609 lines
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609 lines
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;* Routines used to handle the read/write random memory API
;** Symbols
;** Imports
externA __AHINCR
externFP GlobalEntryHandle
externNP HelperHandleToSel
sBegin CODE
assumes CS,CODE
assumes DS,DATA
; MemoryRead
; Uses the passed in selector and offset to read memory into a user-
; specified buffer. This works for >64K segments and, if code, may
; have been discarded.
; This function is normally used for heap selectors. However, if
; a non-global heap selector is used, it must be less than 64K on
; a 286.
; Prototype:
; DWORD MemoryRead(
; WORD wSel, /* Selector to read from */
; DWORD dwOffset, /* Offset to read at */
; LPSTR lpBuffer, /* Buffer to put data into */
; DWORD dwcb) /* Number of characters to read */
; Returns number of characters read (ends at segment limit)
cProc MemoryRead, <FAR,PUBLIC>, <si,di,ds>
parmW wSelector
parmD dwOffset
parmD lpBuffer
parmD dwcb
localD dwcbCopied
;** Make sure the segment is present. We only will fault the
;** segment in if it is a code segment
cCall HelperHandleToSel, <wSelector> ;Convert to sel from handle
mov wSelector, ax ;Save it so we have a good sel
mov cx, ax
push WORD PTR lpBuffer[2] ;Convert handle to selector
cCall HelperHandleToSel
mov WORD PTR lpBuffer[2], ax ;Save converted handle
lar ax,cx ;Get the access rights
jnz MR_ShortBad ;Failed. It's bad
test ax,8000h ;Is it present?
jnz MR_Present ;Yes
test ax,0800h ;This bit set for code segments
jnz MR_FaultIn ;Code segment, fault it in
jmp MR_Bad ;Return error
mov es,wSelector ;Get the selector in ES.
mov al,es:[0] ;Must be at least one byte long
;** Check this block's length. We use the global heap functions
;* to do this because they check in the arena for the length.
;* This is the only way to get lengths of 286 heap blocks
;** beyond 64K.
mov ax,SIZE GLOBALENTRY ;Get the size of the structure
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwSize[0],ax ;Save in the structure
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwSize[2],0 ;Clear the HIWORD
lea ax,Global ;Point to the structure
cCall GlobalEntryHandle, <ss,ax,wSelector>
or ax,ax ;Was this a valid selector?
jnz MR_HeapSel ;Yes, this is a heap selector
;** If this wasn't a heap selector, we get the length with an LSL.
;** When used like this, 64K is the max on a 286
mov bx,wSelector ;Get the selector
mov ax,__WinFlags ;Get the flags
test ax,WF_CPU286 ;286?
jz MR_32BitSize ;No, do 32 bit size stuff
lsl dx,bx ;Get length in DX
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[0],dx ;Put in GLOBALENTRY struct
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[2],0
jmp SHORT MR_HeapSel
lsl edx,ebx
mov Global.ge_dwBlockSize,edx ;Put in GLOBALENTRY struct for later
mov dx,WORD PTR dwOffset[2] ;Get the HIWORD of segment offset
cmp dx,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[2] ;Check HIWORD of size
jb MR_OK ;Offset should be OK
je @F ;Equal. Must check LOWORD
jmp MR_Bad ;Offset is not inside segment
@@: mov ax,WORD PTR dwOffset[0] ;Get the LOWORD of segment offset
cmp ax,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[0] ;Check LOWORD of size
jb MR_OK ;It's inside segment
jmp MR_Bad ;Not inside segment
;** Do different stuff on 286 and 386/486
mov ax,__WinFlags ;Get the flags
test ax,WF_CPU286 ;286?
jnz MR_Do16Bit ;Yes, do 16 bit stuff
;** Do this the 386 way (easy)
mov ax,wSelector ;Point with DS
mov ds,ax ; (keep copy in AX)
mov esi,dwOffset ;Point into the big segment
mov ecx,dwcb ;Get the copy length
lsl edx,eax ;Get the segment limit
sub edx,esi ;Get distance from offset to limit
inc edx ;Make this the real length
cmp ecx,edx ;Are we within the limit?
jbe SHORT MR_LimitOK ;Yes
mov ecx,edx ;No, so make this the copy amount
mov edx,ecx ;Get the # of bytes to read for ret
xor edi,edi ;Clear the high word
les di,lpBuffer ;Point to the dest. buffer
mov ax,cx ;Save the low bits of ECX
shr ecx,2 ;Prepare for DWORD move
jecxz @F ;No zero-length DWORD moves!
