2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

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// Interface for minimum rebuild engine
#if !defined(_mrengine_h)
#define _mrengine_h
// get rid of baggage we don't need from windows.h
//#define NOGDI
#define NOUSER
#define NONLS
// include pdb, msf, and nameserver
#include <pdb.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// Get the calling conventions and declspec stuff out of the way
#if defined(_X86_) || defined(_M_IX86)
#define MRECALL __stdcall
#define MRECALL __cdecl
#if defined(MR_ENGINE_STATIC)
#define MREAPI(rtype) rtype MRECALL
#elif !defined(MR_ENGINE_IMPL)
#define MREAPI(rtype) rtype __declspec(dllimport) MRECALL
#define MREAPI(rtype) rtype __declspec(dllexport) MRECALL
// Our C++ interfaces
interface MREngine;
typedef interface MREngine MREngine;
typedef MREngine * PMREngine;
interface MREDrv;
typedef interface MREDrv MREDrv;
typedef MREDrv * PMREDrv;
interface MRECmp;
typedef interface MRECmp MRECmp;
typedef MRECmp * PMRECmp;
interface MREUtil;
typedef interface MREUtil MREUtil;
typedef MREUtil * PMREUtil;
interface MREFile;
typedef interface MREFile MREFile;
typedef MREFile * PMREFile;
interface MREBag;
typedef interface MREBag MREBag;
typedef MREBag * PMREBag;
interface MRELog;
typedef interface MRELog MRELog;
typedef MRELog * PMRELog;
// other interesting things
#if !defined(FALSE)
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#if !defined(fFalse)
#define fFalse FALSE
#define fTrue TRUE
// compile time assert
#if !defined(CASSERT)
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define CASSERT(x) extern char dummyAssert[ (x) ]
#define CASSERT(x)
typedef _TCHAR * SZ; // String
typedef const _TCHAR * SZC; // const String
typedef DWORD _CB;
#pragma warning(disable:4200)
typedef struct DepData {
size_t cb;
BYTE rgb[];
} DepData, *PDepData;
#pragma warning(default:4200)
typedef unsigned __int64 QWORD; // 64-bit unsigned int
typedef PDB * PPDB;
typedef NameMap * PNMP;
typedef enum DEPON { // depends on bits
deponName = 0, // nothing...requires a name
deponVtshape = 0x1, // depon virtual functions/bases
deponShape = 0x2, // depon size or offsets of class
deponAll = -1, // pseudo deps, not stored, but union
// of all the above...
// file out-of-date structure/enumerations/flags
typedef enum YNM { // Yes No Maybe
} YNM;
typedef struct SRCTARG * PSRCTARG;
typedef struct SRCTARG {
PSRCTARG psrctargNext;
BOOL fCpp;
SZC szSrc;
SZC szTarg;
SZC szOptions;
DWORD dwWeightMaybe;
typedef struct CAList { // Compile Action List
PSRCTARG pstDoCompile;
PSRCTARG pstMaybeCompile;
PSRCTARG pstDontCompile;
PSRCTARG pstError;
} CAList, *PCAList;
typedef enum TrgType {
} TrgType;
// inline functions to manipulate lists of SRCTARGs
// Insert at a particular pst location, can be anywhere in the list
__inline PPSRCTARG
InsertSrcTarg ( PPSRCTARG ppstAt, PSRCTARG pst ) {
pst->psrctargNext = *ppstAt;
*ppstAt = pst;
return &pst->psrctargNext;
// Delete does a find on the pst then snips from the list
__inline void
DeleteSrcTarg ( PPSRCTARG ppstListHead, PSRCTARG pst ) {
PPSRCTARG ppstCur = ppstListHead;
PPSRCTARG ppstPrev = ppstCur;
// find the matching pst
while ( *ppstCur && *ppstCur != pst ) {
ppstPrev = ppstCur;
ppstCur = &(*ppstCur)->psrctargNext;
if ( *ppstCur ) {
*ppstPrev = (*ppstCur)->psrctargNext;
// Delete a particular pst, given its pst and a pst whose psrctargNext
// points to pst.
