639 lines
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639 lines
25 KiB
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// 98/10/02 vtan: Multiple monitor bug fixes.
// Given an old monitor layout, a new monitor layout and a component
// this function makes sure that it is in the new layout using a
// monitor relative scheme. It tries to preserve the position
// relatively within a given monitor. If the resolution of the monitor
// changes then this needs to be accounted for also.
// Preserve the component within a given monitor if the monitor is the
// same HMONITOR but the GDI co-ordinates change.
// If the same monitor cannot be located then move the component to the
// nearest monitor and position it as best on that monitor.
// If all else fails then use the default component positioning
// algorithm. This should never happen.
// Preserve the component within a given monitor if the resolution
// changes. Preserve the size of the component by MOVING the component
// in the X and Y axis until the left or the top of the monitor is
// reached. When either axis reaches 0 then reduce the size of the
// component until it fits within the given new resolution.
static const int kNameSize = 16;
typedef struct
RECT miDisplayAreaRect,
} tMonitorInfoRec, *tMonitorInfoPtr;
typedef struct
int miaCount, miaIndex;
RECT miaVirtualScreen;
tMonitorInfoRec miaMonitors[1];
} tMonitorInfoArrayRec, *tMonitorInfoArrayPtr;
typedef struct
bool ciValidData, ciVisible, ciRepositioned;
TCHAR ciName[kNameSize]; // this is not excessive but limited
DWORD ciItemState;
int ciType;
COMPPOS ciPosition;
} tComponentInfoRec, *tComponentInfoPtr;
static tMonitorInfoArrayPtr gOldMonitorArray = NULL;
static tMonitorInfoArrayPtr gNewMonitorArray = NULL;
// Functions located in Dutil.cpp used for co-ordinate mapping.
void SetPt (POINT& pt, LONG x, LONG y);
void OffsetPt (POINT& pt, LONG dh, LONG dv);
void CalculateVirtualScreen (RECT& virtualScreen);
// Local function prototypes.
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorCountEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC dc, RECT *rc, LPARAM data);
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorCalculateEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC dc, RECT *rc, LPARAM data);
HRESULT CalculateCurrentMonitorArray(void);
void ApplyCurrentMonitorArray (void);
bool EqualMonitorArray (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr oldMonitorArray, tMonitorInfoArrayPtr newMonitorArray);
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, HMONITOR hMonitor);
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, POINT& pt);
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, RECT& rc);
bool RepositionDesktopRect (RECT& rcComponent, tMonitorInfoArrayPtr oldMonitorArray, tMonitorInfoArrayPtr newMonitorArray);
bool RepositionDesktopComponent (COMPPOS& componentPosition, COMPSTATEINFO& componentStateInfo, DWORD dwItemState);
bool ReadAllComponents (HKEY hKeyDesktop, tComponentInfoPtr& pComponentInfo, DWORD& dwComponentCount);
void WriteAllComponents (HKEY hKeyDesktop, tComponentInfoPtr pComponentInfo, DWORD dwComponentCount);
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorCountEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC dc, RECT *rc, LPARAM data)
// Count the number of monitors attached to the system.
int *iCounter;
iCounter = reinterpret_cast<int*>(data);
BOOL CALLBACK MonitorCalculateEnumProc (HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC dc, RECT *rc, LPARAM data)
// Store each monitor HMONITOR and dimensions in the array.
tMonitorInfoArrayPtr monitorArray;
MONITORINFO monitorInfo;
monitorArray = reinterpret_cast<tMonitorInfoArrayPtr>(data);
monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo);
if (GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monitorInfo) != 0)
tMonitorInfoPtr pMI;
pMI = &monitorArray->miaMonitors[monitorArray->miaIndex++];
pMI->miHMONITOR = hMonitor;
TBOOL(CopyRect(&pMI->miDisplayAreaRect, &monitorInfo.rcMonitor));
TBOOL(CopyRect(&pMI->miWorkAreaRect, &monitorInfo.rcWork));
HRESULT CalculateCurrentMonitorArray(void)
// Allocate and fill the monitor rectangle array.
