2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

1151 lines
28 KiB

* Microsoft Disassembler
* Microsoft Confidential. Copyright 1994-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
* Component:
* File: disaxp.h
* File Comments:
* This file is a copy of the master version owned by richards.
* Contact richards for any changes.
#pragma pack(push, 8)
class DISAXP : public DIS
enum TRMTA
trmtaUnknown = DIS::trmtaUnknown,
trmtaFallThrough = DIS::trmtaFallThrough,
enum REGA
regaR0 = 0,
regaR1 = 1,
regaR2 = 2,
regaR3 = 3,
regaR4 = 4,
regaR5 = 5,
regaR6 = 6,
regaR7 = 7,
regaR8 = 8,
regaR9 = 9,
regaR10 = 10,
regaR11 = 11,
regaR12 = 12,
regaR13 = 13,
regaR14 = 14,
regaR15 = 15,
regaR16 = 16,
regaR17 = 17,
regaR18 = 18,
regaR19 = 19,
regaR20 = 20,
regaR21 = 21,
regaR22 = 22,
regaR23 = 23,
regaR24 = 24,
regaR25 = 25,
regaR26 = 26,
regaR27 = 27,
regaR28 = 28,
regaR29 = 29,
regaR30 = 30,
regaR31 = 31,
regaV0 = 0,
regaT0 = 1,
regaT1 = 2,
regaT2 = 3,
regaT3 = 4,
regaT4 = 5,
regaT5 = 6,
regaT6 = 7,
regaT7 = 8,
regaS0 = 9,
regaS1 = 10,
regaS2 = 11,
regaS3 = 12,
regaS4 = 13,
regaS5 = 14,
regaFp = 15,
regaA0 = 16,
regaA1 = 17,
regaA2 = 18,
regaA3 = 19,
regaA4 = 20,
regaA5 = 21,
regaT8 = 22,
regaT9 = 23,
regaT10 = 24,
regaT11 = 25,
regaRa = 26,
regaT12 = 27,
regaAt = 28,
regaGp = 29,
regaSp = 30,
regaZero = 31,
regaF0 = 32,
regaF1 = 33,
regaF2 = 34,
regaF3 = 35,
regaF4 = 36,
regaF5 = 37,
regaF6 = 38,
regaF7 = 39,
regaF8 = 40,
regaF9 = 41,
regaF10 = 42,
regaF11 = 43,
regaF12 = 44,
regaF13 = 45,
regaF14 = 46,
regaF15 = 47,
regaF16 = 48,
regaF17 = 49,
regaF18 = 50,
regaF19 = 51,
regaF20 = 52,
regaF21 = 53,
regaF22 = 54,
regaF23 = 55,
regaF24 = 56,
regaF25 = 57,
regaF26 = 58,
regaF27 = 59,
regaF28 = 60,
regaF29 = 61,
regaF30 = 62,
regaF31 = 63,
// Type (1) Memory Instruction Format.
// Type (2) Memory Special Instruction Format.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-------------------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb | Memory_disp |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-------------------------------+
// LDAx Ra.wq,disp.ab(Rb.ab) x = (,H)
// LDx Ra.wq,disp.ab(Rb.ab) x = (L,Q,F,G,S,T)
// LDQ_U Ra.wq,disp.ab(Rb.ab)
// LDx_L Ra.wq,disp.ab(Rb.ab) x = (L,Q)
// STx_C,disp.ab(Rb.ab) x = (L,Q)
// STx Ra.rq,disp.ab(Rb.ab) x = (L,Q,F,G,S,T)
// STQ_U Ra.rq,disp.ab(Rb.ab)
struct Alpha_Memory_Format
DWORD MemDisp : 16;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (3) Memory Format Jump Instructions.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 4 3 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+---+---------------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb |Fnc| Hint |
// +-----------+---------+---------+---+---------------------------+
// xxx Ra.wq,(Rb.ab),hint xxx = (JMP, JSR, RET, JSR_COROUTINE)
struct Alpha_Jump_Format
DWORD Hint : 14;
DWORD Function : 2;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (4) Branch Instruction Format.
// 3 2 2 2 2
// 1 6 5 1 0 0
// +-----------+---------+-----------------------------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Branch_disp |
// +-----------+---------+-----------------------------------------+
// Bxx Ra.rq, x = (EQ,NE,LT,LE,GT,GE,LBC,LBS)
// BxR Ra.wq, x = (,S)
// FBxx Ra.rq, x = (EQ,NE,LT,LE,GT,GE)
struct Alpha_Branch_Format
DWORD BranchDisp : 21;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (5) Operate Register Instruction Format.
// Type (6) Operate Literal Instruction Format.
