2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

701 lines
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Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the global read/write data for the I/O system.
Darryl E. Havens (darrylh) April 27, 1989
#include "iop.h"
// Define the global read/write data for the I/O system.
// The following lock is used to guard access to the CancelRoutine address
// in IRPs. It must be locked to set the address of a routine, clear the
// address of a routine, when a cancel routine is invoked, or when
// manipulating any structure that will set a cancel routine address in
// a packet.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopCancelSpinLock;
// The following lock is used to guard access to VPB data structures. It
// must be held each time the reference count, mount flag, or device object
// fields of a VPB are manipulated.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopVpbSpinLock;
// The following lock is used to guard access to the I/O system database for
// unloading drivers. It must be locked to increment or decrement device
// reference counts and to set the unload pending flag in a device object.
// The lock is allocated by the I/O system during phase 1 initialization.
// This lock is also used to decrement the count of Associated IRPs for a
// given Master IRP.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopDatabaseLock;
// The following resource is used to control access to the I/O system's
// database. It allows exclusive access to the file system queue for
// registering a file system as well as shared access to the same when
// searching for a file system to mount a volume on some media. The resource
// is initialized by the I/O system initialization code during phase 1
// initialization.
ERESOURCE IopDatabaseResource;
// The following resource is used to control access to security descriptors
// on devices. It allows multiple readers to perform security checks and
// queries on device security, but only a single writer to modify the security
// on a device at a time.
ERESOURCE IopSecurityResource;
// The following queue header contains the list of disk file systems currently
// loaded into the system. The list actually contains the device objects
// for each of the file systems in the system. Access to this queue is
// protected using the IopDatabaseResource for exclusive (write) or shared
// (read) access locks.
LIST_ENTRY IopDiskFileSystemQueueHead;
// The following queue header contains the list of CD ROM file systems currently
// loaded into the system. The list actually contains the device objects
// for each of the file systems in the system. Access to this queue is
// protected using the IopDatabaseResource for exclusive (write) or shared
// (read) access locks.
LIST_ENTRY IopCdRomFileSystemQueueHead;
// The following queue header contains the list of network file systems
// (redirectors) currently loaded into the system. The list actually
// contains the device objects for each of the network file systems in the
// system. Access to this queue is protected using the IopDatabaseResource
// for exclusive (write) or shared (read) access locks.
LIST_ENTRY IopNetworkFileSystemQueueHead;
// The following queue header contains the list of tape file systems currently
// loaded into the system. The list actually contains the device objects
// for each of the file systems in the system. Access to this queue is
// protected using the IopDatabaseResource for exclusive (write) or shared
// (read) access locks.
LIST_ENTRY IopTapeFileSystemQueueHead;
// The following queue header contains the list of boot drivers that have
// registered for a call back once all devices have been enumerated.
LIST_ENTRY IopBootDriverReinitializeQueueHead;
// The following queue header contains the list of drivers that have
// registered reinitialization routines.
LIST_ENTRY IopDriverReinitializeQueueHead;
// The following queue headers contain the lists of the drivers that have
// registered shutdown notification routines.
LIST_ENTRY IopNotifyShutdownQueueHead;
LIST_ENTRY IopNotifyLastChanceShutdownQueueHead;
// The following queue header contains the list of the driver that have
// registered to be notified when a file system registers or unregisters itself
// as an active file system.
LIST_ENTRY IopFsNotifyChangeQueueHead;
// The following are the lookaside lists used to keep track of the two I/O
// Request Packet (IRP), the Memory Descriptor List (MDL) Lookaside list, and
// the I/O Completion List (ICP) Lookaside list.
// The "large" IRP contains 4 stack locations, the maximum in the SDK, and the
// "small" IRP contains a single entry, the most common case for devices other
// than disks and network devices.
NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST IopCompletionLookasideList;
ULONG IopLargeIrpStackLocations;
// The following spinlock is used to control access to the I/O system's error
// log database. It is initialized by the I/O system initialization code when
// the system is being initialized. This lock must be owned in order to insert
// or remove entries from either the free or entry queue.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopErrorLogLock;
// The following is the list head for all error log entries in the system which
// have not yet been sent to the error log process. Entries are written placed
// onto the list by the IoWriteElEntry procedure.
LIST_ENTRY IopErrorLogListHead;
// The following is used to track how much memory is allocated to I/O error log
// packets. The spinlock is used to protect this variable.
ULONG IopErrorLogAllocation;
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopErrorLogAllocationLock;
// The following spinlock is used by the I/O system to synchronize examining
// the thread field of an I/O Request Packet so that the request can be
// queued as a special kernel APC to the thread. The reason that the
// spinlock must be used is for cases when the request times out, and so
// the thread has been permitted to possibly exit.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopCompletionLock;
// The following global contains the queue of informational hard error
// pop-ups.