int iCount;
iCount = 0;
TBOOL(EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorCountEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&iCount)));
gNewMonitorArray = reinterpret_cast<tMonitorInfoArrayPtr>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(tMonitorInfoArrayRec) + ((iCount - 1) * sizeof(tMonitorInfoRec))));
if (gNewMonitorArray)
gNewMonitorArray->miaCount = iCount;
gNewMonitorArray->miaIndex = 0;
TBOOL(EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorCalculateEnumProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(gNewMonitorArray)));
hr = S_OK;
return hr;
void ApplyCurrentMonitorArray (void)
// Discard the old and save the new as current monitor
// rectangle array for the next time the function is called.
if (gOldMonitorArray != NULL)
gOldMonitorArray = gNewMonitorArray;
gNewMonitorArray = NULL;
bool EqualMonitorArray (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr oldMonitorArray, tMonitorInfoArrayPtr newMonitorArray)
bool bResult;
if (oldMonitorArray->miaCount == newMonitorArray->miaCount)
int i, iLimit;
bResult = true;
for (i = 0, iLimit = oldMonitorArray->miaCount; bResult && (i < iLimit); ++i)
bResult &= (EqualRect(&oldMonitorArray->miaMonitors[i].miWorkAreaRect, &newMonitorArray->miaMonitors[i].miWorkAreaRect) != 0);
bResult = false;
// These functions determine the index into the monitor
// rectangle array of a given HMONITOR, POINT or RECT.
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, HMONITOR hMonitor)
int i, iLimit, iResult;
tMonitorInfoPtr pMI;
iResult = -1;
for (i = 0, iLimit = pMIA->miaCount, pMI = pMIA->miaMonitors; i < iLimit; ++i, ++pMI)
if (pMI->miHMONITOR == hMonitor)
iResult = i;
// Note that the functions that take a POINT or RECT
// require the co-ordinates to be in TRIDENT co-ordinates.
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, POINT& pt)
int i, iLimit, iResult;
tMonitorInfoPtr pMI;
POINT ptLocal;
ptLocal = pt;
OffsetPt(ptLocal, +pMIA->miaVirtualScreen.left, +pMIA->miaVirtualScreen.top);
iResult = -1;
for (i = 0, iLimit = pMIA->miaCount, pMI = pMIA->miaMonitors; i < iLimit; ++i, ++pMI)
if (PtInRect(&pMI->miDisplayAreaRect, ptLocal) != 0)
iResult = i;
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, RECT& rc)
int iResult;
// 99/05/12 #338446 vtan: Try all four corners of the rectangle
// to find a match.
pt.x = rc.left;
pt.y = rc.top;
iResult = IndexOfMonitor(pMIA, pt);
if (iResult < 0)
pt.x = rc.left;
pt.y = rc.bottom;
iResult = IndexOfMonitor(pMIA, pt);
if (iResult < 0)
pt.x = rc.right;
pt.y = rc.top;
iResult = IndexOfMonitor(pMIA, pt);
if (iResult < 0)
pt.x = rc.right;
pt.y = rc.bottom;
iResult = IndexOfMonitor(pMIA, pt);
int IndexOfMonitor (tMonitorInfoArrayPtr pMIA, COMPPOS& componentPosition)
RECT rcComponent;
TBOOL(SetRect(&rcComponent, componentPosition.iLeft, componentPosition.iTop, componentPosition.iLeft + componentPosition.dwWidth, componentPosition.iTop + componentPosition.dwHeight));
return(IndexOfMonitor(pMIA, rcComponent));
bool RepositionDesktopRect (RECT& rcComponent, tMonitorInfoArrayPtr oldMonitorArray, tMonitorInfoArrayPtr newMonitorArray)
// Reposition the component's RECT based on the logic at the
// top of the source file. Used for both the component's
// current position and the restored position.
bool bRepositionedComponent;
int iOldMonitorIndex, iNewMonitorIndex;
// This is for future expansion. The components are always
// deemed to be repositioned if this function is called.
bRepositionedComponent = true;
// Find out if the monitor which the component was on is still
// present. To do this find the index of the component in the
// old monitor array, get the HMONITOR and find that in the new
// monitor array.
iOldMonitorIndex = IndexOfMonitor(oldMonitorArray, rcComponent);
if (iOldMonitorIndex >= 0)
RECT *prcOldMonitor, *prcNewMonitor;
iNewMonitorIndex = IndexOfMonitor(newMonitorArray, oldMonitorArray->miaMonitors[iOldMonitorIndex].miHMONITOR);
if (iNewMonitorIndex < 0)
HMONITOR hMonitor;
// The component is on a monitor that no longer exists. The only
// thing to do in this case is to find the nearest monitor based
// on the GDI co-ordinates and position it on that monitor.
hMonitor = MonitorFromRect(&rcComponent, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
iNewMonitorIndex = IndexOfMonitor(newMonitorArray, hMonitor);
ASSERT(iNewMonitorIndex >= 0);
// If iNewMonitorIndex was already positive then the monitor which
// the component was on still exists and simply mapping GDI
// co-ordinates will work. Otherwise we found the nearest monitor
// and mapping GDI co-ordinates also works!
