786 lines
38 KiB
786 lines
38 KiB
Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the declaration of various utility functions/classes.
Revision History:
Davide Massarenti (Dmassare) 05/09/99
#if !defined(__INCLUDED___MPC___UTILS_H___)
#define __INCLUDED___MPC___UTILS_H___
#include <MPC_main.h>
#include <MPC_COM.h>
#include <fci.h>
#include <fdi.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#undef CopyFile
#undef MoveFile
#undef DeleteFile
namespace MPC
// Forward declarations.
class Serializer;
class CComHGLOBAL;
inline int StrCmp( const MPC::string& left, const MPC::string& right ) { return strcmp( left.c_str(), right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrCmp( const MPC::string& left, LPCSTR right ) { return strcmp( left.c_str(), right ? right : "" ); }
inline int StrCmp( LPCSTR left, const MPC::string& right ) { return strcmp( left ? left : "" , right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrCmp( LPCSTR left, LPCSTR right ) { return strcmp( left ? left : "" , right ? right : "" ); }
inline int StrCmp( const MPC::wstring& left, const MPC::wstring& right ) { return wcscmp( left.c_str(), right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrCmp( const MPC::wstring& left, LPCWSTR right ) { return wcscmp( left.c_str(), right ? right : L"" ); }
inline int StrCmp( LPCWSTR left, const MPC::wstring& right ) { return wcscmp( left ? left : L"" , right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrCmp( LPCWSTR left, LPCWSTR right ) { return wcscmp( left ? left : L"" , right ? right : L"" ); }
inline int StrICmp( const MPC::string& left, const MPC::string& right ) { return _stricmp( left.c_str(), right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrICmp( const MPC::string& left, LPCSTR right ) { return _stricmp( left.c_str(), right ? right : "" ); }
inline int StrICmp( LPCSTR left, const MPC::string& right ) { return _stricmp( left ? left : "" , right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrICmp( LPCSTR left, LPCSTR right ) { return _stricmp( left ? left : "" , right ? right : "" ); }
inline int StrICmp( const MPC::wstring& left, const MPC::wstring& right ) { return _wcsicmp( left.c_str(), right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrICmp( const MPC::wstring& left, LPCWSTR right ) { return _wcsicmp( left.c_str(), right ? right : L"" ); }
inline int StrICmp( LPCWSTR left, const MPC::wstring& right ) { return _wcsicmp( left ? left : L"" , right.c_str() ); }
inline int StrICmp( LPCWSTR left, LPCWSTR right ) { return _wcsicmp( left ? left : L"" , right ? right : L"" ); }
HRESULT LocalizeInit( LPCWSTR szFile = NULL );
HRESULT LocalizeString( UINT uID, LPSTR lpBuf, int nBufMax, bool fMUI = false );
HRESULT LocalizeString( UINT uID, LPWSTR lpBuf, int nBufMax, bool fMUI = false );
HRESULT LocalizeString( UINT uID, MPC::string& szStr , bool fMUI = false );
HRESULT LocalizeString( UINT uID, MPC::wstring& szStr , bool fMUI = false );
HRESULT LocalizeString( UINT uID, CComBSTR& bstrStr , bool fMUI = false );
int LocalizedMessageBox ( UINT uID_Title, UINT uID_Msg, UINT uType );
int LocalizedMessageBoxFmt( UINT uID_Title, UINT uID_Msg, UINT uType, ... );
void RemoveTrailingBackslash( /*[in/out]*/ LPWSTR szPath );
HRESULT GetProgramDirectory ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szPath );
HRESULT GetUserWritablePath ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szPath, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSubDir = NULL );
HRESULT GetCanonialPathName ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szPathNameOut, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPathNameIn );
HRESULT GetTemporaryFileName( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szFile, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szBase = NULL, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPrefix = NULL );
HRESULT RemoveTemporaryFile ( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::wstring& szFile );
HRESULT SubstituteEnvVariables( /*[in/out]*/ MPC::wstring& szStr );
int HexToNum( int c );
char NumToHex( int c );
DATE GetSystemTime();
DATE GetLocalTime ();
DATE GetSystemTimeEx( /*[in]*/ bool fHighPrecision );
DATE GetLocalTimeEx ( /*[in]*/ bool fHighPrecision );
DATE GetLastModifiedDate( /*[out]*/ const MPC::wstring& strFile );