// The following global is non-null when there is a pop-up on the screen
// waiting for user action. It points to that packet.
// The following are used to implement the I/O system's one second timer.
// The lock protects access to the queue, the queue contains an entry for
// each driver that needs to be invoked, and the timer and DPC data
// structures are used to actually get the internal timer routine invoked
// once every second. The count is used to maintain the number of timer
// entries that actually indicate that the driver is to be invoked.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IopTimerLock;
LIST_ENTRY IopTimerQueueHead;
KDPC IopTimerDpc;
KTIMER IopTimer;
ULONG IopTimerCount;
// The following are the global pointers for the Object Type Descriptors that
// are created when each of the I/O specific object types are created.
POBJECT_TYPE IoAdapterObjectType;
POBJECT_TYPE IoControllerObjectType;
POBJECT_TYPE IoCompletionObjectType;
POBJECT_TYPE IoDeviceObjectType;
POBJECT_TYPE IoDriverObjectType;
POBJECT_TYPE IoDeviceHandlerObjectType;
POBJECT_TYPE IoFileObjectType;
ULONG IoDeviceHandlerObjectSize;
// The following is a global lock and counters for I/O operations requested
// on a system-wide basis. The first three counters simply track the number
// of read, write, and other types of operations that have been requested.
// The latter three counters track the actual number of bytes that have been
// transferred throughout the system.
extern KSPIN_LOCK IoStatisticsLock;
ULONG IoReadOperationCount;
ULONG IoWriteOperationCount;
ULONG IoOtherOperationCount;
LARGE_INTEGER IoReadTransferCount;
LARGE_INTEGER IoWriteTransferCount;
LARGE_INTEGER IoOtherTransferCount;
// The following is the base pointer for the crash dump control block that is
// used to control dumping all of physical memory to the paging file after a
// system crash. And, the checksum for the dump control block is also declared.
ULONG IopDumpControlBlockChecksum;
// The following are the spin lock and event that allow the I/O system to
// implement fast file object locks.
KEVENT IopFastLockEvent;
// The following is a monotonically increasing number (retrieved via
// InterlockedIncrement) that is used by IoCreateDevice to automatically
// generate a device object name when the FILE_AUTOGENERATED_DEVICE_NAME
// device characteristic is specified.
LONG IopUniqueDeviceObjectNumber;
// IoRemoteBootClient indicates whether the system was booted as a remote
// boot client.
BOOLEAN IoRemoteBootClient;
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
// The following indicates whether or not the Client Side Caching subsystem
// was successfully initialized.
BOOLEAN IoCscInitializationFailed;
// The following are used to synchronize with the link tracking service while establishing a connection.
KEVENT IopLinkTrackingPortObject;
// Function pointers of key IO routines.
// The functions need to be in their own cache lines as they are readonly and
// never modified after boot.
#define CACHE_SIZE 128
UCHAR IopPrePadding[CACHE_SIZE] = {0};
PIO_CALL_DRIVER pIofCallDriver = 0;
PIO_COMPLETE_REQUEST pIofCompleteRequest = 0;
PIO_ALLOCATE_IRP pIoAllocateIrp = 0;
PIO_FREE_IRP pIoFreeIrp = 0;
UCHAR IopPostPadding[CACHE_SIZE] = {0};
// Note: All of the following data is potentially pageable, depending on the
// target platform.
#pragma data_seg("PAGE")
// The following semaphore is used by the IO system when it reports resource
// usage to the configuration registry on behalf of a driver. This semaphore
// is initialized by the I/O system initialization code when the system is
// started.
KSEMAPHORE IopRegistrySemaphore;
// The following are used to store the handle and a pointer to the referenced
// whenever a file is moved across systems.
