378 lines
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378 lines
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Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name
Perform basic statistics on a sample array of data: Average, Standard Deviation Coefficient.
Perform simple filtering of Data to meet a specified Standard Deviation Coeficient (Optional).
Dan Almosnino (danalm) 20-Nov-1995 - Wrote it
User Mode
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "stats.h"
Routine Description:
Shell for statistic processing of data
double *array, Raw data array
long num_samples, Number of samples taken
const filter_option, available options: HI_FILTER, LO_FILTER, HI_LO_FILTER, NO_FILTER
long var_limit, Filter data so that its variation coefficient (StdDev/Average)
Won't exceed var_limit (in whole percent units)
PTEST_STATS stats) Pointer to struct that contains the calculated statistical data
Members: double Average, StdDev(%) (variation coefficient),
Minimum_Result, Maximum_Result
long NumSamplesValid (after filtering)
Notes: Minimum_Result and Max_Result are always before filtering.
A negative value of StdDev means that the average was zero, and
the number returned is the negative value of the standard deviation
itself and not a relative number (coeficient of variation)
Return Value
TRUE for Success
FALSE for Failure (Indicates a failure of one of the called functions due to either:
Too small No. of original Samples or Valid Samples left after filtering, or
Zero Arithmetic Average of data (filtering cannot continue), or
Invalid filter option.
double *array,
long num_samples,
const filter_option,
long var_limit,
double Averagetmp;
double StdDevtmp;
long NumSamplestmp;
if(!GetAverage(array, num_samples, &Averagetmp))
return FALSE;
SortUp(array, num_samples);
if(!GetStdDev(array, Averagetmp, num_samples, &StdDevtmp))
return FALSE;
stats->Minimum_Result = array[0];
stats->Maximum_Result = array[num_samples - 1];
if(filter_option == NO_FILTER)
stats->Average = Averagetmp;
stats->StdDev = StdDevtmp;
stats->NumSamplesValid = num_samples;
return TRUE;
NumSamplestmp = num_samples;
return FALSE;
stats->Average = Averagetmp;
stats->StdDev = StdDevtmp;
stats->NumSamplesValid = NumSamplestmp;
return TRUE;
Routine Description:
Calculate the arithmetic average of an array of numbers
double Sample_Array - data array
long No_Samples - number of samples to calculate the average of
double *Average - pointer to the result
Return Value
TRUE for Success
FALSE for Failure (No_Samples is zero)
double Sample_Array[],
long No_Samples,
double *Average)
long i;
(*Average) = 0.0;
if(No_Samples == 0)return FALSE;
for(i = 0; i < No_Samples; i++)
(*Average) += Sample_Array[i];
(*Average) /= No_Samples;
return TRUE;
Routine Description:
Calculate the standard deviation of a set of data
double Sample_Array - The data array
double Average - The arithmetic Average of the Sample_Array
long No_Samples - Number of Samples to Calculate
double *varcoef - The resulting coeficient of variation (StdDev / Average) in percent
(If the average is zero then the standard deviation itself is returned in
negative value)
Return Value
TRUE for Success
FALSE for Failure (No. of Samples is less than two)
double Sample_Array[],
double Average,
long No_Samples,
double *varcoef)
long i;
double tmp;
double Sum = 0.0;
if(No_Samples <= 1L)
return FALSE;
for(i=0; i<No_Samples; i++)
tmp = (Sample_Array[i] - Average);
Sum += (tmp*tmp);
Sum /= (No_Samples - 1);
if(fabs( (float)Average) < 1.E-6)
*varcoef = (-sqrt(Sum)); // return the Standard Deviation itself in negative sign for distinction
*varcoef = (100*sqrt(Sum)/Average); // return the variation coeficient in percents
return TRUE;
Routine Description:
Simplest Quick Sort routine (sorts-up an array of doubles)
double *Array - Pointer to the array to be sorted (result is returned in the same address)
long array_size - Size of array to be sorted
Return Value
double *array,
long array_size)
long gap, i, j;
double temp;
for(gap = array_size/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2)
for(i = gap; i < array_size; i++)
for(j = i - gap; j >= 0 && array[j] > array[j + gap]; j -= gap)
temp = array[j];
array[j] = array[j + gap];
array[j + gap] = temp;
Routine Description:
Filter a set of data to meet a pre-defined coeficient of variation
double Sorted_Array - A pointer to a pre-sorted up array of data to be filtered
double *tmpAverage - A pointer to the arithmetic average of the array of data.
Upon exit will contain the resulting average of the filtered data.
double *tmpSD - A pointer to the variation coefficient (in percent) of the input array of data.
Upon exit will contain the resulting variation coefficient of the filtered data
after the constraint was met.
long *tmpNumSamples - A pointer to the number of samples to be filtered.
Upon return will contain the number of valid samples left after the filtering.
long limit - The pre defined coefficient of variation (StdDev / Average)to be met
(in whole percents).
const filter_option - One of the following:
HI_FILTER - filter eliminates the high values from top down until limit is met
LO_FILTER - filter eliminates the low values from bottom up until limit is met
HI_LO_FILTER- filter eliminates both high and low values in this order until limit is met
other - routine will return a FALSE
Return Value
TRUE for Success
FALSE for failure (Either number of samples left after sequential filtering passes is less than three,
or for some reason the filtered average became zero,
or the filter option is an invalid value)
double Sorted_Array[],
double *tmpAverage,
double *tmpSD,
long *tmpNumSamples,
long limit,
const filter_option)
switch (filter_option)
while(*tmpSD > (double)limit)
if(*tmpNumSamples <= 2)return FALSE;
(*tmpAverage) *= (*tmpNumSamples);
(*tmpAverage) -= Sorted_Array[(*tmpNumSamples) - 1];
(*tmpAverage) /= (*tmpNumSamples);
GetStdDev(Sorted_Array, *tmpAverage, *tmpNumSamples, &(*tmpSD));
if(*tmpSD < 0)return FALSE;
while(*tmpSD > (double)limit)
if(*tmpNumSamples <= 2)return FALSE;
(*tmpAverage) *= (*tmpNumSamples);
(*tmpAverage) -= (*Sorted_Array);
(*tmpAverage) /= (*tmpNumSamples);
GetStdDev(Sorted_Array, *tmpAverage, *tmpNumSamples, &(*tmpSD));
if(*tmpSD < 0)return FALSE;
while(*tmpSD > (double)limit)
if(*tmpNumSamples <= 2)return FALSE;
if(fabs((*Sorted_Array) - (*tmpAverage)) > fabs(Sorted_Array[*tmpNumSamples - 1] - *tmpAverage))
(*tmpAverage) *= (*tmpNumSamples);
(*tmpAverage) -= (*Sorted_Array);
(*tmpAverage) *= (*tmpNumSamples);
(*tmpAverage) -= Sorted_Array[(*tmpNumSamples) - 1];
(*tmpAverage) /= (*tmpNumSamples);
GetStdDev(Sorted_Array, *tmpAverage, *tmpNumSamples, &(*tmpSD));
if(*tmpSD < 0)return FALSE;
return FALSE;
} //switch filter_option
return TRUE;