2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

2193 lines
67 KiB

#include "generic.h"
#include "icmstr.h"
#pragma code_seg(_ICM3SEG)
#define MAXCOLOR8 255
#pragma optimize("", off)
static SINT
CreateHostInputOutputArray (MEMPTR lpMem, PMEMPTR ppArray,
SINT numChan, SINT tableSize, SINT Offset, CSIG Tag, MEMPTR Buff);
static BOOL
CheckInputOutputTable(LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *fTemp, BOOL, BOOL);
GetHostCSA_Intent (CHANDLE cp, MEMPTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbSize,
CSIG Intent, int Type);
static BOOL
CheckColorLookupTable(LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *fTemp);
static BOOL
float far *Input, float far *Output,
CSIG ColorSpace, BOOL bCheckOutputTable);
static BOOL
DoHostConversionCSA (LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *Input, float far *Output);
static BOOL
GetCRDInputOutputArraySize(CHANDLE cp, DWORD Intent,
LPSINT lpInTbSize, LPSINT lpOutTbSize,
LPCSIG lpIntentTag, LPSINT lpGrids);
static void
LabToXYZ(float far *Input, float far *Output, float far *whitePoint);
* CreateHostInputOutputArray
* function:
* this is the function which creates the output array from the data
* supplied in the ColorProfile's LUT8 or LUT16 tag.
* parameters:
* MEMPTR lpMem : The buffer to save output array.
* LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut :
* SINT nOutputCh : Number of input channel.
* SINT nOutputTable : The size of each input table.
* SINT Offset : The position of source output data(in icc profile).
* CSIG Tag : To determin the Output table is 8 or 16 bits.
* MEMPTR Buff : The buffer that contains source data(copyed from icc profile)
* returns:
* SINT Returns number of bytes of Output Array
static SINT
CreateHostInputOutputArray (MEMPTR lpMem, PMEMPTR ppArray,
SINT numChan, SINT tableSize,
SINT Offset, CSIG Tag, MEMPTR Buff)
SINT i, j;
PUSHORT lpMemPtr16;
MEMPTR lpMemPtr8;
MEMPTR lpTable;
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMemPtr8 = lpMem;
lpMemPtr16 = (PUSHORT)lpMem;
for (i = 0; i < numChan; i++)
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
ppArray[i] = lpMemPtr8;
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut8Type) Buff)-> +
Offset +
tableSize * i;
MemCopy(lpMemPtr8, lpTable, tableSize);
lpMemPtr8 += tableSize;
ppArray[i] = (MEMPTR)lpMemPtr16;
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut16Type) Buff)-> +
2 * Offset +
2 * tableSize * i;
for (j = 0; j < tableSize; j++)
*lpMemPtr16++ = (USHORT) ui16toSINT (lpTable);
lpTable += sizeof (icUInt16Number);
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
return ((SINT) ((MEMPTR)lpMemPtr8 - lpMem));
return ((SINT) ((MEMPTR)lpMemPtr16 - lpMem));
GetCLUTinfo(CSIG LutTag, MEMPTR lpLut, LPSINT nInputCh, LPSINT nOutputCh,
LPSINT nGrids, LPSINT nInputTable, LPSINT nOutputTable, LPSINT size)
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
*nInputCh = ui8toSINT (((lpcpLut8Type) lpLut)->lut.inputChan);
*nOutputCh = ui8toSINT (((lpcpLut8Type) lpLut)->lut.outputChan);
*nGrids = ui8toSINT (((lpcpLut8Type) lpLut)->lut.clutPoints);
*nInputTable = 256L;
*nOutputTable = 256L;
*size = 1; // one byte for each input\output table entry
} else
*nInputCh = ui8toSINT (((lpcpLut16Type) lpLut)->lut.inputChan);
*nOutputCh = ui8toSINT (((lpcpLut16Type) lpLut)->lut.outputChan);
*nGrids = ui8toSINT (((lpcpLut16Type) lpLut)->lut.clutPoints);
*nInputTable = ui16toSINT (((lpcpLut16Type) lpLut)->lut.inputEnt);
*nOutputTable = ui16toSINT (((lpcpLut16Type) lpLut)->lut.outputEnt);
*size = 2; // two bytes for each input\output table entry
* GetHostCSA
* function:
* this is the function which creates a Host CSA
* parameters:
* CHANDLE cp -- Color Profile handle
* MEMPTR lpMem -- Pointer to the memory block. If this point is NULL,
* require buffer size.
* LPDWORD lpcbSize -- Size of the memory block
* CSIG InputIntent --
* SINT Index -- to the icc profile tag that contains the data of Intent
* int Type -- DEF or DEFG
* returns:
* BOOL -- TRUE if the function was successful,
* FALSE otherwise.
static BOOL
GetHostCSA (CHANDLE cp, MEMPTR lpMem, LPDWORD lpcbSize,
CSIG InputIntent, SINT Index, int Type)
CSIG IntentSig;
SINT nInputCh, nOutputCh, nGrids, SecondGrids;
SINT nInputTable, nOutputTable, nNumbers;
SINT i, j, k;
MEMPTR lpTable;
MEMPTR lpOldMem = lpMem;
HGLOBAL hLut = 0;
SINT LutSize;
// Check if we can generate the CS.
// If we cannot find the required tag - we will return false
if (!GetCPConnSpace (cp, (LPCSIG) & PCS) ||
(PCS != icSigLabData) && (PCS != icSigXYZData) ||
!GetCPTagSig (cp, Index, (LPCSIG) & IntentSig))
return (FALSE);
if (!GetCPElementType (cp, Index, (LPCSIG) & LutTag) ||
((LutTag != icSigLut8Type) && (LutTag != icSigLut16Type)) ||
!GetCPElementSize (cp, Index, (LPSINT) & LutSize) ||
!MemAlloc (LutSize, (HGLOBAL FAR *) &hLut, (LPMEMPTR) & lpLut) ||
!GetCPElement (cp, Index, lpLut, LutSize))
if (0 != hLut)
MemFree (hLut);
return (FALSE);
// Estimate the memory size required to hold CS
GetCLUTinfo(LutTag, lpLut, &nInputCh, &nOutputCh,
&nGrids, &nInputTable, &nOutputTable, &i);
if (!(nOutputCh == 3) ||
!((nInputCh == 3) && (Type == TYPE_CIEBASEDDEF)) &&
!((nInputCh == 4) && (Type == TYPE_CIEBASEDDEFG)))
MemFree (hLut);
return (FALSE);
// First Pass. This is a size request
if (lpMem == NULL)
*lpcbSize = nOutputCh * nGrids * nGrids * nGrids * nGrids;
*lpcbSize = nOutputCh * nGrids * nGrids * nGrids;
*lpcbSize = *lpcbSize + // size of RenderTable 8-bits only
nInputCh * nInputTable * i + // size of input table 8/16-bits
nOutputCh * nOutputTable * i + // size of output table 8/16-bits
sizeof(HOSTCLUT) + 1024; // data structure + extra safe space
MemFree (hLut);
return (TRUE);
// Second pass. constructure real HostCSA
lpHostClut = (LPHOSTCLUT)lpMem;
lpMem += sizeof(HOSTCLUT);
lpHostClut->size = sizeof(HOSTCLUT);
lpHostClut->pcs = PCS;
lpHostClut->intent = InputIntent;
lpHostClut->lutBits = (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)? 8:16;
// Get info about Illuminant White Point from the header
GetCPWhitePoint (cp, (LPSFLOAT)lpHostClut->whitePoint); // .. Illuminant
lpHostClut->inputChan = (unsigned char)nInputCh;
lpHostClut->outputChan = (unsigned char)nOutputCh;
lpHostClut->clutPoints = (unsigned char)nGrids;
lpHostClut->inputEnt = (USHORT)nInputTable;
lpHostClut->outputEnt = (USHORT)nOutputTable;
// Input Array
lpMem += CreateHostInputOutputArray (lpMem, lpHostClut->inputArray,
nInputCh, nInputTable, 0, LutTag, lpLut);
i = nInputTable * nInputCh +
nGrids * nGrids * nGrids * nGrids * nOutputCh;
} else
i = nInputTable * nInputCh +
nGrids * nGrids * nGrids * nOutputCh;
// ourput array
lpMem += CreateHostInputOutputArray (lpMem, lpHostClut->outputArray,
nOutputCh, nOutputTable, i, LutTag, lpLut);
//********** /Table
lpHostClut->clut = lpMem;
nNumbers = nGrids * nGrids * nOutputCh;
SecondGrids = 1;
SecondGrids = nGrids;
for (i = 0; i < nGrids; i++) // Nh strings should be sent
for (k = 0; k < SecondGrids; k++)
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut8Type) lpLut)-> +
nInputTable * nInputCh +
nNumbers * (i * SecondGrids + k);
} else
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut16Type) lpLut)-> +
2 * nInputTable * nInputCh +
2 * nNumbers * (i * SecondGrids + k);
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
// Copy 8-bit data.