__inline void
DeleteSrcTargAt ( PSRCTARG pst, PPSRCTARG ppstPrev ) {
*ppstPrev = pst->psrctargNext;
// NextSrcTarg, so simple, no comment
__inline PSRCTARG
PstNext ( PSRCTARG pst ) {
return pst ? pst->psrctargNext : 0;
// Return the address of the last pst (a PPSRCTARG) in the list
__inline PPSRCTARG
PpstLast ( PPSRCTARG ppstHead ) {
PSRCTARG pst = *ppstHead;
PPSRCTARG ppstRet = ppstHead;
while ( pst = PstNext ( pst ) ) {
ppstRet = &pst->psrctargNext;
return ppstRet;
// PDB api required by MRE. Passed in in cases where the caller is using
// a wide bandwidth api to the PDB already.
typedef struct MreToPdb {
PDB * ppdb; // the IDB file pdb api
NameMap * pnamemap; // the namemap in the IDB
TPI * ptpi; // the tpi in the PDB
PDB * ppdbPdbFile; // the PDB file pdb api
void * pvReserved1;
void * pvReserved2;
} MreToPdb, *PMreToPdb;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
// C++ bindings
// callback functions and datatypes for enumerating files and dependencies
enum EnumType { etSource, etDep };
enum ChgState { chgstUnknown, chgstClass, chgstRude };
// File Status Masks
enum FSM {
fsmNil = 0,
fsmOutOfDate = 0x1,
fsmHasTarget = 0x2,
fsmIsTarget = 0x4,
fsmVisited = 0x8,
fsmIgnoreDep = 0x10,
fsmInclByPch = 0x20,
fsmIsPch = 0x40,
fsmCreatesPch = 0x80,
fsmIsetPch = 0xffff0000,
union MREFT { // MRE FileTime
QWORD qwft;
typedef unsigned long BldId;
const BldId bldidMax = ULONG_MAX;
struct FILEINFO {
NI niFile; // main index value
union {
DWORD dwStatus; // file status bits
// these are not used, just added for reference during debugging...
struct {
unsigned fOutOfDate : 1;
unsigned fHasTarget : 1;
unsigned fIsTarget : 1;
unsigned fVisited : 1;
unsigned fIgnoreDep : 1;
unsigned fInclByPch : 1;
unsigned fIsPch : 1;
unsigned fCreatesPch : 1;
unsigned fUnused : 8;
unsigned isetPch : 16;
MREFT fiTime; // time stamp
QWORD fiSize; // file size
NI niOptions; // option string (src only)
NI niRelated; // for src, it is the target, for target, it is src
BldId bldid; // tell when (wrt the pdb) last built (src only)
DWORD dwReserved; // internal padding to 8 byte alignment
// make sure the sizes and offsets are what we expect, as well as 8byte alignment
CASSERT(offsetof(FILEINFO, fiTime) == sizeof(NI)+sizeof(DWORD));
CASSERT((sizeof(FILEINFO) & 0x7) == 0);
DWORD cFileDeps;
DWORD cClasses;
struct EnumFile {
SZC szFileSrc;
SZC szFileTrg;
FSI fsiSrc;
SZC szOptions;
void * pvContext;
struct EnumClass {
NI niClass;
SZC szClassName;
DWORD depon;
DWORD cMembersHit;
DWORD cMembersBits;
TI tiClass;
void * pvContext;
// enumfile source (root) file callback
typedef BOOL (MRECALL * PfnFEFSrcCallBack) ( PMREUtil, EnumFile &, EnumType et =etSource );
// enumfile dep file callback
typedef BOOL (MRECALL * PfnFEFDepCallBack) ( PMREUtil, EnumFile &, EnumType et =etDep );
// enumfile all files callback
typedef BOOL (MRECALL * PfnFEFAllCallBack) ( PMREUtil, EnumFile & );
// enumclass callback
typedef BOOL (MRECALL * PfnFEClassCallBack) ( PMREUtil, EnumClass & );
// status (bytes, sizes, etc.)
struct StreamUtilization {
DWORD cbUsed; // actually used by data we need
DWORD cbInternal; // internal size (maps, sets)
DWORD cbExternal; // external size (stream)
StreamUtilization &
operator += ( const StreamUtilization & su ) {
cbUsed += su.cbUsed;
cbInternal += su.cbInternal;
cbExternal += su.cbExternal;
return *this;
operator + ( const StreamUtilization & su ) {
StreamUtilization suNew = *this;
return suNew += su;
struct MreStats {
DWORD cSrcFiles;
DWORD cTrgFiles;
DWORD cDepFiles;
DWORD cClasses;
DWORD cBoringClasses;
DWORD cDedicatedStreams;
DWORD cbFilesInNamemap;
DWORD cbClassesInNamemap;
StreamUtilization suFileInfo;
StreamUtilization suClassInfo;
StreamUtilization suPerFileInfo;
StreamUtilization suTotal;
interface MREDrv { // compiler driver port
// release this interface
virtual BOOL FRelease() pure;
// expensive operation! the driver will call this once per list of
// files to compile.
virtual BOOL FRefreshFileSysInfo() pure;
// called by the driver after each successful compilation, this lets the
// mr engine know that a file was successfully compiled or not.
virtual BOOL FSuccessfulCompile (
SZC szFileSrc,
SZC szFileTarg
) pure;
// To check if a file is really out of date wrt our fine grained deps...
