2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

397 lines
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// SQL-specific support routines for the DM
#include "precomp.h"
extern "C" {
#include "dmsql.h"
#include "sqlinfo.h"
extern "C" {
#include "i386troj.h"
#include "sqlprxky.h"
/* Here is how SQL debugging works in the DM:
If the ENT package isnt found, all this stuff is disabled.
Just before starting the debuggee, the src/ent package sends down a SDCI packet.
When a DLL is loaded, we get a look-in to see if it is an 'interesting' one.
If it is, we pass on the earlier SDCI packet to 'interesting' DLLs together with a pid.
At this time we also create a special 'invisible' thread in the debugger that we
use for SQL notifications.
// super-hack until we have a pointer in the real process structure
static SqlDBInfo *pHackSqlDB;
// global to determine whether the next launched exe should be SQL debugged
static BOOL g_bWantSqlDebug;
SqlDBInfo *GetSqlDB( HPRCX pprc )
if (pHackSqlDB==NULL)
pHackSqlDB = new SqlDBInfo( pprc );
return pHackSqlDB;
// called just before loading an exe, we can use the flags to dermine whether SQL debugging is desired or not (its a global)
void DMSqlPreLoad( DWORD flags )
g_bWantSqlDebug = (flags & ulfSqlDebug) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// called after we hit the very first breakpoint. This is a good time to trojan code for statically-linked DLLs
void DMSqlStartup(HPRCX pprc)
SqlDBInfo *pSqlDB = GetSqlDB(pprc);
if (!pSqlDB->DebugEnabled())
SqlDLL *pDll = pSqlDB->GetFirstDll();
while (pDll)
pDll = pSqlDB->GetNextDll(pDll);
// if we haven't made the thread, lets do it now, as leaving it
// until dyna DLL-load time screws us on Win95 (sometimes)
if (pSqlDB->m_hSqlThread == NULL)
// called when DLLs are being loaded so we can see if it is an 'interesting' one
void DMSqlLoadDll(HPRCX hprc, LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_INFO64 *ldd, int iDll)
SqlDBInfo *pSqlDb = GetSqlDB(hprc);
if (!pSqlDb->DebugEnabled())
// does the DLL have an interesting name?
// we want SQLSRV32.DLL or DBLib
// the export is called 'SQLDebug' in both DLLs
TCHAR *pFullName = hprc->rgDllList[iDll].szDllName;
if (pFullName == NULL)
char iName[_MAX_PATH];
// On Win95 pFullName is always NULL, so get the name the other way
DWORDLONG pName = ldd->lpImageName;
if (pName && DbgReadMemory(hprc, pName, &pName, sizeof(DWORD), NULL) && pName && DbgReadMemory(hprc, pName, iName, sizeof(iName), NULL))
// got the name from the clients address space
pFullName = iName;
else {
return; // cannot get name, so bail
_tsplitpath(pFullName, NULL, NULL, szBase, szExt);
_tcscat(szBase, szExt);
SqlDLL *pDll = pSqlDb->GetFirstDll();
// if proxy, use first DLL (which had better be ODBC)
if (_tcsicmp(szBase, szSqlProxyBase ".exe") == 0)
pDll->DoRegister("SQLSRV32.DLL", TRUE);
pDll = NULL;
while (pDll)
if (_tcsicmp(szBase, pDll->m_szBaseName) == 0)
pDll->DoRegister(pFullName, FGetExport(&hprc->rgDllList[iDll], (HFILE) ldd->hFile, pDll->m_szExportName, NULL));
pDll = pSqlDb->GetNextDll(pDll);
void DMSqlTerminate(HPRCX pprc)
SqlDBInfo *pSqlDB = GetSqlDB(pprc);
if (pSqlDB->DebugEnabled())
// we are not registered with anything any more
if (pHackSqlDB)
delete pHackSqlDB;
pHackSqlDB = NULL;
// called when we get a ssvcSQLDebug command to enable/disable
XOSD DMSqlSystemService(HPRCX pprc, LPBYTE command)
SqlDBInfo *pSqlDB = GetSqlDB(pprc);
if (pSqlDB == NULL)
return xosdNone;
// don't check debugging enabled here - that is the whole point
return pSqlDB->DoCommand(command);
SqlDBInfo::SqlDBInfo(HPRCX hprcx)
m_pDllList = NULL;
m_pProcess = hprcx;
m_hSqlThread = NULL;
m_idSqlThread = 0;
m_bSqlThreadRunning = FALSE;
memset(&m_SDCI, 0, sizeof(m_SDCI));
m_bWantSqlDebug = g_bWantSqlDebug; // take current global setting
if (m_bWantSqlDebug)
// build list of DLLs that we want to know about
// ODBC must come first as the Proxy code relies on the fact
m_pDllList = new SqlDLL("SQLSRV32.DLL", MAGIC_EXPORT, this, 0x00020041); // ODBC v2.65
m_pDllList->m_pNextDll =
new SqlDLL("NTWDBLIB.DLL", MAGIC_EXPORT, this, 0x00060032); // DBLib v6.50
// at some point, add 3rd party DLLs here by enumerating the registry
// shell calls this with a structure pointer to use
void SqlDBInfo::SetSDCI( SDCI *pSDCI )
m_SDCI = *pSDCI;
// we make our own copy of the void data so the caller can free it
if (m_SDCI.pvData)
m_SDCI.pvData = MHAlloc( m_SDCI.cbData );
memcpy( m_SDCI.pvData, pSDCI->pvData, m_SDCI.cbData );
// make the thread if required. It is the callers responsibility to ensure
// the owner process is in a suitable state to cope with thread creation (which means no Win95 until process has finished loading)
BOOL SqlDBInfo::MakeThread()
assert(m_hSqlThread == NULL); // make sure we haven't done this already
m_hSqlThread = NULL;
// we need the address of DebugBreak.
