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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
; (C) Copyright MICROSOFT Corp., 1988-1990
; Title: DEBUGSYS.INC - VMM debugging include file
; Version: 1.00
; Date: 13-Jun-1988
; Author: RAL
; The "master copy" of this file lives in the WIN386 include directory.
; If another copy of this file is ever checked in anywhere, the copy
; should be checked periodically to make sure it is identical with the
; master copy.
; Change log:
; ----------- --- -----------------------------------------------------------
; 13-Jun-1988 RAL
; 24-Oct-1988 RAP changed INT from 2E to 41, and added functions for
; Windows to notify the debugger about segment selectors
; 14-Dec-1988 RAP split services into ones available through INT 41h
; for non-ring 0 clients and those available through INT 21h
; for ring 0 clients
; 11-Dec-1990 ERH Merged WIN386 copy with file actually used by the
; debugger.
; 11-Dec-1990 ERH Merged file describing real mode services with this
; one.
; Real mode Debugger services:
D386_RM_Int equ 68h ; hooked by the debugger in real mode.
D386_Id equ 0F386h ; debugger identification code
D386_MIN equ 43h ; minimum INT 68 function code
D386_Identify equ 43h ; returns debugger identification, if debugger
; loaded
D386_Prepare_PMode equ 44h ; partially prepare for protected mode operation
; a pointer to a procedure is returned so that
; the IDT can also be set in protected mode
; AL 0 - retail version of Win386
; 1 - debugging version
; BX a valid selector that gives access
; to all of memory
; CX first of 2 selectors reserved for
; WDeb386 to use
; DX is GDT selector
; DS:SI pointer to working copy of GDT
; ES:DI pointer to working copy of IDT
; ES:EDI points to a protected mode procedure
; (selector:offset32) that can be called
; to set the IDT when it has been created.
; This protected mode procedure takes a
; pointer to the PMode IDT in ES:EDI.
D386_Real_Mode_Init equ 45h ; re-init fro real mode after entering pmode
D386_Set_Switches equ 46h ; set debugging switches
; BL = verbose switch
; - 00b - no segment display
; - 01b - display win386 segments only
; - 10b - display ring 1 segments only
; - 11b - display win386 & ring 1 segs
; BH = conditional brkpts
; 0 - off
; 1 - on
; -1 for BX means no change (default)
D386_Execute_Cond equ 47h ; execute conditional BP (/B option)
; ES:SI points to NUL terminated string
; to print if conditional flag set.
D386_Set_Baudrate equ 49h ; set com port baud rate
; BX = baud rate
D386_Reinit equ 4ah ; reinitialize debugger for protected mode
; AL 0 - retail version of Win386
; 1 - debugging version of Win386
; 2 - 286 DOS extender (3.0)
; 3 - 286 DOS extender under VCPI (3.1)
; 4 - 286 DOS extender (3.1)
; BX a valid selector that gives access
; to all of memory
; CX first of 2 selectors reserved for
; wdeb386 to use
; DX is GDT selector
; This function can after a function 45h only
; if function 44 was executed in the past on
; the IDT/GDT.
D386_Def_Deb_Segs equ 4bh ; define debugger's segments
D386_Set_Com_Port equ 4ch ; set com port number
; BX = com port number
; returns AX != 0, error bad com port
D386_Link_Sym equ 4dh ; link sym file map
; ES:DI pointer to AddrS struc in front of
; sym file map.
; BX = loader ID (used to unlink sym file maps)
; A loader ID of 0 is used for all the maps
; wdeb386 loads via /S is ran as a program and
; -1 is used by the device driver version. All
; loader IDs of 0 are automaticly unlinked when
; wdeb386 exits.
D386_Unlink_Sym equ 4eh ; unlink sym file maps
; BX = loader ID - this routine looks at all
; of the maps that are currently linked and
; removes the ones that were loaded with this
; ID.
