2020-09-30 17:12:32 +02:00

1956 lines
77 KiB

Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains functions that manipulate or return information about the different tables used by the NLS API.
External Routines found in this file:
Revision History:
05-31-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nls.h"
// Constant Declarations.
// Global Variables.
PTBL_PTRS pTblPtrs; // ptr to structure of table ptrs
// Forward Declarations.
BOOL IsValidSortId(LCID Locale);
ULONG GetLanguageExceptionInfo(void);
LPWORD GetLinguisticLanguageInfo(LCID Locale);
ULONG CreateAndCopyLanguageExceptions(LCID Locale, LPWORD *ppBaseAddr);
BOOL FASTCALL FindLanguageExceptionPointers(LCID Locale, PL_EXCEPT_HDR *ppExceptHdr, PL_EXCEPT *ppExceptTbl);
void FASTCALL CopyLanguageExceptionInfo(LPWORD pBaseAddr, PL_EXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr, PL_EXCEPT pExceptTbl);
BOOL FASTCALL FindExceptionPointers(LCID Locale, PEXCEPT_HDR *ppExceptHdr, PEXCEPT *ppExceptTbl, PVOID *ppIdeograph, PULONG pReturn);
void FASTCALL CopyExceptionInfo(PSORTKEY pSortkey, PEXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr, PEXCEPT pExceptTbl, PVOID pIdeograph);
ULONG WaitOnEvent(LPWORD pSem);
// Returns the hash value for given value and the given table size.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define GET_HASH_VALUE(Value, TblSize) (Value % TblSize)
// Creates a code page hash node and stores the pointer to it in pHashN.
// NOTE: This macro may return if an error is encountered.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define CREATE_CODEPAGE_HASH_NODE( CodePage, pHashN ) \
{ \
/* \
* Allocate CP_HASH structure. \
*/ \
if ((pHashN = (PCP_HASH)NLS_ALLOC_MEM(sizeof(CP_HASH))) == NULL) \
{ \
} \
/* \
* Fill in the CodePage value. \
*/ \
pHashN->CodePage = CodePage; \
/* \
* Make sure the pfnCPProc value is NULL for now. \
*/ \
pHashN->pfnCPProc = NULL; \
// Creates a locale hash node and stores the pointer to it in pHashN.
// NOTE: This macro may return if an error is encountered.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define CREATE_LOCALE_HASH_NODE( Locale, pHashN ) \
{ \
/* \
* Allocate LOC_HASH structure. \
*/ \
if ((pHashN = (PLOC_HASH)NLS_ALLOC_MEM(sizeof(LOC_HASH))) == NULL) \
{ \
} \
/* \
* Fill in the Locale value. \
*/ \
pHashN->Locale = Locale; \
// Searches for the cp hash node for the given locale.
// The result is put in pHashN. If no node exists, pHashN will be NULL.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define FIND_CP_HASH_NODE( CodePage, pHashN ) \
{ \
UINT Index; /* hash value */ \
/* \
* Get hash value. \
*/ \
Index = GET_HASH_VALUE(CodePage, CP_TBL_SIZE); \
/* \
* Make sure the hash node still doesn't exist in the table. \
*/ \
pHashN = (pTblPtrs->pCPHashTbl)[Index]; \
while ((pHashN != NULL) && (pHashN->CodePage != CodePage)) \
{ \
pHashN = pHashN->pNext; \
} \
// Searches for the locale hash node for the given locale.
// The result is put in pHashN. If no node exists, pHashN will be NULL.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define FIND_LOCALE_HASH_NODE( Locale, pHashN ) \
{ \
UINT Index; /* hash value */ \
/* \
* Get hash value. \
*/ \
/* \
* Get hash node. \
*/ \
pHashN = (pTblPtrs->pLocHashTbl)[Index]; \
while ((pHashN != NULL) && (pHashN->Locale != Locale)) \
{ \
pHashN = pHashN->pNext; \
} \
// Checks to see if the casing tables have been added to the locale hash node.
// Must check the LOWER CASE pointer, since that value is set last in the hash node.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define EXIST_LANGUAGE_INFO(pHashN) (pHashN->pLowerCase)
// Checks to see if the linguistic casing tables have been added to the locale hash node.
// Must check the LOWER CASE pointer, since that value is set last in the hash node.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
#define EXIST_LINGUIST_LANGUAGE_INFO(pHashN) (pHashN->pLowerLinguist)
// Checks to see if the locale tables have been added to the locale hash node.
// Must check the FIXED locale pointer, since that value is set last in the hash node.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define EXIST_LOCALE_INFO(pHashN) (pHashN->pLocaleFixed)
// Inserts a CP hash node into the global CP hash table.
// It assumes that all unused hash values in the table are pointing to NULL.
// If there is a collision, the new node will be added FIRST in the list.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define INSERT_CP_HASH_NODE( pHashN, pBaseAddr ) \
{ \
UINT Index; /* hash value */ \
PCP_HASH pSearch; /* ptr to CP hash node for search */ \
/* \
* Get hash value. \
*/ \
Index = GET_HASH_VALUE(pHashN->CodePage, CP_TBL_SIZE); \
/* \
* Enter table pointers critical section. \
*/ \
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsTblPtrs); \
/* \
* Make sure the hash node still doesn't exist in the table. \
*/ \
pSearch = (pTblPtrs->pCPHashTbl)[Index]; \
while ((pSearch != NULL) && (pSearch->CodePage != pHashN->CodePage)) \
{ \
pSearch = pSearch->pNext; \
} \
/* \
* If the hash node does not exist, insert the new one. \
* Otherwise, free it. \
*/ \
if (pSearch == NULL) \
{ \
/* \
* Insert hash node into hash table. \
*/ \
pHashN->pNext = (pTblPtrs->pCPHashTbl)[Index]; \
(pTblPtrs->pCPHashTbl)[Index] = pHashN; \
} \
else \
{ \
/* \
* Free the resources allocated. \
*/ \
if (pBaseAddr) \
{ \
UnMapSection(pBaseAddr); \
} \
} \
/* \
* Leave table pointers critical section. \
*/ \
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsTblPtrs); \
// Inserts a LOC hash node into the global LOC hash table.
// It assumes that all unused hash values in the table are pointing to NULL.