MemCopy(lpMem, lpTable, nNumbers);
lpMem += nNumbers;
// convert 16 bit integer to right format. then copy only 8 bits.
for (j = 0; j < nNumbers; j++)
*lpMem++ = (BYTE)(ui16toSINT (lpTable) / 256);
lpTable += sizeof (icUInt16Number);
*lpcbSize = (DWORD) (lpMem - lpOldMem);
MemFree (hLut);
return (TRUE);
LPSINT lpnRed, LPSINT lpnGreen, LPSINT lpnBlue)
SINT RedTRCIndex, GreenTRCIndex, BlueTRCIndex;
SINT RedTRCSize = 0, GreenTRCSize = 0, BlueTRCSize = 0;
SINT MemSize;
// Check if we can generate the CRD
if (!GetTRCElementSize(cp, icSigRedTRCTag, &RedTRCIndex, &RedTRCSize) ||
!GetTRCElementSize(cp, icSigGreenTRCTag, &GreenTRCIndex, &GreenTRCSize) ||
!GetTRCElementSize(cp, icSigBlueTRCTag, &BlueTRCIndex, &BlueTRCSize))
return 0;
MemSize = RedTRCSize + GreenTRCSize + BlueTRCSize;
if (!MemAlloc (MemSize, (HGLOBAL FAR *)&hMem, (LPMEMPTR) lpRed))
return 0;
*lpGreen = *lpRed + RedTRCSize;
*lpBlue = *lpGreen + GreenTRCSize;
if (!GetCPElement (cp, RedTRCIndex, *lpRed, RedTRCSize) ||
!GetCPElement (cp, GreenTRCIndex, *lpGreen, GreenTRCSize ) ||
!GetCPElement (cp, BlueTRCIndex, *lpBlue, BlueTRCSize ))
MemFree (hMem);
return (NULL);
*lpnRed = ui32toSINT (((lpcpCurveType) *lpRed)->curve.count);
*lpnGreen = ui32toSINT (((lpcpCurveType) *lpGreen)->curve.count);
*lpnBlue = ui32toSINT (((lpcpCurveType) *lpBlue)->curve.count);
return (hMem);
static SINT
CreateHostTRCInputTable(MEMPTR lpMem, LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut,
MEMPTR lpRed, MEMPTR lpGreen, MEMPTR lpBlue)
PUSHORT lpPtr16;
MEMPTR lpTable;
lpPtr16 = (PUSHORT)lpMem;
lpHostClut->inputArray[0] = (MEMPTR)lpPtr16;
lpTable = (MEMPTR)(((lpcpCurveType) lpRed)->;
for (i = 0; i < (SINT)(lpHostClut->inputEnt); i++)
*lpPtr16++ = (USHORT) ui16toSINT(lpTable);
lpTable += sizeof(icUInt16Number);
lpHostClut->inputArray[1] = (MEMPTR)lpPtr16;
lpTable = (MEMPTR)(((lpcpCurveType) lpGreen)->;
for (i = 0; i < (SINT)(lpHostClut->inputEnt); i++)
*lpPtr16++ = (USHORT) ui16toSINT(lpTable);
lpTable += sizeof(icUInt16Number);
lpHostClut->inputArray[2] = (MEMPTR)lpPtr16;
lpTable = (MEMPTR)(((lpcpCurveType) lpBlue)->;
for (i = 0; i < (SINT)(lpHostClut->inputEnt); i++)
*lpPtr16++ = (USHORT) ui16toSINT(lpTable);
lpTable += sizeof(icUInt16Number);
return ((MEMPTR)lpPtr16 - lpMem);
static SINT
CreateHostRevTRCInputTable(MEMPTR lpMem, LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut,
MEMPTR lpRed, MEMPTR lpGreen, MEMPTR lpBlue)
MEMPTR lpTemp;
if (!MemAlloc (lpHostClut->outputEnt * (REVCURVE_RATIO + 1) * 2 ,
(HGLOBAL FAR *) &hTemp, (LPMEMPTR) &lpTemp))
return (0);
lpHostClut->outputArray[0] = lpMem;
GetRevCurve (lpRed, lpTemp, lpHostClut->outputArray[0]);
lpHostClut->outputArray[1] = lpHostClut->outputArray[0] +
2 * REVCURVE_RATIO * lpHostClut->outputEnt;
GetRevCurve (lpGreen, lpTemp, lpHostClut->outputArray[1]);
lpHostClut->outputArray[2] = lpHostClut->outputArray[1] +
2 * REVCURVE_RATIO * lpHostClut->outputEnt;
GetRevCurve (lpBlue, lpTemp, lpHostClut->outputArray[2]);
MemFree (hTemp);
return ( 2 * REVCURVE_RATIO * lpHostClut->outputEnt * 3);
static BOOL
GetHostMatrixCSAorCRD(CHANDLE cp, MEMPTR lpMem, LPDWORD lpcbSize, BOOL bCSA)
SINT nRedCount, nGreenCount, nBlueCount;
MEMPTR lpRed = NULL,lpGreen, lpBlue;
MEMPTR lpOldMem = lpMem;
double pArray[9], pRevArray[9], pTemp[9];
hMem = GetTRCData(cp,
(LPMEMPTR)&lpRed, (LPMEMPTR)&lpGreen, (LPMEMPTR)&lpBlue,
(LPSINT)&nRedCount,(LPSINT)&nGreenCount, (LPSINT)&nBlueCount);
// Estimate the memory size required to hold CRD
*lpcbSize = (nRedCount + nGreenCount + nBlueCount) * 2 +
sizeof(HOSTCLUT) + 1024; // data structure + extra safe space
if (lpMem == NULL) // This is a size request
MemFree (hMem);
return TRUE;
lpHostClut = (LPHOSTCLUT)lpMem;
lpMem += sizeof(HOSTCLUT);
lpHostClut->size = sizeof(HOSTCLUT);
lpHostClut->dataType = DATA_matrix;
lpHostClut->clutPoints = 2;
lpHostClut->pcs = icSigXYZData;
GetCPWhitePoint(cp, (LPSFLOAT)lpHostClut->whitePoint);
if (bCSA)
lpHostClut->inputEnt = (USHORT)nRedCount;
lpHostClut->inputChan = 3;
lpMem += CreateHostTRCInputTable(lpMem, lpHostClut,
lpRed, lpGreen, lpBlue);
lpHostClut->outputEnt = (USHORT)nRedCount;
lpHostClut->outputChan = 3;
lpMem += CreateHostRevTRCInputTable(lpMem, lpHostClut,
lpRed, lpGreen, lpBlue);
MemFree (hMem);
*lpcbSize = (DWORD) (lpMem - lpOldMem);
if (!CreateColorantArray(cp, &pTemp[0], icSigRedColorantTag) ||
!CreateColorantArray(cp, &pTemp[3], icSigGreenColorantTag) ||
!CreateColorantArray(cp, &pTemp[6], icSigBlueColorantTag))
return (FALSE);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
pArray[i] = pTemp[i/8*8 + i*3%8];
if (bCSA)
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
lpHostClut->e[i] = (float)pArray[i];
InvertMatrix(pArray, pRevArray);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
lpHostClut->e[i] = (float)pRevArray[i];
return TRUE;
* GetHostCSA_Intent
* function:
* This is the function which creates the Host DEF or DEFGColorSpace array
* based on Intent.