D386_Remove_Segs equ 4fh ; remove any undefined segments from the
; name module's symbols
; ES:DI pointer to module name
D386_Load_Segment equ 50h ; defines the actual segment/selector for a
; loaded segment to allow for symbol processing
; AL segment type 0 - code selector
; 1 - data selector
; 10h - code segment
; 11h - data segment
; 40h - code segment & sel
; 41h - data segment & sel
; 80h - device driver code seg
; 81h - device driver data seg
; If AL < 80h then
; BX segment #
; CX actual segment/selector
; DX actual selector (if 40h or 41h)
; ES:DI pointer to module name
; Else
; ES:DI points to D386_Device_Params struc
; AL = 1, if successful, else 0
D386_Display_Char equ 51h ; display a character to the debugging terminal
; AL = char to display
D386_Display_Str equ 52h ; display a string to the debugging terminal
; ES:SI points to NUL terminated string
D386_IsVxDInstalled equ 53h ; returns if debug VxD has been installed
; AL == 0 if not install, AL != 0 if installed
D386_VxDInstall equ 54h ; sets that the debug VxD installed/uninstalled
; BL == 0 if uninstall, BL != 0 if installed
D386_RegisterDotCmd equ 55h ; registers dot command
; BL = command letter
; CX:SI = address of dot command routine
; DX:DI = address of help text
; returns AX == 0, no errors
; AX != 0, dot command already used
; or out of dot commands
; Dot command routine:
; AL = command character
; DS:SI = linear address of command line
; terminated by a NULL or ";".
; DS,ES = debugger's data selector
; returns AX == 0, no errors
; AX !=0, command line or option error
D386_DeRegisterDotCmd equ 56h ; de-registers dot command
; BL = command letter
D386_Printf equ 57h ; Printf
; (DS:SI) = address of format string
; (ES:DI) = address of the start of parameters
; set DS_Printf for format char information
D386_Link_Sym_Phys equ 58h ; link symbol file with physical address
; (DX:CX) = physical address of one extra
; paragraph front of map file image.
; (SI) = XMS handle (0 if just physical)
; (BX) = load id
D386_CheckMap equ 59h ; DX:DI = pointer to module name
; returns AX != 0, map found
; AX == 0, map not found
D386_SetAutoLoadSym equ 5ah ; (BL) != 0, auto load symbols
; (BL) == 0, don't auto load symbols
D386_SetTeftiPort equ 5bh ; (BX) = TEFTI port address
D386_ExecDebugCommand equ 5ch ; execute debugger command script
; (DS:SI) = ptr to debugger command script str
; (CX) = size of script
D386_LoadCodeDataHigh equ 5dh ; makes the debugger copy its code/data high
; (DX:BX) = physical address to put debugger
D386_SetWinVersion equ 5eh ; sets Windows version number
; (DI) = Version number (default if this
; api not called is 0300h).
D386_MAX equ 5eh ; maximum INT 68 function code
; D386_Load_Segment type equates:
ST_code_sel equ 0 ; code selector
ST_data_sel equ 1 ; data selector
ST_code_seg equ 10h ; code segment
ST_data_seg equ 11h ; data segment
ST_dual_code equ 40h ; code segment and selector
ST_dual_data equ 41h ; data segment and selector
ST_device_code equ 80h ; device driver code segment
ST_device_data equ 81h ; device driver data segment
; D386_Load_Segment device load parameters structure
D386_Device_Params STRUC
DD_logical_seg dw ? ; logical segment # from map
DD_actual_sel dw ? ; actual selector value
DD_base dd ? ; linear address offset for start of segment
DD_length dd ? ; actual length of segment
DD_name df ? ; 16:32 ptr to null terminated device name
DD_sym_name df ? ; 16:32 ptr to null terminated symbolic
; module name (i.e. Win386)
DD_alias_sel dw ? ; alias selector value (0 = none)
D386_Device_Params ENDS
; VCPI information, passed to debugger when client is DOS Extender
; running as a VCPI client. This information is used to get into
; and out of protected mode when running under a VCPI server.
; This structure is also used by the DOS Extender.
; Enter protected mode information.
fnVCPI df ? ; VCPI protect mode server entry point
rdsVCPI dw ? ; Selector for VCPI server
; Enter v86 mode information.
laVTP dd ? ; linear address of data structure containing
; values for system registers.
Port67 dw ? ; Qualitas magic port for emulating INT 67h
; The following structure contains the system register contents for the
; VCPI server to use when switching to protected mode. It is taken
; from dxvcpi.inc in the DOSX project, and is part of the VCPI spec.