// This maps from the component's OLD co-ordinates in trident
// co-ordinates to GDI co-ordinates. Then it maps from the GDI
// co-ordinates to an OLD monitor relative co-ordinate. Then it
// maps from the OLD monitor relative co-ordinates to the NEW
// monitor GDI co-ordinates.
prcOldMonitor = &oldMonitorArray->miaMonitors[iOldMonitorIndex].miDisplayAreaRect;
prcNewMonitor = &newMonitorArray->miaMonitors[iNewMonitorIndex].miDisplayAreaRect;
TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rcComponent, +oldMonitorArray->miaVirtualScreen.left, +oldMonitorArray->miaVirtualScreen.top));
TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rcComponent, -prcOldMonitor->left, -prcOldMonitor->top));
TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rcComponent, +prcNewMonitor->left, +prcNewMonitor->top));
// Component exists at an invalid location in the old monitor
// layout. It may be valid in the new layout. Try this. If that
// doesn't work then it doesn't exist in the old nor the new
// layout. It was in no-man's land. Position it using the default
// positioning system.
iNewMonitorIndex = IndexOfMonitor(newMonitorArray, rcComponent);
if (iNewMonitorIndex < 0)
POINT ptOrigin;
COMPPOS componentPosition;
TBOOL(SetRect(&rcComponent, componentPosition.iLeft, componentPosition.iTop, componentPosition.iLeft + componentPosition.dwWidth, componentPosition.iTop + componentPosition.dwHeight));
// Get the primary monitor index in our monitor rectangle array.
SetPt(ptOrigin, 0, 0);
iNewMonitorIndex = IndexOfMonitor(newMonitorArray, MonitorFromPoint(ptOrigin, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY));
ASSERT(iNewMonitorIndex >= 0);
// At this stage the component position is in GDI co-ordinates.
// Convert from GDI co-ordinates back to trident co-ordinates.
TBOOL(OffsetRect(&rcComponent, -newMonitorArray->miaVirtualScreen.left, -newMonitorArray->miaVirtualScreen.top));
bool RepositionDesktopComponent (COMPPOS& componentPosition, COMPSTATEINFO& componentStateInfo, DWORD dwItemState, int iComponentType)
bool bRepositionedComponent;
tMonitorInfoArrayPtr oldMonitorArray, newMonitorArray;
RECT rcComponent;
// Check if the monitor layout has changed. If unchanged then
// there is no need to move the components.
oldMonitorArray = gOldMonitorArray;
newMonitorArray = gNewMonitorArray;
if (oldMonitorArray == NULL)
oldMonitorArray = newMonitorArray;
TBOOL(SetRect(&rcComponent, componentPosition.iLeft, componentPosition.iTop, componentPosition.iLeft + componentPosition.dwWidth, componentPosition.iTop + componentPosition.dwHeight));
bRepositionedComponent = RepositionDesktopRect(rcComponent, oldMonitorArray, newMonitorArray);
componentPosition.iLeft = rcComponent.left;
componentPosition.iTop = rcComponent.top;
componentPosition.dwWidth = rcComponent.right - rcComponent.left;
componentPosition.dwHeight = rcComponent.bottom - rcComponent.top;
ValidateComponentPosition(&componentPosition, dwItemState, iComponentType, NULL, NULL);
// If the component is zoomed also reposition the restored
if (IsZoomedState(dwItemState))
COMPPOS restoredCompPos;
TBOOL(SetRect(&rcComponent, componentStateInfo.iLeft, componentStateInfo.iTop, componentStateInfo.iLeft + componentStateInfo.dwWidth, componentStateInfo.iTop + componentStateInfo.dwHeight));
bRepositionedComponent = RepositionDesktopRect(rcComponent, oldMonitorArray, newMonitorArray) || bRepositionedComponent;
restoredCompPos.iLeft = componentStateInfo.iLeft = rcComponent.left;
restoredCompPos.iTop = componentStateInfo.iTop = rcComponent.top;
restoredCompPos.dwWidth = componentStateInfo.dwWidth = rcComponent.right - rcComponent.left;
restoredCompPos.dwHeight = componentStateInfo.dwHeight = rcComponent.bottom - rcComponent.top;
ZoomComponent(&componentPosition, dwItemState, FALSE);
restoredCompPos.dwSize = sizeof(restoredCompPos);
ValidateComponentPosition(&restoredCompPos, IS_NORMAL, iComponentType, NULL, NULL);
bool ReadAllComponents (HKEY hKeyDesktop, tComponentInfoPtr& pComponentInfo, DWORD& dwComponentCount)
tComponentInfoPtr pCI;
if (RegQueryInfoKey(hKeyDesktop, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwComponentCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
dwComponentCount = 0;
if (dwComponentCount > 0)
// 99/08/09 #383184: STRESS fix. Allocate the whole block of
// memory required for the components but allocate one extra
// entry. advapi32!RegEnumKeyEx will try to access the memory
// before determining that there is a failure condition. With
// pageheap on (and the block allocated at the end of the page)
// this causes an access violation. The simplest fix is to add
// an extra entry.