PVOID IopLinkTrackingServiceObject;
PKEVENT IopLinkTrackingServiceEvent;
// The following array specifies the minimum length of the FileInformation
// buffer for an NtQueryInformationFile service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FileInformationClass enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
UCHAR IopQueryOperationLength[] =
0, // 1 FileDirectoryInformation
0, // 2 FileFullDirectoryInformation
0, // 3 FileBothDirectoryInformation
sizeof( FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION ), // 4 FileBasicInformation
sizeof( FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION ), // 5 FileStandardInformation
sizeof( FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION ), // 6 FileInternalInformation
sizeof( FILE_EA_INFORMATION ), // 7 FileEaInformation
sizeof( FILE_ACCESS_INFORMATION ), // 8 FileAccessInformation
sizeof( FILE_NAME_INFORMATION ), // 9 FileNameInformation
0, // 10 FileRenameInformation
0, // 11 FileLinkInformation
0, // 12 FileNamesInformation
0, // 13 FileDispositionInformation
sizeof( FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION ), // 14 FilePositionInformation
0, // 15 FileFullEaInformation
sizeof( FILE_MODE_INFORMATION ), // 16 FileModeInformation
sizeof( FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFORMATION ), // 17 FileAlignmentInformation
sizeof( FILE_ALL_INFORMATION ), // 18 FileAllInformation
0, // 19 FileAllocationInformation
0, // 20 FileEndOfFileInformation
sizeof( FILE_NAME_INFORMATION ), // 21 FileAlternateNameInformation
sizeof( FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION ), // 22 FileStreamInformation
sizeof( FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION ), // 23 FilePipeInformation
sizeof( FILE_PIPE_LOCAL_INFORMATION ), // 24 FilePipeLocalInformation
sizeof( FILE_PIPE_REMOTE_INFORMATION ), // 25 FilePipeRemoteInformation
sizeof( FILE_MAILSLOT_QUERY_INFORMATION ), // 26 FileMailslotQueryInformation
0, // 27 FileMailslotSetInformation
sizeof( FILE_COMPRESSION_INFORMATION ), // 28 FileCompressionInformation
sizeof( FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION ), // 29 FileObjectIdInformation
0, // 30 FileCompletionInformation
0, // 31 FileMoveClusterInformation
sizeof( FILE_QUOTA_INFORMATION ), // 32 FileQuotaInformation
sizeof( FILE_REPARSE_POINT_INFORMATION ), // 33 FileReparsePointInformation
sizeof( FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION), // 34 FileNetworkOpenInformation
sizeof( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION), // 35 FileAttributeTagInformation
0, // 36 FileTrackingInformation
0xff // FileMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the minimum length of the FileInformation
// buffer for an NtSetInformationFile service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FileInformationClass enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
UCHAR IopSetOperationLength[] =
0, // 1 FileDirectoryInformation
0, // 2 FileFullDirectoryInformation
0, // 3 FileBothDirectoryInformation
sizeof( FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION ), // 4 FileBasicInformation
0, // 5 FileStandardInformation
0, // 6 FileInternalInformation
0, // 7 FileEaInformation
0, // 8 FileAccessInformation
0, // 9 FileNameInformation
sizeof( FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION ), // 10 FileRenameInformation
sizeof( FILE_LINK_INFORMATION ), // 11 FileLinkInformation
0, // 12 FileNamesInformation
sizeof( FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION ), // 13 FileDispositionInformation
sizeof( FILE_POSITION_INFORMATION ), // 14 FilePositionInformation
0, // 15 FileFullEaInformation
sizeof( FILE_MODE_INFORMATION ), // 16 FileModeInformation
0, // 17 FileAlignmentInformation
0, // 18 FileAllInformation
sizeof( FILE_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION ), // 19 FileAllocationInformation
sizeof( FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION ), // 20 FileEndOfFileInformation
0, // 21 FileAlternateNameInformation
0, // 22 FileStreamInformation
sizeof( FILE_PIPE_INFORMATION ), // 23 FilePipeInformation
0, // 24 FilePipeLocalInformation
sizeof( FILE_PIPE_REMOTE_INFORMATION ), // 25 FilePipeRemoteInformation
0, // 26 FileMailslotQueryInformation
sizeof( FILE_MAILSLOT_SET_INFORMATION ), // 27 FileMailslotSetInformation
0, // 28 FileCompressionInformation
sizeof( FILE_OBJECTID_INFORMATION ), // 29 FileObjectIdInformation
sizeof( FILE_COMPLETION_INFORMATION ), // 30 FileCompletionInformation
sizeof( FILE_MOVE_CLUSTER_INFORMATION ), // 31 FileMoveClusterInformation
sizeof( FILE_QUOTA_INFORMATION ), // 32 FileQuotaInformation
0, // 33 FileReparsePointInformation
0, // 34 FileNetworkOpenInformation
0, // 35 FileAttributeTagInformation
sizeof( FILE_TRACKING_INFORMATION ), // 36 FileTrackingInformation
0xff // FileMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the alignment requirement of both all query
// and set operations, including directory operations, but not FS operations.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FileInformationClass enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
UCHAR IopQuerySetAlignmentRequirement[] =