rep movs DWORD PTR [edi],DWORD PTR [esi]
db 67h ;Handles 386 bug
db 90h
@@: mov cx,ax ;Get a copy
jecxz @F ;Don't do zero!
and cx,03 ;Do the remaining 3,2, or 1
rep movs BYTE PTR [edi], BYTE PTR [esi]
db 67h ;Handles 386 bug
db 90h
@@: mov ax,dx ;Bytes copied returned in DX:AX
shr edx,16
jmp MR_End ;Get out
;** Do this the 286 way (hard)
;** Compute the actual copy length
mov ax,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[0] ;Get the segment size
mov dx,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[2]
sub ax,WORD PTR dwOffset[0] ;Get distance from offset to limit
sbb dx,WORD PTR dwOffset[2]
cmp dx,WORD PTR dwcb[2] ;Off end of heap block?
ja MR_LimOk ;No, just do it
jb MR_Truncate ;Yes, must truncate our length
cmp ax,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;Are we off the end?
jae MR_LimOk ;No, just do it
mov WORD PTR dwcb[0],ax ;Force this to be the new length
mov WORD PTR dwcb[2],dx
;** Save the number of bytes to be copied for the return value
mov ax,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;Get the LOWORD
mov WORD PTR dwcbCopied[0],ax ;Save it
mov ax,WORD PTR dwcb[2] ;Get the HIWORD
mov WORD PTR dwcbCopied[2],ax ;Save it
;** Position the initial copying selectors
mov al,BYTE PTR dwOffset[2] ;Grab the HIWORD (286 is only 24 bits)
mov ah,__AHINCR ;Get the selector inc value
mul ah ;Multiply to get sel offset
add ax,wSelector ;AX = sel in sel array
mov ds,ax ;Point to this with DS
mov si,WORD PTR dwOffset[0] ;Get the current pointers
les di,lpBuffer
;** This is the main copying loop
;** Compute the size of this block copy. This is done by finding the
;* smaller of the following quantities:
;* - Distance to end of source segment
;* - Distance to end of dest. segment
;** - Distance to end of copy
xor bx,bx ;Flags start at zero
xor cx,cx ;Get the highest segment value (64K)
cmp di,si ;The bigger of the two will win
je MR_Equal ;They're the same
ja MR_DIBigger ;DI is bigger
sub cx,si ;SI bigger, compute dist to end
or bx,SI_CRITICAL ;Flag set for SI-critical
jmp SHORT MR_CheckEndCopy ;Go on
sub cx,di ;Use DI (SI and DI are the same)
or bx,SI_CRITICAL OR DI_CRITICAL ;Both will come true
jmp SHORT MR_CheckEndCopy ;Go on
sub cx,di ;SI is bigger
or bx,DI_CRITICAL ;Flag clear for DI-critical
cmp WORD PTR dwcb[2],0 ;Check for less than 64K left
ja MR_DoCopy ;Nope. More than 64K left
jcxz MR_GetSize ;CX = 0 is full 64K segment
cmp WORD PTR dwcb[0],cx ;Less than in either segment left?
ja MR_DoCopy ;No. Do it
mov cx,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;Get in CX
;** Do this block of 64K or less.
mov dx,cx ;Save the number of bytes we did
jcxz @F ;Do 64K
shr cx,1 ;Do WORDS
jmp SHORT MR_10 ;Skip over
@@: mov cx,8000h ;32K WORDS
MR_10: jcxz @F ;No zero length WORD moves!
rep movsw ;Do the copy
@@: mov cx,dx ;Get any remaining bits
and cx,1 ;Any more to do?
jcxz @F ;No, don't do it
movsb ;Do the odd byte if necessary
@@: mov cx,dx ;Get back in CX
;** Bump the loop pointers
jcxz MR_BigCount ;We did 64K
sub WORD PTR dwcb[0],cx ;Subtract the bytes done
sbb WORD PTR dwcb[2],0 ; and don't forget the HIWORD
jmp SHORT MR_20 ;Continue
sub WORD PTR dwcb[2],1 ;Subtract 64K
MR_20: mov ax,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;We're done if the count of bytes
or ax,WORD PTR dwcb[2] ; is zero
jnz @F ;Not zero, go on
mov dx,WORD PTR dwcbCopied[2] ;Get the return count
mov ax,WORD PTR dwcbCopied[0]
jmp SHORT MR_End ;Get out
@@: test bx,SI_CRITICAL ;Does SI need incrementing?