// If there is a collision, the new node will be added FIRST in the list.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define INSERT_LOC_HASH_NODE( pHashN, pBaseAddr ) \
{ \
UINT Index; /* hash value */ \
PLOC_HASH pSearch; /* ptr to LOC hash node for search */ \
/* \
* Get hash value. \
*/ \
Index = GET_HASH_VALUE(pHashN->Locale, LOC_TBL_SIZE); \
/* \
* Enter table pointers critical section. \
*/ \
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsTblPtrs); \
/* \
* Make sure the hash node still doesn't exist in the table. \
*/ \
pSearch = (pTblPtrs->pLocHashTbl)[Index]; \
while ((pSearch != NULL) && (pSearch->Locale != pHashN->Locale)) \
{ \
pSearch = pSearch->pNext; \
} \
/* \
* If the hash node does not exist, insert the new one. \
* Otherwise, free it. \
*/ \
if (pSearch == NULL) \
{ \
/* \
* Insert hash node into hash table. \
*/ \
pHashN->pNext = (pTblPtrs->pLocHashTbl)[Index]; \
(pTblPtrs->pLocHashTbl)[Index] = pHashN; \
} \
else \
{ \
/* \
* Free the resources allocated. \
*/ \
if (pBaseAddr) \
{ \
UnMapSection(pBaseAddr); \
} \
if (pHashN->pSortkey != pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey) \
{ \
UnMapSection(((LPWORD)(pHashN->pSortkey)) - SORTKEY_HEADER); \
} \
} \
/* \
* Leave table pointers critical section. \
*/ \
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsTblPtrs); \
// Gets the section name for a given code page.
// NOTE: This macro may return if an error is encountered.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define GET_CP_SECTION_NAME( CodePage, pObSecName ) \
{ \
WCHAR pwszSecName[MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* section name string */ \
if (rc = GetNlsSectionName( CodePage, 10, 0, NLS_SECTION_CPPREFIX, pwszSecName )) \
{ \
return (rc); \
} \
RtlInitUnicodeString(pObSecName, pwszSecName); \
// Gets the sortkey section name for a given locale.
// NOTE: This macro may return if an error is encountered.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define GET_SORTKEY_SECTION_NAME( Locale, pObSecName ) \
{ \
WCHAR pwszSecName[MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* section name string */ \
if (rc = GetNlsSectionName( Locale, 16, 8, NLS_SECTION_SORTKEY, pwszSecName )) \
{ \
return (rc); \
} \
RtlInitUnicodeString(pObSecName, pwszSecName); \
// Gets the section name for a given language.
// NOTE: This macro may return if an error is encountered.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
#define GET_LANG_SECTION_NAME( Locale, pObSecName ) \
{ \
WCHAR pwszSecName[MAX_PATH_LEN]; /* section name string */ \
if (rc = GetNlsSectionName( Locale, 16, 8, NLS_SECTION_LANGPREFIX, pwszSecName )) \
{ \
return (rc); \
} \
RtlInitUnicodeString(pObSecName, pwszSecName); \
ULONG AllocTables()
// Allocates the global table pointers structure.
// It then allocates the code page and locale hash tables and saves the pointers to the tables
// in the global table pointers structure.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
// Allocate global table pointers structure.
if ((pTblPtrs = (PTBL_PTRS)NLS_ALLOC_MEM(sizeof(TBL_PTRS))) == NULL)
KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Allocation for TABLE PTRS structure FAILED.\n"));
// Allocate code page hash table.
if ((pTblPtrs->pCPHashTbl = (PCP_HASH_TBL)NLS_ALLOC_MEM(sizeof(PCP_HASH) * CP_TBL_SIZE)) == NULL)
KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Allocation for CODE PAGE hash table FAILED.\n"));
// Allocate locale hash table.
if ((pTblPtrs->pLocHashTbl = (PLOC_HASH_TBL)NLS_ALLOC_MEM(sizeof(PLOC_HASH) * LOC_TBL_SIZE)) == NULL)
KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Allocation for LOCALE hash table FAILED.\n"));
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG GetUnicodeFileInfo()
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the unicode file.
// It then fills in the appropriate fields of the global table pointers structure.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
WORD offCZ; // offset to FOLDCZONE table
WORD offHG; // offset to HIRAGANA table
WORD offKK; // offset to KATAKANA table
WORD offHW; // offset to HALFWIDTH table
WORD offFW; // offset to FULLWIDTH table
WORD offTR; // offset to TRADITIONAL table
WORD offSP; // offset to SIMPLIFIED table
WORD offPre; // offset to PRECOMPOSED table
WORD offComp; // offset to COMPOSITE table
PCOMP_INFO pComp; // ptr to COMP_INFO structure
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Make sure the unicode information is not already there.
// If it is, return success.
// Since we're already in the critical section here, there is no need to check ALL of the pointers set in this routine.
// Just check one of them.
if (pTblPtrs->pADigit != NULL)
return (NO_ERROR);
// Open and Map a view of the section.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_UNICODE);
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, TRUE ))
return (rc);
// Get the offsets.
offCZ = pBaseAddr[0];
offHG = offCZ + pBaseAddr[offCZ];
offKK = offHG + pBaseAddr[offHG];
offHW = offKK + pBaseAddr[offKK];
offFW = offHW + pBaseAddr[offHW];
offTR = offFW + pBaseAddr[offFW];
offSP = offTR + pBaseAddr[offTR];
offPre = offSP + pBaseAddr[offSP];
offComp = offPre + pBaseAddr[offPre];
// Allocate COMP_INFO structure.
if ((pComp = (PCOMP_INFO)NLS_ALLOC_MEM(sizeof(COMP_INFO))) == NULL)
// Fill in the COMPOSITE information.
pComp->NumBase = LOBYTE((pBaseAddr + offComp)[2]);
pComp->NumNonSp = HIBYTE((pBaseAddr + offComp)[2]);
pComp->pBase = pBaseAddr + offComp + CO_HEADER;
pComp->pNonSp = pComp->pBase + ((pBaseAddr + offComp)[0]);
pComp->pGrid = pComp->pNonSp + ((pBaseAddr + offComp)[1]);
pTblPtrs->pADigit = pBaseAddr + AD_HEADER;// Attach ASCIIDIGITS table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pCZone = pBaseAddr + offCZ + CZ_HEADER;// Attach FOLDCZONE table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pHiragana = pBaseAddr + offHG + HG_HEADER;// Attach HIRAGANA table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pKatakana = pBaseAddr + offKK + KK_HEADER;// Attach KATAKANA table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pHalfWidth = pBaseAddr + offHW + HW_HEADER;// Attach HALFWIDTH table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pFullWidth = pBaseAddr + offFW + FW_HEADER;// Attach FULLWIDTH table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pTraditional = pBaseAddr + offTR + TR_HEADER;// Attach TRADITIONAL table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pSimplified = pBaseAddr + offSP + SP_HEADER;// Attach SIMPLIFIED table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pPreComposed = pBaseAddr + offPre + PC_HEADER;// Attach PRECOMPOSED table to tbl ptrs structure.
pTblPtrs->pComposite = pComp;// Attach COMP_INFO to tbl ptrs structure.
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG GetCTypeFileInfo()
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the given ctype.
// It then fills in the appropriate field of the global table pointers structure.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Make sure the ctype information is not already there.