* parameters:
* cp -- Color Profile handle
* lpBuffer -- Pointer to the memory block. If this point is NULL,
* require buffer size.
* lpcbSize -- Size of the memory block
* Intent -- Intent.
* Type -- CieBasedDEF or CieBasedDEF.
* returns:
* BOOL -- TRUE if the function was successful,
* FALSE otherwise.
GetHostCSA_Intent (CHANDLE cp, MEMPTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbSize,
CSIG Intent, int Type)
SINT Index;
BOOL Success = FALSE;
switch (Intent)
case icPerceptual:
AToBxTag = icSigAToB0Tag;
case icRelativeColorimetric:
case icAbsoluteColorimetric:
// use RelativeColorimetric data to build it.
AToBxTag = icSigAToB1Tag;
case icSaturation:
AToBxTag = icSigAToB2Tag;
return FALSE;
if (DoesCPTagExist (cp, AToBxTag) &&
GetCPTagIndex (cp, AToBxTag, (LPSINT) & Index))
Success = GetHostCSA(cp, lpBuffer, lpcbSize, Intent, Index, Type);
else if ((DoesTRCAndColorantTagExist(cp)) &&
Success = GetHostMatrixCSAorCRD(cp, lpBuffer, lpcbSize, TRUE);
return Success;
* GetHostColorSpaceArray
* function:
* This is the main function which creates the Host CSA
* from the data supplied in the Profile.
* parameters:
* cp -- Color Profile handle
* InputIntent -- Intent.
* lpBuffer -- Pointer to the memory block. If this point is NULL,
* require buffer size.
* lpcbSize -- Size of the memory block
* returns:
* BOOL -- TRUE if the function was successful,
* FALSE otherwise.
static BOOL
GetHostColorSpaceArray (CHANDLE cp, DWORD InputIntent,
MEMPTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpcbSize)
CSIG ColorSpace, Intent;
BOOL Success = FALSE;
if (!cp)
return Success;
if (!GetCPDevSpace (cp, (LPCSIG) & ColorSpace) ||
!GetCPRenderIntent (cp, (LPCSIG) & Intent))
return Success;
if (InputIntent == icUseRenderingIntent)
InputIntent = (DWORD)Intent;
if (!Success)
switch (ColorSpace)
case icSigRgbData:
Success = GetHostCSA_Intent (cp, lpBuffer, lpcbSize,
case icSigCmykData:
Success = GetHostCSA_Intent (cp, lpBuffer, lpcbSize,
return Success;
* CreateHostLutCRD
* function:
* this is the function which creates the Host CRD
* from the data supplied in the ColorProfile's LUT8 or LUT16 tag.
* parameters:
* cp -- Color Profile handle
* Index -- Index of the tag
* lpMem -- Pointer to the memory block.If this point is NULL,
* require buffer size.
* InputIntent -- Intent.
* returns:
* SINT -- Size of Host CRD.
static SINT
CreateHostLutCRD (CHANDLE cp, SINT Index, MEMPTR lpMem, DWORD InputIntent)
SINT nInputCh, nOutputCh, nGrids;
SINT nInputTable, nOutputTable, nNumbers;
CSIG IntentSig;
SINT i, j;
MEMPTR lpTable;
SINT MemSize = 0;
MEMPTR lpOldMem = lpMem;
// Check if we can generate the CRD
if (!GetCPTagSig (cp, Index, (LPCSIG) & IntentSig) ||
!GetCPElementType (cp, Index, (LPCSIG) & Tag) ||
((Tag != icSigLut8Type) && (Tag != icSigLut16Type)) ||
!GetCPConnSpace (cp, (LPCSIG) & PCS) ||
!GetCPElementSize (cp, Index, (LPSINT) & MemSize) ||
!MemAlloc (MemSize, (HGLOBAL FAR *)&hMem, (LPMEMPTR) & Buff) ||
!GetCPElement (cp, Index, Buff, MemSize))
if (NULL != Buff)
MemFree (hMem);
return (0);
GetCLUTinfo(Tag, Buff, &nInputCh, &nOutputCh,
&nGrids, &nInputTable, &nOutputTable, &i);
if (((nOutputCh != 3) && (nOutputCh != 4)) ||
(nInputCh != 3))
MemFree (hMem);
return (0);
// First Pass. This is a size request
if (lpMem == NULL)
Ret = nInputCh * nInputTable * i + // Input table 8/16-bits
nOutputCh * nOutputTable * i + // Output table 8/16-bits
nOutputCh * nGrids * nGrids * nGrids + // CLUT 8-bits only
sizeof(HOSTCLUT) + // Data structure
1024; // safe
MemFree (hMem);
return (Ret);
// Second Pass. Get a HostCRD
lpHostClut = (LPHOSTCLUT)lpMem;
lpMem += sizeof(HOSTCLUT);
lpHostClut->size = sizeof(HOSTCLUT);
lpHostClut->pcs = PCS;
lpHostClut->intent = InputIntent;
lpHostClut->lutBits = (Tag == icSigLut8Type)? 8:16;
GetCPWhitePoint (cp, (LPSFLOAT)lpHostClut->whitePoint); // .. Illuminant
// Support absolute whitePoint
if (!GetCPMediaWhitePoint (cp, (LPSFLOAT)lpHostClut->mediaWP)) // .. Media WhitePoint
lpHostClut->mediaWP[0] = lpHostClut->whitePoint[0];
lpHostClut->mediaWP[1] = lpHostClut->whitePoint[1];
lpHostClut->mediaWP[2] = lpHostClut->whitePoint[2];
lpHostClut->inputChan = (unsigned char)nInputCh;
lpHostClut->outputChan = (unsigned char)nOutputCh;
lpHostClut->clutPoints = (unsigned char)nGrids;
lpHostClut->inputEnt = (USHORT)nInputTable;
lpHostClut->outputEnt = (USHORT)nOutputTable;
//******** Input array
lpMem += CreateHostInputOutputArray (lpMem, lpHostClut->inputArray,
nInputCh, nInputTable, 0, Tag, Buff);
//******** the offset to the position of output array.
i = nInputTable * nInputCh +
nGrids * nGrids * nGrids * nOutputCh;
//******** Output array
lpMem += CreateHostInputOutputArray (lpMem, lpHostClut->outputArray,
nOutputCh, nOutputTable, i, Tag, Buff);
//******** Matrix.
if (PCS == icSigXYZData)
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpTable = (MEMPTR) & ((lpcpLut8Type) Buff)->lut.e00;
} else
lpTable = (MEMPTR) & ((lpcpLut16Type) Buff)->lut.e00;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
lpHostClut->e[i] = (float)((si16f16toSFLOAT (lpTable)) / CIEXYZRange);
lpTable += sizeof (icS15Fixed16Number);
//********** RenderTable
nNumbers = nGrids * nGrids * nOutputCh;
lpHostClut->clut = lpMem;
for (i = 0; i < nGrids; i++) // Na strings should be sent
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut8Type) Buff)-> +
nInputTable * nInputCh +
nNumbers * i;
} else
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut16Type) Buff)-> +
2 * nInputTable * nInputCh +
2 * nNumbers * i;
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
MemCopy(lpMem, lpTable, nNumbers);
lpMem += nNumbers;
for (j = 0; j < nNumbers; j++)
*lpMem++ = (BYTE)(ui16toSINT (lpTable) / 256);
lpTable += sizeof (icUInt16Number);
MemFree (hMem);
return ((SINT) ((unsigned long) (lpMem - lpOldMem)));
* GetHostColorRenderingDictionary
* function:
* this is the main function which creates the Host CRD
* parameters:
* cp -- Color Profile handle
* Intent -- Intent.
