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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: newobj.h
// newobj.h
// This file contains function prototypes to create new ADs object.
// 20-Aug-97 Dan Morin Creation.
#ifndef __DSSNAP_H__
#include "dssnap.h" // CDSComponentData
#ifndef __GSZ_H_INCLUDED__
#include "gsz.h"
#include "copyobj.h"
// typedef PFn_HrCreateADsObject()
// Interface of the "create routine" to create a new ADs object.
// Typically the routine brings a dialog so the user can enter
// information relevant to create the object. The routine
// then validates the data and create the object. If the data
// is invalid and/or the object creation fails, the routine should
// display an error message and return S_FALSE.
// S_OK - The object was created and persisted successfully.
// S_FALSE - The user hit the "Cancel" button or object creation failed.
// Return E_* - A very serious error occured.
typedef HRESULT (* PFn_HrCreateADsObject)(INOUT class CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
BOOL FindHandlerFunction(/*IN*/ LPCWSTR lpszObjectClass,
/*OUT*/ PFn_HrCreateADsObject* ppfFunc,
/*OUT*/ void** ppVoid);
HRESULT HrCreateFixedNameHelper(/*IN*/ LPCWSTR lpszObjectClass,
/*IN*/ LPCWSTR lpszAttrString, // typically "cn="
/*IN*/ IADsContainer* pIADsContainer);
// class CNewADsObjectCreateInfo
// Class to store temporary data to create a new ADs object.
// 1. Construct CNewADsObjectCreateInfo object.
// 2. Use SetContainerInfo() to set additional pointers.
// 3. Use HrDoModal() to invoke the dialog.
// 3.1. Perform a lookup to match the objectclass to the best "create routine".
// 3.2. The "create routine" will validate the data, use SetName() to set object name
// and HrAddVariant*() and store each attribute into a list of variants.
// 3.3. The "create routine" will use HrSetInfo() to create and persist object.
// 3.3.1. If object creation fails, routine HrSetInfo() will display an error message.
// 3.4. Routine HrDoModal() return S_OK if object was created successfully.
// 4. Object CNewADsObjectCreateInfo returns pIADs pointer to caller. Caller
// must pIADs->Release() when no longer need reference to object.
// The core of "create routine" is typically encapsulated inside a dialog object.
// In fact, the object creation which uses HrSetInfo() is mostly done inside the OnOK() handler.
// 20-Aug-97 Dan Morin Creation.
// CNewADsObjectCreateInfo
class CNewADsObjectCreateInfo
IADsContainer * m_pIADsContainer; // IN: Container to create object
LPCWSTR m_pszObjectClass; // IN: Class of object to create. eg: "user", "computer", "volume".
CString m_strDefaultObjectName;
MyBasePathsInfo* m_pBasePathsInfo;
CDSClassCacheItemBase* m_pDsCacheItem; // IN: Pointer to cache entry
CDSComponentData* m_pCD;
IADs* m_pIADs; // OUT: Pointer to IADs interface. Caller must call pIADs->Release() when done.
HWND m_hWnd; // IN: MMC console main window, for modal dialogs
CString m_strObjectName; // OUT: Name of object. eg: "danmorin", "mycomputer", "myvollume"
CString m_strADsName; // OUT: OPTIONAL: Concatenated ADs name. eg: "cn=danmorin"
CString m_szCacheNamingAttribute; // typically "cn" or "ou"
CString m_szContainerCanonicalName; // for display purposes cached after first call
// to GetContainerCanonicalName()
CCopyObjectHandlerBase* m_pCopyHandler;
class CVariantInfo
m_bPostCommit = FALSE;
~CVariantInfo() { }
const CVariantInfo& operator=(CVariantInfo& src)
m_bPostCommit = src.m_bPostCommit;
m_szAttrName = src.m_szAttrName;
HRESULT hr = ::VariantCopy(&m_varAttrValue, &src.m_varAttrValue);
return *this;
HRESULT Write(IADs* pIADs, BOOL bPostCommit)
if (bPostCommit == m_bPostCommit)
CComBSTR bstrAttrName = m_szAttrName;
hr = pIADs->Put(IN bstrAttrName, IN m_varAttrValue);
return hr;
BOOL m_bPostCommit; // TRUE if the attribute has to be written during post commit
CString m_szAttrName; // Name of the attribute
CComVariant m_varAttrValue; // Value of the attribute (stored in a variant)