// If it is, return success.
// Must check the 844 table rather than the mapping table, since
// the 844 table is set AFTER the mapping table below. Otherwise,
// there is a race condition, since we're not in a critical section.
if (pTblPtrs->pCType844 != NULL)
return (NO_ERROR);
RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsTblPtrs);// Enter table pointers critical section.
if (pTblPtrs->pCType844 != NULL)
return (NO_ERROR);
// Open and Map a view of the section.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_CTYPE);
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, TRUE ))
return (rc);
// Attach CTYPE mapping table and 8:4:4 table to tbl ptrs structure.
// The pCType844 value must be set LAST, since this is the pointer that is checked to see that the ctype information has been initialized.
pTblPtrs->pCTypeMap = (PCT_VALUES)(pBaseAddr + CT_HEADER);
pTblPtrs->pCType844 = (PCTYPE)((LPBYTE)(pBaseAddr + 1) + ((PCTYPE_HDR)pBaseAddr)->MapSize);
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsTblPtrs);// Leave table pointers critical section.
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG GetDefaultSortkeyFileInfo()
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the default sortkey table. It
// then stores the pointer to the table in the global pointer table.
// called from other than process startup, a critical section must
// be placed around the assigning of the pointers to pTblPtrs.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE) 0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION SecInfo; // section information - query
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Open and Map a view of the section if it hasn't been done yet.
if (pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey != NULL)
return (NO_ERROR);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_SORTKEY);
if (rc = OpenSection(&hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *) &pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ | SECTION_QUERY, FALSE))
return (rc);
rc = NtQuerySection(hSec, SectionBasicInformation, &SecInfo, sizeof(SecInfo), NULL);// Query size of default section.
NtClose(hSec);// Close the section handle.
// Check for error from NtQuerySection.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Could NOT Query Section %wZ - %lx.\n", &ObSecName, rc));
return (rc);
// Get Default Sortkey Information.
pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey = (PSORTKEY) (pBaseAddr + SORTKEY_HEADER);
pTblPtrs->DefaultSortkeySize = SecInfo.MaximumSize;
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG GetDefaultSortTablesFileInfo()
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the sort tables. It then
// stores the pointers to the various tables in the global pointer table.
// called from other than process startup, a critical section must
// be placed around the assigning of the pointers to pTblPtrs.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // word ptr to base address of section
DWORD Num; // number of entries in table
PCOMPRESS_HDR pCompressHdr; // ptr to compression header
PEXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr; // ptr to exception header
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Open and Map a view of the section if it hasn't been done yet.
// Since we're already in the critical section here, there is no need to check ALL of the pointers set in this routine.
// Just check one of them.
if (pTblPtrs->pReverseDW != NULL)
return (NO_ERROR);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_SORTTBLS);
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, TRUE ))
return (rc);
// Get Reverse Diacritic Information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumReverseDW = Num;
pTblPtrs->pReverseDW = (PREVERSE_DW)(pBaseAddr + REV_DW_HEADER);
pBaseAddr += REV_DW_HEADER + (Num * (sizeof(REVERSE_DW) / sizeof(WORD)));
// Get Double Compression Information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumDblCompression = Num;
pTblPtrs->pDblCompression = (PDBL_COMPRESS)(pBaseAddr + DBL_COMP_HEADER);
pBaseAddr += DBL_COMP_HEADER + (Num * (sizeof(DBL_COMPRESS) / sizeof(WORD)));
// Get Ideograph Lcid Exception Information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumIdeographLcid = Num;
pTblPtrs->pIdeographLcid = (PIDEOGRAPH_LCID)(pBaseAddr + IDEO_LCID_HEADER);
pBaseAddr += IDEO_LCID_HEADER + (Num * (sizeof(IDEOGRAPH_LCID) / sizeof(WORD)));
// Get Expansion Information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumExpansion = Num;
pTblPtrs->pExpansion = (PEXPAND)(pBaseAddr + EXPAND_HEADER);
pBaseAddr += EXPAND_HEADER + (Num * (sizeof(EXPAND) / sizeof(WORD)));
// Get Compression Information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumCompression = Num;
pTblPtrs->pCompressHdr = (PCOMPRESS_HDR)(pBaseAddr + COMPRESS_HDR_OFFSET);
pTblPtrs->pCompression = (PCOMPRESS)(pBaseAddr + COMPRESS_HDR_OFFSET + (Num * (sizeof(COMPRESS_HDR) / sizeof(WORD))));
pCompressHdr = pTblPtrs->pCompressHdr;
pBaseAddr = (LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pCompression) + (pCompressHdr[Num - 1]).Offset;
pBaseAddr += (((pCompressHdr[Num - 1]).Num2) * (sizeof(COMPRESS_2) / sizeof(WORD)));
pBaseAddr += (((pCompressHdr[Num - 1]).Num3) * (sizeof(COMPRESS_3) / sizeof(WORD)));
// Get Exception Information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumException = Num;
pTblPtrs->pExceptHdr = (PEXCEPT_HDR)(pBaseAddr + EXCEPT_HDR_OFFSET);
pTblPtrs->pException = (PEXCEPT)(pBaseAddr + EXCEPT_HDR_OFFSET + (Num * (sizeof(EXCEPT_HDR) / sizeof(WORD))));
pExceptHdr = pTblPtrs->pExceptHdr;
pBaseAddr = (LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pException) + (pExceptHdr[Num - 1]).Offset;
pBaseAddr += (((pExceptHdr[Num - 1]).NumEntries) * (sizeof(EXCEPT) / sizeof(WORD)));
// Get Multiple Weights Information.
Num = (DWORD)(*pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumMultiWeight = Num;
pTblPtrs->pMultiWeight = (PMULTI_WT)(pBaseAddr + MULTI_WT_HEADER);
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG GetSortkeyFileInfo(LCID Locale, PLOC_HASH pHashN)
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the sortkey file.
// It then fills in the appropriate field of the global table pointers structure.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
PEXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr; // ptr to exception header
PEXCEPT pExceptTbl; // ptr to exception table
PVOID pIdeograph; // ptr to ideograph exception table
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Try to Open and Map a view of the section (read only).
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, FALSE ))
// Open failed.
// See if any exceptions exist for given Locale ID.
rc = NO_ERROR;
if (!FindExceptionPointers( Locale, &pExceptHdr, &pExceptTbl, &pIdeograph, &rc ))
// No exceptions for locale, so attach the default sortkey
// table pointer to the hash node and return success.
pHashN->pSortkey = pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey;
return (NO_ERROR);
// See if an error occurred.
if (rc != NO_ERROR)
// This occurs if the ideograph exception file could not be created or mapped. Return an error in this case.
// return (rc);
// On second thought, don't return an error. Returning an
// error can cause kernel32 to not initialize (which, if this is winlogon, leads to an unbootable system). Let's just patch things up and move on.
