2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

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// utils.h: Declares data, defines and struct types for common code
// module.
#ifndef __UTILS_H__
#define __UTILS_H__
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINES
#define BLOCK
#define Unref(x) x
#ifdef DEBUG
#define INLINE
#define DEBUG_CODE(x) x
#define INLINE __inline
#define DEBUG_CODE(x)
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// MACROS
// Zero-initialize data-item
#define ZeroInit(pobj, type) lmemset((LPSTR)pobj, 0, sizeof(type))
// Copy chunk of memory
#define BltByte(pdest, psrc, cb) lmemmove((LPSTR)pdest, (LPSTR)psrc, cb)
// General flag macros
#define SetFlag(obj, f) do {obj |= (f);} while (0)
#define ToggleFlag(obj, f) do {obj ^= (f);} while (0)
#define ClearFlag(obj, f) do {obj &= ~(f);} while (0)
#define IsFlagSet(obj, f) (BOOL)(((obj) & (f)) == (f))
#define IsFlagClear(obj, f) (BOOL)(((obj) & (f)) != (f))
// void * GAlloc(DWORD cbBytes)
// Alloc a chunk of memory, quickly, with no 64k limit on size of
// individual objects or total object size. Initialize to zero.
#define GAlloc(cbBytes) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbBytes)
// void * GReAlloc(void * pv, DWORD cbNewSize)
// Realloc one of above. If pv is NULL, then this function will do
// an alloc for you. Initializes new portion to zero.
#define GReAlloc(pv, cbNewSize) GlobalReAlloc(pv, GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, cbNewSize)
// void GFree(void *pv)
// Free pv if it is nonzero. Set pv to zero.
#define GFree(pv) do { (pv) ? GlobalFree(pv) : (void)0; pv = NULL; } while (0)
// DWORD GGetSize(void *pv)
// Get the size of a block allocated by Alloc()
#define GGetSize(pv) GlobalSize(pv)
// type * GAllocType(type); (macro)
// Alloc some memory the size of <type> and return pointer to <type>.
#define GAllocType(type) (type *)GAlloc(sizeof(type))
// type * GAllocArray(type, int cNum); (macro)
// Alloc an array of data the size of <type>.
#define GAllocArray(type, cNum) (type *)GAlloc(sizeof(type) * (cNum))
// type * GReAllocArray(type, void * pb, int cNum);
#define GReAllocArray(type, pb, cNum) (type *)GReAlloc(pb, sizeof(type) * (cNum))
// void Free(void _huge * pb); (macro)
// Free pb if it is nonzero. Set pb to zero. (Overrides Free above.)
#define Free(pb) do { (pb) ? Free(pb) : (void)0; pb = NULL; } while (0)
// Color macros
#define ColorBk(nState) (((nState) & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT : COLOR_WINDOW)
#define ColorMenuText(nState) (((nState) & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT : COLOR_MENUTEXT)
#define ColorMenuBk(nState) (((nState) & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT : COLOR_MENU)
#define GetImageDrawStyle(nState) (((nState) & ODS_SELECTED) ? ILD_SELECTED : ILD_NORMAL)
// Sets the dialog handle in the given data struct on first
// message that the dialog gets (WM_SETFONT).
#define SetDlgHandle(hwnd, msg, lp) if((msg)==WM_SETFONT) (lp)->hdlg=(hwnd);
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// TYPEDEFS
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXPORTED DATA
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// PUBLIC PROTOTYPES
int NEAR PASCAL RuiUserMessage (HWND, UINT, UINT);
BOOL NEAR PASCAL IsServerInstalled ();
LPSTR PUBLIC lmemset(LPSTR dst, char val, UINT count);
LPSTR PUBLIC lmemmove(LPSTR dst, LPSTR src, int count);
int PUBLIC AnsiToInt(LPCSTR pszString);
int PUBLIC DoModal (HWND hwndParent, DLGPROC lpfnDlgProc, UINT uID, LPARAM lParam);
HMENU PUBLIC LoadPopupMenu(UINT id, UINT uSubOffset);
UINT PUBLIC MergePopupMenu(HMENU FAR *phMenu, UINT idResource, UINT uSubOffset, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast);
BOOL PUBLIC RunDLLProcess (LPSTR pszCmdLine);
BOOL PUBLIC RunDLLThread(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow);
#endif // __UTILS_H__