* lpMem -- Pointer to the memory block.If this point is NULL,
* require buffer size.
* lpcbSize -- size of memory block.
* returns:
* SINT -- !=0 if the function was successful,
* 0 otherwise.
* Returns number of bytes required/transferred
static BOOL
GetHostColorRenderingDictionary (CHANDLE cp, DWORD Intent,
MEMPTR lpMem, LPDWORD lpcbSize)
SINT Index;
if (!cp)
return FALSE;
if ((lpMem == NULL) || (*lpcbSize == 0))
lpMem = NULL;
*lpcbSize = 0;
switch (Intent)
case icPerceptual:
BToAxTag = icSigBToA0Tag;
case icRelativeColorimetric:
case icAbsoluteColorimetric:
// Use RelativeColorimetric to calculate this CRD.
BToAxTag = icSigBToA1Tag;
case icSaturation:
BToAxTag = icSigBToA2Tag;
*lpcbSize = (DWORD) 0;
return FALSE;
if (DoesCPTagExist (cp, BToAxTag) &&
GetCPTagIndex (cp, BToAxTag, (LPSINT) & Index))
*lpcbSize = CreateHostLutCRD (cp, Index, lpMem, Intent);
else if(DoesTRCAndColorantTagExist(cp))
GetHostMatrixCSAorCRD(cp, lpMem, lpcbSize, FALSE);
return (*lpcbSize > 0);
* g
* function:
* Calculate function y = g(x). used in Lab->XYZ conversion
* y = g(x): g(x) = x*x*x if x >= 6/29
* g(x) = 108/841*(x-4/29) otherwise
* parameters:
* f -- x
* returns:
* SINT -- y
static float g(float f)
float frc;
if (f >= (6/29))
frc = f * f * f;
frc = f - (4.0f / 29.0f) * (108.0f / 841.0f);
return frc;
* inverse_g
* function:
* Calculate inverse function y = g(x). used in XYZ->Lab conversion
* parameters:
* f -- y
* returns:
* SINT -- x
static float inverse_g(float f)
double frc;
if (f >= (6.0*6.0*6.0)/(29.0*29.0*29.0))
frc = pow(f, 1.0 / 3.0);
frc = f * (841.0 / 108.0) + (4.0 / 29.0);
return (float)frc;
static BOOL
TableInterp3(LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *fTemp)
int tmpA, tmpBC;
int cellA, cellB, cellC;
float a, b, c;
short Grids;
short outputChan;
MEMPTR v000, v001, v010, v011;
MEMPTR v100, v101, v110, v111;
float vx0x, vx1x;
float v0xx, v1xx;
int idx;
cellA = (int)(fTemp[0]);
a = fTemp[0] - cellA;
cellB = (int)(fTemp[1]);
b = fTemp[1] - cellB;
cellC = (int)(fTemp[2]);
c = fTemp[2] - cellC;
Grids = lpHostClut->clutPoints;
outputChan = lpHostClut->outputChan;
tmpA = outputChan * Grids * Grids;
tmpBC = outputChan * (Grids * cellB + cellC);
// Calculate 8 surrounding cells.
v000 = lpHostClut->clut + tmpA * cellA + tmpBC;
v001 = (cellC < (Grids - 1))? v000 + outputChan : v000;
v010 = (cellB < (Grids - 1))? v000 + outputChan * Grids : v000;
v011 = (cellC < (Grids - 1))? v010 + outputChan : v010 ;
v100 = (cellA < (Grids - 1))? v000 + tmpA : v000;
v101 = (cellC < (Grids - 1))? v100 + outputChan : v100;
v110 = (cellB < (Grids - 1))? v100 + outputChan * Grids : v100;
v111 = (cellC < (Grids - 1))? v110 + outputChan : v110;
for (idx = 0; idx < outputChan; idx++)
// Calculate the average of 4 bottom cells.
vx0x = *v000 + c * (int)((int)*v001 - (int)*v000);
vx1x = *v010 + c * (int)((int)*v011 - (int)*v010);
v0xx = vx0x + b * (vx1x - vx0x);
// Calculate the average of 4 upper cells.
vx0x = *v100 + c * (int)((int)*v101 - (int)*v100);
vx1x = *v110 + c * (int)((int)*v111 - (int)*v110);
v1xx = vx0x + b * (vx1x - vx0x);
// Calculate the bottom and upper average.
fTemp[idx] = (v0xx + a * (v1xx - v0xx)) / MAXCOLOR8;
if ( idx < (outputChan - 1))
return TRUE;
static BOOL
TableInterp4(LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *fTemp)
int tmpH, tmpI, tmpJK;
int cellH, cellI, cellJ, cellK;
float h, i, j, k;
short Grids;
short outputChan;
MEMPTR v0000, v0001, v0010, v0011;
MEMPTR v0100, v0101, v0110, v0111;
MEMPTR v1000, v1001, v1010, v1011;
MEMPTR v1100, v1101, v1110, v1111;
float vxx0x, vxx1x;
float vx0xx, vx1xx;
float v0xxx, v1xxx;
int idx;
cellH = (int)(fTemp[0]);
h = fTemp[0] - cellH;
cellI = (int)(fTemp[1]);
i = fTemp[1] - cellI;
cellJ = (int)(fTemp[2]);
j = fTemp[2] - cellJ;
cellK = (int)(fTemp[3]);
k = fTemp[3] - cellK;
Grids = lpHostClut->clutPoints;
outputChan = lpHostClut->outputChan;
tmpI = outputChan * Grids * Grids;
tmpH = tmpI * Grids;
tmpJK = outputChan * (Grids * cellJ + cellK);
// Calculate 16 surrounding cells.
v0000 = lpHostClut->clut + tmpH * cellH + tmpI * cellI + tmpJK;
v0001 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v0000 + outputChan : v0000;
v0010 = (cellJ < (Grids - 1))? v0000 + outputChan * Grids : v0000;
v0011 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v0010 + outputChan : v0010;
v0100 = (cellI < (Grids - 1))? v0000 + tmpI : v0000;
v0101 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v0100 + outputChan : v0100;
v0110 = (cellJ < (Grids - 1))? v0100 + outputChan * Grids : v0100;
v0111 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v0110 + outputChan : v0110;
v1000 = (cellH < (Grids - 1))? v0000 + tmpH : v0000;
v1001 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v1000 + outputChan : v1000;
v1010 = (cellJ < (Grids - 1))? v1000 + outputChan * Grids : v1000;
v1011 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v1010 + outputChan : v1010;
v1100 = (cellI < (Grids - 1))? v1000 + tmpI : v1000;
v1101 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v1100 + outputChan : v1100;
v1110 = (cellJ < (Grids - 1))? v1100 + outputChan * Grids : v1100;
v1111 = (cellK < (Grids - 1))? v1110 + outputChan : v1110;
for (idx = 0; idx < outputChan; idx++)
// Calculate the average of 8 bottom cells.
