112 lines
3.1 KiB
112 lines
3.1 KiB
// TITLE("Compute Timer Table Index")
// Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// timindex.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements the code necessary to compute the timer table
// index for a timer.
// Author:
// David N. Cutler (davec) 17-May-1993
// Environment:
// Kernel mode only.
// Revision History:
#include "ksmips.h"
// Define external vsriables that can be addressed using GP.
.extern KiTimeIncrementReciprocal 2 * 4
.extern KiTimeIncrementShiftCount 1
SBTTL("Compute Timer Table Index")
// KiComputeTimerTableIndex (
// IN LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime,
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function compute the timer table index for the specified timer
// object and stores the due time in the timer object.
// N.B. The interval parameter is guaranteed to be negative since it is
// expressed as relative time.
// The formula for due time calculation is:
// Due Time = Current time - Interval
// The formula for the index calculation is:
// Index = (Due Time / Maximum Time) & (Table Size - 1)
// The due time division is performed using reciprocal multiplication.
// Arguments:
// Interval (a0, a1) - Supplies the relative time at which the timer is
// to expire.
// CurrentTime (a2, a3) - Supplies the current interrupt time.
// Timer (10(sp)) - Supplies a pointer to a dispatch object of type timer.
// Return Value:
// The time table index is returned as the function value and the due
// time is stored in the timer object.
subu t0,a2,a0 // subtract low parts
subu t1,a3,a1 // subtract high parts
sltu t2,a2,a0 // generate borrow from high part
subu t1,t1,t2 // subtract borrow
lw a0,4 * 4(sp) // get address of timer object
ld t2,KiTimeIncrementReciprocal // get 64-bit magic divisor
dsll t0,t0,32 // isolate low 32-bits of due time
dsrl t0,t0,32 //
dsll t1,t1,32 // isolate high 32-bits of due time
or t3,t1,t0 // merge low and high parts of due time
sd t3,TiDueTime(a0) // set due time of timer object
// Compute the product of the due time with the magic divisor.
dmultu t2,t3 // compute 128-bit product
lbu v1,KiTimeIncrementShiftCount // get shift count
mfhi v0 // get high 32-bits of product
// Right shift the result by the specified shift count and isolate the timer
// table index.
dsrl v0,v0,v1 // shift low half right count bits
and v0,v0,TIMER_TABLE_SIZE - 1 // compute index value
j ra // return
.end KiComputeTimerTableIndex