143 lines
2.8 KiB
143 lines
2.8 KiB
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Purpose:
# PERL Script to rename a file in the Perforce database
# Parameters:
# See Usage below
# Output:
# Perforce output or the appropriate error message or usage statement
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Load common SLM wrapper subroutine module
use SlmSubs;
# Parse command line arguments
# Call usage and exit if ParseArgs has set the Usage or InvalidFlag flags
if ($Usage or $InvalidFlag)
print $ErrorMessage;
exit 1;
# Recursive flag not supported
if ($Recursive)
print "\n";
print "Error: This command does not work recursively\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
# Need to have a file list
if (!@FileList)
print "\n";
print "Error: No files specified\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
# Need to have exactly two files in @FileList
if (@FileList != 2)
print "\n";
print "Error: Must have two files specified on command line\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
# Wildcards and subdirectories are not supported
if ((grep { /\*/ } @FileList) or (grep { /\?/ } @FileList))
print "\n";
print "Error: Wildcards are not supported\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
if (grep { /\\/ } @FileList)
print "\n";
print "Error: Subdirectories are not supported\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
# Need to make sure first file exists
open EXISTINGFILE, "< $FileList[0]";
print "\n";
print "Error: Cannot find file $FileList[0]\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
# Initialize lists
@SubmitList = ();
system "$SourceControlClient integrate $FileList[0] $FileList[1]";
system "$SourceControlClient delete $FileList[0]";
SlmSubs::CreateSubmitList("branch", \@SubmitList);
SlmSubs::CreateSubmitList("delete", \@SubmitList);
@SubmitOutput = SlmSubs::PerforceRequest("submit", \@SubmitList);
print "@SubmitOutput";
sub Usage
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Prints out a usage statement for this script. In this case an amalgamation of
# basic SLM command usage
# Parameters:
# None
# Output:
# The usage statement
# __________________________________________________________________________________
print q/redub - renames a file in the source database
Usage: redub [-?fh] file1 file2
-h prints out this message.
file1 Name of file to be renamed.
file2 New name for renamed file.