pComponentInfo = pCI = reinterpret_cast<tComponentInfoPtr>(LocalAlloc(LPTR, (dwComponentCount + 1) * sizeof(*pCI))); // LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT
if (pCI != NULL)
DWORD dwIndex, dwSize;
// Enumerate all the desktop components.
dwIndex = 0;
dwSize = sizeof(pCI->ciName);
while (RegEnumKeyEx(hKeyDesktop, dwIndex, pCI->ciName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
CRegKey regKeyComponent;
if (regKeyComponent.Open(hKeyDesktop, pCI->ciName, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
DWORD dwType, cbData;
// Read the Position value.
cbData = sizeof(pCI->ciPosition);
if (SHQueryValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_POSITION, NULL, &dwType, &pCI->ciPosition, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
DWORD dwFlags;
pCI->ciValidData = true;
if (SHQueryValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_FLAGS, NULL, &dwType, &dwFlags, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
pCI->ciVisible = ((dwFlags & COMP_SELECTED) != 0);
pCI->ciType = (dwFlags & COMP_TYPE_MASK);
pCI->ciVisible = false;
pCI->ciItemState = IS_NORMAL; // if missing (IE4 machine) or error the assume normal
cbData = sizeof(pCI->ciItemState);
if ((SHQueryValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_CURSTATE, NULL, &dwType, &pCI->ciItemState, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS))
// If the component is zoomed also read in the COMPSTATEINFO.
if (IsZoomedState(pCI->ciItemState))
cbData = sizeof(pCI->ciStateInfo);
TW32(SHQueryValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_RESTOREDSTATEINFO, NULL, &dwType, &pCI->ciStateInfo, &cbData));
dwSize = sizeof(pCI->ciName);
return((dwComponentCount != 0) && (pComponentInfo != NULL));
int IndexOfComponent (tComponentInfoPtr pComponentInfo, DWORD dwComponentCount, LPCTSTR pcszName)
int iResult, i;
for (iResult = -1, i = 0; (iResult < 0) && (i < static_cast<int>(dwComponentCount)); ++i)
if (lstrcmp(pComponentInfo[i].ciName, pcszName) == 0)
iResult = i;
void WriteAllComponents (HKEY hKeyDesktop, tComponentInfoPtr pComponentInfo, DWORD dwComponentCount)
TCHAR szSubKeyName[kNameSize];
DWORD dwSubKeyIndex, dwSubKeySize;
// Enumerate all the desktop components.
dwSubKeyIndex = 0;
dwSubKeySize = sizeof(szSubKeyName);
while (RegEnumKeyEx(hKeyDesktop, dwSubKeyIndex, szSubKeyName, &dwSubKeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
CRegKey regKeyComponent;
if (regKeyComponent.Open(hKeyDesktop, szSubKeyName, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
int i;
i = IndexOfComponent(pComponentInfo, dwComponentCount, szSubKeyName);
if ((i >= 0) && pComponentInfo[i].ciRepositioned)
TW32(RegSetValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_POSITION, 0, REG_BINARY, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&pComponentInfo[i].ciPosition), sizeof(pComponentInfo[i].ciPosition)));
TW32(RegSetValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_CURSTATE, NULL, REG_BINARY, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&pComponentInfo[i].ciItemState), sizeof(pComponentInfo[i].ciItemState)));
// If the component is zoomed also write out the COMPSTATEINFO.