// LATER -- log an error in the logfile.
pHashN->pSortkey = pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey;
return (NO_ERROR);
// Exceptions from default sortkey table exist for the given
// locale. Need to get the correct sortkey table.
// Create a section and call the server to lock it in.
Status = CsrBasepNlsCreateSection( NLS_CREATE_SORT_SECTION, Locale, &hSec );
// Check return from server call.
rc = (ULONG)Status;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
if (hSec != NULL)
return (rc);
// Map the section for ReadWrite.
if (rc = MapSection( hSec, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, PAGE_READWRITE, FALSE ))
return (rc);
// Copy the Default Sortkey Table to the New Section.
RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)pBaseAddr, (PVOID)((LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pDefaultSortkey) - SORTKEY_HEADER), (ULONG)(pTblPtrs->DefaultSortkeySize.LowPart) );
// Copy exception information to the table.
CopyExceptionInfo( (PSORTKEY)(pBaseAddr + SORTKEY_HEADER), pExceptHdr, pExceptTbl, pIdeograph);
// Write a 1 to the WORD semaphore (table may now be read).
*pBaseAddr = 1;
// Unmap the section for Write and remap it for Read.
if ((rc = UnMapSection(pBaseAddr)) || (rc = MapSection( hSec, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, FALSE )))
return (rc);
// Close the section handle.
// Check semaphore bit in file. Make sure that the open
// succeeded AFTER all exceptions were added to the memory mapped section.
if (*pBaseAddr == 0)
// Another process is still adding the appropriate exception information. Must wait for its completion.
if (rc = WaitOnEvent(pBaseAddr))
return (rc);
pHashN->pSortkey = (PSORTKEY)(pBaseAddr + SORTKEY_HEADER);// Save pointer in hash node.
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
void GetSortTablesFileInfo(LCID Locale, PLOC_HASH pHashN)
// Stores the appropriate sort table pointers for the given locale in the given locale hash node.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
DWORD ctr; // loop counter
PREVERSE_DW pRevDW; // ptr to reverse diacritic table
PDBL_COMPRESS pDblComp; // ptr to double compression table
PCOMPRESS_HDR pCompHdr; // ptr to compression header
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Check for Reverse Diacritic Locale.
pRevDW = pTblPtrs->pReverseDW;
for (ctr = pTblPtrs->NumReverseDW; ctr > 0; ctr--, pRevDW++)
if (*pRevDW == (DWORD)Locale)
pHashN->IfReverseDW = TRUE;
// Check for Compression.
pCompHdr = pTblPtrs->pCompressHdr;
for (ctr = pTblPtrs->NumCompression; ctr > 0; ctr--, pCompHdr++)
if (pCompHdr->Locale == (DWORD)Locale)
pHashN->IfCompression = TRUE;
pHashN->pCompHdr = pCompHdr;
if (pCompHdr->Num2 > 0)
pHashN->pCompress2 = (PCOMPRESS_2) (((LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pCompression)) + (pCompHdr->Offset));
if (pCompHdr->Num3 > 0)
pHashN->pCompress3 = (PCOMPRESS_3) (((LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pCompression)) + (pCompHdr->Offset) + (pCompHdr->Num2 * (sizeof(COMPRESS_2) / sizeof(WORD))));
// Check for Double Compression.
if (pHashN->IfCompression)
pDblComp = pTblPtrs->pDblCompression;
for (ctr = pTblPtrs->NumDblCompression; ctr > 0; ctr--, pDblComp++)
if (*pDblComp == (DWORD)Locale)
pHashN->IfDblCompression = TRUE;
BOOL LoadCodePageAsDLL(UINT CodePage, LPFN_CP_PROC *ppfnCPProc)
// Try to load a code page as a DLL. If succeeded, the CodePage procedure is set.
// 05-27-99 SamerA Created.
WCHAR pDllName[MAX_PATH_LEN]; // ptr to DLL name
HANDLE hModCPDll; // module handle of code page DLL
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
UINT ErrorMode; // error mode
// Get the DLL name to load.
if ((rc = GetCodePageDLLPathName(CodePage, pDllName, MAX_PATH_LEN)) == NO_ERROR)
// Load the DLL and get the procedure address.
// Turn off hard error popups.
ErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOERROR);
SetErrorMode(SEM_NOERROR | ErrorMode);
hModCPDll = LoadLibrary(pDllName);
if (hModCPDll)
*ppfnCPProc = (LPFN_CP_PROC)GetProcAddress( hModCPDll, NLS_CP_DLL_PROC_NAME );
if (*ppfnCPProc == NULL)
if (hModCPDll)
return (rc);
ULONG GetCodePageFileInfo(UINT CodePage, PCP_HASH *ppNode)
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the given code page.
// It then creates and inserts a hash node into the global CP hash table.
// If the section cannot be opened, it then queries the registry to see if
// the information has been added since the initialization of the DLL. If
// so, then it creates the section and then opens and maps a view of it.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr = NULL; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
BOOL IsDLL; // true if dll instead of data file
LPFN_CP_PROC pfnCPProc; // Code Page DLL Procedure
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// See if we're dealing with a DLL or an NLS data file.
IsDLL = ((CodePage >= NLS_CP_DLL_RANGE) && (CodePage < NLS_CP_ALGORITHM_RANGE));
if (IsDLL)
// See if this is a valid DLL, otherwise try loading it as a normal data file
pfnCPProc = NULL;
if (LoadCodePageAsDLL(CodePage, &pfnCPProc))
if (!IsDLL)
// Open and Map a view of the section.
GET_CP_SECTION_NAME(CodePage, &ObSecName);
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, TRUE ))
// Open failed, so try to create the section.
// If the creation is successful, the section will be mapped to the current process.
rc = CsrBasepNlsCreateSection(NLS_CREATE_CODEPAGE_SECTION, CodePage, &hSec );
if (NT_SUCCESS(rc)) {
rc = MapSection( hSec, &pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
// Allow the default ACP and default OEMCP to work if it's only the registry that is corrupt.
// If there is still an error, return the error code that was returned from the OpenSection call.
if (CodePage == NLS_DEFAULT_ACP)
// Create the default ACP section.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(CsrBasepNlsCreateSection(NLS_CREATE_SECTION_DEFAULT_ACP, 0, &hSec )))
return (rc);
// Map the section.
if (MapSection( hSec, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, TRUE ))
return (rc);
KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Registry is corrupt - Default ACP.\n"));
else if (CodePage == NLS_DEFAULT_OEMCP)
// Create the default OEMCP section.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(CsrBasepNlsCreateSection( NLS_CREATE_SECTION_DEFAULT_OEMCP, 0, &hSec )))
return (rc);
// Map the section.
if (MapSection( hSec, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, TRUE ))
return (rc);
KdPrint(("NLSAPI: Registry is corrupt - Default OEMCP.\n"));
// Return the error code that was returned from the OpenSection call.
return (rc);
return (MakeCPHashNode( CodePage, pBaseAddr, ppNode, IsDLL, pfnCPProc ));// Make the hash node and return the result.