HRESULT ConvertSizeUnit( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szStr, /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwRes );
HRESULT ConvertTimeUnit( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szStr, /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwRes );
HRESULT ConvertDateToString( /*[in] */ DATE dDate ,
/*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szDate ,
/*[in] */ bool fGMT ,
/*[in] */ bool fCIM ,
/*[in] */ LCID lcid );
HRESULT ConvertStringToDate( /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& szDate ,
/*[out]*/ DATE& dDate ,
/*[in] */ bool fGMT ,
/*[in] */ bool fCIM ,
/*[in] */ LCID lcid );
HRESULT ConvertStringToHex( /*[in]*/ const CComBSTR& bstrText, /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstrHex );
HRESULT ConvertHexToString( /*[in]*/ const CComBSTR& bstrHex , /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstrText );
HRESULT ConvertHGlobalToHex( /*[in]*/ HGLOBAL hg , /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstrHex, /*[in]*/ bool fNullAllowed = false , DWORD* pdwCount = NULL );
HRESULT ConvertHexToHGlobal( /*[in]*/ const CComBSTR& bstrText, /*[out]*/ HGLOBAL& hg , /*[in]*/ bool fNullAllowed = false );
HRESULT ConvertBufferToVariant( /*[in]*/ const BYTE* pBuf, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLen, /*[out]*/ CComVariant& v );
HRESULT ConvertVariantToBuffer( /*[in]*/ const VARIANT* v , /*[out]*/ BYTE*& pBuf, /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwLen );
HRESULT ConvertIStreamToVariant( /*[in]*/ IStream* stream, /*[out]*/ CComVariant& v );
HRESULT ConvertVariantToIStream( /*[in]*/ const VARIANT* v , /*[out]*/ IStream* *pStream );
HRESULT ConvertListToSafeArray( /*[in]*/ const MPC::WStringList& lst , /*[out]*/ VARIANT& array, /*[in]*/ VARTYPE vt );
HRESULT ConvertSafeArrayToList( /*[in]*/ const VARIANT& array, /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lst );
typedef struct
DWORD dwMask; // Mask of the bit field.
DWORD dwSet; // Bits to set.
DWORD dwReset; // Bits to reset before set.
} StringToBitField;
HRESULT CommandLine_Parse( /*[out]*/ int& argc, /*[out]*/ LPCWSTR*& argv, /*[in]*/ LPWSTR lpCmdLine = NULL, /*[in]*/ bool fBackslashForEscape = false );
void CommandLine_Free ( /*[in ]*/ int& argc, /*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR*& argv );
HRESULT ConvertStringToBitField( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szText , /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwBitField, /*[in]*/ const StringToBitField* pLookup, /*[in]*/ bool fUseTilde = false );
HRESULT ConvertBitFieldToString( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwBitField, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szText , /*[in]*/ const StringToBitField* pLookup );
HRESULT SplitAtDelimiter( StringVector& vec, LPCSTR ptr, LPCSTR delims, bool fDelimIsAString = true, bool fSkipAdjacentDelims = false );
HRESULT SplitAtDelimiter( WStringVector& vec, LPCWSTR ptr, LPCWSTR delims, bool fDelimIsAString = true, bool fSkipAdjacentDelims = false );
HRESULT JoinWithDelimiter( const StringVector& vec, MPC::string& ptr, LPCSTR delims );
HRESULT JoinWithDelimiter( const WStringVector& vec, MPC::wstring& ptr, LPCWSTR delims );
HRESULT MakeDir ( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szPath, /*[in]*/ bool fCreateParent = true );
HRESULT GetDiskSpace ( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szFile , /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER& liFree, /*[out]*/ ULARGE_INTEGER& liTotal );
HRESULT ExecuteCommand( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szCommandLine );
HRESULT FailOnLowDiskSpace( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLowLevel );
HRESULT FailOnLowMemory ( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwLowLevel );
HRESULT GetCallingPidFromRPC ( /*[out]*/ ULONG& pid );
HRESULT GetFileNameFromProcess( /*[in ]*/ HANDLE hProc, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strFile );
HRESULT GetFileNameFromPid ( /*[in ]*/ ULONG pid , /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strFile );
HRESULT MapDeviceToDiskLetter( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strDevice, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strDisk );
bool IsCallerInList ( /*[in]*/ const LPCWSTR* rgList, /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strCallerFile );