if (IsZoomedState(pComponentInfo[i].ciItemState))
TW32(RegSetValueEx(regKeyComponent, REG_VAL_COMP_RESTOREDSTATEINFO, 0, REG_BINARY, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&pComponentInfo[i].ciStateInfo), sizeof(pComponentInfo[i].ciStateInfo)));
dwSubKeySize = sizeof(szSubKeyName);
BOOL AdjustDesktopComponents (LPCRECT arectNew,
int crectNew,
LPCRECT arectOldMonitors,
LPCRECT arectOld,
int crectOld)
static const int kMaximumMonitorCount = 16;
bool bRepositionedComponent;
int zoomedComponentIndices[kMaximumMonitorCount]; // 16 monitors limitation here - make dynamic if required
int i;
tMonitorInfoArrayPtr oldMonitorArray;
CRegKey regKeyDesktop;
TCHAR lpszDeskcomp[MAX_PATH];
for (i = 0; i < kMaximumMonitorCount; ++i)
zoomedComponentIndices[i] = -1;
bRepositionedComponent = false;
hr = CalculateCurrentMonitorArray();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
oldMonitorArray = gOldMonitorArray;
if (oldMonitorArray == NULL)
oldMonitorArray = gNewMonitorArray;
GetRegLocation(lpszDeskcomp, SIZECHARS(lpszDeskcomp), REG_DESKCOMP_COMPONENTS, NULL);
if (regKeyDesktop.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszDeskcomp, KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
DWORD dwComponentCount;
tComponentInfoPtr pComponentInfo;
// Enumerate all the desktop components.
if (ReadAllComponents(regKeyDesktop, pComponentInfo, dwComponentCount))
tComponentInfoPtr pCI;
for (pCI = pComponentInfo, i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dwComponentCount); ++pCI, ++i)
int iPreviousMonitorIndexOfComponent;
// Calculate the previous monitor position BEFORE the component
// gets repositioned.
iPreviousMonitorIndexOfComponent = IndexOfMonitor(oldMonitorArray, pCI->ciPosition);
if (RepositionDesktopComponent(pCI->ciPosition, pCI->ciStateInfo, pCI->ciItemState, pCI->ciType))
int iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent;
pCI->ciRepositioned = bRepositionedComponent = true;
iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent = IndexOfMonitor(gNewMonitorArray, pCI->ciPosition);
if (iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent >= 0)
// 99/05/12 #338446 vtan: Only use a zero or positive index into the
// monitor array. -1 is invalid and will cause an AV. This should NEVER
// happen but rather than assert this condition is handled.
if (IsZoomedState(pCI->ciItemState) && (zoomedComponentIndices[iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent] >= 0))
tComponentInfoPtr pCIToRestore;
// This component is zoomed on a monitor that already has a zoomed
// component. Compare this component and the component already on the
// monitor. The one that was there before is the one that stays. The one
// that shouldn't be there is the one that gets restored.
if ((iPreviousMonitorIndexOfComponent == iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent) && pCI->ciVisible)
pCIToRestore = pComponentInfo + zoomedComponentIndices[iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent];
pCIToRestore = pCI;
pCIToRestore->ciPosition.iLeft = pCIToRestore->ciStateInfo.iLeft;
pCIToRestore->ciPosition.iTop = pCIToRestore->ciStateInfo.iTop;
pCIToRestore->ciPosition.dwWidth = pCIToRestore->ciStateInfo.dwWidth;
pCIToRestore->ciPosition.dwHeight = pCIToRestore->ciStateInfo.dwHeight;
pCIToRestore->ciPosition.izIndex = COMPONENT_TOP;
pCIToRestore->ciItemState = IS_NORMAL;
// If the component is zoomed also write out the COMPSTATEINFO.
if (IsZoomedState(pCI->ciItemState))
zoomedComponentIndices[iCurrentMonitorIndexOfComponent] = i;
WriteAllComponents(regKeyDesktop, pComponentInfo, dwComponentCount);
if (bRepositionedComponent)
// Refresh only if AD is turned on.
// 98/09/22 #182982 vtan: Use dynamic HTML by default to refresh.
// Only disallow usage when specifically told to by a flag.