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<title>IE 4.0 Shell Toolbar Extension Mechanism</title>
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<h1>IE 4.0 Shell Toolbar Extension mechanism</h1>
<h3>Overview: </h3>
<p>IE 3.0 introduced the internet toolbar (or
"coolbar") which is suitable for browsing, which is
quite different from the Win95 shell's explorer toolbar. This two
different toolbar was not a problem until we integrates the
browser functionality into the explorer in IE 4.0. First, we
tried it with two separate toolbars (from which the user can
choose), but we've received many negative feedback against it
from users. It became clear for us that we need to merge two
toolbar into one. This document describes a proposed toolbar
extension mechanism which allows us to have a single toolbar
which is suitable for both with shell type folders (directories,
my computer, control panel) and web pages. </p>
<p>Since we need to achieve this in a very short development time
frame, it's very important to know exactly what are our goals:</p>
<li>We change buttons only on the first pane of the toolbar
depending on the shell view type.</li>
<li>Common buttons (Back and Forward) stays on left,
additional buttons will be placed on right. </li>
<li>We allow only buttons (including buttons with menu) to be
added. No other controls can be added.</li>
<li>Although we hide that fact from the folder side, the
merge will happen only with the default toolbar we
<li>The only top-level shell view can participate in this
negotiation (a folder in a frame set can't).</li>
<li>Achieve smooth toolbar transitions between HTML Views and
Shell folder views.</li>
<li>We support Win95 type toolbar extension mechanism but it
can be limited.</li>
<p>UI negotiation will be performed between a shell view
(IShellView) and a shell browser (IShellBrowser). We introduce
one new interface (IExplorerToolbar) to perform UI negotiation,
one new service GUID (SID_SExplorerToolbar) to help finding the
service, and use one existing interface (IOleCommandTarget from
ActiveX document interfaces) to invoke commands.</p>
<li>When a shell view is being UIActivated, it gets the
IExplorerToolbar interface to the toolbar by calling
IServiceProvider::QueryService with SID_SExplorerToobar. </li>
<li>Then, when the shell browser gets created, it calls
IExplorerToolbar::<strong>SetCommandTarget</strong> with
the following parameters: <br>
<em>SetCommandTarget(IUnknown* </em><em><strong>punkCmdTarget</strong></em><em>,
const GUID* </em><em><strong>pguidButtonGroup</strong></em><em>,
DWORD </em><em><strong>dwFlags</strong></em><em>)</em>;<br>
punkCmdTarget is the IOleCommandTarget interface to it's
command target interface<br>
pguidButtonGroup is a unique GUID to identify the group
of buttons<br>
dwFlags specifies which bands in the coolbar should be
visible and how many lines of text the toolbar should
have.. <br>
Calling SetCommandTarget will establish a direct
connection from the toolbar to the shell view (or its
sub-component). </li>
<li>Then, it calls IExplorerToolbar::<strong>AddButtons</strong>
(typically) multiple times to add buttons to the toolbar.
It specifies its command ID (to be passed to
IOleCommandTarget along with pguidButtonGroup), glyphs
(normal and highlighted) and button text (to be displayed
right below the button). AddButton takes a GUID as an
argument (the same GUID to be passed to
SetCommandTarget), but it won't be used in this version
-- it's for future enhancement. </li>
<li>Above negotiation will give enough information for the
toolbar to display those additional buttons. Those
buttons will be enabled or disabled based on the return
value from IOleCmdTarget::QueryStatus.</li>
<li>When the user moves the mouse over to one of those
buttons, the toolbar calls IOleCmdTarget::QueryStatus to
get the tooltip text (which is longer than the button
<li>When the user clicks one of those buttons, the toolbar
calls IOleCmdTarget::Exec. To make it easy to implement a
pull-down menu effect, it passes the position of the
button's left-bottom corner in screen coordinate. </li>
<p> </p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IExplorerToolbar,
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">// *** IExplorerToolbar
methods ***<br>
HRESULT SetCommandTarget(IUnknown* punkCmdTarget, const GUID*
pguidCmdGrp, DWORD dwFlags);</font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">// Std buttons are Stop,
Home, Refresh, ...<br>
HRESULT AddStdBrowserButtons();<br>
HRESULT AddButtons(const GUID * pguidButtonGroup, UINT
nButtons, LPTBBUTTON lpButtons);<br>
HRESULT AddString(const GUID * pguidButtonGroup, HINSTANCE
hInst, UINT uiResID, LRESULT * pOffset);<br>
HRESULT GetButton(const GUID * pguidButtonGroup, UINT
uiCommand, LPTBBUTTON lpButton);<br>
HRESULT GetState(const GUID * pguidButtonGroup, UINT
uiCommand, UINT * pfState);<br>
HRESULT SetState(const GUID * pguidButtonGroup, UINT
uiCommand, UINT fState);</font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">// uiBMPType
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">// Offset of the glyphs
in the toolbar are returned in pOffset.<br>
HRESULT AddBitmap(const GUID * pguidButtonGroup, UINT
uiBMPType, UINT uiCount, TBADDBITMAP * ptb, <br>
LRESULT * pOffset, COLORREF rgbMask);</font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">// The size of Glyphs
Coolbar expects<br>
HRESULT GetBitmapSize(UINT * uiID);</font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">// Not supported</font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">HRESULT
SendToolbarMsg(GUID * pguidButtonGroup, UINT uMsg, WPARAM
wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT * plRes);</font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Courier New">};</font></p>
<h3>Cook book for new clients:</h3>
<li>Call SetCommandTarget () to register the it's
IOleCmdTarget and guidButtonGroup</li>
<li>Call GetBitmapSize() to find out the size coolbar expects
for the Bitmaps</li>
<li>Call AddBitmaps giving HINST of the DLL and the resource
ID or the Glyphs. This will return the Glyph offset</li>
<li>Call AddStrings giving HINST of the DLL and the resource
ID or the Strings. This will return the String offset</li>
<li>AddButtons() specifying appropriate Glyph and String
<li>Use GetButton(), GetState(), SetState() to manipulate the
<li>Ensure that IOleCmdTarget::QueryStatus is supported. It
will be called to get button states and tooltip strings</li>
<li>Ensure that IOleCmdTarget::Exec is supported. It will be
called when the user clicks on a button.</li>