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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// Password.cpp : Implementation of CPassword
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ScriptPW.h"
#include "Password.h"
// CPassword
STDMETHODIMP CPassword::GetPassword( BSTR *bstrOutPassword )
// local variables
WCHAR wch;
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
DWORD dwCharsRead = 0;
DWORD dwPrevConsoleMode = 0;
HANDLE hInputConsole = NULL;
BOOL bIndirectionInput = FALSE;
LPWSTR pwszPassword = NULL;
const DWORD dwMaxPasswordSize = 256;
// check the input
if ( bstrOutPassword == NULL )
return E_FAIL;
// get the handle for the standard input
hInputConsole = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
if ( hInputConsole == NULL )
// could not get the handle so return failure
return E_FAIL;
// check for the input redirection on console and telnet session
if( ( hInputConsole != (HANDLE)0x0000000F ) &&
( hInputConsole != (HANDLE)0x00000003 ) &&
( hInputConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) )
bIndirectionInput = TRUE;
// change the console mode properties if the input is not redirected
if ( bIndirectionInput == FALSE )
// Get the current input mode of the input buffer
GetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, &dwPrevConsoleMode );
// Set the mode such that the control keys are processed by the system
if ( SetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) == 0 )
// could not set the mode, return failure
return E_FAIL;
// allocate memory for the password buffer
pwszPassword = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory( (dwMaxPasswordSize + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( pwszPassword == NULL )
return E_FAIL;
// Read the characters until a carriage return is hit
for( ;; )
if ( bIndirectionInput == TRUE )
//read the contents of file
if ( ReadFile( hInputConsole, &wch, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL ) == FALSE )
FreeMemory( (LPVOID*) &pwszPassword );
return E_FAIL;
// check for end of file
if ( dwCharsRead == 0 )
if ( ReadConsole( hInputConsole, &wch, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL ) == 0 )
// Set the original console settings
SetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, dwPrevConsoleMode );
// return failure
FreeMemory( (LPVOID*) &pwszPassword );
return E_FAIL;
// Check for carraige return
if ( wch == CARRIAGE_RETURN )
// break from the loop
// Check id back space is hit
if ( wch == BACK_SPACE )
if ( dwIndex != 0 )
// Remove a asterix from the console
// (display of characters onto console is blocked)
// move the cursor one character back
// StringCchPrintfW(
// wszBuffer,
// SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszBuffer ), L"%c", BACK_SPACE );
// WriteConsole(
// GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ),
// wszBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// replace the existing character with space
// StringCchPrintfW(
// wszBuffer,
// SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszBuffer ), L"%c", BLANK_CHAR );
// WriteConsole(
// GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ),
// wszBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// now set the cursor at back position
// StringCchPrintfW(
// wszBuffer,
// SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszBuffer ), L"%c", BACK_SPACE );
// WriteConsole(
// GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ),
// wszBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// decrement the index
// process the next character
// if the max password length has been reached then sound a beep
if ( dwIndex == ( dwMaxPasswordSize - 1 ) )
// WriteConsole(
// GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ),
// BEEP_SOUND, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// check for new line character
if ( wch != L'\n' )
// store the input character
*( pwszPassword + dwIndex ) = wch;
// display asterix onto the console
// WriteConsole(
// GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ),
// ASTERIX, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
// Add the NULL terminator
*( pwszPassword + dwIndex ) = cwchNullChar;
// display the character ( new line character )
// StringCopy( wszBuffer, L"\n\n", SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszBuffer ) );
// WriteConsole(
// GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ),
// wszBuffer, 2, &dwCharsWritten, NULL );
CComBSTR bstrPassword( pwszPassword );
*bstrOutPassword = bstrPassword.Copy();
// set the original console settings
SetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, dwPrevConsoleMode );
// free the memory
FreeMemory( (LPVOID*) &pwszPassword );
// return success
return S_OK;