VTP struc
zaCr3VTP dd 0 ; physical addr of page directory
laGdtrVTP dd 0 ; linear addr in first meg of gdtr
laIdtrVTP dd 0 ; linear addr in first meg of idtr
selLdtVTP dw 0 ; selector of ldt
selTrVTP dw 0 ; selector of tr
ipVTP dw 0 ; 48-bit address of protect
unusedVTP dw 0 ; mode entry point to xfer to
csVTP dw 0 ;
VTP ends
VCPI_RM_CALLOUT_INT equ 67h ; v86 mode call to VCPI server
; Send this value in AX to the VCPI server to request V86 to protected
; mode switch or protected to V86 mode switch.
; Protected mode Debugger services:
Debug_Serv_Int equ 41h ; Interrupt that calls Deb386 to perform
; debugging I/O, AX selects the function as
; described by the following equates
DS_Out_Char equ 0 ; function to display the char in DL
DS_In_Char equ 1 ; function to read a char into AL
DS_Out_Str equ 2 ; function to display a NUL terminated string
; pointed to by DS:ESI
DS_Is_Char equ 3 ; Non blocking In_Chr
DS_DebLoaded equ 4Fh ; check to see if the debugger is installed and
; knows how to deal with protected mode programs
; return AX = F386h, if true
DS_DebPresent equ 0F386h
DS_Out_Str16 equ 12h ; function to display a NUL terminated string
; pointed to by DS:SI
; (same as function 2, but for 16 bit callers)
DS_ForcedGO16 equ 40h ; enter the debugger and perform the equivalent
; of a GO command to force a stop at the
; specified CS:IP
; CX is the desired CS
; BX is the desired IP
DS_LinkMap equ 45h ; DX:(E)DI = ptr to paragraph in front of map
DS_UnlinkMap equ 46h ; DX:(E)DI = ptr to paragraph in front of map
DS_CheckMap equ 47h ; DX:(E)DI = pointer to module name
; returns AX != 0, map found
; AX == 0, map not found
DS_IsAutoLoadSym equ 48h ; returns AX != 0, auto load symbols
; AX == 0, don't auto load symbols
DS_LoadSeg equ 50h ; define a segment value for the
; debugger's symbol handling
; SI type 0 - code selector
; 1 - data selector
; 80h - code segment
; 81h - data segment
; BX segment #
; CX actual segment/selector
; DX data instance
; ES:(E)DI pointer to module name
DS_LoadSeg_32 equ 0150h ; Define a 32-bit segment for Windows 32
; SI type 0 - code selector
; 1 - data selector
; DX:EBX points to a D386_Device_Params STRUC
; with all the necessaries in it
DS_MoveSeg equ 51h ; notify the debugger that a segment has moved
; BX old segment value
; CX new segment value
DS_FreeSeg equ 52h ; notify the debugger that a segment has been
; freed
; BX segment value
DS_FreeSeg_32 equ 0152h ; notify the debugger that a segment has been
; freed
; BX segment number
; DX:EDI pointer to module name
DS_DGH equ 56h ; register "dump global heap" handler
; BX is code offset
; CX is code segment
DS_DFL equ 57h ; register "dump free list" handler
; BX is code offset
; CX is code segment
DS_DLL equ 58h ; register "dump LRU list" handler
; BX is code offset
; CX is code segment
DS_StartTask equ 59h ; notify debugger that a new task is starting
; BX is task handle
; task's initial registers are stored on the
; stack:
; push cs
; push ip
; pusha
; push ds
; push es
; push ss
; push sp
DS_Kernel_Vars equ 5ah ; Used by the Windows kernel to tell the
; debugger the location of kernel variables
; used in the heap dump commands.
; BX = version number of this data (03a0h)
; DX:CX points to:
; WORD hGlobalHeap ****
; WORD pGlobalHeap ****
; WORD hExeHead ****
; WORD hExeSweep
; WORD headPDB
; WORD topsizePDB
; WORD headTDB ****
; WORD curTDB ****
; WORD loadTDB
; WORD SelTableLen ****
; DWORD SelTableStart ****
; The starred fields are used by the
; heap dump commands which are internal
; to WDEB386.
DS_VCPI_Notify equ 5bh ; notify debugger that DOS extender is
; running under a VCPI implementation,
; and register VCPI protect mode interface
; ES:DI points to a data structure used to
; get from V86 mode to Pmode under VCPI.
; This is defined in the VCPI version
; 1.0 spec.
DS_ReleaseSeg equ 5ch ; This does the same as a DS_FreeSeg, but
; it restores any breakpoints first.
