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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
title "Miscellaneous Functions"
; Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
; Module Name:
; miscs.asm
; Abstract:
; This module implements machine dependent miscellaneous kernel functions.
; Author:
; David N. Cutler (davec) 8-Aug-2000
; Environment:
; Kernel mode only.
include ksamd64.inc
extern KeTestAlertThread:proc
extern KiContinue:proc
extern KiExceptionExit:proc
extern KiRaiseException:proc
subttl "Continue Execution System Service"
; NtContinue (
; IN PCONTEXT ContextRecord,
; IN BOOLEAN TestAlert
; )
; Routine Description:
; This routine is called as a system service to continue execution after
; an exception has occurred. Its function is to transfer information from
; the specified context record into the trap frame that was built when the
; system service was executed, and then exit the system as if an exception
; had occurred.
; Arguments:
; ContextRecord (rcx) - Supplies a pointer to a context record.
; TestAlert (dl) - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether alert
; should be tested for the previous processor mode.
; Implicit Arguments:
; rbp - Supplies the address of a trap frame.
; Return Value:
; Normally there is no return from this routine. However, if the specified
; context record is misaligned or is not accessible, then the appropriate
; status code is returned.
GENERATE_EXCEPTION_FRAME ; generate exception frame
; Transfer information from the context frame to the exception and trap frames.
mov rbx, gs:[PcCurrentThread] ; get current thread address
cmp byte ptr ThNpxState[rbx],LEGACY_STATE_SWITCH ; check if switched
jne short KiCO10 ; if ne, legacy state not switched
; N.B. The legacy floating point state must be saved and restored since saving
; the state initializes some of the state.
; N.B. Interrupts must also be disabled during this sequence to ensure that a
; get context APC interrupt does not occur.
lea rsi, (KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH - 128)[rbp] ; get legacy save address
cli ; disable interrupts
fnsaved [rsi] ; save legacy floating state
mov di, LfControlWord[rsi] ; save current control word
mov word ptr LfControlWord[rsi], 03fh ; set to mask all exceptions
frstord [rsi] ; restore legacy floating point state
mov LfControlWord[rsi], di ; restore control word
fldcw word ptr LfControlWord[rsi] ; load legacy control word
sti ; enable interrupt
KiCO10: mov dil, dl ; save test alert argument
mov rdx, rsp ; set exception frame address
lea r8, (-128)[rbp] ; set trap frame address
call KiContinue ; transfer context to kernel frames
; If the kernel continuation routine returns success, then exit via the
; exception exit code. Otherwise, return to the system service dispatcher.
test eax, eax ; test if service failed
jnz short KiCO40 ; if nz, service failed
; Check to determine if alert should be tested for the previous processor
; mode and restore the previous mode in the thread object.
mov r8, TrTrapFrame[rbp] ; set previous trap frame address
mov ThTrapFrame[rbx], r8 ;
mov cl, ThPreviousMode[rbx] ; get thread previous mode
mov dl, TrPreviousMode[rbp] ; get frame previous mode
mov ThPreviousMode[rbx], dl ; set thread previous mode
test dil, dil ; test if test alert specified
jz short KiCO20 ; if z, test alert not specified
call KeTestAlertThread ; test alert for current thread
; If the legacy stated is switched, then restore the legacy floating state.
KiCO20: cmp byte ptr ThNpxState[rbx],LEGACY_STATE_SWITCH ; check if switched
jne short KiCO30 ; if ne, legacy state not switched
mov di, LfControlWord[rsi] ; save current control word
mov word ptr LfControlWord[rsi], 03fh ; set to mask all exceptions
frstord [rsi] ; restore legacy floating state
mov LfControlWord[rsi], di ; restore control word
fldcw word ptr LfControlWord[rsi] ; load legacy control word
KiCO30: jmp KiExceptionExit ;
; Context record is misaligned or not accessible.
KiCO40: RESTORE_EXCEPTION_STATE ; restore exception state/deallocate
ret ; return
NESTED_END NtContinue, _TEXT$00
subttl "Raise Exception System Service"
; NtRaiseException (
; IN PCONTEXT ContextRecord,
; IN BOOLEAN FirstChance
; )
; Routine Description:
; This routine is called as a system service to raise an exception. Its
; function is to transfer information from the specified context record
; into the trap frame that was built when the system service was executed.
; The exception may be raised as a first or second chance exception.
; Arguments:
; ExceptionRecord (rcx) - Supplies a pointer to an exception record.
; ContextRecord (rdx) - Suppilies a pointer to a context record.
; FirstChance (r8b) - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether
; this is the first (TRUE) or second chance (FALSE) for dispatching
; the exception.
; Implicit Arguments:
; rbp - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
; Return Value:
; Normally there is no return from this routine. However, if the specified
; context record or exception record is misaligned or is not accessible,
; then the appropriate status code is returned.
NESTED_ENTRY NtRaiseException, _TEXT$00
GENERATE_EXCEPTION_FRAME ; generate exception frame
; Call the raise exception kernel routine which will marshall the arguments
; and then call the exception dispatcher.
mov rbx, gs:[PcCurrentThread] ; get current thread address
cmp byte ptr ThNpxState[rbx],LEGACY_STATE_SWITCH ; check if switched
jne short KiRE10 ; if ne, legacy state not switched
; N.B. The legacy floating point state must be saved and restored since saving
; the state initializes some of the state.
; N.B. Interrupts must also be disabled during this sequence to ensure that a
; get context APC interrupt does not occur.
lea rsi, (KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH - 128)[rbp] ; get legacy save address
cli ; disable interrupts
fnsaved [rsi] ; save legacy floating state
mov di, LfControlWord[rsi] ; save current control word
mov word ptr LfControlWord[rsi], 03fh ; set to mask all exceptions
frstord [rsi] ; restore legacy floating point state
mov LfControlWord[rsi], di ; restore control word
fldcw word ptr LfControlWord[rsi] ; load legacy control word
sti ; enabel interrupts
KiRE10: mov ExP5[rsp], r8b ; set first chance parameter
mov r8, rsp ; set exception frame address
lea r9, (-128)[rbp] ; set trap frame address
call KiRaiseException ; call raise exception routine
; If the kernel raise exception routine returns success, then exit via the
; exception exit code. Otherwise, return to the system service dispatcher.
test eax, eax ; test if service failed
jnz short KiRE20 ; if nz, service failed
; Exit via the exception exit code which will restore the machine state.
mov r8, TrTrapFrame[rbp] ; set previous trap frame address
mov ThTrapFrame[rbx], r8 ;
jmp KiExceptionExit ;
; The context or exception record is misaligned or not accessible, or the
; exception was not handled.
KiRE20: RESTORE_EXCEPTION_STATE ; restore exception state/deallocate
ret ; return
NESTED_END NtRaiseException, _TEXT$00