jz MR_TestDI ;No, try DI
mov ax,ds ;Get the segment value
add ax,__AHINCR ;Bump to next selector
mov ds,ax ;Point with DS still
xor si,si ;Point to start of this segment
test bx,DI_CRITICAL ;Does SI need incrementing?
jz MR_Continue ;No, try DI
mov ax,es ;Get the segment value
add ax,__AHINCR ;Bump to next selector
mov es,ax ;Point with DS still
xor di,di ;Point to start of this segment
jmp MR_CopyLoop ;Do it again
xor ax,ax ;Return DWORD 0
; MemoryWrite
; Uses the passed in selector and offset to write memory from a user-
; specified buffer. This works for >64K segments and, if code, may
; have been discarded. The selector may be a selector or a handle
; but MUST be on the global heap (no aliases or selector array
; members). If worried about low memory conditions, lpBuffer should
; be in a (temporarily) fixed segment.
; Prototype:
; DWORD MemoryWrite(
; WORD wSel, /* Selector to read from */
; DWORD dwOffset, /* Offset to read at */
; LPSTR lpBuffer, /* Buffer to put data into */
; DWORD dwcb) /* Number of characters to read */
; Returns number of characters read (ends at segment limit)
cProc MemoryWrite, <FAR,PUBLIC>, <si,di,ds>
parmW wSelector
parmD dwOffset
parmD lpBuffer
parmD dwcb
localW wSelFlag
localD dwcbCopied
localV DPMISelBuf,8
;** Make sure the segment is present. We only will fault the
;** segment in if it is a code segment
cCall HelperHandleToSel, <wSelector> ;Convert to sel from handle
mov wSelector, ax ;Save it
mov cx,ax ;Get the selector
push WORD PTR lpBuffer[2] ;Convert handle to selector
cCall HelperHandleToSel
mov WORD PTR lpBuffer[2], ax ;Save converted handle
mov wSelFlag,0 ;Clear the flag
lar ax,cx ;Get the access rights
jnz MW_ShortBad ;Failed
test ax,8000h ;Is it present?
jnz MW_Present ;Yes
test ax,0800h ;This bit set for code segments
jnz MW_FaultIn ;Code segment, fault it in
jmp MW_Bad ;Return error
mov es,wSelector ;Get the selector in ES.
mov al,es:[0] ;Must be at least one byte long
;** Check this block's length. We use the global heap functions
;* to do this because they check in the arena for the length.
;* This is the only way to get lengths of 286 heap blocks
;** beyond 64K.
mov ax,SIZE GLOBALENTRY ;Get the size of the structure
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwSize[0],ax ;Save in the structure
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwSize[2],0 ;Clear the HIWORD
lea ax,Global ;Point to the structure
cCall GlobalEntryHandle, <ss,ax,wSelector>
or ax,ax ;Was this a valid selector?
jnz MW_HeapSel ;Yes, this is a heap selector
;** If this wasn't a heap selector, we get the length with an LSL.
;** When used like this, 64K is the max on a 286
mov bx,wSelector ;Get the selector
mov ax,__WinFlags ;Get the flags
test ax,WF_CPU286 ;286?
jz MW_32BitSize ;No, do 32 bit size stuff
lsl dx,bx ;Get length in DX
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[0],dx ;Put in GLOBALENTRY struct
mov WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[2],0
jmp SHORT MW_HeapSel
lsl edx,ebx
mov Global.ge_dwBlockSize,edx ;Put in GLOBALENTRY struct for later
mov dx,WORD PTR dwOffset[2] ;Get the HIWORD of segment offset
cmp dx,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[2] ;Check HIWORD of size
jb MW_OK ;Offset should be OK
je @F ;Equal. Must check LOWORD
jmp MW_Bad ;Offset is not inside segment
@@: mov ax,WORD PTR dwOffset[0] ;Get the LOWORD of segment offset
cmp ax,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[0] ;Check LOWORD of size
jb MW_OK ;It's inside segment
jmp MW_Bad ;Not inside segment
;** Do different stuff on 286 and 386/486
mov ax,__WinFlags ;Get the flags
test ax,WF_CPU286 ;286?