// bop = Rb.rq or #b.ib
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 3 2 1 5 4 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-----+-+-------------+---------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb | SBZ |0| function | Rc |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-----+-+-------------+---------+
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 3 2 1 5 4 0
// +-----------+---------+---------------+-+-------------+---------+
// | opcode | Ra | LIT |1| function | Rc |
// +-----------+---------+---------------+-+-------------+---------+
// ADDx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq /V x = (Q,L)
// SxADDy Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq x = (4,8), y = (Q, L)
// CMPx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq x = (EQ,LT,LE,ULT,ULE)
// MULx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq /V x = (Q,L)
// UMULH Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq
// SUBx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq /V x = (Q,L)
// SxSUBy Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq x = (4,8), y = (Q, L)
// xxx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq xxx = (AND,BIS,XOR,BIC,ORNOT,EQV)
// CMOVxx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq xx = (EQ,NE,LT,LE,GT,GE,LBC,LBS)
// SxL Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq x = (L,R)
// SRA Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq
// CMPBGE Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq
// EXTxx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq xx = (BL,WL,WH,LL,LH,WL,QH)
// INSxx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq xx = (BL,WL,WH,LL,LH,WL,QH)
// MSKxx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq xx = (BL,WL,WH,LL,LH,WL,QH)
// ZAPx Ra.rq,bop,Rc.wq x = (,NOT)
struct Alpha_OpReg_Format
DWORD Rc : 5;
DWORD Function : 7;
DWORD RbvType : 1; // 0 for register format
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
struct Alpha_OpLit_Format
DWORD Rc : 5;
DWORD Function : 7;
DWORD RbvType : 1; // 1 for literal format
DWORD Literal : 8;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (7) Floating-point Operate Instruction Format.
// Type (8) Floating-point Convert Instruction Format.
// Type 6 and 7 are the same, except for type 7
// Fc == F31 (1s) and Fb is the source.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 5 4 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+---------------------+---------+
// | opcode | Fa | Fb | function | Fc |
// +-----------+---------+---------+---------------------+---------+
struct Alpha_FpOp_Format
DWORD Fc : 5;
DWORD Function : 11;
DWORD Fb : 5;
DWORD Fa : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (9) PALcode Instruction Format.
// 3 2 2
// 1 6 5 0
// +-----------+---------------------------------------------------+
// | opcode | PALcode func |
// +-----------+---------------------------------------------------+
struct Alpha_PAL_Format
DWORD Function : 26;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (10) EV4 MTPR/MFPR PAL mode instructions.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 8 7 6 5 4 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+---------------+-+-+-+---------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb | IGN |P|A|I| Index |
// +-----------+---------+---------+---------------+-+-+-+---------+
struct Alpha_EV4_PR_Format
DWORD Index : 5;
DWORD Ibox : 1;
DWORD Abox : 1;
DWORD PalTemp : 1;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (10) EV5 MTPR/MFPR PAL mode instructions.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-------------------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb | Index |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-------------------------------+
struct Alpha_EV5_PR_Format
DWORD Index : 16;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (11) EV4 special memory PAL mode access.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+-+-+-----------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb |P|A|R|Q| Disp |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+-+-+-----------------------+
struct Alpha_EV4_MEM_Format
DWORD Disp : 12;
DWORD QuadWord : 1;
DWORD RWcheck : 1;
DWORD Alt : 1;
DWORD Physical : 1;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (11) EV5 special memory PAL mode access.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+-+-+-----------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb |P|A|R|Q| Disp |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+-+-+-----------------------+
struct Alpha_EV5_MEM_Format
DWORD Disp : 10;
DWORD Lock_Cond: 1;
DWORD Vpte: 1;
DWORD QuadWord : 1;
DWORD RWcheck : 1;
DWORD Alt : 1;
DWORD Physical : 1;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (12) EV4 PAL mode switch.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 4 3 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+---------------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb |1|0| IGN |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+---------------------------+
struct Alpha_EV4_REI_Format
DWORD zero : 1;
DWORD one : 1;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
// Type (12) EV5 PAL mode switch.