ULONG GetLanguageFileInfo(LCID Locale, PLOC_HASH *ppNode, BOOLEAN fCreateNode, DWORD dwFlags)
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the casing tables and sorting tables for the given locale.
// If the section cannot be opened, it then queries the registry to see if
// the information has been added since the initialization of the DLL.
// If so, then it creates the section and then opens and maps a view of it.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LPWORD pBaseAddr = NULL; // ptr to base address of section
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// See if the default language table has been stored yet.
if (pTblPtrs->pDefaultLanguage == NULL)
// Save the default language table and its size in the table pointers structure.
pTblPtrs->pDefaultLanguage = NtCurrentPeb()->UnicodeCaseTableData;
NtQueryVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), pTblPtrs->pDefaultLanguage, MemoryBasicInformation, &MemoryBasicInfo, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION), NULL );
pTblPtrs->LinguistLangSize.QuadPart = MemoryBasicInfo.RegionSize;
ASSERT(MemoryBasicInfo.RegionSize > 0);
// See if we should load the culturally correct language table.
if (dwFlags)
if (pTblPtrs->pLangException == NULL)
pBaseAddr = GetLinguisticLanguageInfo(Locale);// Get the default linguistic language table for the given locale.
return (MakeLangHashNode( Locale, pBaseAddr, ppNode, fCreateNode ));// Get the casing table and sorting table pointers.
ULONG GetLocaleFileInfo(LCID Locale, PLOC_HASH *ppNode, BOOLEAN fCreateNode)
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the given locale.
// It then creates and inserts a hash node into the global LOCALE hash table.
// If the section cannot be opened, it then queries the registry to see if
// the information has been added since the initialization of the DLL. If
// so, then it creates the section and then opens and maps a view of it.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Open and Map a view of the section if it hasn't been done yet.
if ((pBaseAddr = pTblPtrs->pLocaleInfo) == NULL)
// Get the locale file section pointer.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_LOCALE);
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, TRUE ))
return (rc);
// Store pointer to locale file and calendar info in table structure.
pTblPtrs->pLocaleInfo = pBaseAddr;
pTblPtrs->NumCalendars = ((PLOC_CAL_HDR)pBaseAddr)->NumCalendars;
pTblPtrs->pCalendarInfo = pBaseAddr + ((PLOC_CAL_HDR)pBaseAddr)->CalOffset;
return (MakeLocHashNode( Locale, pBaseAddr, ppNode, fCreateNode ));// Make the hash node and return the result.
ULONG MakeCPHashNode(UINT CodePage, LPWORD pBaseAddr, PCP_HASH *ppNode, BOOL IsDLL, LPFN_CP_PROC pfnCPProc)
// Creates the hash node for the code page and assigns the fields of the hash node to point at the appropriate places in the file.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
PCP_HASH pHashN; // ptr to CP hash node
WORD offMB; // offset to MB table
WORD offWC; // offset to WC table
PGLYPH_TABLE pGlyph; // ptr to glyph table info
PDBCS_RANGE pRange; // ptr to DBCS range
// Allocate CP_HASH structure and fill in the CodePage value.
// See if we're dealing with a DLL or an NLS data file.
if (IsDLL)
if (pfnCPProc == NULL)
pHashN->pfnCPProc = pfnCPProc;
// Get the offsets.
offMB = pBaseAddr[0];
offWC = offMB + pBaseAddr[offMB];
pHashN->pCPInfo = (PCP_TABLE)(pBaseAddr + CP_HEADER);// Attach CP Info to CP hash node.
pHashN->pMBTbl = pBaseAddr + offMB + MB_HEADER;// Attach MB table to CP hash node.
// Attach Glyph table to CP hash node (if it exists).
// Also, set the pointer to the DBCS ranges based on whether or
// not the GLYPH table is present.
pGlyph = pHashN->pMBTbl + MB_TBL_SIZE;
if (pGlyph[0] != 0)
pHashN->pGlyphTbl = pGlyph + GLYPH_HEADER;
pRange = pHashN->pDBCSRanges = pHashN->pGlyphTbl + GLYPH_TBL_SIZE;
pRange = pHashN->pDBCSRanges = pGlyph + GLYPH_HEADER;
// Attach DBCS information to CP hash node.
if (pRange[0] > 0)
// Set the pointer to the offsets section.
pHashN->pDBCSOffsets = pRange + DBCS_HEADER;
pHashN->pWC = pBaseAddr + offWC + WC_HEADER;// Attach WC table to CP hash node.
INSERT_CP_HASH_NODE(pHashN, pBaseAddr);// Insert hash node into hash table.
// Save the pointer to the hash node.
if (ppNode != NULL)
*ppNode = pHashN;
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG MakeLangHashNode(LCID Locale, LPWORD pBaseAddr, PLOC_HASH *ppNode, BOOLEAN fCreateNode)
// Gets the pointers to the casing tables and the sorting tables and stores them in the locale hash node given.
// If fCreateNode is FALSE, then *ppNode should contain a valid pointer to a LOC hash node.
// Also, the table critical section must be entered before calling this routine.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LPWORD pBaseDefault; // ptr to default language section
PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// If fCreateNode is TRUE, then allocate LOC_HASH structure.
if (fCreateNode)
pHashN = *ppNode;
// See if the sorting tables still need to be attached.
if (pHashN->pSortkey == NULL)
// Get the sortkey table and attach it to the hash node.
if (rc = GetSortkeyFileInfo(Locale, pHashN))
if (fCreateNode)
return (rc);
GetSortTablesFileInfo(Locale, pHashN);// Get the appropriate sorting tables for the locale.
// See if the default casing tables still need to be attached.
pBaseDefault = pTblPtrs->pDefaultLanguage;// Get the pointer to the base of the default table.
pHashN->pUpperCase = pBaseDefault + LANG_HEADER + UP_HEADER;// Attach the UPPERCASE table to the hash node.
// Attach the LOWERCASE table to the hash node.
// This value must be set LAST, since this is the pointer that is checked to see that the language information has been initialized.
pHashN->pLowerCase = pBaseDefault + LANG_HEADER + pBaseDefault[LANG_HEADER] + LO_HEADER;
// See if there is a linguistic table to attach.
if (pBaseAddr)
pHashN->pUpperLinguist = pBaseAddr + LANG_HEADER + UP_HEADER;// Attach the UPPERCASE Linguistic table to the hash node.
// Attach the LOWERCASE Linguistic table to the hash node.