DS_POSTLOAD = 60h ; Used by the RegisterPTrace interface
DS_EXITCALL = 62h ; Somebody will fill these in if we ever
DS_INT2 = 63h ; figure out what they are supposed to do.
DS_IntRings equ 20h ; function to tell debugger which INT 1's & 3's
; to grab
; BX = 0, grab only ring 0 ints
; BX != 0, grab all ints
DS_IncludeSegs equ 21h ; function to tell debugger to go ahead and
; process INT 1's & 3's which occur in this
; DX:DI points to list of selectors
; (1 word per entry)
; CX = # of selectors (maximum of 20)
; CX = 0, to remove the list of segs
MaxDebugSegs = 20
DS_CondBP equ 0F001h ; conditional break pt, if the command line
; switch /B is given when the debugger is run
; or the conditional flag is later set, then
; this int should cause the program to break
; into the debugger, else this int should be
; ignored!
; ESI points to a nul terminated string to
; display if break is to happen.
DS_ForcedBP equ 0F002h ; break pt, which accomplishes the same thing
; as an INT 1 or an INT 3, but is a break point
; that should be permanently left in the code,
; so that a random search of source code would
; not result in the accidental removal of this
; necessary break_pt
DS_ForcedGO equ 0F003h ; enter the debugger and perform the equivalent
; of a GO command to force a stop at the
; specified CS:EIP
; CX is the desired CS
; EBX is the desired EIP
DS_HardINT1 equ 0F004h ; check to see if INT 1 hooked for all rings
; ENTER: nothing
; EXIT: AX = 0, if no, 1, if yes
DS_FatalFault equ 0F005h ; check if fault is hooked by debugger via VSF
; ENTRY BX = trap number
; DX = error code
; CX:(E)SI = address of CS:(E)IP
; EXIT: AL == 0, handle fault normally
; AL != 0, handled by debugger
DS_Out_Symbol equ 0Fh ; find the symbol nearest to the address in
; CX:EBX and display the result in the format
; symbol name <+offset>
; the offset is only included if needed, and
; no CR&LF is displayed
DS_Disasm_Ins equ 10h ; function to disassemble the instruction
; pointed to by DS:ESI
DS_RegisterDotCommand equ 70h ; registers a 32 bit dot command handler
; This interface is used to register wdeb386 dot commands by FLAT 32
; bit code. The following conditions apply:
; * The code will be run at ring 0
; * Interrupts may not be enabled
; * Must not access any not present pages or load invalid selectors
; * Must stay on the stack called with when calling INT 41 services
; * Must not change DS or ES from the FLAT selector
; The help text is printed when .? is executed in the order of
; registration. The text must include CR/LF at the end; nothing
; is added to the help text.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0070h
; (BL) = dot command to register
; (ESI) = linear address of dot command routine
; Dot command routine:
; ENTRY: (AL) = command character
; (DS, ES) = flat data selector
; EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors
; (AX) !=0, command line or option error
; NOTE: MUST return with a 32 bit FAR return (retfd)
; (EDI) = linear address of help text
; EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors
; (AX) != 0, dot command already used or out of dot commands
DS_RegisterDotCommand16 equ 71h ; registers a 16 bit dot command handler
; This interface is used to register wdeb386 dot commands by 16 bit
; code. The following conditions apply:
; * The code will be run at ring 0 or in real mode
; * Interrupts may not be enabled
; * Must not access any not present pages or load invalid selectors
; * Must stay on the stack called with when calling INT 41 services
; The help text is printed when .? is executed in the order of
; registration. The text must include CR/LF at the end; nothing
; is added to the help text.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0071h
; (BL) = dot command to register
; (CX:SI) = address of dot command routine
; Dot command routine:
; ENTRY: (AL) = command character
; (DS, ES) = debugger's data selector
; EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors
; (AX) != 0, command line or option error
; NOTE: MUST return with a 16 bit FAR return (retf)
; (DX:DI) = address of help text
; EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors
; (AX) != 0, dot command already used or out of dot commands
DS_DeRegisterDotCommand equ 72h ; de-registers 16 or 32 bit dot command
; This interface is used to de-register wdeb386 dot commands registered
; by the above 16 or 32 bit services. Care should be used not to
; de-register dot commands that weren't registered by your code.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0072h
; (BL) = dot command to de-register
DS_Printf equ 73h ; print formatted output
; This function allows formatted output with the standard "C"
; printf syntax.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0073h
; (DS:ESI) = address of format string
; (ES:EDI) = address of the start of the dword arguments
; Supported types are:
; %% %
; %[l][h]c character
; %[-][+][ ][0][width][.precision][l][h][p][n]d decimal
; %[-][0][width][.precision][l][h][p][n]u unsigned decimal
; %[-][#][0][width][.precision][l][h][p][n]x hex
; %[-][#][0][width][.precision][l][h][p][n]X hex
; %[-][0][width][.precision][l][h][p][n]o octal
; %[-][0][width][.precision][l][h][p][n]b binary
; %[-][width][.precision][l][h][a][F]s string
; %[-][width][.precision][l][h][a][p][n][F][L][H][N]S symbol
; %[-][width][.precision][l][h][a][p][n][F][L][H][N]G group:symbol
; %[-][width][.precision][l][h][a][p][n][F][L][H][N]M map:group:symbol
; %[-][width][.precision][l][h][a][p][n][F][L][H][N]A address
; Where "width" or "precision" is a decimal number or the '*'
; character; '*' causes the field width or precision to be picked
; up from the next parameter. []'ed parameters are optional.