class CVariantInfoList : public CList<CVariantInfo*, CVariantInfo*>
~CVariantInfoList() { Flush();}
void Flush()
while (!IsEmpty())
delete RemoveHead();
void Initialize(CVariantInfoList* pList)
for (POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; )
CVariantInfo* pCurrInfo = pList->GetNext(pos);
CVariantInfo* pNewInfo = new CVariantInfo;
*pNewInfo = *pCurrInfo;
HRESULT Write(IADs* pIADs, BOOL bPostCommit)
for (POSITION pos = GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; )
CVariantInfo* pVariantInfo = GetNext(pos);
hr = pVariantInfo->Write(pIADs, bPostCommit);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
CVariantInfoList m_defaultVariantList;
BOOL m_bPostCommit; // state to manage default variant list
PVOID m_pvCreationParameter; // IN: Some of the HrCreate functions need this
PFn_HrCreateADsObject m_pfnCreateObject; // function pointer for object creation
DSCLASSCREATIONINFO* m_pCreateInfo; // loaded from the DS display specifiers
// Construction/Initialization
CNewADsObjectCreateInfo(MyBasePathsInfo* pBasePathsInfo, LPCTSTR pszObjectClass);
void SetContainerInfo(IN IADsContainer * pIADsContainer, IN CDSClassCacheItemBase* pDsCacheItem,
IN CDSComponentData* pCD,
IN LPCWSTR lpszAttrString = NULL);
// copy operations
HRESULT SetCopyInfo(IADs* pIADsCopyFrom);
HRESULT SetCopyInfo(LPCWSTR lpszCopyFromLDAPPath);
IADs* GetCopyFromObject()
if (m_pCopyHandler == NULL)
return NULL;
return m_pCopyHandler->GetCopyFrom();
CCopyObjectHandlerBase* GetCopyHandler() { return m_pCopyHandler;}
CMandatoryADsAttributeList* GetMandatoryAttributeListFromCacheItem()
ASSERT(m_pDsCacheItem != NULL);
if ((m_pDsCacheItem == NULL) || (m_pCD == NULL))
return NULL;
return m_pDsCacheItem->GetMandatoryAttributeList(m_pCD);
BOOL IsStandaloneUI() { return (m_pDsCacheItem == NULL) || (m_pCD == NULL);}
BOOL IsContainer()
if (m_pDsCacheItem == NULL)
// we do not know, so the default icon might not be a container...
return FALSE;
return m_pDsCacheItem->IsContainer();
HRESULT HrLoadCreationInfo();
HRESULT HrCreateNew(LPCWSTR pszName, BOOL bSilentError = FALSE, BOOL bAllowCopy = TRUE);
HRESULT HrSetInfo(BOOL fSilentError = FALSE);
HRESULT HrDeleteFromBackend();
IADs* PGetIADsPtr() { return m_pIADs;}
void SetIADsPtr(IADs* pIADs)
if (m_pIADs != NULL)
m_pIADs = pIADs;
if (m_pIADs != NULL)
const PVOID QueryCreationParameter() { return m_pvCreationParameter; }
void SetCreationParameter(PVOID pVoid) { m_pvCreationParameter = pVoid; }
HWND GetParentHwnd() { return m_hWnd;}
MyBasePathsInfo* GetBasePathsInfo() { return m_pBasePathsInfo;}
void SetPostCommit(BOOL bPostCommit)
m_bPostCommit = bPostCommit;
HRESULT HrAddDefaultAttributes()
return m_defaultVariantList.Write(m_pIADs, m_bPostCommit);
LPCWSTR GetName() { return m_strObjectName; }
LPCWSTR GetContainerCanonicalName();
HRESULT HrAddVariantFromName(BSTR bstrAttrName);
// The following are wrappers to easily create common variant types
HRESULT HrAddVariantBstr(BSTR bstrAttrName, LPCWSTR pszAttrValue, BOOL bDefaultList = FALSE);
HRESULT HrAddVariantBstrIfNotEmpty(BSTR bstrAttrName, LPCWSTR pszAttrValue, BOOL bDefaultList = FALSE);
HRESULT HrAddVariantLong(BSTR bstrAttrName, LONG lAttrValue, BOOL bDefaultList = FALSE);
HRESULT HrAddVariantBoolean(BSTR bstrAttrName, BOOL fAttrValue, BOOL bDefaultList = FALSE);
HRESULT HrAddVariantCopyVar(BSTR bstrAttrName, VARIANT varSrc, BOOL bDefaultList = FALSE);
HRESULT HrGetAttributeVariant(BSTR bstrAttrName, OUT VARIANT * pvarData);
ASSERT(m_pCreateInfo != NULL);
return m_pCreateInfo;
// Private routines
HRESULT _RemoveAttribute(BSTR bstrAttrName, BOOL bDefaultList);
// helpers for the default list
VARIANT* _PAllocateVariantInfo(BSTR bstrAttrName);
HRESULT _RemoveVariantInfo(BSTR bstrAttrName);
// helpers for the ADSI object
HRESULT _HrSetAttributeVariant(BSTR bstrAttrName, IN VARIANT * pvarData);
HRESULT _HrClearAttribute(BSTR bstrAttrName);
}; // CNewADsObjectCreateInfo
// Prototype of the "create routines" to create new ADs objects.
