2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

238 lines
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// TITLE("Debug Support Functions")
// Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// debug.c
// Abstract:
// This module implements functions to support debugging NT.
// They call architecture specific routines to do the actual work.
// Author:
// Steven R. Wood (stevewo) 8-Nov-1994
// Environment:
// Any mode.
#include "stdarg.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ntrtlp.h"
#define NOEXTAPI
#include "wdbgexts.h"
#include <ntdbg.h>
ULONG DbgPrint(PCHAR Format, ...)
// Routine Description:
// This routine provides a "printf" style capability for the kernel debugger.
// Note: control-C is consumed by the debugger and returned to this routine as status.
// If status indicates control-C was pressed, this routine breakpoints.
// Arguments:
// Format - printf style format string
// ... - additional arguments consumed according to the format string.
// Return Value:
// Defined as returning a ULONG, actually returns status.
va_list arglist;
UCHAR Buffer[512];
int cb;
STRING Output;
if (NtCurrentTeb()->InDbgPrint) {
NtCurrentTeb()->InDbgPrint = TRUE;
// Format the output into a buffer and then print it.
va_start(arglist, Format);
__try {
cb = _vsnprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), Format, arglist);
Status = GetExceptionCode();
cb = _vsnprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), Format, arglist);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
NtCurrentTeb()->InDbgPrint = FALSE;
return Status;
if (cb == -1) { // detect buffer overflow
cb = sizeof(Buffer);
Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = '\n';
Output.Buffer = Buffer;
Output.Length = (USHORT) cb;
// If APP is being debugged, raise an exception and the debugger
// will catch and handle this. Otherwise, kernel debugger service is called.
#if !i386
// For non-Intel architectures, can't raise exceptions until the PebLock
// is initialized, since the Function Table lookup code uses the PebLock
// to serialize access to the loaded module database. What a crock
if (NtCurrentPeb()->FastPebLockRoutine != NULL)
#endif //!i386
if (NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged) {
// Construct an exception record.
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = (PEXCEPTION_RECORD)NULL;
ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters = 2;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags = 0;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[ 0 ] = Output.Length + 1;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[ 1 ] = (ULONG_PTR)(Output.Buffer);
RtlRaiseException( &ExceptionRecord );
NtCurrentTeb()->InDbgPrint = FALSE;
Status = DebugPrint( &Output );
if (Status == STATUS_BREAKPOINT) {
NtCurrentTeb()->InDbgPrint = FALSE;
return Status;
ULONG DbgPrintReturnControlC(PCHAR Format, ...)
// Routine Description:
// This routine provides a "printf" style capability for the kernel debugger.
// This routine is exactly the same as DbgPrint except that control-C is NOT handled here.
// Instead, status indicating control-C is returned to the caller to do with as they will.
// Arguments:
// Format - printf style format string
// ... - additional arguments consumed according to the format string.
// Return Value:
// Defined as returning a ULONG, actually returns status.
va_list arglist;
UCHAR Buffer[512];
int cb;
STRING Output;
// Format the output into a buffer and then print it.
va_start(arglist, Format);
cb = _vsnprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), Format, arglist);
if (cb == -1) { // detect buffer overflow
cb = sizeof(Buffer);
Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = '\n';
Output.Buffer = Buffer;
Output.Length = (USHORT) cb;
// If APP is being debugged, raise an exception and the debugger
// will catch and handle this. Otherwise, kernel debugger service is called.
#if !i386
// For non-Intel architectures, can't raise exceptions until the PebLock
// is initialized, since the Function Table lookup code uses the PebLock
// to serialize access to the loaded module database. What a crock
if (NtCurrentPeb()->FastPebLockRoutine != NULL)
#endif //!i386
if (NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged) {
// Construct an exception record.
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode = DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionRecord = (PEXCEPTION_RECORD)NULL;
ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters = 2;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags = 0;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[ 0 ] = Output.Length + 1;
ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[ 1 ] = (ULONG_PTR)(Output.Buffer);
RtlRaiseException( &ExceptionRecord );
return DebugPrint( &Output );
ULONG DbgPrompt(IN PCHAR Prompt, OUT PCHAR Response, IN ULONG MaximumResponseLength)
// Routine Description:
// This function displays the prompt string on the debugging console and then reads a line of text from the debugging console.
// The line read is returned in the memory pointed to by the second parameter.
// The third parameter specifies the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the response area.
// Arguments:
// Prompt - specifies the text to display as the prompt.
// Response - specifies where to store the response read from the debugging console.
// Prompt - specifies the maximum number of characters that can be stored in the Response buffer.
// Return Value:
// Number of characters stored in the Response buffer. Includes the
// terminating newline character, but not the null character after that.
STRING Output;
// Output the prompt string and read input.
Input.MaximumLength = (USHORT)MaximumResponseLength;
Input.Buffer = Response;
Output.Length = (USHORT)strlen( Prompt );
Output.Buffer = Prompt;
return DebugPrompt( &Output, &Input );
VOID DbgLoadImageSymbols(IN PSTRING FileName, IN PVOID ImageBase, IN ULONG_PTR ProcessId)
// Routine Description:
// Tells the debugger about newly loaded symbols.
SymbolInfo.BaseOfDll = ImageBase;
SymbolInfo.ProcessId = ProcessId;
NtHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader( ImageBase );
if (NtHeaders != NULL) {
SymbolInfo.CheckSum = (ULONG)NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum;
SymbolInfo.SizeOfImage = (ULONG)NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
} else {
// There is only one image loaded in the loader environment that does not have an NT image header.
// The image is the OS loader and it is loaded by the firmware which strips the file header
// and the optional ROM header. All the debugger requires is a good guest at the size of the image.
SymbolInfo.SizeOfImage = 0x100000;
SymbolInfo.SizeOfImage = 0;
SymbolInfo.CheckSum = 0;
DebugLoadImageSymbols( FileName, &SymbolInfo);
VOID DbgUnLoadImageSymbols (IN PSTRING FileName, IN PVOID ImageBase, IN ULONG_PTR ProcessId)
// Routine Description:
// Tells the debugger about newly unloaded symbols.
SymbolInfo.BaseOfDll = ImageBase;
SymbolInfo.ProcessId = ProcessId;
SymbolInfo.CheckSum = 0;
SymbolInfo.SizeOfImage = 0;
DebugUnLoadImageSymbols( FileName, &SymbolInfo );
#endif // defined(NTOS_KERNEL_RUNTIME)