// This address will be the same for our client app as it is for us, as it is in the kernel.
// This is also true for SuspendThread and is processor independent!
#ifndef TARGET_i386
// NT-only code
HANDLE hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, m_pProcess->pid);
if (hProc)
m_hSqlThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 512, pStart, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &m_idSqlThread);
// on x86 we always trojan, even though we could use the NT code above
// Win95 doesn't do CreateRemoteThread so have to trojan it in, which only works if the process has finished loading
HTHDX hthd = FindStoppedThread(m_pProcess);
if (!hthd) {
return FALSE;
m_idSqlThread = FTrojanCreateSQLThread(hthd, (DWORD) pStart, &m_hSqlThread);
if (m_hSqlThread)
// the thread is lacking in GET_CONTEXT access rights, so increase them
VERIFY(DuplicateHandle(m_pProcess->rwHand, m_hSqlThread, GetCurrentProcess(), &m_hSqlThread, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE));
if (m_hSqlThread)
m_bSqlThreadRunning = FALSE;
// remember this lovely fresh context
m_ctxSql.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
VERIFY(GetThreadContext(m_hSqlThread, &m_ctxSql));
m_bContextFresh = TRUE;
// tell our NM the ID of this special thread
DMSendDebugPacket(dbcSQLThread, m_pProcess->hpid, NULL, sizeof(m_idSqlThread), &m_idSqlThread);
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (m_hSqlThread == NULL)
OutputDebugString("ERROR: SQLNM MakeThread failed\n");
return m_hSqlThread ? TRUE : FALSE;
// wake up the SQL thread, which should cause an int 3
void SqlDBInfo::WakeThread()
if (m_bSqlThreadRunning)
m_bSqlThreadRunning = TRUE;
// the thread is suspended, so set its context so it hits the int 3
if (!m_bContextFresh)
m_ctxSql.Eip = (DWORD) DebugBreak;
VERIFY(SetThreadContext(m_hSqlThread, &m_ctxSql));
ResumeThread(m_hSqlThread);// now resume it so it hits it
void SqlDBInfo::SleepThread()
HANDLE args[2];
DWORD result;
if (!m_bSqlThreadRunning)
m_bSqlThreadRunning = FALSE;
// now get it to suspend itself by pointing to the kernel routine calling SuspendThread from here is bad because it makes the Resume
// code real horrible under NT as NT cannot resume suspended threads
VERIFY( GetThreadContext( m_hSqlThread, &m_ctxSql ) );
#if defined(TARGET_i386)
m_ctxSql.Eip = (DWORD)SuspendThread;
if (m_bContextFresh)
// first time so make room on stack
m_ctxSql.Esp = m_ctxSql.Esp - sizeof(args);
m_bContextFresh = FALSE;
args[0] = GetCurrentThread(); // pseudo-handle
args[1] = args[0];
VERIFY(WriteProcessMemory( m_pProcess->rwHand, (LPVOID)m_ctxSql.Esp, args, sizeof(args), &result ));
#pragma error( "Need stack manipulation for SQL support" )
VERIFY(SetThreadContext( m_hSqlThread, &m_ctxSql ));
// hose any cache of the thread's context else Go will cause thread to exit immediately
HTHDX hthd = HTHDXFromPIDTID( m_pProcess->pid, m_idSqlThread );
hthd->fContextDirty = FALSE; // don't use cache
ClearBPFlag( hthd ); // its not a BP now (else it does horrible step stuff)
void SqlDBInfo::FreeDLLs()
SqlDLL *pDll = m_pDllList;
while (pDll)
SqlDLL *pNext = pDll->m_pNextDll;
delete pDll;
pDll = pNext;
m_pDllList = NULL;
// caleed when we get the process terminate message. We need to tell SQL/DBLib that we are not interested in this pid any more and free the DLL list
void SqlDBInfo::ProcessTerminate()
m_bWantSqlDebug = FALSE;
// tidy up the extra thread
if (m_hSqlThread)
m_hSqlThread = NULL;
m_idSqlThread = 0;
m_bSqlThreadRunning = FALSE;
XOSD SqlDBInfo::DoCommand(LPBYTE command)
XOSD xosd = xosdNone;
SDCI *pSDCI = (SDCI*) command;
switch (pSDCI->cbLength)
case sizeof(SDCI) :
m_bWantSqlDebug = TRUE;
// the void data immediately follows the SDCI struct so fix it up
if (pSDCI->pvData)
pSDCI->pvData = (pSDCI + 1);
if (m_hSqlThread)
if (m_hSqlThread)
#ifdef _DEBUG
OutputDebugString("ERROR: DoCommand passed invalid struct\n");
return xosd;
#endif // SQLDBG