HRESULT VerifyCallerIsTrusted( /*[in]*/ const LPCWSTR* rgList );
class MSITS
static bool IsCHM( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pwzUrl, /*[out]*/ BSTR* pbstrStorageName = NULL, /*[out]*/ BSTR* pbstrFilePath = NULL );
static HRESULT OpenAsStream( /*[in] */ const CComBSTR& bstrStorageName, /*[in] */ const CComBSTR& bstrFilePath, /*[out]*/ IStream **ppStream );
class Cabinet
class File
MPC::wstring m_szFullName;
MPC::wstring m_szName;
bool m_fFound;
DWORD m_dwSizeUncompressed;
DWORD m_dwSizeCompressed;
m_fFound = false;
m_dwSizeUncompressed = 0;
m_dwSizeCompressed = 0;
typedef std::list<File> List;
typedef List::iterator Iter;
typedef List::const_iterator IterConst;
typedef HRESULT (*PFNPROGRESS_FILES)( Cabinet* /*cabinet*/, LPCWSTR /*szFile*/, ULONG /*lDone*/, ULONG /*lTotal*/, LPVOID /*user*/ );
typedef HRESULT (*PFNPROGRESS_BYTES)( Cabinet* /*cabinet*/, ULONG /*lDone*/, ULONG /*lTotal*/, LPVOID /*user*/ );
WCHAR m_szCabinetPath[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR m_szCabinetName[MAX_PATH];
List m_lstFiles;
Iter m_itCurrent;
DWORD m_dwSizeDone;
DWORD m_dwSizeTotal;
HFCI m_hfci;
HFDI m_hfdi;
ERF m_erf;
CCAB m_cab_parameters;
BOOL m_fIgnoreMissingFiles;
LPVOID m_lpUser;
PFNPROGRESS_FILES m_pfnCallback_Files;
PFNPROGRESS_BYTES m_pfnCallback_Bytes;
static LPVOID DIAMONDAPI mem_alloc( ULONG cb );
static void DIAMONDAPI mem_free ( LPVOID memory );
static int DIAMONDAPI fci_delete( LPSTR pszFile, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI fci_open ( LPSTR pszFile, int oflag, int pmode, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static UINT DIAMONDAPI fci_read ( INT_PTR hf, LPVOID memory, UINT cb, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static UINT DIAMONDAPI fci_write ( INT_PTR hf, LPVOID memory, UINT cb, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static int DIAMONDAPI fci_close ( INT_PTR hf, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static long DIAMONDAPI fci_seek ( INT_PTR hf, long dist, int seektype, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static BOOL DIAMONDAPI fci_get_next_cabinet( PCCAB pccab, ULONG cbPrevCab, LPVOID pv );
static int DIAMONDAPI fci_file_placed ( PCCAB pccab, LPSTR pszFile, long cbFile, BOOL fContinuation, LPVOID pv );
static long DIAMONDAPI fci_progress ( UINT typeStatus, ULONG cb1, ULONG cb2, LPVOID pv );
static BOOL DIAMONDAPI fci_get_temp_file ( LPSTR pszTempName, int cbTempName, LPVOID pv );
static INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI fci_get_open_info ( LPSTR pszName, USHORT *pdate, USHORT *ptime, USHORT *pattribs, int *err, LPVOID pv );
static INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI fdi_open ( LPSTR pszFile, int oflag, int pmode );
static UINT DIAMONDAPI fdi_read ( INT_PTR hf, LPVOID pv, UINT cb );
static UINT DIAMONDAPI fdi_write ( INT_PTR hf, LPVOID pv, UINT cb );
static int DIAMONDAPI fdi_close ( INT_PTR hf );
static long DIAMONDAPI fdi_seek ( INT_PTR hf, long dist, int seektype );
static INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI fdi_notification_copy ( FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin );
static INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI fdi_notification_enumerate( FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin );
HRESULT put_CabinetFile ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szVal, /*[in]*/ UINT cbSpaceToReserve = 0 );
HRESULT put_IgnoreMissingFiles( /*[in]*/ BOOL fVal );
HRESULT put_UserData ( /*[in]*/ LPVOID lpVal );
HRESULT put_onProgress_Files ( /*[in]*/ PFNPROGRESS_FILES pfnVal );
HRESULT put_onProgress_Bytes ( /*[in]*/ PFNPROGRESS_BYTES pfnVal );
HRESULT ClearFiles();
HRESULT GetFiles ( /*[out]*/ List& lstFiles );
HRESULT AddFile ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileNameInsideCabinet = NULL );
HRESULT Compress ();
HRESULT Decompress();
HRESULT Enumerate ();
HRESULT CompressAsCabinet ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szInputFile , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCabinetFile, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileName );
HRESULT CompressAsCabinet ( /*[in]*/ const WStringList& lstFiles , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCabinetFile, /*[in]*/ BOOL fIgnoreMissingFiles = FALSE );
HRESULT ListFilesInCabinet ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCabinetFile, /*[in]*/ WStringList& lstFiles );