vxx0x = *v0000 + k * (int)((int)*v0001 - (int)*v0000);
vxx1x = *v0010 + k * (int)((int)*v0011 - (int)*v0010);
vx0xx = vxx0x + j * (vxx1x - vxx0x);
vxx0x = *v0100 + k * (int)((int)*v0101 - (int)*v0100);
vxx1x = *v0110 + k * (int)((int)*v0111 - (int)*v0110);
vx1xx = vxx0x + j * (vxx1x - vxx0x);
v0xxx = vx0xx + i * (vx1xx - vx0xx);
// Calculate the average of 8 upper cells.
vxx0x = *v1000 + k * (int)((int)*v1001 - (int)*v1000);
vxx1x = *v1010 + k * (int)((int)*v1011 - (int)*v1010);
vx0xx = vxx0x + j * (vxx1x - vxx0x);
vxx0x = *v1100 + k * (int)((int)*v1101 - (int)*v1100);
vxx1x = *v1110 + k * (int)((int)*v1111 - (int)*v1110);
vx1xx = vxx0x + j * (vxx1x - vxx0x);
v1xxx = vx0xx + i * (vx1xx - vx0xx);
// Calculate the bottom and upper average.
fTemp[idx] = (v0xxx + h * (v1xxx - v0xxx)) / MAXCOLOR8;
if ( idx < (outputChan - 1))
return TRUE;
* CheckColorLookupTable
* function:
* This function check RenderTable.
* parameters:
* LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut --
* float far *fTemp -- Input (in range [0 gred-1]) /
* output(in range [0 1)
* returns:
static BOOL
CheckColorLookupTable(LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *fTemp)
if (lpHostClut->inputChan == 3)
TableInterp3(lpHostClut, fTemp);
else if(lpHostClut->inputChan == 4)
TableInterp4(lpHostClut, fTemp);
return TRUE;
* CheckInputOutputTable
* function:
* This function check inputTable.
* parameters:
* LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut --
* float far *fTemp -- Input / output data
* returns:
static BOOL
CheckInputOutputTable(LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *fTemp,
BOOL bCSA, BOOL bInputTable)
int i;
short Grids;
USHORT floor1, ceiling1;
float fIndex;
int numChan;
int numEnt;
PMEMPTR ppArray;
if (bInputTable)
numChan = lpHostClut->inputChan;
numEnt = lpHostClut->inputEnt - 1;
ppArray = lpHostClut->inputArray;
numChan = lpHostClut->outputChan;
numEnt = lpHostClut->outputEnt - 1;
ppArray = lpHostClut->outputArray;
Grids = lpHostClut->clutPoints;
for (i = 0; (i <= MAXCHANNELS) && (i < numChan); i++)
fTemp[i] = (fTemp[i] < 0)? 0: ((fTemp[i] > 1)? 1: fTemp[i]);
fIndex = fTemp[i] * numEnt;
if (lpHostClut->lutBits == 8)
floor1 = ppArray[i][(int)fIndex];
ceiling1 = ppArray[i][((int)fIndex) + 1];
fTemp[i] = (float)(floor1 + (ceiling1 - floor1) * (fIndex - floor(fIndex)));
if (bCSA && !bInputTable)
fTemp[i] = (float)(fTemp[i] / 127.0);
fTemp[i] = (float)(fTemp[i] / 255.0);
floor1 = ((PUSHORT)(ppArray[i]))[(int)fIndex];
ceiling1 = ((PUSHORT)(ppArray[i]))[((int)fIndex) + 1];
fTemp[i] = (float)(floor1 + (ceiling1 - floor1) * (fIndex - floor(fIndex)));
if (bCSA && !bInputTable)
fTemp[i] = (float)(fTemp[i] / 32767.0);
fTemp[i] = (float)(fTemp[i] / 65535.0);
if (bInputTable)
fTemp[i] *= (Grids - 1);
if (fTemp[i] > (Grids - 1))
fTemp[i] = (float)(Grids - 1);
return TRUE;
static void
LabToXYZ(float far *Input, float far *Output, float far *whitePoint)
float fL, fa, fb;
fL = (Input[0] * 50 + 16) / 116;
fa = (Input[1] * 128 - 128) / 500;
fb = (Input[2] * 128 - 128) / 200;
Output[0] = whitePoint[0] * g(fL + fa);
Output[1] = whitePoint[1] * g(fL);
Output[2] = whitePoint[2] * g(fL - fb);
static void
XYZToLab(float far *Input, float far *Output, float far *whitePoint)
float fL, fa, fb;
fL = inverse_g(Input[0] / whitePoint[0]);
fa = inverse_g(Input[1] / whitePoint[1]);
fb = inverse_g(Input[2] / whitePoint[2]);
Output[0] = (fa * 116 - 16) / 100;
Output[1] = (fL * 500 - fa * 500 + 128) / 255;
Output[2] = (fa * 200 - fb * 200 + 128) / 255;
static void
ApplyMatrix(PFLOAT e, float far *Input, float far *Output)
SINT i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
j = i*3;
Output[i] = e[j ] * Input[0] +
e[j + 1] * Input[1] +
e[j + 2] * Input[2];
* DoHostConversionCRD
* function:
* This function converts XYZ/Lab to RGB/CMYK by using HostCRD
* parameters:
* LPHOSTCLUT lpHostCRD -- pointer to a HostCRD
* LPHOSTCLUT lpHostCSA -- pointer to a HostCSA
* float far *Input -- Input XYZ/Lab
* float far *Output -- Output RGB/CMYK
* returns:
static BOOL
float far *Input, float far *Output,
CSIG ColorSpace, BOOL bCheckOutputTable)
float fTemp[MAXCHANNELS];
float fTemp1[MAXCHANNELS];
int i;
** Input XYZ or Lab in range [0 2]
// When sampling the deviceCRD, skip the input table.
// If lpHostCSA is not NULL, the current CRD is targetCRD, we
// need to do input table conversion
if (lpHostCSA)
// Convert Lab to XYZ in range [ 0 whitePoint ]
if ((lpHostCRD->pcs == icSigXYZData) &&
(lpHostCSA->pcs == icSigLabData))
LabToXYZ(Input, fTemp1, lpHostCRD->whitePoint);
// Convert XYZ to Lab in range [ 0 1]
else if ((lpHostCRD->pcs == icSigLabData) &&
(lpHostCSA->pcs == icSigXYZData))
XYZToLab(Input, fTemp, lpHostCSA->whitePoint);
// Convert Lab to range [ 0 1]
else if ((lpHostCRD->pcs == icSigLabData) &&
(lpHostCSA->pcs == icSigLabData))
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fTemp[i] = Input[i] / 2;
// Convert XYZ to XYZ (based on white point) to range [0 1]
{ // TODO: different intents using different conversion.
// icRelativeColorimetric: using Bradford transform.
// icAbsoluteColorimetric: using scaling.
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fTemp1[i] = Input[i] * lpHostCRD->whitePoint[i] / lpHostCSA->whitePoint[i];
// Matrix, used for XYZ data only or Matrix icc profile only
if (lpHostCRD->pcs == icSigXYZData)
ApplyMatrix(lpHostCRD->e, fTemp1, fTemp);
if (lpHostCRD->dataType != DATA_matrix)
//Search input Table
CheckInputOutputTable(lpHostCRD, fTemp, 0, 1);
// If the current CRD is device CRD, we do not need to do input
// table conversion.
short Grids;
Grids = lpHostCRD->clutPoints;
// Sample data may be XYZ or Lab. It depends on Target icc profile.
// If the PCS of the target icc profile is XYZ, input data will be XYZ.