// 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
// 1 6 5 1 0 6 5 4 3 0
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+---------------------------+
// | opcode | Ra | Rb |1|0| IGN |
// +-----------+---------+---------+-+-+---------------------------+
struct Alpha_EV5_REI_Format
DWORD Type: 2;
DWORD Rb : 5;
DWORD Ra : 5;
DWORD Opcode : 6;
union IW // Instruction Word
Alpha_Memory_Format Memory;
Alpha_Jump_Format Jump;
Alpha_Branch_Format Branch;
Alpha_OpReg_Format OpReg;
Alpha_OpLit_Format OpLit;
Alpha_FpOp_Format FpOp;
Alpha_PAL_Format Pal;
Alpha_EV4_PR_Format EV4_PR;
Alpha_EV5_PR_Format EV5_PR;
Alpha_EV4_MEM_Format EV4_MEM;
Alpha_EV5_MEM_Format EV5_MEM;
Alpha_EV4_REI_Format EV4_REI;
Alpha_EV5_REI_Format EV5_REI;
// Methods inherited from DIS
ADDR AddrOperand(size_t) const;
ADDR AddrTarget() const;
size_t Cb() const;
size_t CbDisassemble(ADDR, const void *, size_t);
size_t CbJumpEntry() const;
size_t CbOperand(size_t) const;
size_t CchFormatBytes(char *, size_t) const;
size_t CchFormatBytesMax() const;
size_t Coperand() const;
void FormatAddr(std::ostream&, ADDR) const;
void FormatInstr(std::ostream&) const;
MEMREFT Memreft(size_t) const;
TRMT Trmt() const;
DIS::TRMTA Trmta() const;
enum OPCLS // Operand Class
opclsNone, // No operand
opclsRa_w, // General purpose register Ra (write)
opclsRa_m, // General purpose register Ra (read/write)
opclsRa_r, // General purpose register Ra (read)
opclsRb_r, // General purpose register Rb (read)
opclsRbLb, // General purpose register Rb (read) or literal in Rb field
opclsRc_w, // General purpose register Rc (write)
opclsFa_w, // Floating point register Fa (write)
opclsFa_r, // Floating point register Fa (read)
opclsFb_r, // Floating point register Fb (read)
opclsFc_w, // Floating point register Fc (write)
opclsMem, // Memory reference: disp.ab(Rb.ab)
opclsMemHigh, // Memory reference: disp.ab(Rb.ab)
opclsMem_r, // Memory read: disp.ab(Rb.ab)
opclsMem_w, // Memory write: disp.ab(Rb.ab)
opclsEv4Mem_r, // Memory read: disp.ab(Rb.ab)
opclsEv4Mem_w, // Memory write: disp.ab(Rb.ab)
opclsBra, // Branch instruction target
opclsJmp, // Jump instruction target: (Rb.ab)
opclsHint1, // Jump target hint
opclsHint2, // RET/JSR_COROUTINE hint
opclsPal, // CALL_PAL instruction operand
opclsFetch, // FETCH instruction operand
enum ICLS // Instruction Class
// Invalid Class
// LoadAddr Class
// Text Format: LDA ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: ra
// LoadAddrH Class
// Text Format: LDAH ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: ra
// Load Class
// Text Format: LDQ_U ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: ra
// Store Class
// Text Format: STL ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: ra, rb
// Registers Set:
// Conditional Store Class
// Text Format: STL_C ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: ra, rb
// Registers Set: ra
// Call Class
// Text Format: BSR ra,Target
// Termination Type: trmtaCall
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set: ra
// Conditional Branch Class
// Text Format: BEQ ra,Target
// Termination Type: trmtaBraCc
// Registers Used: ra
// Registers Set:
// Jump Class
// Text Format: JMP ra,(rb),hint
// Termination Type: trmtaBraInd
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: ra
// Register Class
// Text Format: ADDL ra,rb,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: ra, rb
// Registers Set: rc
// Register
// Text Format: PERR ra,rb,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: ra, rb
// Registers Set: rc
// Register w/Trap Class
// Text Format: ADDL/V ra,rb,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaTrapCc
// Registers Used: ra, rb
// Registers Set: rc
// Two Operand Register Class
// Text Format: SEXT rb,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: rc
// Two Operand Register Class
// Text Format: CTPOP rb,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: rc
// One Operand Register Class
// Text Format: CLR rc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set: rc
// Floating Point Load Class
// Text Format: LDF fa,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: fa
// Floating Point Store Class
// Text Format: STF fa,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, rb
// Registers Set:
// Floating Point Conditional Branch Class
// Text Format: FBEQ fa,Target
// Termination Type: trmtaBraCc
// Registers Used: fa
// Registers Set:
// Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CPYS fa,fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: ADDS fa,fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CMPDEQ fa,fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: ADDF fa,fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CMPGEQ fa,fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTLQ fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTLQ fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTLQ fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTLQ fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: SQRTF fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTLQ fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTLQ fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// Two Operand Floating Point Register Class
// Text Format: CVTQL fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fb
// Registers Set: fc
// Constraints: fa must be f31
// MT_FPCR/MF_FPCR Instruction Class
// Text Format: MT_FPCR fa,fb,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa, fb, fc
// Registers Set:
// Constraints: fa, fb, and fc must be the same
// Floating Point To Integer Class
// Text Format: FTOIS fa,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fa
// Registers Set: rc
// Integer To Floating Point Class
// Text Format: ITOFF ra,fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: fc
// Registers Set: ra
// CALL_PAL Instruction Class
// Text Format: CALL_PAL ???
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: ???
// Registers Set: ???
