303 lines
7.3 KiB
303 lines
7.3 KiB
/* File:
/* Author:
/* Max-H. Windisch, SDE-T
/* Date:
/* October 1996
/* Summary:
/* Utility for sorting results generated by profile.h:
/* 1) sorts all nodes by start time (requires "history" profiling)
/* 2) extracts the time difference between two specified nodes
/* (c) Copyright 1996 Microsoft-Softimage Inc.
// includes
#include <iomanip.h>
#pragma warning(push, 3)
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#pragma warning (pop)
#include <profile.h>
//namespace std
// #include <set.h>
// global markers
CString g_oThreadId( "@@ThreadId=" );
CString g_oRange( "@@Range=[origin(" );
CString g_oRangeDuration( ",duration(" );
CString g_oDeltaToPrevious( "@@DeltaToPrev=" );
// the profiling line
class CProfLine
DWORD m_dwThreadId;
CMaxLargeInteger m_oStartStamp;
CString m_oLine;
DWORD dwThreadId = 0,
const CMaxLargeInteger &roStamp = CMaxLargeInteger(),
const CString &roLine = CString() )
: m_dwThreadId( dwThreadId )
, m_oStartStamp( roStamp )
, m_oLine( roLine )
bool operator <( const CProfLine &o ) const
return m_oStartStamp < o.m_oStartStamp;
void FOutput( ostream &os, const CProfLine &roPrevious ) const
CMaxLargeInteger frequency;
CMaxLargeInteger dtp = m_oStartStamp - roPrevious.m_oStartStamp;
::QueryPerformanceFrequency( frequency );
os << "[" << g_oThreadId << setw( 4 ) << m_dwThreadId << ", ";
os << g_oDeltaToPrevious << setw( 14 ) << dtp.dFInSecondsF( frequency ) << "s]";
os << m_oLine << endl;
// the file parsers base class
class CResultParser
ifstream m_is;
CResultParser( const CString &roInputFileName )
: m_is( (PCTSTR)roInputFileName ){};
virtual void FExecute()
virtual void FParse()
const unsigned long len = 400;
CString line;
int i = 0;
while ( !m_is.eof() )
buf = line.GetBufferSetLength( len );
m_is.getline( buf, len );
line.ReleaseBuffer( -1 );
FProcessLine( line, i++ );
virtual void FProcessLine( const CString &roLine, int nLineNumber ) = 0;
virtual void FOutputResults() = 0;
bool bFGetThreadIdFromLine( const CString &roLine, DWORD &dwThreadId )
int i;
if ( ( i = roLine.Find( g_oThreadId ) ) >= 0 )
CString s = roLine.Mid( i + g_oThreadId.GetLength() );
dwThreadId = atoi( s );
cout << "new thread=" << dwThreadId << endl;
return true;
// Note: don't touch dwThreadId
return false;
bool bFGetRangeFromLine( const CString &roLine, CMaxLargeInteger &roStart, CMaxLargeInteger &roDuration )
int i;
CString s1;
if ( ( i = roLine.Find( g_oRange ) ) >= 0 )
s1 = roLine.Mid( i + g_oRange.GetLength() );
FExtractLargeInteger( s1, roStart );
if ( ( i = roLine.Find( g_oRangeDuration ) ) >= 0 )
s1 = roLine.Mid( i + g_oRangeDuration.GetLength() );
FExtractLargeInteger( s1, roDuration );
return true;
// Note: don't touch roStart or roDuration
return false;
void FExtractLargeInteger( const CString &roLineSegment, CMaxLargeInteger &roL )
int delim1 = roLineSegment.Find( ';' );
CString s2 = roLineSegment.Left( delim1 );
int delim2 = roLineSegment.Find( ')' );
CString s3 = roLineSegment.Mid( delim1 + 1, delim2 - delim1 - 1 );
roL = CMaxLargeInteger( atoi( s2 ), atoi( s3 ) );
// the sorting parser
class CSortByStartTime
: public CResultParser
typedef std::less<CProfLine> PLCompare;
typedef std::set<CProfLine, PLCompare> PLSet;
PLSet m_oSet;
DWORD m_dwThreadId;
CString m_oOutputFileName;
CSortByStartTime( const CString &roInputFileName, const CString &roOutputFileName )
: CResultParser( roInputFileName )
, m_dwThreadId( 0 )
, m_oOutputFileName( roOutputFileName ){};
virtual void FProcessLine( const CString &roLine, int )
CMaxLargeInteger l1, l2;
if ( bFGetThreadIdFromLine( roLine, m_dwThreadId ) );
else if ( bFGetRangeFromLine( roLine, l1, l2 ) )
m_oSet.insert( CProfLine( m_dwThreadId, l1, roLine ) );
virtual void FOutputResults()
ofstream os( m_oOutputFileName, ios::out | ios::ate );
PLSet::const_iterator j, k;
for ( k = j = m_oSet.begin(); m_oSet.end() != j; j++ )
( *j ).FOutput( os, ( *k ) );
k = j;
cout << "Done!" << endl;
// the delta parser
class CComputeDelta
: public CResultParser
int m_nLine1, m_nLine2;
CString m_oLine1, m_oLine2;
CComputeDelta( const CString &roInputFileName, int nLine1, int nLine2 )
: CResultParser( roInputFileName )
, m_nLine1( nLine1 )
, m_nLine2( nLine2 ){};
virtual void FProcessLine( const CString &roLine, int nLineNumber )
if ( nLineNumber == m_nLine1 )
m_oLine1 = roLine;
if ( nLineNumber == m_nLine2 )
m_oLine2 = roLine;
virtual void FOutputResults()
CMaxLargeInteger l1, l2, l3, l4;
if ( bFGetRangeFromLine( m_oLine1, l1, l2 ) && bFGetRangeFromLine( m_oLine2, l3, l4 ) )
CMaxLargeInteger frequency;
::QueryPerformanceFrequency( frequency );
l3 = l3 + l4;
cout << endl;
cout << "Delta in seconds between the lines below was " << CMaxLargeInteger( l3 - l1 ).dFInSecondsF( frequency ) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << m_oLine1 << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << m_oLine2 << endl;
cout << "No result." << endl;
cout << "Done!" << endl;
// the little app
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] )
bool bHandled = true;
cout << "MINIPROFILER output flattener." << endl;
// try to handle the command
if ( argc >= 4 )
CString command( argv[ 1 ] );
if ( CString( "sort" ) == command )
CSortByStartTime( CString( argv[ 2 ] ), CString( argv[ 3 ] ) ).FExecute();
else if ( CString( "diff" ) == command && argc >= 5 )
CComputeDelta( CString( argv[ 2 ] ), atoi( argv[ 3 ] ), atoi( argv[ 4 ] ) ).FExecute();
bHandled = false;
bHandled = false;
// give some help if the command was not handled
if ( !bHandled )
cout << endl;
cout << "Please enter one of the following sets of arguments:" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " 1) the keyword <sort> + the input_result_file + the output_result_file" << endl;
cout << " comment: outputs a file where nodes are sorted by start time;" << endl;
cout << " requires an input file generated with history" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " 2) the keyword <diff> + the input_result_file + line_number_1 + line_number_2" << endl;
cout << " comment: returns the delta t covered by those 2 lines" << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
return 0;