HRESULT DecompressFromCabinet( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szCabinetFile, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szOutputFile , /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileName );
class URL
MPC::wstring m_szURL;
void Clean ();
HRESULT Prepare();
HRESULT CheckFormat( /*[in]*/ bool fDecode = false );
HRESULT Append( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szExtra, /*[in]*/ bool fEscape = true );
HRESULT Append( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szExtra, /*[in]*/ bool fEscape = true );
HRESULT AppendQueryParameter( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValue );
HRESULT get_URL ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szURL );
HRESULT put_URL ( /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& szURL );
HRESULT put_URL ( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR szURL );
HRESULT get_Scheme ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szVal ) const;
HRESULT get_Scheme ( /*[out]*/ INTERNET_SCHEME& nVal ) const;
HRESULT get_HostName ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szVal ) const;
HRESULT get_Port ( /*[out]*/ DWORD & dwVal ) const;
HRESULT get_Path ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szVal ) const;
HRESULT get_ExtraInfo( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szVal ) const;
void InitCRC ( /*[out] */ DWORD& dwCRC );
void ComputeCRC( /*[in/out]*/ DWORD& dwCRC, /*[in]*/ UCHAR* rgBlock, /*[in]*/ int nLength );
HRESULT ComputeCRC( /*[out] */ DWORD& dwCRC, /*[in]*/ IStream* stream );
HRESULT ComputeCRC( /*[out] */ DWORD& dwCRC, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile );
HRESULT GetBSTR( /*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR bstr, /*[out]*/ BSTR * pVal, /*[in]*/ bool fNullOk = true );
HRESULT PutBSTR( /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstr, /*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR newVal, /*[in]*/ bool fNullOk = true );
HRESULT PutBSTR( /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstr, /*[in ]*/ VARIANT* newVal, /*[in]*/ bool fNullOk = true );
mutable LPVOID m_ptr;
mutable DWORD m_dwLock;
// copy constructors...
CComHGLOBAL ( /*[in]*/ const CComHGLOBAL& chg );
CComHGLOBAL& operator=( /*[in]*/ const CComHGLOBAL& chg );
CComHGLOBAL& operator=( /*[in]*/ HGLOBAL hg );
void Attach( /*[in]*/ HGLOBAL hg );
HGLOBAL Detach( );
HGLOBAL Get () const;
HGLOBAL GetRef ();
HGLOBAL GetPointer();
DWORD Size() const;
HRESULT New ( /*[in]*/ UINT uFlags, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwSize );
void Release( );
LPVOID Lock () const;
void Unlock() const;
HRESULT Copy( /*[in]*/ HGLOBAL hg, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwMaxSize = 0xFFFFFFFF );
HRESULT CopyFromStream( /*[in ]*/ IStream* val );
HRESULT CopyToStream ( /*[out]*/ IStream* val );
HRESULT CloneAsStream ( /*[out]*/ IStream* *pVal );
HRESULT DetachAsStream( /*[out]*/ IStream* *pVal );
HRESULT GetAsStream ( /*[out]*/ IStream* *pVal, /*[in]*/ bool fClone );
HRESULT NewStream ( /*[out]*/ IStream* *pVal );
namespace Connectivity
class Proxy
bool m_fInitialized;
MPC::string m_strProxy;
MPC::string m_strProxyBypass;
CComHGLOBAL m_hgConnection;
HRESULT Initialize( /*[in]*/ bool fImpersonate = false );
HRESULT Apply ( /*[in]*/ HINTERNET hSession );
friend HRESULT operator>>( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[out]*/ Proxy& val );
friend HRESULT operator<<( /*[in]*/ MPC::Serializer& stream, /*[in ]*/ const Proxy& val );
class WinInetTimeout
MPC::CComSafeAutoCriticalSection& m_cs;
HANDLE m_hTimer;
DWORD m_dwTimeout;
DWORD_PTR m_PreviousContext;
static VOID CALLBACK TimerFunction( PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired );
static VOID CALLBACK InternetStatusCallback( HINTERNET hInternet ,
DWORD_PTR dwContext ,
DWORD dwInternetStatus ,
LPVOID lpvStatusInformation ,
DWORD dwStatusInformationLength );
HRESULT InternalSet ();
HRESULT InternalReset();
WinInetTimeout( /*[in]*/ MPC::CComSafeAutoCriticalSection& cs, /*[in]*/ HINTERNET& hReq );
HRESULT Set ( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwTimeout );
HRESULT Reset( );
HRESULT NetworkAlive ( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwTimeout, /*[in]*/ MPC::Connectivity::Proxy* pProxy = NULL );