// Text Format: FETCH 0(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set:
// No Operand Instruction
// Text Format: MB
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set:
// RPCC/RC/RS Instruction Class
// Text Format: RPCC ra
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set: ra
// EV4 REI Instruction Class
// Text Format: HW_REI
// Termination Type: trmtaBraInd
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set:
// EV4 PR Instruction Class
// Text Format: HW_MTPR Ra,Rb
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set:
// EV4 Memory Load Class
// Text Format: HW_LD ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set:
// EV4 Memory Store Class
// Text Format: HW_ST ra,disp(rb)
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set:
// Branch Class
// Text Format: BR Target
// Termination Type: trmtaBra
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set:
// MOV Instruction Class
// Text Format: MOV lit,ra
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set: ra
// Two Operand Register Class
// Text Format: NEGL/V rb,rc
// Termination Type: trmtaTrapCc
// Registers Used: rb
// Registers Set: rc
// One Operand Register Class
// Text Format: FCLR fc
// Termination Type: trmtaFallThrough
// Registers Used:
// Registers Set: fc
// UNDONE: Add comments
struct CLS
BYTE trmta;
BYTE rgopcls[3]; // Operand class for each operand
struct OPCD
const char *szMnemonic;
BYTE icls;
enum PALOP
// The following PAL operations are privileged
palopHalt = 0x00,
palopRestart = 0x01,
palopDraina = 0x02,
palopReboot = 0x03,
palopInitpal = 0x04,
palopWrentry = 0x05,
palopSwpirql = 0x06,
palopRdirql = 0x07,
palopDi = 0x08,
palopEi = 0x09,
palopSwppal = 0x0A,
palopSsir = 0x0C,
palopCsir = 0x0D,
palopRfe = 0x0E,
palopRetsys = 0x0F,
palopSwpctx = 0x10,
palopSwpprocess = 0x11,
palopRdmces = 0x12,
palopWrmces = 0x13,
palopTbia = 0x14,
palopTbis = 0x15,
palopDtbis = 0x16,
palopTbisasn = 0x17,
palopRdksp = 0x18,
palopSwpksp = 0x19,
palopRdpsr = 0x1A,
palopRdpcr = 0x1C,
palopRdthread = 0x1E,
palopTbim = 0x20,
palopTbimasn = 0x21,
palopRdcounters = 0x30,
palopRdstate = 0x31,
palopWrperfmon = 0x32,
palopInitpcr = 0x38, // EV4 (21064) specific
// The following PAL operations are unprivileged
palopBpt = 0x80,
palopCallsys = 0x83,
palopImb = 0x86,
palopGentrap = 0xAA,
palopRdteb = 0xAB,
palopKbpt = 0xAC,
palopCallkd = 0xAD,
struct PALMAP
PALOP palop;
const char *szFunction;
static const TRMT mptrmtatrmt[];
static const CLS rgcls[];
static const OPCD rgopcd[];
static const OPCD rgopcdArith[];
static const OPCD rgopcdBit[];
static const OPCD rgopcdByte[];
static const OPCD rgopcdMul[];
static const OPCD rgopcdITFP[];
static const OPCD rgopcdVax[];
static const OPCD rgopcdIEEE[];
static const OPCD rgopcdFP[];
static const OPCD rgopcdMemSpc[];
static const OPCD rgopcdJump[];
static const OPCD rgopcdFPTI[];
static const OPCD opcdBr_;
static const OPCD opcdClr;
static const OPCD opcdFabs;
static const OPCD opcdFclr;
static const OPCD opcdFmov;
static const OPCD opcdFneg;
static const OPCD opcdFnop;
static const OPCD opcdMf_Fpcr;
static const OPCD opcdMov1;
static const OPCD opcdMov2;
static const OPCD opcdMt_Fpcr;
static const OPCD opcdNegf;
static const OPCD opcdNegg;
static const OPCD opcdNegl;
static const OPCD opcdNegl_V;
static const OPCD opcdNegq;
static const OPCD opcdNegq_V;
static const OPCD opcdNegs;
static const OPCD opcdNegt;
static const OPCD opcdNop;
static const OPCD opcdNot;
static const OPCD opcdSextl;
static const OPCD opcdCvtst;
static const OPCD opcdCvtst_S;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier1;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier2;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier3;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier4;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier5;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier6;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier7;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier8;
static const DWORD dwValidQualifier9;
static const char rgszQualifier1[32][8];
static const char rgszQualifier2[32][8];
static const PALMAP rgpalmap[];
static const size_t cpalmap;
static const char rgszGpr[32][8];
void FormatOperand(std::ostream&, OPCLS opcls) const;
void FormatRegRel(std::ostream&, REGA, DWORD) const;
bool FValidOperand(size_t) const;
static const OPCD *PopcdDecode(IW);
const OPCD *PopcdPseudoOp(OPCD *, char *) const;
IW m_iw;
const OPCD *m_popcd;
#pragma pack(pop)