2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 2.0">
<body bgcolor="#80FFFF">
<h2>IE 3.0/4.0 Additional Command IDs</h2>
<h2>IE 30 : Additional Command IDs</h2>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up (the containee processes)</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>It indicates that at least one of command status (which
the container can query by calling ICT::QueryStatus) has been
changed. If the container has any UI (typically toolbar
buttons), it should query the status of all commands to
disable/enable them correctly.</p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: down (the container processes)</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: One of following as VT_I4 -
Optional (default is OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_NORMAL)</p>
<p>OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_NORMAL -- Normal refresh. If the
data is in the cache, use it. </p>
<p>OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_IFEXPIRED -- If the data in the
cache is expired, get it from the server.</p>
from the cache.</p>
<p>This command tells the Document to update the view. </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up and down</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>When the container receives this command, it aborts the
pending navigation (a hyperlink navigation that the browser
is waiting for the server to respond) if any. When the
container receives this command, it stops any subsequent
download (such as embedded images) and other things <em><strong>[???
I don't remember -- what's the different from
OLECMDID_STOPDOWNLOAD ???]</strong></em>.</p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: down</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>When the containee receives this command, it toggles the
view state of its own toolbars. When IE is opening a document
in the browser window, it sends this command from within its
IOleInPlaceSite::OnUIActivate member. </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: uMax as VT_I4</p>
<p>This command is always used with OLECMDID_SETPROGRESSPOS.
The uMax specifies the scale of the progress bar (which is
displayed by the container).</p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: uPos as VT_I4</p>
<p>This command is always used with OLECMDID_SETPROGRESSMAX.
The uPos specifies the current progress position relative to
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: bstrText as VT_BSTR</p>
<p>When the container receives this command, it displays the
specified text in its status bar. IE has two layers of text
field in its status bar, one for the &quot;status text&quot;
(which is set by IOleInPlaceFrame::SetStatusText) and another
for the &quot;progress text&quot; (specified by this
command). The &quot;status text&quot; is typically used for
menu help (which you see when you highlight a menuitem) or a
mouse help (which you see when you move a cursor over on a
certain item -- such as a hyperlink on HTML page). The
&quot;progress text&quot; is typically used for progress
notification, such as &quot;finding site...&quot;,
&quot;downloading image...&quot;, etc. The &quot;progress
text&quot; is visible only when the &quot;status text&quot;
is empty. </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: bstrTitle as VT_I4</p>
<p>When the container receives this command, it puts the
specified text as the title of the document typically on the
title bar. IE displays URL until it receives this command. </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: bDownloading as VT_I4 or
<p>When the continer receives this command, it turn on or off
a certain UI which indicates the &quot;downloading&quot;
state (the animated icon in the case of IE). If bDownloading
is non-zero, it turn on the UI. If bDownloading is zero, it
calls IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus with
OLECMDID_STOPDOWNLOAD and turn off the UI only if it's
diabled (MSOCMDF_ENABLED is not set). </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: down</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>Stops the on going downloading on the page. </p>
<h2>IE 40 : Additional Command IDs (draft)</h2>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: down</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>This command will be sent from the container (the Internet
Explorer frame window) to the document object when one of
frame-owned toolbars (such as the address bar) got the input
focus. </p>
<p>OLECMDID_FIND (reserved for future enhancement)</p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: T.B.F. [MattSq, SatoNa]</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>T. B. F. </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: bstrHttpEquiv as VT_BSTR</p>
<p>This command will be sent from the document object (HTML
viewer) to the container (the Internet Explorer) when the
parser fins &lt;META HTTP-EQUIV&gt; tag in it. The
bstrHttpEquiv contains the parameter to that meta tag, which
is equivalent to an HTTP header. The document object may send
this command more than once, but must send
tags are processed. </p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: up</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p>This command will be sent from the document object (HTML
viewer) to the container (the Internet Explorer) when the
parser knows there will be no other &lt;META HTTP-EQUIV&gt;
tag in that page. The document object must send this command
after sending one or more OLECMDID_HTTPEQUIV commands. </p>
<p>OLECMDID_ENABLE_INTERACTION <em>(new in Beta-2)</em></p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: down</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: fEnable as VT_I4</p>
<p>This command will be sent from the container (typically a
browser frame) to the document (typically an HTML viewer) to
either pause (fEnable == 0) or resume (fEnable != 0) any
audio or animation on the document. IE 4.0 browser uses this
command to appropriately pause those activities when either
the browser window is minimized or totally covered by other
windows. </p>
<p>OLECMDID_ONUNLOAD <em>(new in Beta-2)</em></p>
<p><strong>Direction</strong>: down</p>
<p><strong>Parameter</strong>: N/A</p>
<p><strong>Return Value</strong>: S_FALSE indicates that the
hyperlink operation or close operation should be canceled and
keep the current document accessible.</p>
<p>This command will be sent from the container (typically a
browser frame) to the document when either it's about to
initiate a hyperlinking operation (navigation) or close the
window. It gives the current document to save any
non-confirmed data (typically a data bound HTML page) back to
the server. The document usually ask the user either (1)
save, (2) don't save and continue or (3) cancel the
operation. When the user chooses to cancel the operation, the
document returns S_FALSE and the browser cancels the
operation. </p>
<p>It's important to recognize that this
&quot;non-confirmed&quot; state is different from a dirty
state (IPersistFile::IsDirty()) of the document, which
applies to the document itself. This state is the state of
fields filled by the user when the document is used as a form
(to input data to a database). </p>
<p>By the way, this command is sent to the document when the
user initiate the hyperlink operation (typically by clicking
a hyperlink on the page or typing an URL in the address bar).
Once the document returns S_OK to this command, the browser
does not send this command again even though the user
modifies some field before the new document became available
(notice that the navigation is an asynchronous operation and
the current document remains interactive while the browser is
waiting for the response from the server).</p>
<p><a href="default.htm">Go to the home page</a></p>