2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

136 lines
4.1 KiB

#include "debexpr.h"
/*** GetErrorText - Get Error Text from TM structure
* status = GetErrorText(phTM, Status, phError)
* Entry phTM = pointer to handle of TM structure
* Status = EESTATUS exit code of last operation on the TM
* phError = pointer to EESTR handle
* Exit *phError = handle to newly allocated string
* that contains error message
* Returns EESTATUS
ulong GetErrorText (PHTM phTM, EESTATUS Status, PEEHSTR phError)
uint cchAvail;
ulong err_num;
ulong buflen;
char *pBuf;
char *pErrSymbol;
char *pPercent;
char Tempbuf[4];
uint cchErrSymbol;
int cnt;
int len;
uint cchRest;
if ((*phTM == 0) || (Status != EEGENERAL)) {
*phError = 0;
if ((*phError = MHMemAllocate (ERRSTRMAX)) == 0) {
return (EENOMEMORY);
else {
buflen = ERRSTRMAX;
pBuf = (char *) MemLock (*phError);
memset (pBuf, 0, buflen);
pExState = (pexstate_t) MemLock (*phTM);
if ((err_num = pExState->err_num) != 0) {
// Start with "C??0000: Error: "
if ((len = LoadEEMsg (IDS_ERR, pBuf, buflen)) != 0) {
// Load actual error message.
len = LoadEEMsg (err_num, pBuf+len, buflen-len);
DASSERT (len !=0 )
// Insert error number into the right place
itoa (err_num, Tempbuf, 10);
cnt = _tcslen (Tempbuf);
memcpy (pBuf + 7 - cnt, Tempbuf, cnt );
// If there's a supplemental error string (e.g. a symbol
// name), we have to insert it into the middle of the error
// string, where the "%Fs" is. NOTE, it's okay to have
// hErrStr be non-NULL even if the error string does NOT
// contain "%Fs": this can happen in the case where one
// EE function set hErrStr and err_num and then returned
// to another EE function, which then changed err_num to
// some other error number.
pPercent = _tcsstr (pBuf, "%Fs");
if (pPercent != NULL) {
DASSERT (pExState->hErrStr);
pErrSymbol = (char *) MemLock (pExState->hErrStr);
cchErrSymbol = _tcslen (pErrSymbol);
// Make sure we don't overflow our buffer
cchAvail = (uint)(ERRSTRMAX - (pPercent - pBuf) - 1);
cchErrSymbol = min (cchErrSymbol, cchAvail);
cchAvail -= max(cchErrSymbol,3);
cchRest = min (cchAvail, _tcslen (pPercent) - 3);
// Make space for symbol name
memmove (pPercent + cchErrSymbol, pPercent + 3, cchAvail);
memcpy (pPercent, pErrSymbol, cchErrSymbol);
pBuf[ERRSTRMAX-1] = '\0';
MemUnLock (pExState->hErrStr);
MemUnLock (*phError);
MemUnLock (*phTM);
return (EENOERROR);
/*** ErrUnknownSymbol - set the current expr's error to ERR_UNKNOWNSYMBOL
* ErrUnknownSymbol (psstr)
* Entry psstr = ptr to an SSTR for the symbol that is unknown
* Exit pExState->err_num and pExState->hErrStr set
* Returns Nothing
void ErrUnknownSymbol(LPSSTR lpsstr)
char * lszSym;
// Free any old string
if (pExState->hErrStr) {
MHMemFree (pExState->hErrStr);
// Allocate space for symbol string
pExState->hErrStr = MHMemAllocate (lpsstr->cb + 1);
if (pExState->hErrStr == 0) {
// If we couldn't allocate the string, set error to out of mem
pExState->err_num = ERR_NOMEMORY;
else {
// Set error to unknown symbol
pExState->err_num = ERR_UNKNOWNSYMBOL;
// Copy the symbol into pExState->hErrStr
lszSym = (char *) MemLock (pExState->hErrStr);
memcpy (lszSym, lpsstr->lpName, lpsstr->cb);
lszSym[lpsstr->cb] = '\0';
MemUnLock (pExState->hErrStr);