virtual YNM YnmFileOutOfDate ( SRCTARG & ) pure;
// alternate way, batch the files up, will segregate files into the
// appropriate lists inside of the CAList structure.
virtual BOOL FFilesOutOfDate ( PCAList pst ) pure;
// post pass for files we didn't actually compile, but may need to update
virtual BOOL FUpdateTargetFile ( SZC szTrg, TrgType ) pure;
// one-time driver init function. called once per driver invocation ONLY.
virtual void OneTimeInit() pure;
interface MRECmp { // compiler front end port
// release this interface
virtual BOOL FRelease() pure;
// this method is used to get things rolling on each compiland.
virtual BOOL FOpenCompiland (
OUT PMREFile * ppmrefile,
IN SZC szFileSrc,
IN SZC szFileTarg
) pure;
// after all is said and done with the compile, this needs to get called
// to do folding, propagation, and flattening, after the compiler
// has run successfully.
virtual BOOL FCloseCompiland ( PMREFile pmrefile, BOOL fCommit ) pure;
// called when moving to an #include'ed file
virtual BOOL FPushFile (
OUT PMREFile * ppmrefile,
IN SZC szFile,
) pure;
// called when leaving an #include'ed file.
// returns PMREFile of enclosing (previous) file.
virtual PMREFile PmrefilePopFile() pure;
// save/restore the dependencies (at pch create/restore time).
// Call FStoreDepData with a pointer to a DepData structure with a valid
// size (the _cb field needs to be included). The smallest possible
// DepBlob size is sizeof(CB). A good size to start with is probably 8K.
// This call will fill in the actual size of the data so the
// block of memory can be trimmed back if you like. Likewise, if the
// block is not big enough, this will return false with the size needed
// filled into the DepData. If that size is 0, then there is no DepData
// to store.
virtual BOOL FStoreDepData ( PDepData ) pure;
virtual BOOL FRestoreDepData ( PDepData ) pure;
// tell me a class in not interesting to store deps for (not changing much?)
virtual void ClassIsBoring ( NI niClass ) pure;
interface MREUtil { // utility port, stats, enumerations, etc.
// release this interface
virtual BOOL FRelease() pure;
// support for offline tools to dump and otherwise peruse the
// mregine storage
virtual void EnumSrcFiles (
SZC szFileSrc = NULL,
void * pvContext = NULL
) pure;
virtual void EnumDepFiles ( EnumFile &, PfnFEFDepCallBack ) pure;
virtual void EnumAllFiles (
SZC szFileSrc = NULL,
void * pvContext = NULL
) pure;
virtual void EnumClasses (
SZC szFileSrc,
void * pvContext = NULL
) pure;
virtual void SummaryStats ( MreStats & ) pure;
// basically, we have a hierarchy: an MRE has MREFiles which in turn
// have MREBags.
interface MREngine {
// open methods by pdb * and pdb name
static MREAPI(BOOL) FOpen (
OUT PMREngine * ppmre,
PPDB ppdb,
PNMP pnmp,
BOOL fWrite,
BOOL fClosePdb = fFalse
static MREAPI(BOOL) FOpen (
OUT PMREngine * ppmre,
SZC szPdb,
EC & ec,
_TCHAR szErr[ cbErrMax ],
BOOL fReproSig,
BOOL fWrite
static MREAPI(BOOL) FOpen (
OUT PMREngine * ppmre,
PMreToPdb pmretopdb,
BOOL fWrite,
BOOL fClosePdb = fFalse
// remove all MRE related streams from the PDB.
virtual BOOL FDelete() pure;
// close and optionally commit new data
virtual BOOL FClose ( BOOL fCommit ) pure;
// get the pdb api we are using
virtual void QueryPdbApi ( PDB *& rppdb, NameMap *& rpnamemap ) pure;
// get the MreLog api
virtual void QueryMreLog ( PMRELog & rpmrelog ) pure;
// get the various interface ptrs
virtual void QueryMreDrv ( PMREDrv & rpmredrv ) pure;
virtual void QueryMreCmp ( PMRECmp & rpmrecmp, TPI * ) pure;
virtual void QueryMreUtil ( PMREUtil & rpmreutil ) pure;
// commit the global portions (actually, just write the streams...
// a PDB/MSF commit must happen as well)
virtual BOOL FCommit() pure;
// ClassChanged enumeration types for MREFile interface
typedef BOOL (MREFile::* MfnNoteClassTI) ( NI, TI );
typedef BOOL (__cdecl * PfnEnumClassChange) ( NI, PMREFile, MfnNoteClassTI );
interface MREFile {
// icc -> mr flags
// iccfClassMrEdit implies that the class has a change that is detectable
// via cv type info changes downstream from the icc.