// If the PCS of the target icc profile is Lab, input data will be Lab.
if (lpHostCRD->dataType == DATA_matrix)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fTemp[i] = Input[i];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
fTemp[i] = Input[i]* (Grids - 1);
if (fTemp[i] > (Grids - 1))
fTemp[i] = (float)(Grids - 1);
} // bCheckInputTable
if (lpHostCRD->dataType != DATA_matrix)
// Rendering table
CheckColorLookupTable(lpHostCRD, fTemp);
** Output RGB or CMYK in range [0 1]
if (bCheckOutputTable)
//Output Table
CheckInputOutputTable(lpHostCRD, fTemp, 0, 0);
for (i = 0; (i <= MAXCHANNELS) && (i < lpHostCRD->outputChan); i++)
Output[i] = fTemp[i];
return TRUE;
* DoHostConversionCSA
* function:
* This function converts RGB/CMYK to XYZ/Lab by using HostCSA
* parameters:
* LPHOSTCLUT lpHostCLUT -- pointer to a HostCSA
* float far *Input -- Input XYZ/Lab
* float far *Output -- Output RGB/CMYK
* returns:
static BOOL
DoHostConversionCSA (LPHOSTCLUT lpHostClut, float far *Input, float far *Output)
float fTemp[MAXCHANNELS];
int i;
** Input RGB or CMYK in range [0 1]
for (i = 0; (i <= MAXCHANNELS) && (i < lpHostClut->inputChan); i++)
fTemp[i] = Input[i];
if (lpHostClut->dataType == DATA_matrix)
//Search input Table
CheckInputOutputTable(lpHostClut, fTemp, 1, 1);
ApplyMatrix(lpHostClut->e, fTemp, Output);
//Search input Table
CheckInputOutputTable(lpHostClut, fTemp, 1, 1);
// Rendering table
CheckColorLookupTable(lpHostClut, fTemp);
//Output Table
CheckInputOutputTable(lpHostClut, fTemp, 1, 0 );
** Output XYZ or Lab in range [0 2]
for (i = 0; (i <= MAXCHANNELS) && (i < lpHostClut->outputChan); i++)
Output[i] = fTemp[i];
return TRUE;
static BOOL
GetCRDInputOutputArraySize(CHANDLE cp, DWORD Intent,
LPSINT lpInTbSize, LPSINT lpOutTbSize,
LPCSIG lpIntentTag, LPSINT lpGrids)
SINT Index;
SINT Ret = 0;
SINT MemSize = 0;
SINT outputChan, outputEnt;
SINT inputChan, inputEnt;
SINT Grids;
switch (Intent)
case icPerceptual:
*lpIntentTag = icSigBToA0Tag;
case icRelativeColorimetric:
case icAbsoluteColorimetric:
*lpIntentTag = icSigBToA1Tag;
case icSaturation:
*lpIntentTag = icSigBToA2Tag;
return FALSE;
if (!DoesCPTagExist (cp, *lpIntentTag) ||
!GetCPTagIndex (cp, *lpIntentTag, (LPSINT) & Index) ||
!GetCPElementType (cp, Index, (LPCSIG) & Tag) ||
((Tag != icSigLut8Type) && (Tag != icSigLut16Type)) ||
!GetCPElementSize (cp, Index, (LPSINT) & MemSize) ||
!MemAlloc (MemSize, (HGLOBAL FAR *)&hMem, (LPMEMPTR) & Buff) ||
!GetCPElement (cp, Index, Buff, MemSize))
BOOL retVal = FALSE;
if (NULL != Buff)
MemFree (hMem);
// Matrix icc profile.
*lpGrids = 2;
if (lpInTbSize)
retVal = GetHostCSA_Intent (cp, NULL, lpInTbSize,
*lpInTbSize = *lpInTbSize * 3;
if (lpOutTbSize)
retVal = GetHostCSA_Intent (cp, NULL, lpOutTbSize,
*lpOutTbSize = *lpOutTbSize * 3;
return retVal;
if (lpInTbSize)
GetCLUTinfo(Tag, Buff, &inputChan, &outputChan,
&Grids, &inputEnt, &outputEnt, &i);
if (inputChan != 3)
MemFree (hMem);
return FALSE;
*lpInTbSize = inputChan * inputEnt * 6; // Number of INT bytes
*lpGrids = Grids;
if (lpOutTbSize)
GetCLUTinfo(Tag, Buff, &inputChan, &outputChan,
&Grids, &inputEnt, &outputEnt, &i);
if ((outputChan != 3) && (outputChan != 4))
MemFree (hMem);
return FALSE;
*lpOutTbSize = outputChan * outputEnt * 6; // Number of INT bytes
*lpGrids = Grids;
MemFree (hMem);
return TRUE;
* CreateOutputArray
* function:
* Create CSA/CRD output arrays from the data supplied in icc profile's
* LUT8 or LUT16 tags.
* parameters:
* MEMPTR lpMem -- a pointer to a buffer which will contain the arrays.
* SINT nOutputCh -- Number of output channel. if lpHostClut, no meaning.
* SINT nOutputTable -- saze of each array. if lpHostClut, no meaning.
* SINT Offset -- offset of Buff, point to the 1st byte of output array in CLUT.
* if lpHostClut, no meaning.
* MEMPTR Intent --
* CSIG Tag -- LUT8 or LUT16
* MEMPTR Buff -- point to a buffer which contain LUT8 or LUT16.
* if NULL, use lpHostClut.
* BOOL AllowBinary --
* MEMPTR lpHostClut -- point to host CSA/CRD. if NULL, use Buff.
* returns:
* SINT -- The size of output array created.
CreateOutputArray (MEMPTR lpMem, SINT nOutputCh,
SINT nOutputTable, SINT Offset, MEMPTR Intent,
CSIG Tag, MEMPTR Buff, BOOL AllowBinary, MEMPTR lpHostClut)
SINT i, j;
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
MEMPTR lpTable;
MEMPTR lpLineStart;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
if (lpHostClut)
nOutputCh = (SINT)(((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->outputChan);
nOutputTable = (SINT)(((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->outputEnt);
Tag = (((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->lutBits == 8)?
icSigLut8Type : icSigLut16Type;
for (i = 0; i < nOutputCh; i++)
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, Slash);
if (lpHostClut)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, PreViewOutArray);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, OutputArray);
lpMem += WriteObjectN (lpMem, Intent, lstrlen (Intent));
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, i);
if (lpHostClut)
lpTable = ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->outputArray[i];
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut8Type) Buff)-> +
Offset +
nOutputTable * i;
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut16Type) Buff)-> +
2 * Offset +
2 * nOutputTable * i;
if (!AllowBinary) // Output ASCII CRD
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginString);
lpMem += WriteHexBuffer (lpMem, lpTable, lpLineStart, nOutputTable);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndString);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (j = 0; j < nOutputTable; j++)
if (lpHostClut)
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, *((PUSHORT)lpTable));
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, ui16toSINT (lpTable));
lpTable += sizeof (icUInt16Number);
if (((SINT) (lpMem - lpLineStart)) > MAX_LINELENG)
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, NewLine);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
} else
{ // Output BINARY CRD
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteStringToken (lpMem, 143, 256);
lpMem += WriteByteString (lpMem, lpTable, 256L);
} else
lpMem += WriteHNAToken (lpMem, 149, nOutputTable);
if (lpHostClut)
lpMem += WriteIntStringU2S_L (lpMem, lpTable, nOutputTable);
lpMem += WriteIntStringU2S (lpMem, lpTable, nOutputTable);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, DefOp);
return ((SINT) (lpMem - lpOldMem));
* CreateInputArray
* function:
* Create CSA/CRD Input arrays from the data supplied in icc profile's
* LUT8 or LUT16 tags.
* parameters:
* MEMPTR lpMem -- a pointer to the buffer which will contain the arrays.
* SINT nInputCh -- Number of input channel. if lpHostClut, no meaning.
* SINT nInputTable -- saze of each array. if lpHostClut, no meaning.
* SINT Offset -- offset of Buff, point to the 1st byte of output array in CLUT.
* if lpHostClut, no meaning.
