384 lines
15 KiB
384 lines
15 KiB
@REM =================================================================
@REM ==
@REM == regress.bat -- ISPU regression tests
@REM ==
@REM == called from ISPU/REGRESS.BAT
@REM ==
@REM == parameters if called from main regress:
@REM == 1 = -!
@REM == 2 = ispu base directory (eg: \nt\private\ispunt)
@REM == 3 = parameters passed in to original regress.bat
@REM == ...
@REM ==
@REM =================================================================
@echo off
@set THISDIR=pkitrust\tests
@set BASEDIR=%_NTDRIVE%%_NTROOT%\private\ispu
@set LOGFILE=%BASEDIR%\regress.out
@set __CalledFromMain=FALSE
@set _CDB_=
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@if /i "%1" == "-!" @goto Param_!
@if /i "%1" == "-?" @goto NeedHelp
@if /i "%1" == "-d" @goto Param_d
@if /i "%1" == "-v" @goto Param_v
@if /i "%1" == "-l" @goto Param_l
@if /i "%1" == "" @goto PrsCmdDone
@goto PrsCmdLine
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@echo Usage: regress [switches]
@echo -d enable all debug_print_masks
@echo -v verbose (don't suppress echo)
@echo -l check for memory leaks (default=no)
@goto ExitRegress
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@if "%1" == "" @goto NeedHelp
@set __CalledFromMain=TRUE
@set BASEDIR=%1
@set LOGFILE=%BASEDIR%\regress.out
@goto PrsCmdLine
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@echo on
@goto PrsCmdLine
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@goto PrsCmdLine
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@set _CDB_=cdb -g -G
@set DEBUG_MASK=0x20
@goto PrsCmdLine
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@if NOT "%__CalledFromMain%" == "TRUE" @if exist %LOGFILE% del %LOGFILE%
@goto StartTests
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@echo ------- SETREG Regressions ------- >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 1 true 2 true 3 false 4 false >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 5 true 6 false 7 true 8 false >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 9 false 10 false >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST Regressions ------- >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST (signing bad) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
@cd signing
@cd bad
@rem --- cert signature
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 bcrtsng.cla >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 bs_name.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 btmcrtsg.cla >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 cert_pcb.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 cert_pcb.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 cert_pcb.cat >> %LOGFILE%
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096004 cert_pcb.doc >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- counter (timestamp) cert signature
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096003 tscert.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096003 tscert.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096003 tscert.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096003 tscert.doc >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- bad object digest
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 b_dig.ocx >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 b_dig.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 b_dig.cla >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 b_dig.dll >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 b_dig.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 sig_pcb.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 sig2_pcb.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 sig3_pcb.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 sig_pcb.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80096010 sig_pcb.doc >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- bad signature hash
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 sig_pcb.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 bad_sign.ocx >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 bad_sign.dll >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- commercial cert with bad cridentials
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80093005 no_creds.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- bad internal content
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 badintct.exe >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- commercial cert with bad financial criteria
@rem ------ check taken out of softpub!
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 bfincrit.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 fincrit.exe >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- revoked certificate (expired)
%_CDB_% setreg -q 3 TRUE >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0101 revoked.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 3 FALSE >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST (signing good) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
@cd ..
@cd good
%_CDB_% setreg -q 3 FALSE >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- Executables
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 good_pcb.exe >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- Catalogs
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 good_pcb.cat >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- CABs
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 good_pcb.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- Structured Storage
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 b_ok.doc >> %LOGFILE%
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 b_ok.xls >> %LOGFILE%
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 b_ok.ppt >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- v1 signed files
%_CDB_% setreg -q 8 TRUE >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x80092026 b_ok.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 8 FALSE >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- signed using test root
%_CDB_% setreg -q 1 FALSE >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b010d good.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 1 TRUE >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- TimeStamped
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 timstamp.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST (unsigned) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
@cd ..