// This value must be set LAST, since this is the pointer that is checked to see that the language information has been initialized.
pHashN->pLowerLinguist = pBaseAddr + LANG_HEADER + pBaseAddr[LANG_HEADER] + LO_HEADER;
// If fCreateNode is TRUE, then insert hash node and save pointer.
if (fCreateNode)
INSERT_LOC_HASH_NODE(pHashN, pBaseAddr);// Insert LOC hash node into hash table.
// Save the pointer to the hash node.
if (ppNode != NULL)
*ppNode = pHashN;
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
ULONG MakeLocHashNode(LCID Locale, LPWORD pBaseAddr, PLOC_HASH *ppNode, BOOLEAN fCreateNode)
// Gets the pointers to the locale tables and stores them in the locale hash node given.
// NOTE: If a critical section is needed to touch pHashN, then the critical section must be entered before calling this routine.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
LANGID Language; // language id
PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
DWORD Num; // total number of locales
PLOCALE_HDR pFileHdr; // ptr to locale header entry
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
Language = LANGIDFROMLCID(Locale);// Save the language id.
// Search for the right locale id information.
Num = ((PLOC_CAL_HDR)pBaseAddr)->NumLocales;
for (; (Num != 0) && (pFileHdr->Locale != Language); Num--, pFileHdr++)
// See if the locale was found in the file.
if (Num != 0)
// Locale id was found, so increment the pointer to point at the beginning of the locale information.
pBaseAddr += pFileHdr->Offset;
return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);// Return an error. The given locale is not supported.
// If fCreateNode is TRUE, then allocate LOC_HASH structure.
if (fCreateNode)
pHashN = *ppNode;
// Attach Information to structure.
// The pLocaleFixed value must be set LAST, since this is the pointer that is checked to see that the locale information has been initialized.
pHashN->pLocaleHdr = (PLOCALE_VAR)pBaseAddr;
pHashN->pLocaleFixed = (PLOCALE_FIXED)(pBaseAddr + (sizeof(LOCALE_VAR) / sizeof(WORD)));
// If fCreateNode is TRUE, then insert hash node and save pointer.
if (fCreateNode)
INSERT_LOC_HASH_NODE(pHashN, pBaseAddr);// Insert LOC hash node into hash table.
// Save the pointer to the hash node.
if (ppNode != NULL)
*ppNode = pHashN;
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
// Returns a pointer to the appropriate CP hash node given the codepage.
// If no table could be found for the given codepage, NULL is returned.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
PCP_HASH pHashN; // ptr to CP hash node
FIND_CP_HASH_NODE(CodePage, pHashN);// Get hash node.
// If the hash node does not exist, try to get the tables from the appropriate data file.
// NOTE: No need to check error code from GetCodePageFileInfo, because pHashN is not touched if there was an
// error. Thus, pHashN will still be NULL, and an "error" will be returned from this routine.
if (pHashN == NULL)
// Hash node does NOT exist.
FIND_CP_HASH_NODE(CodePage, pHashN);
if (pHashN == NULL)
GetCodePageFileInfo(CodePage, &pHashN);
return (pHashN);// Return pointer to hash node.
PLOC_HASH FASTCALL GetLangHashNode(LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags)
// Returns a pointer to the appropriate LOC hash node given the locale.
// If no table could be found for the given locale, NULL is returned.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
FIND_LOCALE_HASH_NODE(Locale, pHashN);// Get hash node.
// If the hash node does not exist, try to get the tables from the appropriate data file.
// NOTE: No need to check error code from GetLanguageFileInfo, because pHashN is not touched if there was an
// error. Thus, pHashN will still be NULL, and an "error" will be returned from this routine.
if (pHashN == NULL)
// If a sort id exists, make sure it's valid.
if (!IsValidSortId(Locale))
return (NULL);
// Hash node does NOT exist.
if (pHashN == NULL)
// Hash node still does NOT exist.
GetLanguageFileInfo(Locale, &pHashN, TRUE, dwFlags);
return (pHashN);
// Hash node DOES exist.
if (!EXIST_LANGUAGE_INFO(pHashN) || ((dwFlags != 0) && !EXIST_LINGUIST_LANGUAGE_INFO(pHashN)))
// Casing tables and sorting tables not yet stored in hash node.
if (!EXIST_LANGUAGE_INFO(pHashN) || ((dwFlags != 0) && !EXIST_LINGUIST_LANGUAGE_INFO(pHashN)))
if (GetLanguageFileInfo(Locale, &pHashN, FALSE, dwFlags))
return (NULL);
return (pHashN);// Return pointer to hash node.
// Returns a pointer to the appropriate LOC hash node given the locale.
// If no table could be found for the given locale, NULL is returned.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
PLOC_HASH pHashN; // ptr to LOC hash node
FIND_LOCALE_HASH_NODE(Locale, pHashN);// Get hash node.
// If the hash node does not exist, try to get the table from locale.nls.
// NOTE: No need to check error code from GetLocaleFileInfo, because pHashN is not touched if there was an
// error. Thus, pHashN will still be NULL, and an "error" will be returned from this routine.
if (pHashN == NULL)
// If a sort id exists, make sure it's valid.
if (!IsValidSortId(Locale))
return (NULL);
// Hash node does NOT exist.
if (pHashN == NULL)
// Hash node still does NOT exist.
GetLocaleFileInfo(Locale, &pHashN, TRUE);
return (pHashN);
// Hash node DOES exist.
// Locale tables not yet stored in hash node.
if (GetLocaleFileInfo(Locale, &pHashN, FALSE))
return (NULL);
return (pHashN);// Return pointer to hash node.
ULONG GetCalendar(CALID Calendar, PCAL_INFO *ppCalInfo)
// Gets the pointer to the specific calendar table.
// It stores it in the calendar information array in the global table pointers structure if it was not done yet.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
PCALENDAR_HDR pCalHdr; // ptr to beginning of calendar header
DWORD Num; // total number of calendars
Num = pTblPtrs->NumCalendars;// Get number of calendars.
// Make sure calendar id is within the appropriate range.
if (Calendar > Num)
// Check to see if calendar info has already been found.
if ((*ppCalInfo = (pTblPtrs->pCalTbl)[Calendar]) != NULL)
// Return success. Calendar info was found.
return (NO_ERROR);
if ((*ppCalInfo = (pTblPtrs->pCalTbl)[Calendar]) != NULL)
// Return success. Calendar info was found.
return (NO_ERROR);
// Search for the appropriate calendar id information.
pCalHdr = (PCALENDAR_HDR)(pTblPtrs->pCalendarInfo);
while ((Num != 0) && (pCalHdr->Calendar != Calendar))
// See if the calendar was found in the file.
if (Num != 0)
// Calendar id was found.
// Store the pointer to the beginning of the calendar info in the calendar table array.