jnz MW_Do16Bit ;Yes, do 16 bit stuff
;** Do this the 386 way (easy)
;** Get an alias selector if necessary
mov ax,wSelector ;Get the source selector
push ss ;Get ES = SS
pop es
lea di,DPMISelBuf ;Point to our descriptor buffer
cCall MakeAlias ;Make the alias selector
jnc SHORT @F ;No error
jmp MW_Bad ;Must be error
@@: mov wSelFlag,bx ;Set the selector flag
mov wSelector,ax ;Save the new selector
;** Do the copying
mov ax,wSelector ;Point with DS
mov es,ax ; (keep copy in AX)
mov edi,dwOffset ;Point into the big segment
mov ecx,dwcb ;Get the copy length
lsl edx,eax ;Get the segment limit
sub edx,edi ;Get distance from offset to limit
inc edx ;Make this the real length
cmp ecx,edx ;Are we within the limit?
jbe SHORT MW_LimitOK ;Yes
mov ecx,edx ;No, so make this the copy amount
xor esi,esi ;Clear the high word
lds si,lpBuffer ;Point to the dest. buffer
mov eax,ecx ;Save ECX
shr ecx,2 ;Prepare for DWORD move
jecxz @F ;No zero-length DWORD moves!
rep movs DWORD PTR [edi],DWORD PTR [esi]
db 67h ;Handles 386 bug
db 90h
@@: mov ecx,eax ;Get a copy
jecxz @F ;Don't do zero!
and ecx,03 ;Do the remaining 3,2, or 1
rep movs BYTE PTR [edi], BYTE PTR [esi]
db 67h ;Handles 386 bug
db 90h
@@: mov edx,eax ;Bytes copied returned in DX:AX
shr edx,16
;** Free alias if necessary
push ax ;Save return value
push dx
cmp wSelFlag,0 ;Selector flag set?
je SHORT @F ;Nope
mov ax,1 ;DPMI function - Free Selector
mov bx,wSelector ;Selector to free
int 31h ;Call DPMI
@@: pop dx
pop ax
jmp MW_End ;Get out
;** Do this the 286 way (hard)
;** Compute the actual copy length
mov ax,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[0] ;Get the segment size
mov dx,WORD PTR Global.ge_dwBlockSize[2]
sub ax,WORD PTR dwOffset[0] ;Get distance from offset to limit
sbb dx,WORD PTR dwOffset[2]
cmp dx,WORD PTR dwcb[2] ;Off end of heap block?
ja MW_LimOk ;No, just do it
jb MW_Truncate ;Yes, must truncate our length
cmp ax,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;Are we off the end?
jae MW_LimOk ;No, just do it
mov WORD PTR dwcb[0],ax ;Force this to be the new length
mov WORD PTR dwcb[2],dx
;** Save the number of bytes to be copied for the return value
mov ax,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;Get the LOWORD
mov WORD PTR dwcbCopied[0],ax ;Save it
mov ax,WORD PTR dwcb[2] ;Get the HIWORD
mov WORD PTR dwcbCopied[2],ax ;Save it
;** Position the initial copying selectors
mov al,BYTE PTR dwOffset[2] ;Grab the HIWORD (286 is only 24 bits)
mov ah,__AHINCR ;Get the selector inc value
mul ah ;Multiply to get sel offset
add ax,wSelector ;AX = sel in sel array
mov es,ax ;Point to this with DS
mov di,WORD PTR dwOffset[0] ;Get the current pointers
lds si,lpBuffer
;** This is the main copying loop
;** Get an alias selector if necessary
push si ;Save regs
push di
mov ax,es ;Get the source selector
push ss ;Get ES = SS
pop es
lea di,DPMISelBuf ;Point to our descriptor buffer
cCall MakeAlias ;Make the alias selector
pop di ;Restore regs
pop si
jnc @F ;No error
jmp MW_Bad ;Must be error
@@: mov wSelFlag,bx ;Set the selector flag
mov es,ax ;Save the new selector
;** Compute the size of this block copy. This is done by finding the
;* smaller of the following quantities:
;* - Distance to end of source segment
;* - Distance to end of dest. segment
;** - Distance to end of copy
xor bx,bx ;Flags start at zero
xor cx,cx ;Get the highest segment value (64K)
cmp di,si ;The bigger of the two will win
je MW_Equal ;They're the same
ja MW_DIBigger ;DI is bigger
sub cx,si ;SI bigger, compute dist to end
or bx,SI_CRITICAL ;Flag set for SI-critical
jmp SHORT MW_CheckEndCopy ;Go on
sub cx,di ;Use DI (SI and DI are the same)
or bx,SI_CRITICAL OR DI_CRITICAL ;Both will come true
jmp SHORT MW_CheckEndCopy ;Go on
sub cx,di ;SI is bigger
or bx,DI_CRITICAL ;Flag clear for DI-critical
cmp WORD PTR dwcb[2],0 ;Check for less than 64K left
ja MW_DoCopy ;Nope. More than 64K left
jcxz MW_GetSize ;CX = 0 is full 64K segment
cmp WORD PTR dwcb[0],cx ;Less than in either segment left?
