if (NULL != pstrContainerName) { if (bUseSamCompatibleInfo) { *pstrContainerName = strSamDomain; } else { pstrContainerName->Empty(); if (SUCCEEDED(TranslateNameInternal(strFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, NameCanonical, pstrContainerName))) { // Trim off the trailing account name from the canonical path // so we're left with only the container name. int iLastBS = pstrContainerName->Last(TEXT('/')); if (-1 != iLastBS) { *pstrContainerName = pstrContainerName->SubString(0, iLastBS); } } } } if (NULL != pstrDisplayName) { if (bUseSamCompatibleInfo || FAILED(GetDsAccountDisplayName(strFQDN, pstrDisplayName))) { GetSamAccountDisplayName(strSamLogonName, pstrDisplayName); } } } return hr; } // Input is a SAM-compatible account name. // Retrieve the name information using the NT4-style methods. HRESULT NTDS::LookupSamAccountName( LPCTSTR pszSystem, LPCTSTR pszLogonName, // IN - "REDMOND\brianau" CString *pstrContainerName, // OUT - optional. CString *pstrDisplayName, // OUT - optional. Can be NULL. PSID pSid, // OUT LPDWORD pdwSid, // IN/OUT PSID_NAME_USE peUse // OUT ) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::LookupSamAccountName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszLogonName)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pdwSid)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pSid)); DBGASSERT((NULL != peUse)); // Get the SID using the SAM-compatible account name. HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CString strDomain; hr = LookupAccountNameInternal(pszSystem, pszLogonName, pSid, pdwSid, &strDomain, peUse); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (NULL != pstrContainerName) *pstrContainerName = strDomain; if (NULL != pstrDisplayName) GetSamAccountDisplayName(pszLogonName, pstrDisplayName); } return hr; } // Returns: // S_OK = All information retrieved. // S_FALSE = Container name returned is for SAM-compatible account. // DS container information was not available. HRESULT NTDS::LookupDsAccountName( LPCTSTR pszSystem, LPCTSTR pszLogonName, // IN - "brianau@microsoft.com" CString *pstrContainerName, // OUT - optional. CString *pstrDisplayName, // OUT - optional. Can be NULL. PSID pSid, // OUT LPDWORD pdwSid, // IN/OUT PSID_NAME_USE peUse // OUT ) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::LookupDsAccountName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszLogonName)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pSid)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pdwSid)); DBGASSERT((NULL != peUse)); // Get the SID using the SAM-compatible account name. HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Translate the DS user principal name to FQDN format. // Starting with FQDN is the most efficient for name cracking so // we get it once and use it multiple times. CString strFQDN; hr = TranslateNameInternal(pszLogonName, SSPI_NameUserPrincipal, NameFullyQualifiedDN, &strFQDN); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; CString strSamLogonName; hr = TranslateNameInternal(strFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, NameSamCompatible, &strSamLogonName); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; CString strDomain; hr = LookupAccountNameInternal(pszSystem, strSamLogonName, pSid, pdwSid, &strDomain, peUse); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; bool bUseSamCompatibleInfo = false; if (NULL != pstrContainerName) { // Get the DS container name for the account. hr = TranslateNameInternal(strFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, NameCanonical, pstrContainerName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Trim off the trailing account name from the canonical path // so we're left with only the container name. int iLastBS = pstrContainerName->Last(TEXT('/')); if (-1 != iLastBS) { *pstrContainerName = pstrContainerName->SubString(0, iLastBS); } } else { DBGERROR((TEXT("Using SAM-compatible name info"))); // Can't get DS container name so use the SAM domain name. *pstrContainerName = strDomain; bUseSamCompatibleInfo = true; hr = S_FALSE; } } if (NULL != pstrDisplayName) { if (bUseSamCompatibleInfo || FAILED(GetDsAccountDisplayName(strFQDN, pstrDisplayName))) GetSamAccountDisplayName(strSamLogonName, pstrDisplayName); } return hr; } HRESULT NTDS::GetSamAccountDisplayName(LPCTSTR pszLogonName, CString *pstrDisplayName) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::GetSamAccountDisplayName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszLogonName)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pstrDisplayName)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("Translating \"%s\""), pszLogonName)); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPTSTR pszComputerName = NULL; NET_API_STATUS status = NERR_Success; CString strLogonName(pszLogonName); CString strDomain; CString strUser; // Separate the domain\account string into two separate strings. int iBackslash = strLogonName.Last(TEXT('\\')); if (-1 != iBackslash) { strDomain = strLogonName.SubString(0, iBackslash); if (iBackslash < (strLogonName.Length() - 1)) strUser = strLogonName.SubString(iBackslash + 1); } pstrDisplayName->Empty(); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Calling ::NetGetDCName for domain \"%s\""), strDomain.Cstr())); status = ::NetGetDCName(NULL, strDomain, (LPBYTE *)&pszComputerName); if (NERR_Success == status || NERR_DCNotFound == status) { struct _USER_INFO_2 *pui = NULL; DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Calling ::NetGetUserInfo for \"%s\" on \"%s\""), strUser.Cstr(), pszComputerName)); status = ::NetUserGetInfo(pszComputerName, strUser, 2, (LPBYTE *)&pui); if (NERR_Success == status) { *pstrDisplayName = pui->usri2_full_name; DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Translated to \"%s\""), pstrDisplayName->Cstr())); NetApiBufferFree(pui); hr = NOERROR; } else { DBGERROR((TEXT("NetUserGetInfo failed with error 0x%08X for \"%s\" on \"%s\""), status, strUser.Cstr(), pszComputerName ? pszComputerName : TEXT("local machine"))); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status); } if (NULL != pszComputerName) NetApiBufferFree(pszComputerName); } else { DBGERROR((TEXT("NetGetDCName failed with error 0x%08X for domain \"%s\""), status, strDomain.Cstr())); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(status); } return hr; } HRESULT NTDS::GetDsAccountDisplayName(LPCTSTR pszFQDN, CString *pstrDisplayName) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::GetDsAccountDisplayName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszFQDN)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pstrDisplayName)); // Get the DS container name for the account. pstrDisplayName->Empty(); return TranslateNameInternal(pszFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, NameDisplay, pstrDisplayName); } void NTDS::CreateSamLogonName(LPCTSTR pszSamDomain, LPCTSTR pszSamUser, CString *pstrSamLogonName) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("NTDS::CreateSamLogonName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszSamDomain)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszSamUser)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pstrSamLogonName)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("\tDomain.: \"%s\""), pszSamDomain)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("\tUser...: \"%s\""), pszSamUser)); pstrSamLogonName->Format(TEXT("%1\\%2"), pszSamDomain, pszSamUser); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("\tAccount: \"%s\""), pstrSamLogonName->Cstr())); } HRESULT NTDS::TranslateFQDNsToLogonNames(const CArray& rgstrFQDNs, CArray *prgstrLogonNames) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; prgstrLogonNames->Clear(); int cItems = rgstrFQDNs.Count(); CString strLogonName; for (int i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { if (FAILED(TranslateFQDNToLogonName(rgstrFQDNs[i], &strLogonName))) strLogonName.Empty(); prgstrLogonNames->Append(strLogonName); } return hr; } HRESULT NTDS::TranslateFQDNToLogonName(LPCTSTR pszFQDN, CString *pstrLogonName) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::TranslateFQDNToLogonName"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszFQDN)); DBGASSERT((NULL != pstrLogonName)); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; hr = TranslateNameInternal(pszFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, SSPI_NameUserPrincipal, pstrLogonName); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = TranslateNameInternal(pszFQDN, NameFullyQualifiedDN, NameSamCompatible, pstrLogonName); } return hr; } LPCTSTR NTDS::FindFQDNInADsPath(LPCTSTR pszADsPath) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::FindFQDNInADsPath"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszADsPath)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("Checking \"%s\""), pszADsPath)); const TCHAR szCN[] = TEXT("CN="); while(*pszADsPath && CSTR_EQUAL != CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, pszADsPath, ARRAYSIZE(szCN) - 1, szCN, ARRAYSIZE(szCN) - 1)) { pszADsPath = CharNext(pszADsPath); } DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("Found \"%s\""), pszADsPath ? pszADsPath : TEXT(""))); return (*pszADsPath ? pszADsPath : NULL); } LPCTSTR NTDS::FindSamAccountInADsPath(LPCTSTR pszADsPath) { DBGTRACE((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("NTDS::FindSamAccountInADsPath"))); DBGASSERT((NULL != pszADsPath)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("Checking \"%s\""), pszADsPath)); const TCHAR szPrefix[] = TEXT("WinNT://"); if (0 == StrCmpN(pszADsPath, szPrefix, ARRAYSIZE(szPrefix)-1)) { pszADsPath += (ARRAYSIZE(szPrefix) - 1); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("Found \"%s\""), pszADsPath)); } else { pszADsPath = NULL; } return pszADsPath; } // Wrapper around sspi's TranslateName that automatically handles // the buffer sizing using a CString object. HRESULT NTDS::TranslateNameInternal(LPCTSTR pszAccountName, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT AccountNameFormat, EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT DesiredNameFormat, CString *pstrTranslatedName) { #if DBG // These match up with the EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT enumeration. // They're for debugger output only. static const LPCTSTR rgpszFmt[] = { TEXT("NameUnknown"), TEXT("FullyQualifiedDN"), TEXT("NameSamCompatible"), TEXT("NameDisplay"), TEXT("NameDomainSimple"), TEXT("NameEnterpriseSimple"), TEXT("NameUniqueId"), TEXT("NameCanonical"), TEXT("NameUserPrincipal"), TEXT("NameCanonicalEx"), TEXT("NameServicePrincipal")}; #endif // DBG DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Calling TranslateName for \"%s\""), pszAccountName)); DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Translating %s -> %s"), rgpszFmt[AccountNameFormat], rgpszFmt[DesiredNameFormat])); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // BUGBUG: TranslateName doesn't properly set the required buffer size in cchTrans if the buffer size is too small. // I've notified Richard B. Ward about it. // Says he'll have the fix in on 3/24/98. Should test with an initial value of 1 // just to make sure he fixed it. [brianau - 03/20/98] // cchTrans is static so that if a particular installation's // account names are really long, we'll not be resizing the buffer for each account. static ULONG cchTrans = MAX_PATH; while(!::TranslateName(pszAccountName, AccountNameFormat, DesiredNameFormat, pstrTranslatedName->GetBuffer(cchTrans), &cchTrans)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwErr) { DBGERROR((TEXT("::TranslateName failed with error %d"), dwErr)); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); break; } DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Resizing buffer to %d chars"), cchTrans)); } pstrTranslatedName->ReleaseBuffer(); return hr; } // Wrapper around Win32's LookupAccountName that automatically handles the domain buffer sizing using a CString object. HRESULT NTDS::LookupAccountNameInternal(LPCTSTR pszSystemName, LPCTSTR pszAccountName, PSID pSid, LPDWORD pcbSid, CString *pstrReferencedDomainName, PSID_NAME_USE peUse) { DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_MID, TEXT("Calling ::LookupAccountName for \"%s\" on \"%s\""), pszAccountName, pszSystemName ? pszSystemName : TEXT(""))); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // cchDomain is static so that if a particular installation's account names are really long, we'll not be resizing the buffer for each account. static ULONG cchDomain = MAX_PATH; while(!::LookupAccountName(pszSystemName, pszAccountName, pSid, pcbSid, pstrReferencedDomainName->GetBuffer(cchDomain), &cchDomain, peUse)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwErr) { DBGERROR((TEXT("::LookupAccountName failed with error %d"), dwErr)); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); break; } DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Resizing domain buffer to %d chars"), cchDomain)); } pstrReferencedDomainName->ReleaseBuffer(); return hr; } // Wrapper around Win32's LookupAccountSid that automatically handles the domain buffer sizing using a CString object. HRESULT NTDS::LookupAccountSidInternal(LPCTSTR pszSystemName, PSID pSid, CString *pstrName, CString *pstrReferencedDomainName, PSID_NAME_USE peUse) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // These are static so that if a particular installation's // account names are really long, we'll not be resizing the buffer for each account. static ULONG cchName = MAX_PATH; static ULONG cchDomain = MAX_PATH; while(!::LookupAccountSid(pszSystemName, pSid, pstrName->GetBuffer(cchName), &cchName, pstrReferencedDomainName->GetBuffer(cchDomain), &cchDomain, peUse)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwErr) { DBGERROR((TEXT("::LookupAccountSid failed with error %d"), dwErr)); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); break; } DBGPRINT((DM_NTDS, DL_LOW, TEXT("Resizing domain or name buffer"))); } pstrName->ReleaseBuffer(); pstrReferencedDomainName->ReleaseBuffer(); return hr; }