*ppCalInfo = (PCAL_INFO)((LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pCalendarInfo) + pCalHdr->Offset);
(pTblPtrs->pCalTbl)[Calendar] = *ppCalInfo;
// Return success. Calendar info was found.
return (NO_ERROR);
// Calendar id was not found in the locale.nls file.
// Return an error. The given calendar is not supported.
BOOL IsValidSortId(LCID Locale)
// Checks to see if the given locale has a valid sort id.
// 11-15-96 JulieB Created.
WCHAR pTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; // temp buffer
PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION pKeyValueFull; // ptr to query info
BYTE pStatic[MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO]; // ptr to static buffer
BOOL IfAlloc = FALSE; // if buffer was allocated
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Make sure there is a sort id.
return (TRUE);
OPEN_ALT_SORTS_KEY(FALSE);// Open the Alternate Sorts registry key.
// Convert locale value to Unicode string.
if (NlsConvertIntegerToString(Locale, 16, 8, pTmpBuf, MAX_PATH))
return (FALSE);
// Query the registry for the value.
if (rc = QueryRegValue( hAltSortsKey, pTmpBuf, &pKeyValueFull, MAX_KEY_VALUE_FULLINFO, &IfAlloc ))
return (FALSE);
// Free the buffer used for the query.
if (IfAlloc)
return (TRUE);// Return success.
ULONG GetLanguageExceptionInfo()
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the language exception file.
// It then fills in the appropriate fields of the global table pointers structure.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
DWORD Num; // number of entries in table
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Make sure the table isn't already there.
if (pTblPtrs->pLangException != NULL)
return (NO_ERROR);
// Create and map the section, and then save the pointer.
if ((rc = CsrBasepNlsCreateSection( NLS_CREATE_SECTION_LANG_EXCEPT, 0, &hSec )) == NO_ERROR)
// Map a View of the Section.
if ((rc = MapSection( hSec, &pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, TRUE )) != NO_ERROR)
return (rc);
return (rc);
// Save the pointers to the exception information.
Num = *((LPDWORD)pBaseAddr);
if (Num > 0)
pTblPtrs->NumLangException = Num;
pTblPtrs->pLangExceptHdr = (PL_EXCEPT_HDR)(pBaseAddr + L_EXCEPT_HDR_OFFSET);
pTblPtrs->pLangException = (PL_EXCEPT)(pBaseAddr + L_EXCEPT_HDR_OFFSET + (Num * (sizeof(L_EXCEPT_HDR) / sizeof(WORD))));
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
LPWORD GetLinguisticLanguageInfo(LCID Locale)
// Opens and Maps a view of the section for the default linguistic language table.
// It then stores the pointer to the table in the global pointer table.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION SecInfo; // section information - query
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Create/Open and Map a view of the section if it hasn't been done yet.
if (pTblPtrs->pLinguistLanguage == NULL)
// See if we can simply open the section.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_LANG_INTL);
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, TRUE ))
// Need to create the default linguistic language section.
if (CreateAndCopyLanguageExceptions(0L, &pBaseAddr))
return (NULL);
pTblPtrs->pLinguistLanguage = (P844_TABLE)(pBaseAddr);// Get Default Linguistic Language Information.
// Now see if there are any exceptions for the given locale.
if (CreateAndCopyLanguageExceptions(Locale, &pBaseAddr))
return (pTblPtrs->pLinguistLanguage);
return (pBaseAddr);// Return success.
ULONG CreateAndCopyLanguageExceptions(LCID Locale, LPWORD *ppBaseAddr)
// Creates the section for the new language table (if necessary) and then copies the exceptions to the table.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
UNICODE_STRING ObSecName; // section name
LPWORD pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
P844_TABLE pLangDefault; // ptr to default table to copy from
ULONG rc = 0L; // return code
PL_EXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr; // ptr to exception header
PL_EXCEPT pExceptTbl; // ptr to exception table
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
if (Locale == 0)
// Creating the default section.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObSecName, NLS_SECTION_LANG_INTL);
pLangDefault = pTblPtrs->pDefaultLanguage;
pLangDefault = pTblPtrs->pLinguistLanguage;
// Try to Open and Map a view of the section (read only).
if (rc = OpenSection( &hSec, &ObSecName, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, SECTION_MAP_READ, FALSE ))
// Open failed.
// See if any exceptions exist for given Locale ID.
if (!FindLanguageExceptionPointers( Locale, &pExceptHdr, &pExceptTbl ) && (Locale != 0))
// No exceptions for locale and we're not trying to create the default table, so return the pointer to the default table (which should always be created at this point).
*ppBaseAddr = pTblPtrs->pLinguistLanguage;
return (NO_ERROR);
// Exceptions exist for the given locale. Need to create the
// new section (and call the server to make it permanent).
Status = CsrBasepNlsCreateSection( NLS_CREATE_LANG_EXCEPTION_SECTION, Locale, &hSec );
// Check return from server call.
rc = (ULONG)Status;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(rc))
if (hSec != NULL)
return (rc);
// Map the section for ReadWrite.
if (rc = MapSection( hSec, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, PAGE_READWRITE, FALSE ))
return (rc);
*pBaseAddr = 0;// Put a 0 in the semaphore part to denote that the file is not ready yet.
// Copy the Default Language Table to the New Section.
RtlMoveMemory( (PVOID)((LPWORD)pBaseAddr + LANG_HEADER), (PVOID)((LPWORD)(pLangDefault) + LANG_HEADER), (ULONG)(pTblPtrs->LinguistLangSize.LowPart - (LANG_HEADER * sizeof(WORD))) );
CopyLanguageExceptionInfo( pBaseAddr, pExceptHdr, pExceptTbl );// Copy exception information to the table.
*pBaseAddr = 1;// Write a 1 to the WORD semaphore (table may now be read).
// Unmap the section for Write and remap it for Read.
if ((rc = UnMapSection(pBaseAddr)) || (rc = MapSection( hSec, (PVOID *)&pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, FALSE )))
return (rc);
NtClose(hSec);// Close the section handle.
// Check semaphore bit in file.
// Make sure that the open succeeded AFTER all exceptions were added to the memory mapped section.
if (*pBaseAddr == 0)
// Another process is still adding the appropriate exception information. Must wait for its completion.
if (rc = WaitOnEvent(pBaseAddr))
return (rc);
*ppBaseAddr = pBaseAddr;// Return the pointer to the section.
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.
BOOL FASTCALL FindLanguageExceptionPointers(LCID Locale, PL_EXCEPT_HDR *ppExceptHdr, PL_EXCEPT *ppExceptTbl)
// Checks to see if any exceptions exist for the given locale id.
// If exceptions exist, then TRUE is returned and the pointer to the exception
// header and the pointer to the exception table are stored in the given parameters.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
DWORD ctr; // loop counter
PL_EXCEPT_HDR pHdr; // ptr to exception header
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return value
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Initialize pointers.