ja MW_DoCopy ;No. Do it
mov cx,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;Get in CX
;** Do this block of 64K or less.
mov dx,cx ;Save the number of bytes we did
jcxz @F ;Do 64K
shr cx,1 ;Do WORDS
jmp SHORT MW_10 ;Skip over
@@: mov cx,8000h ;32K WORDS
MW_10: jcxz @F ;No zero-length WORD moves
rep movsw ;Do the copy
@@: mov cx,dx ;Get any remaining bits
and cx,1 ;Any more to do?
jcxz @F ;No, don't do it
movsb ;Do the odd byte if necessary
@@: mov cx,dx ;Get back in CX
;** Bump the loop pointers
jcxz MW_BigCount ;We did 64K
sub WORD PTR dwcb[0],cx ;Subtract the bytes done
sbb WORD PTR dwcb[2],0 ; and don't forget the HIWORD
jmp SHORT MW_20 ;Continue
sub WORD PTR dwcb[2],1 ;Subtract 64K
MW_20: mov ax,WORD PTR dwcb[0] ;We're done if the count of bytes
or ax,WORD PTR dwcb[2] ; is zero
jnz @F ;Not zero, go on
mov dx,WORD PTR dwcbCopied[2] ;Get the return count
mov ax,WORD PTR dwcbCopied[0]
jmp SHORT MW_End ;Get out
@@: test bx,SI_CRITICAL ;Does SI need incrementing?
jz MW_TestDI ;No, try DI
mov ax,ds ;Get the segment value
add ax,__AHINCR ;Bump to next selector
mov ds,ax ;Point with DS still
xor si,si ;Point to start of this segment
test bx,DI_CRITICAL ;Does SI need incrementing?
jz MW_Continue ;No, try DI
mov ax,es ;Get the segment value
add ax,__AHINCR ;Bump to next selector
mov es,ax ;Point with DS still
xor di,di ;Point to start of this segment
;** Free alias if necessary
cmp wSelFlag,0 ;Selector flag set?
je @F ;Nope
mov ax,1 ;DPMI function - Free Selector
mov bx,wSelector ;Selector to free
int 31h ;Call DPMI
@@: jmp MW_CopyLoop ;Do it again
xor ax,ax ;Return DWORD 0
;** Helper functions
; MakeAlias
; Makes an alias selector for the selector in AX. The new selector
; is returned in AX. Carry is set on exit if error.
; Returns nonzero in BX if an alias was made, zero if not
; ES:DI points to an 8-byte descriptor buffer
cProc MakeAlias, <NEAR, PUBLIC>, <si,di>
;** If this is not a read/write selector, we must create an alias.
;* In order to be able to free up the selector, we set a flag
;** so we know to free it.
xor si,si ;No alias made, just in case
lar cx,ax ;Get its access rights
jnz MA_Bad ;Failed
test cx,800h ;Is this a code segment?
jnz MA_MakeAlias ;Yes. Always make an alias
test cx,200h ;Is it read/write?
jnz MA_End ;Yes, no need for alias
mov bx,ax ;Get the selector
mov ax,0bh ;DPMI function - Get Descriptor
;ES:DI already point to buffer
int 31h ;Call DPMI
jc MA_Bad ;Error
xor ax,ax ;DPMI Function - Alloc selector
mov cx,1 ;Alloc 1 selector
int 31h ;Call DPMI
jc MA_Bad ;Error
mov si,1 ;Set flag to say alias made
and BYTE PTR DPMISelBuf[5],0f0h ;Mask out unwanted bits
or BYTE PTR DPMISelBuf[5],2 ;Make it a R/W Data segment
mov bx,ax ;Selector in BX
mov ax,0ch ;DPMI function - Set Descriptor
int 31h ;Call DPMI
jc MA_Bad ;Error
mov ax,bx ;Get the new selector in AX
jmp SHORT MA_End ;Get out
stc ;Error
mov bx,si ;Get flag in BX