@cd unsigned
@rem --- 16 bit dll -- no sip
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0003 ctl3d.dll >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- unsigned supported
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 unsign.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST (catalogs) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
@cd catalogs
@rem --- the testrev.exe has been signed with a revoked cert,
%_CDB_% setreg -q 3 TRUE >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b010e -c test.p7s -t TestSignedEXE testrev.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 3 FALSE >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c test.p7s -t TestSignedEXENoAttr test2.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c test.p7s -t TestUnsignedCAB nosntest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c test.p7s -t TestSignedCAB signtest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c test.p7s -t TestFlat create.bat >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- not found
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 -c test.p7s -t NotThere create.bat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0100 -c test.p7s -t NotThere nosntest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST (catalogs DB) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- create the catalogs
%_CDB_% makecat -h0x0 regress.cdf >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% makecat -h0x0 regress2.cdf >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% makecat -h0x0 catdb1.cdf >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- sign them
%_CDB_% signcode -spc publish.spc -v publish.pvk -n "Peter's Catalog DB Test" -i "www.microsoft.com" -$ individual regress.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% signcode -spc publish.spc -v publish.pvk -n "Peter's Catalog DB Test" -i "www.microsoft.com" -$ individual regress2.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% signcode -spc publish.spc -v publish.pvk -n "Peter's Catalog DB Test" -i "www.microsoft.com" -$ individual catdb1.cat >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- add the catalogs to the db
%_CDB_% chktrust -acl regress.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -acl regress2.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -acl catdb1.cat >> %LOGFILE%
@rem --- use the db to verify
%_CDB_% chktrust -ucl -q -h 0x0 testrev.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -ucl -q -h 0x0 create.bat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -ucl -q -h 0x0 signtest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -ucl -q -h 0x0 test2.exe >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- CHKTRUST (driver signing) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% setreg -q 1 true >> %LOGFILE%
@rem driver signing provider guid
@set __g={F750E6C3-38EE-11d1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}
@set __u=
@set __p=-n "Microsoft TEST" -i "http://pberkman2"
@cd catalogs
%_CDB_% makecat -h0x0 drvsign.cdf >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% makecert -eku %__u% -sv drv.pvk -n "CN=Microsoft TEST Driver Signing" drv.cer >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% cert2spc drv.cer drv.spc >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% signcode -v drv.pvk -$ individual -spc drv.spc %__p% drvsign.CAT >> %LOGFILE%
@rem -- the driver provider does not allow test roots...
@rem -- on 4/28/98 keithv gave orders to allow trusting test roots
@rem %_CDB_% chktrust -h 0x800b010d -g %__g% -c drvsign.cat -t testrev.exe testrev.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -h 0x0 -g %__g% -c drvsign.cat -t testrev.exe testrev.exe >> %LOGFILE%
@rem -- "OSAttr" attribute overridden at the item level -- should fail os version
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h 0x47F -g %__g% -c drvsign.cat -t signtest.cab signtest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@cd drvsign
@rem ---- check catalog (good)
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h 0x0 -g %__g% win98drv.cat >> %LOGFILE%
@rem ---- bad digest....
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h 0x80096010 -g %__g% -c win98drv.cat -t msports.inf msports.inf >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h 0x80096010 -g %__g% -c win98drv.cat -t serialui.dll serialui.dll >> %LOGFILE%
@rem ---- the attr in the catalog is 1:4.10
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h 0x47F -g %__g% -c win98drv.cat -t msports.inf good.inf >> %LOGFILE%
@set __g=
@set __p=
@echo ------- MAKECAT Regressions ------- >> %LOGFILE%
@cd catalogs
%_CDB_% makecat -h0x0 regress.cdf >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% makecat -h0x0 regress2.cdf >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% signcode -spc publish.spc -$ individual -v publish.pvk -n "Peter's Catalog Test" -i "www.microsoft.com" regress.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c regress.cat -t TestSignedEXE testrev.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c regress.cat -t TestSignedEXENoAttr test2.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c regress.cat -t TestUnsignedCAB nosntest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c regress.cat -t TestSignedCAB signtest.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -c regress.cat -t TestFlat create.bat >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- TRSTPROV Regressions ------- >> %LOGFILE%
@echo ------- trstprov (varying struct sizes) -------- >> %LOGFILE%
@set __g={684D31F8-DDBA-11d0-8CCB-00C04FC295EE}
@regsvr32 /s TProv1.DLL
@cd signing
@cd good
@rem --- cert expired
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0101 -g %__g% brill.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0101 -g %__g% b_ok.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x800b0101 -g %__g% good.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 -g %__g% timstamp.cab >> %LOGFILE%
@set __g=
@echo ------- SIGNING (SIP) Regressions ------- >> %LOGFILE%
@cd %BASEDIR%\%THISDIR%\signing\unsigned
copy /b unsigned.cat test.cat
%_CDB_% signcode -$ individual -spc ..\..\publish.spc -v ..\..\publish.pvk -n "SIP" -i "www.microsoft.com" test.cat >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 test.cat >> %LOGFILE%
del test.cat
copy /b unsigned.exe test.exe
%_CDB_% signcode -$ individual -spc ..\..\publish.spc -v ..\..\publish.pvk -n "SIP" -i "www.microsoft.com" test.exe >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 test.exe >> %LOGFILE%
del test.exe
copy /b unsigned.cab test.cab
%_CDB_% signcode -$ individual -spc ..\..\publish.spc -v ..\..\publish.pvk -n "SIP" -i "www.microsoft.com" test.cab >> %LOGFILE%
%_CDB_% chktrust -q -h0x0 test.cab >> %LOGFILE%
del test.cab
@goto ExitRegress
@REM =====================================================
@REM =====================================================
@echo ======= END PKITRUST REGRESSIONS ======= >> %LOGFILE%
@if "%__CalledFromMain%" == "TRUE" @goto EndGrep
@call grepout.bat %LOGFILE%
@goto :EOF