*ppExceptHdr = NULL;
*ppExceptTbl = NULL;
// Need to search down the exception header for the given locale.
pHdr = pTblPtrs->pLangExceptHdr;
for (ctr = pTblPtrs->NumLangException; ctr > 0; ctr--, pHdr++)
if (pHdr->Locale == (DWORD)Locale)
// Found the locale id, so set the pointers.
*ppExceptHdr = pHdr;
*ppExceptTbl = (PL_EXCEPT)(((LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pLangException)) + pHdr->Offset);
// Set the return code for success.
rc = TRUE;
return (rc);// Return the value in rc.
void FASTCALL CopyLanguageExceptionInfo(LPWORD pBaseAddr, PL_EXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr, PL_EXCEPT pExceptTbl)
// Copies the language exception information to the given language table.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
DWORD ctr; // loop counter
P844_TABLE pUpCase; // ptr to upper case table
P844_TABLE pLoCase; // ptr to lower case table
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
if (pExceptTbl)
// Get the pointers to the upper and lower case table.
pUpCase = pBaseAddr + LANG_HEADER + UP_HEADER;
pLoCase = pBaseAddr + LANG_HEADER + pBaseAddr[LANG_HEADER] + LO_HEADER;
// For each entry in the exception table, copy the information to the sortkey table.
for (ctr = pExceptHdr->NumUpEntries; ctr > 0; ctr--, pExceptTbl++)
TRAVERSE_844_W(pUpCase, pExceptTbl->UCP) = pExceptTbl->AddAmount;
for (ctr = pExceptHdr->NumLoEntries; ctr > 0; ctr--, pExceptTbl++)
TRAVERSE_844_W(pLoCase, pExceptTbl->UCP) = pExceptTbl->AddAmount;
BOOL FASTCALL FindExceptionPointers(LCID Locale, PEXCEPT_HDR *ppExceptHdr, PEXCEPT *ppExceptTbl, PVOID *ppIdeograph, PULONG pReturn)
// Checks to see if any exceptions exist for the given locale id.
// If exceptions exist, then TRUE is returned and the pointer to the exception
// header and the pointer to the exception table are stored in the given parameters.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
HANDLE hSec = (HANDLE)0; // section handle
DWORD ctr; // loop counter
PEXCEPT_HDR pHdr; // ptr to exception header
BOOL bFound = FALSE; // if an exception is found
PIDEOGRAPH_LCID pIdeoLcid; // ptr to ideograph lcid entry
PVOID pBaseAddr; // ptr to base address of section
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// Initialize pointers.
*ppExceptHdr = NULL;
*ppExceptTbl = NULL;
*ppIdeograph = NULL;
*pReturn = NO_ERROR;
// Need to search down the exception header for the given locale.
pHdr = pTblPtrs->pExceptHdr;
for (ctr = pTblPtrs->NumException; ctr > 0; ctr--, pHdr++)
if (pHdr->Locale == (DWORD)Locale)
// Found the locale id, so set the pointers.
*ppExceptHdr = pHdr;
*ppExceptTbl = (PEXCEPT)(((LPWORD)(pTblPtrs->pException)) + pHdr->Offset);
// Set the return code to show that an exception has been found.
bFound = TRUE;
// Need to search down the ideograph lcid exception list for the given locale.
pIdeoLcid = pTblPtrs->pIdeographLcid;
for (ctr = pTblPtrs->NumIdeographLcid; ctr > 0; ctr--, pIdeoLcid++)
if (pIdeoLcid->Locale == (DWORD)Locale)
// Found the locale id, so create/open and map the section for the appropriate file.
if (*pReturn = CreateSectionTemp(&hSec, pIdeoLcid->pFileName))
// Ideograph file section could not be created, so return the error.
return (TRUE);
if (*pReturn = MapSection(hSec, &pBaseAddr, PAGE_READONLY, TRUE))
// Ideograph file section could not be mapped, so close the created section and return the error.
return (TRUE);
*ppIdeograph = pBaseAddr;// Set the pointer to the ideograph information.
bFound = TRUE;// Set the return code to show that an exception has been found.
return (bFound);// Return the appropriate value.
void FASTCALL CopyExceptionInfo(PSORTKEY pSortkey, PEXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr, PEXCEPT pExceptTbl, PVOID pIdeograph)
// Copies the exception information to the given sortkey table.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
DWORD ctr; // loop counter
PIDEOGRAPH_EXCEPT_HDR pHdrIG; // ptr to ideograph exception header
PIDEOGRAPH_EXCEPT pEntryIG; // ptr to ideograph exception entry
PEXCEPT pEntryIGEx; // ptr to ideograph exception entry ex
// Make sure we're in the critical section when entering this call.
ASSERT(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread == gcsTblPtrs.OwningThread);
// For each entry in the exception table, copy the information to the sortkey table.
if (pExceptTbl)
for (ctr = pExceptHdr->NumEntries; ctr > 0; ctr--, pExceptTbl++)
(pSortkey[pExceptTbl->UCP]).UW.Unicode = pExceptTbl->Unicode;
(pSortkey[pExceptTbl->UCP]).Diacritic = pExceptTbl->Diacritic;
(pSortkey[pExceptTbl->UCP]).Case = pExceptTbl->Case;
// For each entry in the ideograph exception table, copy the information to the sortkey table.
if (pIdeograph)
ctr = pHdrIG->NumEntries;
if (pHdrIG->NumColumns == 2)
for (; ctr > 0; ctr--, pEntryIG++)
(pSortkey[pEntryIG->UCP]).UW.Unicode = pEntryIG->Unicode;
pEntryIGEx = (PEXCEPT)( ((LPBYTE)pIdeograph) + sizeof(IDEOGRAPH_EXCEPT_HDR) );
for (; ctr > 0; ctr--, pEntryIGEx++)
(pSortkey[pEntryIGEx->UCP]).UW.Unicode = pEntryIGEx->Unicode;
(pSortkey[pEntryIGEx->UCP]).Diacritic = pEntryIGEx->Diacritic;
(pSortkey[pEntryIGEx->UCP]).Case = pEntryIGEx->Case;
UnMapSection(pIdeograph);// Unmap and Close the ideograph section.
ULONG WaitOnEvent(LPWORD pSem)
// Waits (via timeout) for the semaphore dword to be set to a non-zero value.
// 05-31-91 JulieB Created.
TIME TimeOut; // ptr to timeout
TimeOut.QuadPart = -100000;// Set up the TIME structure.
// Wait on the event until the semaphore is set to non-zero.
// Use a timeout on the wait.
NtDelayExecution(FALSE, &TimeOut);
} while (*pSem == 0);
return (NO_ERROR);// Return success.