; "\r", "\t", "\n", "\a", "\b", are supported directly.
; Prefixes
; --------
; Used with c,d,u,x,X,o,b:
; Parameter Argument Size
; -----------------------
; word h
; dword l
; Used with s,S,G,M,A:
; Address Argument Size
; ---------------------
; 16 bit DS relative h
; 16:16 segment:offset hF or Fh
; 32 bit flat relative l
; 16:32 segment:offset (2 dwords) lF or Fl
; pointer to AddrS structure a
; Used with S,G,M,A:
; Address Display Size or Format
; ------------------------------
; 16 bit offset H
; 32 bit offset L
; offset only N
; Default display size depends on the "386env" flag setting.
; Used with S,G,M:
; gets the previous symbol p
; gets the next symbol n
; Used with A:
; gets the previous symbol address p
; gets the next symbol address n
; Used with d,u,x,X,o,b:
; gets the previous symbol offset p
; gets the next symbol offset n
DS_Printf16 equ 74h ; print formatted 16 bit output
; This function allows formatted output with the standard "C"
; printf syntax.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0074h
; (DS:SI) = address of format string
; (ES:DI) = address of the start of the word or dword arguments
; The format options and parameters are the same as DS_Printf except
; the default parameter size is a word (the h option is implicit).
DS_GetRegisterSet equ 75h ; get the debugger's registers
; This function copies the current register set.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0075h
; (DS:ESI) = address of SaveRegs_Struc structure
DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet equ 76h ; set the debugger's registers
; This function temporary sets the debugger's registers to values
; passed in the structure. If an "r" command is executed or the
; debugged code is returned to (via the "g", "t" or "p" commands),
; the register set reverts to the debugged code's registers.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0076h
; (CX) = thread ID, 0 use current thread ID
; (DS:ESI) = address of SaveRegs_Struc structure
DS_GetCommandLineChar equ 77h ; get a character from the command line
; This services gets the next character off the command line.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0077h
; (BL) == 0 just peek the character, don't increment text pointer
; leading white space isn't ignored
; (BL) != 0 get the character, increment text pointer
; leading white space is skipped
; EXIT: (AL) = command line character
; (AH) == 0 if no more characters (EOL)
; (AH) != 0 if more characters
DS_EvaluateExpression equ 78h ; evaluate debugger command line expression
; Expressions can be numbers of various radices, symbols, addresses
; or an combination of the above hooked together with various
; operators. Expressions are separated by blanks or commas. This
; function is passed a pointer to the beginning of the text of the
; expression (i.e. "%80003444+4232"). The expression is either
; evaluated down into a dword value if there are no addresses or
; into a linear address.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0078h
; EXIT: (AX) == 0, returning a data value
; (AX) != 0, returning a linear address
; (EBX) = return value
; NOTE: If the expression is invalid, this service will not
; return. A message is printed and control returns to
; the command loop.