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 1 FileDirectoryInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 2 FileFullDirectoryInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 3 FileBothDirectoryInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 4 FileBasicInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 5 FileStandardInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 6 FileInternalInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 7 FileEaInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 8 FileAccessInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 9 FileNameInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 10 FileRenameInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 11 FileLinkInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 12 FileNamesInformation
sizeof( CHAR ), // 13 FileDispositionInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 14 FilePositionInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 15 FileFullEaInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 16 FileModeInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 17 FileAlignmentInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 18 FileAllInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 19 FileAllocationInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 20 FileEndOfFileInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 21 FileAlternateNameInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 22 FileStreamInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 23 FilePipeInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 24 FilePipeLocalInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 25 FilePipeRemoteInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 26 FileMailslotQueryInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 27 FileMailslotSetInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 28 FileCompressionInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 29 FileObjectIdInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 30 FileCompletionInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 31 FileMoveClusterInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 32 FileQuotaInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 33 FileReparsePointInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 34 FileNetworkOpenInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 35 FileAttributeTagInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 36 FileTrackingInformation
0xff // FileMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the required access mask for the caller to
// access information in an NtQueryXxxFile service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FileInformationClass enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
ULONG IopQueryOperationAccess[] =
0, // 1 FileDirectoryInformation
0, // 2 FileFullDirectoryInformation
0, // 3 FileBothDirectoryInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 4 FileBasicInformation
0, // 5 FileStandardInformation
0, // 6 FileInternalInformation
0, // 7 FileEaInformation
0, // 8 FileAccessInformation
0, // 9 FileNameInformation
0, // 10 FileRenameInformation
0, // 11 FileLinkInformation
0, // 12 FileNamesInformation
0, // 13 FileDispositionInformation
0, // 14 FilePositionInformation
FILE_READ_EA, // 15 FileFullEaInformation
0, // 16 FileModeInformation
0, // 17 FileAlignmentInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 18 FileAllInformation
0, // 19 FileAllocationInformation
0, // 20 FileEndOfFileInformation
0, // 21 FileAlternateNameInformation
0, // 22 FileStreamInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 23 FilePipeInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 24 FilePipeLocalInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 25 FilePipeRemoteInformation
0, // 26 FileMailslotQueryInformation
0, // 27 FileMailslotSetInformation
0, // 28 FileCompressionInformation
0, // 29 FileObjectIdInformation
0, // 30 FileCompletionInformation
0, // 31 FileMoveClusterInformation
0, // 32 FileQuotaInformation
0, // 33 FileReparsePointInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 34 FileNetworkOpenInformation
FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, // 35 FileAttributeTagInformation
0, // 36 FileTrackingInformation
0xffffffff // FileMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the required access mask for the caller to
// access information in an NtSetXxxFile service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
ULONG IopSetOperationAccess[] =
0, // 1 FileDirectoryInformation
0, // 2 FileFullDirectoryInformation
0, // 3 FileBothDirectoryInformation
FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, // 4 FileBasicInformation
0, // 5 FileStandardInformation
0, // 6 FileInternalInformation
0, // 7 FileEaInformation
0, // 8 FileAccessInformation
0, // 9 FileNameInformation
DELETE, // 10 FileRenameInformation
0, // 11 FileLinkInformation
0, // 12 FileNamesInformation
DELETE, // 13 FileDispositionInformation
0, // 14 FilePositionInformation
FILE_WRITE_EA, // 15 FileFullEaInformation
0, // 16 FileModeInformation
0, // 17 FileAlignmentInformation
0, // 18 FileAllInformation
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 19 FileAllocationInformation
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 20 FileEndOfFileInformation
0, // 21 FileAlternateNameInformation
0, // 22 FileStreamInformation
FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, // 23 FilePipeInformation
0, // 24 FilePipeLocalInformation
FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES, // 25 FilePipeRemoteInformation
0, // 26 FileMailslotQueryInformation
0, // 27 FileMailslotSetInformation
0, // 28 FileCompressionInformation
0, // 29 FileObjectIdInformation
0, // 30 FileCompletionInformation
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 31 FileMoveClusterInformation