HRESULT DestinationReachable( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szDestination, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwTimeout, /*[in]*/ MPC::Connectivity::Proxy* pProxy = NULL );
class RegKey
REGSAM m_samDesired;
HKEY m_hRoot;
mutable HKEY m_hKey;
MPC::wstring m_strKey;
MPC::wstring m_strPath;
MPC::wstring m_strName;
HRESULT Clean( /*[in]*/ bool fBoth );
operator HKEY() const;
RegKey& operator=( /*[in]*/ const RegKey& rk );
HRESULT SetRoot( /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey, /*[in]*/ REGSAM samDesired = KEY_READ, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szMachine = NULL );
HRESULT Attach ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName );
HRESULT Exists( /*[out]*/ bool& fFound ) const;
HRESULT Create( ) const;
HRESULT Delete( /*[in]*/ bool fDeep ) ;
HRESULT SubKey( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[out]*/ RegKey& rkSubKey ) const;
HRESULT Parent( /*[out]*/ RegKey& rkParent ) const;
HRESULT EnumerateSubKeys( /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lstSubKeys ) const;
HRESULT EnumerateValues ( /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lstValues ) const;
HRESULT DeleteSubKeys() const;
HRESULT DeleteValues () const;
HRESULT ReadDirect ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName, /*[out]*/ CComHGLOBAL& hgBuffer, /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwSize, /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwType, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound ) const;
HRESULT WriteDirect( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName, /*[in ]*/ void* pBuffer , /*[in ]*/ DWORD dwSize, /*[in ]*/ DWORD dwType ) const;
HRESULT get_Key ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strKey ) const;
HRESULT get_Name( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strName ) const;
HRESULT get_Path( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strPath ) const;
HRESULT get_Value( /*[out]*/ VARIANT& vValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL ) const;
HRESULT put_Value( /*[in] */ const VARIANT vValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = false ) const;
HRESULT del_Value( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL ) const;
HRESULT Read( /*[out]*/ MPC::string& strValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL );
HRESULT Read( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL );
HRESULT Read( /*[out]*/ CComBSTR& bstrValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL );
HRESULT Read( /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL );
HRESULT Read( /*[out]*/ MPC::WStringList& lstValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName );
HRESULT Write( /*[in]*/ const MPC::string& strValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = false );
HRESULT Write( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = false );
HRESULT Write( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = false );
HRESULT Write( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL );
HRESULT Write( /*[in]*/ const MPC::WStringList& lstValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName );
static HRESULT ParsePath( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKey, /*[out]*/ HKEY& hKey, /*[out]*/ LPCWSTR& szPath, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKeyDefault = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE );
HRESULT RegKey_Value_Read ( /*[out]*/ VARIANT& vValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE );
HRESULT RegKey_Value_Read ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE );
HRESULT RegKey_Value_Read ( /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwValue, /*[out]*/ bool& fFound, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE );
HRESULT RegKey_Value_Write( /*[in] */ const VARIANT& vValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = false );
HRESULT RegKey_Value_Write( /*[in] */ const MPC::wstring& strValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, /*[in]*/ bool fExpand = false );
HRESULT RegKey_Value_Write( /*[in] */ DWORD dwValue, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szKeyName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szValueName = NULL, /*[in]*/ HKEY hKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE );
// These functions also deal with Read-Only, protected files.
