196 lines
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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Purpose:
# PERL Script to emulate windiff's SLM interaction
# Parameters:
# Standard windiff parameters
# Output:
# Windiff output
# __________________________________________________________________________________
# Load common SLM wrapper subroutine module
use SlmSubs;
# Set callee because windiff has some overlapping syntax with SLM
$Callee = "windiff.pl";
# Parse command line arguments
# If -L switch isn't used or there are no version references call windiff without re-interpreting
if ((! ($Library or $FileVersion)) or $Usage)
system "windiff @ARGV";
exit 1;
# Recursion is not supported
if ($WindiffRecursive)
print "\n";
print "Error: sudirectory option not supported\n";
print "\n";
exit 1;
# Initialize Variables
$FileNameOne = "";
$FileNameTwo = "";
$WindiffSyntax = "";
if ($OutlineView)
$WindiffSyntax .= " -O";
if ($PerverseComparison)
$WindiffSyntax .= " -P";
if ($NetSend)
$WindiffSyntax .= " -N $NetSendTarget";
if ($SaveList)
$WindiffSyntax .= " -s";
if ($SaveListDifferent)
$WindiffSyntax .= "d";
if ($SaveListExit)
$WindiffSyntax .= "x";
if ($SaveListLeft)
$WindiffSyntax .= "l";
if ($SaveListRight)
$WindiffSyntax .= "r";
if ($SaveListSame)
$WindiffSyntax .= "s";
$WindiffSyntax .= " $SaveListName";
# Create space to pull down files for compare
system "md $ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient > nul 2>&1";
system "del $ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient\\**";
if (@FileList)
# @FileList should only have one element if using -L, if not launch windiff -?
# if so set $FileName equal to first element.
if ($Library and (@FileList > 1))
system "windiff -?";
exit 1;
# @FileList should only have two elements if file versions, if not launch windiff -?
# if so set $FileNameOne equal to first element and $FileNameTwo to the second.
if ($FileVersion and ((@FileList > 2) or (@FileList < 2)))
system "windiff -?";
exit 1;
$FileNameOne = $FileList[0];
if ($Library or ($FileVersion and ($FileNameOne =~ /#\d+/)))
system qq/$SourceControlClient print -q $FileNameOne > "$ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient\\$FileNameOne"/;
$FirstArg = "$ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient\\$FileNameOne";
$FirstArg = $FileNameOne
if (!$Library and $FileVersion)
$FileNameTwo = $FileList[1];
if ($FileNameTwo =~ /#\d+/)
system qq/$SourceControlClient print -q $FileNameTwo > "$ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient\\$FileNameTwo"/;
$SecondArg = "$ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient\\$FileNameTwo";
$SecondArg = $FileNameTwo;
$SecondArg = $FileNameTwo;
open (P4Files, "$SourceControlClient files $AllFilesSymbol 2>&1|");
@P4FilesList = <P4Files>;
close (P4Files);
# Cycle through @P4Files list and copy them to %tmp%\$SourceControlClient
foreach $P4FilesLine (@P4FilesList)
# Grep current directory information out of output
if ( $P4FilesLine =~ /(.*\Q$DepotMap\E)([^#]*)#[0-9]* - (\S*).*/i )
if ($3 ne "delete")
system qq/$SourceControlClient print -q "$1$2" > "$ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient\\$2"/;
$FirstArg = ".";
$SecondArg = "$ENV{tmp}\\$SourceControlClient";
if ( $Reverse)
system "windiff -D $WindiffSyntax $SecondArg $FirstArg";
system "windiff -D $WindiffSyntax $FirstArg $SecondArg";