DS_VerifyMemory equ 79h ; verify the memory is valid and present
; ENTRY: (AX) = 0079h
; (ECX) = length of memory region
; (DS:ESI) = address of memory to verify
; EXIT: (AX) == 0, no errors
; (AX) != 0, invalid memory
DS_PrintRegisters equ 7ah ; print the register set (the "r" command)
; This function prints (just like the "r" command) the either the
; debugged code's registers or the alternate register set, set with
; DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet function.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 007ah
; NOTE: If the CS:EIP is invalid, this service will not return
; because of an error when the code is disassembled. A
; message is printed and control returns to the command loop.
DS_PrintStackDump equ 7bh ; dumps the [E]BP stack chain (the "k" command)
; This function prints (just like the "k" command) the stack dump
; based on the current register set that may have been set with
; DS_SetAlternateRegisterSet function.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 007bh
; (BX) = flags
; 01h - verbose stack dump
; 02h - 16 bit stack dump
; 04h - 32 bit stack dump
; NOTE: If the CS:EIP or SS:EBP are invalid, this service will not
; return because of an error when accessing the stack. A
; message is printed and control returns to the command loop.
DS_SetThreadID equ 7ch ; sets the debugger's thread ID
; This function sets what the debugger thinks the thread ID is
; for memory address in other address contexts. It stays set
; until the debugged code is returned to (via "g", "t" or "p")
; or set back to 0.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 007ch
; (CX) = thread ID or 0 for currently executed thread
DS_ExecDebugCommand equ 7dh ; execute debugger command script
; This service allows any debugger command to be executed. In can
; be a multi-lined script with the lines separated by CR, LF. MUST
; have a "g" command at the end of script so the debugger doesn't
; stop while in the INT 41.
; ENTRY: (AX) = 007dh
; (DS:ESI) = pointer to debugger command script string
; (CX) = size of script
; Interupt and services that Win386 provides to the debugger
Win386_Query_Int equ 22h ; interrupt for Win386 protected mode
; interface requests
Win386_Alive equ 0 ; function 0, query Win386 installation
Win386_Q_Ack equ 0F386h ; good response from func 43h, of
; INT 68h & func 4fh of INT 41h
Win386_Query equ 1 ; function 1, query Win386 state
; ds:esi points to command string
; that Win386 needs to process
; ds:edi points to the SaveRegs_Struc
; that the debugger has stored all the
; client register state into.
; (Win386 just writes the query
; answers directly to the output
; device, so no response is
; returned)
Win386_PhysToLinr equ 2 ; function 2, have Win386 convert a
; physical address into a valid
; linear address that Deb386 can
; use. esi is physicaladdress
; cx is # of bytes required
; returns esi as linear address
; returns ax = 1, if okay, else
; 0, if request couldn't be
; completed
Win386_AddrValid equ 3 ; function 3, have Win386 check the
; validity of a linear address
; esi is linear address to check
; cx is # of bytes required
; returns ax = 1, if address okay
; else ax = 0
Win386_MapVM equ 4 ; function 4, make sure that the VM's
; low memory is mapped in, in case
; it is touched (a count is maintained)
Win386_UnmapVM equ 5 ; function 5, map out the VM's low
; memory (dec the count)
Win386_GetDLAddr equ 6 ; function 6, return offset of dyna-link
; service. EBX = Device ID << 10h +
; Service #. Returns EAX = Offset.
Max_Win386_Services equ 6
SaveRegs_Struc STRUC
Debug_EAX dd ?
Debug_EBX dd ?
Debug_ECX dd ?
Debug_EDX dd ?
Debug_ESP dd ?
Debug_EBP dd ?
Debug_ESI dd ?
Debug_EDI dd ?
Debug_ES dw ?
Debug_SS dw ?
Debug_DS dw ?
Debug_FS dw ?
Debug_GS dw ?
Debug_EIP dd ?
Debug_CS dw ?
dd ?
Debug_EFlags dd ?
Debug_CR0 dd ?
Debug_GDT dq ?
Debug_IDT dq ?
Debug_LDT dw ?
Debug_TR dw ?
Debug_CR2 dd ?
Debug_CR3 dd ?
Debug_DR0 dd ?
Debug_DR1 dd ?
Debug_DR2 dd ?
Debug_DR3 dd ?
Debug_DR6 dd ?
Debug_DR7 dd ?
Debug_DR7_2 dd ?
Debug_TR6 dd ?
Debug_TR7 dd ?
Debug_TrapNumber dw -1 ; -1 means no trap number
Debug_ErrorCode dw 0 ; 0 means no error code
SaveRegs_Struc ENDS