HRESULT CopyFile ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileSrc, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileDst, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = true, /*[in]*/ bool fDelayed = false );
HRESULT CopyFile ( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strFileSrc, /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strFileDst, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = true, /*[in]*/ bool fDelayed = false );
HRESULT MoveFile ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileSrc, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFileDst, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = true, /*[in]*/ bool fDelayed = false );
HRESULT MoveFile ( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strFileSrc, /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strFileDst, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = true, /*[in]*/ bool fDelayed = false );
HRESULT DeleteFile( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFile, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = true, /*[in]*/ bool fDelayed = false );
HRESULT DeleteFile( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& strFile, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = true, /*[in]*/ bool fDelayed = false );
class FileSystemObject // Hungarian: fso
typedef std::list<FileSystemObject*> List;
typedef List::iterator Iter;
typedef List::const_iterator IterConst;
MPC::wstring m_strPath;
List m_lstChilds;
bool m_fLoaded;
bool m_fScanned;
bool m_fScanned_Deep;
void Init ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath, /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject* fsoParent );
void Clean( );
FileSystemObject( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath = NULL, /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject* fsoParent = NULL );
FileSystemObject( /*[in]*/ const WIN32_FIND_DATAW& wfdInfo , /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject* fsoParent = NULL );
FileSystemObject( /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject& fso );
FileSystemObject& operator=( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath );
FileSystemObject& operator=( /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject& fso );
HRESULT Scan( /*[in]*/ bool fDeep = false, /*[in]*/ bool fReload = false, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szSearchPattern = NULL );
bool Exists ();
bool IsFile ();
bool IsDirectory();
HRESULT EnumerateFolders( /*[out]*/ List& lstFolders );
HRESULT EnumerateFiles ( /*[out]*/ List& lstFiles );
HRESULT get_Name ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szName ) const;
HRESULT get_Path ( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szPath ) const;
HRESULT get_Parent( /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& szParent ) const;
HRESULT get_Attributes ( /*[out]*/ DWORD& dwFileAttributes );
HRESULT put_Attributes ( /*[in] */ DWORD dwFileAttributes );
HRESULT get_CreationTime ( /*[out]*/ FILETIME& ftCreationTime );
HRESULT put_CreationTime ( /*[in] */ const FILETIME& ftCreationTime );
HRESULT get_LastAccessTime( /*[out]*/ FILETIME& ftLastAccessTime );
HRESULT put_LastAccessTime( /*[in] */ const FILETIME& ftLastAccessTime );
HRESULT get_LastWriteTime ( /*[out]*/ FILETIME& ftLastWriteTime );
HRESULT put_LastWriteTime ( /*[in] */ const FILETIME& ftLastWriteTime );
HRESULT get_FileSize ( /*[out]*/ DWORD& nFileSizeLow , /*[out]*/ DWORD *pnFileSizeHigh = NULL );
HRESULT CreateDir ( /*[in]*/ bool fForce = false );
HRESULT Delete ( /*[in]*/ bool fForce = false, /*[in]*/ bool fComplain = true );
HRESULT DeleteChildren( /*[in]*/ bool fForce = false, /*[in]*/ bool fComplain = true );
HRESULT Rename ( /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject& fsoDst, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = false );
HRESULT Copy ( /*[in]*/ const FileSystemObject& fsoDst, /*[in]*/ bool fForce = false );
HRESULT Open( /*[out]*/ HANDLE& hfFile, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwDesiredAccess, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwShareMode, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwCreationDisposition );
static bool Exists ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath );
static bool IsFile ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath );
static bool IsDirectory( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath );
class StorageObject // Hungarian: so
typedef std::list<StorageObject*> List;
typedef List::iterator Iter;
typedef List::const_iterator IterConst;
struct Stat : public STATSTG
void Clean();
StorageObject* m_parent;
CComBSTR m_bstrPath;
bool m_fITSS;
DWORD m_grfMode;
DWORD m_type;
Stat m_stat;
CComPtr<IStorage> m_stg;
CComPtr<IStream> m_stream;
bool m_fChecked;
bool m_fScanned;
bool m_fMarkedForDeletion;
List m_lstChilds;
void Init ( /*[in]*/ DWORD grfMode, /*[in]*/ bool fITSS, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath, /*[in]*/ StorageObject* soParent );
void Clean( /*[in]*/ bool fFinal );
HRESULT RemoveChild( /*[in]*/ StorageObject* child );
// copy constructors...
