2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

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// ObjectFile.h
// Copyright (C) 1997, Microsoft Corporation
// Purpose:
// Define the classes for reading and groking object files
// Revision History:
// [] 10-Feb-1997 Dans Created
#pragma once
#if !defined(_objectfile_h)
#define _objectfile_h 1
#include "crefobj.h"
#include "ref.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "simparray.h"
#if !defined(OBJECTFILE_IMPL)
#define IMPORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define IMPORT_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
typedef IMAGE_FILE_HEADER ImgFileHdr;
typedef ImgFileHdr * PImgFileHdr;
typedef const PImgFileHdr PCImgFileHdr;
typedef ImgSectHdr * PImgSectHdr;
typedef const ImgSectHdr * PCImgSectHdr;
typedef IMAGE_RELOCATION ImgReloc;
typedef ImgReloc * PImgReloc;
typedef const ImgReloc * PCImgReloc;
typedef IMAGE_SYMBOL ImgSym;
typedef ImgSym * PImgSym;
typedef const ImgSym * PCImgSym;
typedef IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL ImgAuxSym;
typedef ImgAuxSym * PImgAuxSym;
typedef const ImgAuxSym * PCImgAuxSym;
typedef BYTE * PB;
typedef const PB PCB;
// symbol index (not COFF symbol index)
typedef DWORD SYMI;
const SYMI symiNil = 0;
// coff symbol table index
const COFFSYMI coffsymiNil = 0;
// munged info for fixups.
struct FixupMap {
DWORD off; // offset of fixup (in the section)
DWORD cb; // how many bytes the fixup consumes in the data
typedef SimpleArray<BYTE> RGBYTE;
typedef SimpleArray<FixupMap> RGFIXUPMAP;
typedef SimpleString RGCH;
#if !defined(pure)
#define pure = 0
interface EnumSection;
interface EnumRelocation;
interface EnumImgSymbol;
typedef int ISection;
const ISection iSectionNil = 0;
// Dump flags
enum ODF { // Object Dump Flags
odfHdrs = 0x01,
odfSects = 0x02,
odfFixups = 0x04,
odfSyms = 0x08,
odfLineNum = 0x10,
odfAll = (odfHdrs | odfSects | odfFixups | odfSyms | odfLineNum),
odfFmtLong = 0x20,
odfFmtShort = 0x40,
odfFmtByte = 0x80
// debugger callback to provide address for a symbol name.
// will also be responsible for indirecting the function pointers
// through the ilink thunks
typedef DWORD (__stdcall * PfnAddressFromName)(LPCTSTR);
typedef bool (__stdcall * PfnFSecOffFromName)(LPCTSTR, SHORT *, DWORD *);
// define the interface class to the rest of the world.
class ObjectCode : public CRefCountedObj {
// provide static creation methods so we don't have to expose operator
// new/delete semantics
IMPORT_EXPORT static bool
FCreate ( RefPtr<ObjectCode> &, DWORD dwMachineTypeExpected, LPCTSTR szFileName );
IMPORT_EXPORT static bool
FCreate ( RefPtr<ObjectCode> &, DWORD dwMachineTypeExpected, HFILE hFile, DWORD offset =0 );
// get the symbol index for a particular name
virtual SYMI
SymiFromSz ( LPCTSTR szName ) const pure;
// get the name from a particular symbol index
virtual LPCTSTR
SzFromSymi ( SYMI symi ) const pure;
virtual SYMI
SymiFromCoffsymi ( COFFSYMI coffsymi ) const pure;
// get a PImgSym from a coff symbol index
virtual PCImgSym
PCImgSymFromCoffsymi ( COFFSYMI coffsymi ) const pure;
virtual bool
FSectionFromSzSymbol (
LPCTSTR szSymbolName,
PCImgSectHdr & pcImgSectHdr,
RefPtr<RGBYTE> & rgbSectdata,
RefPtr<RGFIXUPMAP> &rgfixup
) const pure;
// get the count of sections
virtual DWORD
CSections ( ) const pure;
// get the count of image symbols
virtual DWORD
CImgSym ( ) const pure;
// get a section enumerator
virtual bool
FGetEnumSection ( EnumSection ** ) const pure;
// get a symbol enumerator
virtual bool
FGetEnumImgSymbol ( EnumImgSymbol ** ) const pure;
// apply fixups to some data
virtual bool
FApplyFixups ( PB, CB, DWORD, DWORD, PImgReloc, DWORD, PfnAddressFromName, PfnFSecOffFromName, SHORT, bool) const pure;
// get the name of the object
virtual LPCTSTR
SzName ( ) const pure;
// get the name of a symbol
virtual LPCTSTR
SzSymbol ( PCImgSym ) const pure;
// get comdat symbol name defined by isection
virtual void
SzSymForIsec ( RGCH&, ISection ) const pure;
virtual const char *
SzRelocationType ( WORD, WORD *, bool * ) const pure;
// dump an object
virtual void
Dump ( ODF ) const pure;
// define the Section interface class to the rest of the world.
class Section : public CRefCountedObj {
virtual bool
FInit ( ObjectCode *, PImgSectHdr, SYMI, PB, DWORD, ISection ) pure;
virtual DWORD
CRelocation ( ) const pure;
// get a relocation enumerator
virtual bool
FGetEnumRelocation ( EnumRelocation ** ) const pure;
// get the name of the section
virtual char *
SzName ( RefPtr<RGCH>& szName ) const pure;
virtual DWORD
CLineNum ( ) const pure;
virtual DWORD
CbRawData ( ) const pure;
virtual bool
FRawData( RefPtr<RGBYTE>& rgbSectdata ) const pure;
virtual void
LoadData ( void * ) const pure;
virtual bool
FApplyFixups ( DWORD, DWORD, PfnAddressFromName, PfnFSecOffFromName, SHORT ) pure;
virtual void
LoadFixupMap ( void * ) const pure;
virtual void
LoadLineNumbers ( void * ) const pure;
virtual void
Dump ( ODF ) const pure;
typedef Section * PSection;
// section enumerator
interface EnumSection : public Enum {
virtual void get( Section ** const ) pure;
// relocation/fixup enumerator
interface EnumRelocation : public Enum {
virtual void get( PImgReloc * const ) pure;
// symbol enumerator
interface EnumImgSymbol : public Enum {
virtual void get ( PImgSym * const ) pure;