* MEMPTR Intent --
* CSIG Tag -- LUT8 or LUT16
* MEMPTR Buff -- point to a buffer which contains LUT8 or LUT16.
* if NULL, use lpHostClut.
* BOOL AllowBinary --
* MEMPTR lpHostClut -- point to host CSA/CRD. if NULL, use Buff.
* returns:
* SINT -- The size of inpput array created.
CreateInputArray (MEMPTR lpMem, SINT nInputCh,
SINT nInputTable, MEMPTR Intent, CSIG Tag,
MEMPTR Buff, BOOL bAllowBinary, MEMPTR lpHostClut)
SINT i, j;
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
MEMPTR lpTable;
MEMPTR lpLineStart;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
if (lpHostClut)
nInputCh = (SINT)(((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->inputChan);
nInputTable = (SINT)(((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->inputEnt);
Tag = (((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->lutBits == 8)?
icSigLut8Type : icSigLut16Type;
for (i = 0; i < nInputCh; i++)
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, Slash);
if (lpHostClut)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, PreViewInArray);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, InputArray);
lpMem += WriteObjectN (lpMem, Intent, lstrlen (Intent));
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, i);
if (lpHostClut)
lpTable = ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpHostClut)->inputArray[i];
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut8Type) Buff)-> + nInputTable * i;
lpTable = (MEMPTR) (((lpcpLut16Type) Buff)-> + 2 * nInputTable * i;
if (!bAllowBinary) // Output ASCII CRD
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginString);
lpMem += WriteHexBuffer (lpMem, lpTable,lpLineStart, nInputTable);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndString);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (j = 0; j < nInputTable; j++)
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, *((PUSHORT)lpTable));
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, ui16toSINT (lpTable));
lpTable += sizeof (icUInt16Number);
if (((SINT) (lpMem - lpLineStart)) > MAX_LINELENG)
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, NewLine);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
} else
{ // Output BINARY CRD
if (Tag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteStringToken (lpMem, 143, 256);
lpMem += WriteByteString (lpMem, lpTable, 256L);
} else
lpMem += WriteHNAToken (lpMem, 149, nInputTable);
if (lpHostClut)
lpMem += WriteIntStringU2S_L (lpMem, lpTable, nInputTable);
lpMem += WriteIntStringU2S (lpMem, lpTable, nInputTable);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, DefOp);
return ((SINT) (lpMem - lpOldMem));
SendCRDLMN(MEMPTR lpMem, CSIG Intent, LPSFLOAT whitePoint, LPSFLOAT mediaWP, CSIG pcs)
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
SINT i, j;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
//********** /MatrixLMN
if (icAbsoluteColorimetric == Intent)
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, MatrixLMNTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem,
(double) (i == j) ? whitePoint[i] / mediaWP[i] : 0.0);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
//********** /RangeLMN
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, RangeLMNTag);
if (pcs == icSigXYZData)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, (double) 0);
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, (double) whitePoint[i]);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, RangeLMNLab);
//********** /EncodeLMN
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, EncodeLMNTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginFunction);
if (pcs != icSigXYZData)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, (double)whitePoint[i]);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, DivOp);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EncodeLMNLab);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndFunction);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
return (SINT)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
SendCRDPQR(MEMPTR lpMem, CSIG Intent, LPSFLOAT whitePoint)
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
if (icAbsoluteColorimetric != Intent)
//********** /RangePQR
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, RangePQRTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, RangePQR);
//********** /MatrixPQR
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, MatrixPQRTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, MatrixPQR);
//********** /RangePQR
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, RangePQRTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, (double) 0);
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, (double)(whitePoint[i]));
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
//********** /MatrixPQR
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, MatrixPQRTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, Identity);
//********** /TransformPQR
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, TransformPQRTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginFunction);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem,
(icAbsoluteColorimetric != Intent) ? TransformPQR[i] : NullOp);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndFunction);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
return (SINT)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
SendCRDABC(MEMPTR lpMem, MEMPTR PublicArrayName, CSIG pcs, SINT nInputCh,
MEMPTR Buff, LPSFLOAT e, CSIG LutTag, BOOL bAllowBinary)
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
SINT i, j;
double TempMatrixABC[9];
MEMPTR lpTable;
MEMPTR lpLineStart;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
//********** /RangeABC
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, RangeABCTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, RangeABC);
//********** /MatrixABC
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, MatrixABCTag);
if (pcs == icSigXYZData)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
if (e)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, e[i + j * 3]);
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
lpTable = (MEMPTR) & ((lpcpLut8Type) Buff)->lut.e00;
} else
lpTable = (MEMPTR) & ((lpcpLut16Type) Buff)->lut.e00;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
TempMatrixABC[i] = ((double) si16f16toSFLOAT (lpTable)) / CIEXYZRange;
lpTable += sizeof (icS15Fixed16Number);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, TempMatrixABC[i + j * 3]);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, MatrixABCLabCRD);
//********** /EncodeABC
if (nInputCh == 0)
return (SINT)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, EncodeABCTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < nInputCh; i++)
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, BeginFunction);
if (pcs == icSigLabData)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem,
(0 == i) ? EncodeABCLab1 : EncodeABCLab2);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, StartClip);
if (e)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, PreViewInArray);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, InputArray);
lpMem += WriteObjectN (lpMem, (MEMPTR) PublicArrayName, lstrlen (PublicArrayName));
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, i);
if (!bAllowBinary) // Output ASCII CRD
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, IndexArray);
} else
{ // Output BINARY CRD
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IndexArray);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IndexArray16b);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, (LutTag == icSigLut8Type) ?
Scale8 : Scale16);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndClip);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndFunction);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
return (SINT)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
SendCRDBWPoint(MEMPTR lpMem, LPSFLOAT whitePoint)
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
//********** /BlackPoint
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, BlackPointTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BlackPoint);
//********** /WhitePoint
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, WhitePointTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
lpMem += WriteFloat (lpMem, (double)(whitePoint[i]));
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndArray);
return (SINT)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
SINT SendCRDOutputTable(MEMPTR lpMem, MEMPTR PublicArrayName,
SINT nOutputCh, CSIG LutTag, BOOL bHost, BOOL bAllowBinary)
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
lpOldMem = lpMem;
for (i = 0; i < nOutputCh; i++)
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, BeginFunction);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, Clip01);
if (bHost)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, PreViewOutArray);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, OutputArray);
lpMem += WriteObjectN (lpMem, (MEMPTR) PublicArrayName, lstrlen (PublicArrayName));
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, i);
if (!bAllowBinary) // Output ASCII CRD
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, NewLine);
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, TFunction8);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IndexArray);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, Scale16);
} else
{ // Output BINARY CRD
if (LutTag == icSigLut8Type)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, TFunction8);
} else
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IndexArray16b);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, Scale16);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndFunction);
return (SINT)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
* GetPS2PreviewColorRenderingDictionary
* function:
* This is the main function that creates proofing CRD.
* It does the following:
* 1) Creates host TargetCRD, TargetCSA and DevCRD.
* 2) Create proofing CRD by sampling TargetCRD TargetCSA and DevCRD.
* 3) Uses TargetCRD's input table as proofingCRD's input table.
* 4) Uses DevCRD's output table as proofingCRD's output table.
* 5) Sample data is XYZ or Lab, depends on PCS of TargetCRD.
* parameters:
* CHANDLE cpDev -- handle to Target icc profile.
* CHANDLE cpTarget -- handle to Dev icc profile.
* DWORD Intent -- intent
* MEMPTR lpMem -- pointer to buffer for proofCRD,
* NULL means query buffer size.
* LPDWORD lpcbSize -- as input: current buffer size
* -- as output: real proofCRD size.
* BOOL bAllowBinary -- create a ascii or binary proofCRD.