// iccfClassRudeEdit implies that something changed in the class that
// is not detectable downstream via type info and that at the very least,
// any code dependent in any way on the class needs to be recompiled.
// iccfFileRudeEdit means that something in the header file is rude,
// either added, removed, or continuing to be rude.
// iccfMethodEdit means that a change to class::method needs to be
// generated and any code dependent on class::method compiled.
// iccfAllCodeCompiled is used to detect when all code in a compiland
// has been compiled or not. the incrememtal compiler may skip functions,
// in which case, the MR will merge the previous class deps with the new
// class deps in order to not lose dependency information.
enum {
iccfClassRudeEdit = 0x1,
iccfClassMrEdit = 0x2,
iccfFileRudeEdit = 0x4,
iccfMethodEdit = 0x8,
iccfAllCodeCompiled = 0x20,
iccfAnyRude = iccfClassRudeEdit | iccfFileRudeEdit,
virtual BOOL FOpenBag ( OUT PMREBag * ppmrebag, NI niNameBag ) pure;
virtual BOOL FnoteEndInclude ( DWORD dwFlags ) pure;
virtual BOOL FnoteClassMod ( NI niClass, DWORD dwFlags ) pure;
virtual BOOL FnoteInlineMethodMod (
NI niClass,
SZC szMember,
DWORD dwFlags
) pure;
virtual BOOL FnoteLineDelta ( DWORD dwLineBase, INT delta ) pure;
virtual void EnumerateChangedClasses ( PfnEnumClassChange ) pure;
virtual BOOL FnoteClassTI ( NI, TI ) pure;
virtual BOOL FIsBoring() pure;
virtual BOOL FnotePchCreateUse (
SZC szPchCreate,
SZC szPchUse
) pure;
interface MREBag {
virtual BOOL FAddDep (
NI niDep, // class name's NI
TI tiDep, // class type index
SZC szMemberName, // member name
DEPON deponHow, // how it depends on it
DWORD dwLine =0 // where referenced
) pure;
virtual BOOL FClose() pure;
interface MRELog {
virtual void TranslateToText ( BOOL fClear, _TCHAR ** pptch ) pure ;
virtual void TranslateToText ( BOOL fClear, FILE * pfile ) pure;
#endif // __cpluscplus
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
// C interfaces for MRE
OUT PMREngine * ppmre,
PMreToPdb pmretopdb,
BOOL fWrite
OUT PMREngine * ppmre,
PPDB ppdb,
PNMP pnmp,
BOOL fWrite
OUT PMREngine * ppmre,
SZC szPdb,
EC * pec,
_TCHAR szErr[ cbErrMax ],
BOOL fReproSig,
BOOL fWrite
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREFDelete ( PMREngine );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREFClose ( PMREngine, BOOL fCommit ) ;
MREAPI ( void ) MREQueryMreDrv ( PMREngine, OUT PMREDrv *);
MREAPI ( void ) MREQueryMreCmp ( PMREngine, OUT PMRECmp *, IN TPI * );
MREAPI ( void ) MREQueryMreUtil ( PMREngine, OUT PMREUtil * );
// C interfaces for MREDrv
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREDrvFRelease ( PMREDrv );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREDrvFRefreshFileSysInfo ( PMREDrv );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREDrvFSuccessfulCompile (
SZC szFileSrc,
SZC szFileTarg
#if !defined(NO_YNM)
MREAPI ( YNM ) MREDrvYnmFileOutOfDate ( PMREDrv, SRCTARG * );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREDrvFFilesOutOfDate ( PMREDrv, PCAList pCAList );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREDrvFUpdateTargetFile ( PMREDrv, SZC szTrg, TrgType );
MREAPI ( void ) MREDrvOneTimeInit ( PMREDrv );
// C interface for MRECmp
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MRECmpFRelease ( PMRECmp );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MRECmpFOpenCompiland (
OUT PMREFile * ppmrefile,
IN SZC szFileSrc,
IN SZC szFileTarg
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MRECmpFCloseCompiland ( PMRECmp, PMREFile, BOOL fCommit );
OUT PMREFile * ppmrefile,
IN SZC szFile,
MREAPI ( PMREFile ) MRECmpPmrefilePopFile ( PMRECmp ) ;
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MRECmpFStoreDepData ( PMRECmp, PDepData );
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MRECmpFRestoreDepData ( PMRECmp, PDepData );
MREAPI ( void ) MRECmpClassIsBoring ( PMRECmp, NI );
// C interfaces for MREFile
MREAPI ( BOOL ) MREFileFOpenBag ( PMREFile, OUT PMREBag *, NI );
// C interfaces for MREBag
NI niDep,
TI tiDep,
SZC szMemberName,
DEPON depon
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
#endif // _mrengine_h