StorageObject ( /*[in]*/ const StorageObject& so );
StorageObject& operator=( /*[in]*/ const StorageObject& so );
StorageObject( /*[in]*/ DWORD grfMode = STGM_READ, /*[in]*/ bool fITSS = false, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath = NULL, /*[in]*/ StorageObject* soParent = NULL );
StorageObject& operator=( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szPath );
const Stat& GetStat() { m_stat; }
HRESULT Compact ( );
HRESULT Exists ( );
HRESULT EnumerateSubStorages( /*[out]*/ List& lstSubStorages );
HRESULT EnumerateStreams ( /*[out]*/ List& lstStreams );
HRESULT GetStorage( /*[out]*/ CComPtr<IStorage>& out );
HRESULT GetStream ( /*[out]*/ CComPtr<IStream>& out );
HRESULT GetChild ( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szName, /*[out]*/ StorageObject*& child, /*[in]*/ DWORD grfMode = STGM_READ, /*[in]*/ DWORD type = 0 );
HRESULT Create ();
HRESULT Rewind ();
HRESULT Truncate ();
HRESULT Delete ();
HRESULT DeleteChildren();
void Release ();
const CComBSTR& GetName() { return m_bstrPath; }
class NamedMutex
bool m_fCloseOnRelease; // If true, the mutex is closed on the last release.
MPC::wstring m_szName; // Name of the object, optional.
HANDLE m_hMutex; // The mutex handle.
DWORD m_dwCount; // Recursion counter.
void CleanUp ();
HRESULT EnsureInitialized();
NamedMutex( LPCWSTR szName, bool fCloseOnRelease = true );
virtual ~NamedMutex();
HRESULT SetName( LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT Acquire( DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE );
HRESULT Release( );
bool IsOwned( );
class NamedMutexWithState : public NamedMutex
DWORD m_dwSize; // Size of the shared state.
HANDLE m_hMap; // Handle to the mapping object.
LPVOID m_rgData; // Pointer to the mapped area.
void CleanUp ();
void Flush ();
HRESULT EnsureInitialized();
NamedMutexWithState( LPCWSTR szName, DWORD dwSize, bool fCloseOnRelease = false );
virtual ~NamedMutexWithState();
HRESULT SetName( LPCWSTR szName );
HRESULT Acquire( DWORD dwMilliseconds = INFINITE );
HRESULT Release( );
LPVOID GetData();
namespace Pooling
class Base
MPC::CComSafeAutoCriticalSection m_cs;
DWORD m_dwInCallback;
DWORD m_dwThreadID;
void Lock ();
void Unlock();
void AddRef ();
void Release();
class Timer : public Base
DWORD m_dwFlags;
HANDLE m_hTimer;
static VOID CALLBACK TimerFunction( PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired );
Timer( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwFlags = WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT );
HRESULT Set ( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwTimeout, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwPeriod );
HRESULT Reset( );
virtual HRESULT Execute( /*[in]*/ BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired );
class Event : public Base
DWORD m_dwFlags;
HANDLE m_hWaitHandle;
HANDLE m_hEvent;
static VOID CALLBACK WaitOrTimerFunction( PVOID lpParameter, BOOLEAN EventOrWaitFired );
Event( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwFlags = WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT );
void Attach( /*[in]*/ HANDLE hEvent );
HRESULT Set ( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwTimeout );
HRESULT Reset( );
virtual HRESULT Signaled( /*[in]*/ BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired );
#endif // !defined(__INCLUDED___MPC___UTILS_H___)