* returns:
GetPS2PreviewColorRenderingDictionary (CHANDLE cpDev,
CHANDLE cpTarget,
DWORD Intent,
LPDWORD lpcbSize,
BOOL bAllowBinary)
MEMPTR lpTargetCRD, lpTargetCSA, lpDevCRD;
DWORD cbTargetCRD, cbTargetCSA, cbDevCRD;
HGLOBAL hTargetCRD, hTargetCSA, hDevCRD;
BOOL Success = FALSE;
float Input[MAXCHANNELS];
float Output[MAXCHANNELS];
float Temp[MAXCHANNELS];
int i, j, k, l;
MEMPTR lpLineStart;
MEMPTR lpOldMem;
CSIG ColorSpace;
CSIG DevColorSpace;
static CSIG IntentTag;
static SINT PreviewCRDGrid;
SINT OutArraySize, InArraySize;
char PublicArrayName[TempBfSize];
SINT TargetGrids, DevGrids;
// First pass, return the size of Previewind CRD.
if (lpMem == NULL)
SINT dwOutArraySizr = 0;
i = 3; // Default output channal;
if ((GetCPDevSpace (cpDev, (LPCSIG) & DevColorSpace)) &&
(DevColorSpace == icSigCmykData))
i = 4;
// Get the input array size IntentTag and Grid of the Target icc profile.
if (!GetCRDInputOutputArraySize(cpTarget, Intent,
&InArraySize, NULL, &IntentTag, &TargetGrids ))
return FALSE;
// Get the output array size IntentTag and Grid of the Dev icc profile.
if (!GetCRDInputOutputArraySize(cpDev, Intent,
NULL, &OutArraySize, &IntentTag, &DevGrids ))
return FALSE;
PreviewCRDGrid = (TargetGrids > DevGrids)? TargetGrids: DevGrids;
// Min proofing CRD grid will be PREVIEWCRDGRID
*lpcbSize = PreviewCRDGrid * PreviewCRDGrid * PreviewCRDGrid *
i * 2 + // CLUT size (Hex output)
OutArraySize + // Output Array size
InArraySize + // Input Array size
4096; // Extra PostScript staff.
return (TRUE);
// Second pass, return the Previewind CRD.
lpOldMem = lpMem;
//Query the sizes of Host TargetCRD, TargetCSA and DevCRD.
if (!(GetHostColorRenderingDictionary (cpTarget, Intent, NULL, &cbTargetCRD)) ||
!(GetHostColorSpaceArray (cpTarget, Intent, NULL, &cbTargetCSA)) ||
!(GetHostColorRenderingDictionary (cpDev, Intent, NULL, &cbDevCRD)))
return (Success);
//Alloc the buffers for Host TargetCRD, TargetCSA and DevCRD.
hTargetCRD = hTargetCSA = hDevCRD = 0;
if (!MemAlloc (cbTargetCRD, (HGLOBAL FAR *)&hTargetCRD, (LPMEMPTR)&lpTargetCRD) ||
!MemAlloc (cbTargetCSA, (HGLOBAL FAR *)&hTargetCSA, (LPMEMPTR)&lpTargetCSA) ||
!MemAlloc (cbDevCRD, (HGLOBAL FAR *)&hDevCRD, (LPMEMPTR)&lpDevCRD))
goto Done;
//Build Host TargetCRD, TargetCSA and DevCRD.
if (!(GetHostColorRenderingDictionary (cpTarget, Intent, lpTargetCRD, &cbTargetCRD)) ||
!(GetHostColorSpaceArray (cpTarget, Intent, lpTargetCSA, &cbTargetCSA)) ||
!(GetHostColorRenderingDictionary (cpDev, Intent, lpDevCRD, &cbDevCRD)))
goto Done;
// Build Proofing CRD based on Host TargetCRD TargetCSA and DevCRD.
// We use TargetCRD input tables and matrix as the
// input tables and matrix of the ProofCRD.
// We use DevCRD output tables as the output tables of the ProofCRD.
//******** Define golbal array used in EncodeABC and RenderTaber
GetPublicArrayName (cpDev, IntentTag, PublicArrayName);
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, CRDBegin);
lpMem += EnableGlobalDict(lpMem);
lpMem += BeginGlobalDict(lpMem);
lpMem += CreateInputArray (lpMem, (SINT)0, (SINT)0, (MEMPTR)PublicArrayName,
(CSIG)0, NULL, bAllowBinary, lpTargetCRD);
lpMem += CreateOutputArray (lpMem, (SINT)0, (SINT)0, (SINT)0,
(MEMPTR)PublicArrayName, (CSIG)0, NULL, bAllowBinary, lpDevCRD);
lpMem += EndGlobalDict(lpMem);
//************* Start writing CRD ***
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, BeginDict); // Begin dictionary
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, DictType); // Dictionary type
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, IntentType); // RenderingIntent
switch (Intent)
case icPerceptual:
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IntentPer);
case icSaturation:
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IntentSat);
case icRelativeColorimetric:
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IntentRCol);
case icAbsoluteColorimetric:
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, IntentACol);
//********** Send Black/White Point.
lpMem += SendCRDBWPoint(lpMem,
//********** Send PQR - For White Point correction
lpMem += SendCRDPQR(lpMem, Intent,
//********** Send LMN - For Absolute Colorimetric use WhitePoint's XYZs
lpMem += SendCRDLMN(lpMem, Intent,
//********** Create MatrixABC and EncodeABC stuff
lpMem += SendCRDABC(lpMem, PublicArrayName,
(((LPHOSTCLUT)lpTargetCRD)->lutBits == 8)? icSigLut8Type:icSigLut16Type,
//********** /RenderTable
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, RenderTableTag);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, PreviewCRDGrid); // Send down Na
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, PreviewCRDGrid); // Send down Nb
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, PreviewCRDGrid); // Send down Nc
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, BeginArray);
ColorSpace = ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpDevCRD)->pcs;
for (i = 0; i < PreviewCRDGrid; i++) // Na strings should be sent
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, NewLine);
lpLineStart = lpMem;
if (bAllowBinary)
lpMem += WriteStringToken (lpMem, 143,
PreviewCRDGrid * PreviewCRDGrid * ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpDevCRD)->outputChan);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, BeginString);
Input[0] = ((float)i) / (PreviewCRDGrid - 1);
for (j = 0; j < PreviewCRDGrid; j++)
Input[1] = ((float)j) / (PreviewCRDGrid - 1);
for (k = 0; k < PreviewCRDGrid; k++)
Input[2] = ((float)k) / (PreviewCRDGrid - 1);
DoHostConversionCRD ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpTargetCRD, NULL, Input, Output, ColorSpace, 1);
DoHostConversionCSA ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpTargetCSA, Output, Temp);
Temp, Output, 0, 0);
for (l = 0; l < ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpDevCRD)->outputChan; l++)
if (bAllowBinary)
*lpMem++ = (BYTES)(Output[l]*255);
lpMem += WriteHex (lpMem, (USHORT)(Output[l]*255));
if (((SINT) (lpMem - lpLineStart)) > MAX_LINELENG)
lpLineStart = lpMem;
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, NewLine);
if (!bAllowBinary)
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndString);
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, EndArray);
lpMem += WriteInt (lpMem, ((LPHOSTCLUT)lpDevCRD)->outputChan);
//********** Send Output Table.
lpMem += SendCRDOutputTable(lpMem, PublicArrayName,
(((LPHOSTCLUT)lpDevCRD)->lutBits == 8)? icSigLut8Type:icSigLut16Type,
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, EndArray);
lpMem += WriteObject (lpMem, EndDict); // End dictionary definition
lpMem += WriteNewLineObject (lpMem, CRDEnd);
Success = TRUE;
*lpcbSize = (DWORD)(lpMem - lpOldMem);
if (hTargetCRD)
if (hTargetCSA)
if (hDevCRD)
return (Success);