// All those routines have the same interface as PFn_HrCreateADsObject().
HRESULT HrCreateADsUser(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsVolume(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsComputer(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsPrintQueue(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsGroup(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsContact(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsNtDsConnection(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
// The CreationParameter for HrCreateADsFixedNamemust be an LPCWSTR for the name of the object.
// The user does not need to enter any further parameters.
HRESULT HrCreateADsFixedName(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsNtFrsMember(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsNtFrsSubscriber(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT CreateADsNtFrsSubscriptions(CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
#endif // FRS_CREATE
HRESULT HrCreateADsServer(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsSubnet(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsSite(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsSiteLink(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsSiteLinkBridge(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsOrganizationalUnit(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsSimpleObject(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsObjectGenericWizard(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
HRESULT HrCreateADsObjectOverride(INOUT CNewADsObjectCreateInfo * pNewADsObjectCreateInfo);
// Other misc routines.
// CDsAdminCreateObj
class CDsAdminCreateObj:
public CComObjectRoot,
public CComCoClass<CDsAdminCreateObj, &CLSID_DsAdminCreateObj>,
public IDsAdminCreateObj
m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo = NULL;
if (m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo != NULL)
delete m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo;
// IDsAdminCreateObj
STDMETHODIMP Initialize(IADsContainer* pADsContainerObj,
IADs* pADsCopySource,
LPCWSTR lpszClassName);
STDMETHODIMP CreateModal(HWND hwndParent,
IADs** ppADsObj);
// member variables
CString m_szObjectClass;
CString m_szNamingAttribute;
CComPtr<IADsContainer> m_spADsContainerObj;
MyBasePathsInfo m_basePathsInfo;
CNewADsObjectCreateInfo* m_pNewADsObjectCreateInfo;
HRESULT _GetNamingAttribute();
// Class: CSmartBytePtr
// Purpose: A simple smart pointer class that does allocation with
// GlobalAlloc and cleanup with GlobalFree.
class CSmartBytePtr
CSmartBytePtr(void) {m_ptr = NULL; m_fDetached = FALSE;}
CSmartBytePtr(DWORD dwSize) {
m_ptr = (PBYTE)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwSize);
m_fDetached = FALSE;
~CSmartBytePtr(void) {if (!m_fDetached && m_ptr) GlobalFree(m_ptr);}
BYTE* operator=(const CSmartBytePtr& src) {return src.m_ptr;}
void operator=(BYTE* src) {if (!m_fDetached && m_ptr) GlobalFree(m_ptr); m_ptr = src;}
operator const BYTE*() {return m_ptr;}
operator BYTE*() {return m_ptr;}
BYTE** operator&() {if (!m_fDetached && m_ptr) GlobalFree(m_ptr); return &m_ptr;}
operator BOOL() const {return m_ptr != NULL;}
BOOL operator!() {return m_ptr == NULL;}
BYTE* Detach() {m_fDetached = TRUE; return m_ptr;}
BOOL ReAlloc(DWORD dwSize) {
if (m_ptr) GlobalFree(m_ptr);
m_ptr = (PBYTE)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwSize);
m_fDetached = FALSE;
return(m_ptr != NULL);
BYTE * m_ptr;
BOOL m_fDetached;
#endif // ~__NEWOBJ_H_INCLUDED__