0, // 32 FileQuotaInformation
0, // 33 FileReparsePointInformation
0, // 34 FileNetworkOpenInformation
0, // 35 FileAttributeTagInformation
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 36 FileTrackingInformation
0xffffffff // FileMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the minimum length of the FsInformation
// buffer for an NtQueryVolumeInformation service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FS_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
UCHAR IopQueryFsOperationLength[] =
sizeof( FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION ), // 1 FileFsVolumeInformation
0, // 2 FileFsLabelInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_SIZE_INFORMATION ), // 3 FileFsSizeInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_DEVICE_INFORMATION ), // 4 FileFsDeviceInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION ), // 5 FileFsAttributeInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_CONTROL_INFORMATION ), // 6 FileFsControlInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_FULL_SIZE_INFORMATION ), // 7 FileFsFullSizeInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION ), // 8 FileFsObjectIdInformation
0xff // FileFsMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the minimum length of the FsInformation
// buffer for an NtSetVolumeInformation service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FS_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
UCHAR IopSetFsOperationLength[] =
0, // 1 FileFsVolumeInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_LABEL_INFORMATION ), // 2 FileFsLabelInformation
0, // 3 FileFsSizeInformation
0, // 4 FileFsDeviceInformation
0, // 5 FileFsAttributeInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_CONTROL_INFORMATION ), // 6 FileFsControlInformation
0, // 7 FileFsFullSizeInformation
sizeof( FILE_FS_OBJECTID_INFORMATION ),// 8 FileFsObjectIdInformation
0xff // FileFsMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the required access mask for the caller to
// access information in an NtQueryVolumeInformation service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FS_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
ULONG IopQueryFsOperationAccess[] =
0, // 1 FileFsVolumeInformation [any access to file or volume]
0, // 2 FileFsLabelInformation [query is invalid]
0, // 3 FileFsSizeInformation [any access to file or volume]
0, // 4 FileFsDeviceInformation [any access to file or volume]
0, // 5 FileFsAttributeInformation [any access to file or vol]
FILE_READ_DATA, // 6 FileFsControlInformation [vol read access]
0, // 7 FileFsFullSizeInformation [any access to file or volume]
0, // 8 FileFsObjectIdInformation [any access to file or volume]
0xffffffff // FileFsMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the required access mask for the caller to
// access information in an NtSetVolumeInformation service.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FS_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
ULONG IopSetFsOperationAccess[] =
0, // 1 FileFsVolumeInformation [set is invalid]
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 2 FileFsLabelInformation [write access to volume]
0, // 3 FileFsSizeInformation [set is invalid]
0, // 4 FileFsDeviceInformation [set is invalid]
0, // 5 FileFsAttributeInformation [set is invalid]
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 6 FileFsControlInformation [vol write access]
0, // 7 FileFsFullSizeInformation [set is invalid]
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // 8 FileFsObjectIdInformation [write access to volume]
0xffffffff // FileFsMaximumInformation
// The following array specifies the alignment requirements for all FS query and set information services.
// WARNING: This array depends on the order of the values in the
// FS_INFORMATION_CLASS enumerated type. Note that the
// enumerated type is one-based and the array is zero-based.
UCHAR IopQuerySetFsAlignmentRequirement[] =
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 1 FileFsVolumeInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 2 FileFsLabelInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 3 FileFsSizeInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 4 FileFsDeviceInformation
sizeof( LONG ), // 5 FileFsAttributeInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 6 FileFsControlInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 7 FileFsFullSizeInformation
sizeof( LONGLONG ), // 8 FileFsObjectIdInformation
0xff // FileFsMaximumInformation
PVOID IopLoaderBlock = NULL;
BOOLEAN IopRemoteBootCardInitialized = FALSE;
WCHAR IopWstrRaw[] = L".Raw";
WCHAR IopWstrTranslated[] = L".Translated";
WCHAR IopWstrBusRaw[] = L".Bus.Raw";
WCHAR IopWstrBusTranslated[] = L".Bus.Translated";
WCHAR IopWstrOtherDrivers[] = L"OtherDrivers";
WCHAR IopWstrAssignedResources[] = L"AssignedSystemResources";
WCHAR IopWstrRequestedResources[] = L"RequestedSystemResources";
WCHAR IopWstrSystemResources[] = L"Control\\SystemResources";
WCHAR IopWstrReservedResources[] = L"ReservedResources";
WCHAR IopWstrAssignmentOrdering[] = L"AssignmentOrdering";
WCHAR IopWstrBusValues[] = L"BusValues";
UNICODE_STRING IoArcBootDeviceName = { 0 };
UNICODE_STRING IoArcHalDeviceName = { 0 };
PUCHAR IoLoaderArcBootDeviceName = NULL;
// Initialization time data
#pragma data_seg("INIT")
WCHAR IopWstrHal[] = L"Hardware Abstraction Layer";
WCHAR IopWstrSystem[] = L"System Resources";
WCHAR IopWstrPhysicalMemory[] = L"Physical Memory";
WCHAR IopWstrSpecialMemory[] = L"Reserved";
#pragma data_seg()