269 lines
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269 lines
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#pragma once
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
class CHandleTemplate
// void* instead of HANDLE to fudge views
// HANDLE is void*
CHandleTemplate(const void* handle = *invalidValue);
void Close();
void* Detach();
void operator=(const void*);
operator void*();
operator const void*() const;
void* m_handle;
CHandleTemplate(const CHandleTemplate&); // deliberately not implemented
void operator=(const CHandleTemplate&); // deliberately not implemented
__declspec(selectany) extern void* const hInvalidValue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
__declspec(selectany) extern void* const hNull = NULL;
class COperatorDeregisterEventSource
public: void operator()(void* handle) const;
class COperatorCloseEventLog
public: void operator()(void* handle) const;
class COperatorCloseHandle
public: void operator()(void* handle) const;
class COperatorFindClose
public: void operator()(void* handle) const;
class COperatorUnmapViewOfFile
public: void operator()(void* handle) const;
class COperatorRegCloseKey
public: void operator()(void* handle) const;
class CFindFile : public CHandleTemplate<&hInvalidValue, COperatorFindClose>
typedef CHandleTemplate<&hInvalidValue, COperatorFindClose> Base;
CFindFile() { }
CFindFile(void* handle) : Base(handle) { }
CFindFile(PCSTR nameOrWildcard, WIN32_FIND_DATA*);
HRESULT HrCreate(PCSTR nameOrWildcard, WIN32_FIND_DATA*);
void VCreate(PCSTR nameOrWildcard, WIN32_FIND_DATA*);
void operator=(void* v) { Base::operator=(v); }
class CFusionFile : public CHandleTemplate<&hInvalidValue, COperatorCloseHandle>
typedef CHandleTemplate<&hInvalidValue, COperatorCloseHandle> Base;
CFusionFile() { }
CFusionFile(void* handle) : Base(handle) { }
CFusionFile(PCSTR name, DWORD access, DWORD share, DWORD openOrCreate);
HRESULT HrCreate(PCSTR name, DWORD access, DWORD share, DWORD openOrCreate);
void VCreate(PCSTR name, DWORD access, DWORD share, DWORD openOrCreate);
__int64 GetSize() const;
void operator=(void* v) { Base::operator=(v); }
class CFileMapping : public CHandleTemplate<&hNull, COperatorCloseHandle>
typedef CHandleTemplate<&hNull, COperatorCloseHandle> Base;
CFileMapping() { }
CFileMapping(void* handle) : Base(handle) { }
CFileMapping(void* file, DWORD flProtect, __int64 maximumSize=0, PCSTR name=0);
void VCreate(void* file, DWORD flProtect, __int64 maximumSize=0, PCSTR name=0);
HRESULT HrCreate(void* file, DWORD flProtect, __int64 maximumSize=0, PCSTR name=0);
void operator=(void* v) { Base::operator=(v); }
class CMappedViewOfFile : public CHandleTemplate<&hNull, COperatorUnmapViewOfFile>
typedef CHandleTemplate<&hNull, COperatorUnmapViewOfFile> Base;
CMappedViewOfFile() { }
CMappedViewOfFile(void* handle) : Base(handle) { }
CMappedViewOfFile(void* fileMapping, DWORD access, __int64 offset=0, SIZE_T size=0);
void VCreate(void* fileMapping, DWORD access, __int64 offset=0, SIZE_T size=0);
HRESULT HrCreate(void* fileMapping, DWORD access, __int64 offset=0, SIZE_T size=0);
void operator=(void* v) { Base::operator=(v); }
inline CFindFile::CFindFile(PCSTR nameOrWildcard, WIN32_FIND_DATA* data)
VCreate(nameOrWildcard, data);
inline HRESULT CFindFile::HrCreate(PCSTR nameOrWildcard, WIN32_FIND_DATA* data)
HANDLE hTemp = FindFirstFile(nameOrWildcard, data);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
return S_OK;
inline void CFindFile::VCreate(PCSTR nameOrWildcard, WIN32_FIND_DATA* data)
CheckHresult(HrCreate(nameOrWildcard, data));
inline HRESULT CFusionFile::HrCreate(PCSTR name, DWORD access, DWORD share, DWORD openOrCreate)
HANDLE hTemp = CreateFile(name, access, share, NULL, openOrCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
return S_OK;
inline CFusionFile::CFusionFile(PCSTR name, DWORD access, DWORD share, DWORD openOrCreate)
VCreate(name, access, share, openOrCreate);
inline VOID CFusionFile::VCreate(PCSTR name, DWORD access, DWORD share, DWORD openOrCreate)
CheckHresult(HrCreate(name, access, share, openOrCreate));
inline __int64 CFusionFile::GetSize() const
DWORD highPart = 0;
DWORD lastError = NO_ERROR;
DWORD lowPart = GetFileSize(m_handle, &highPart);
if (lowPart == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && (lastError = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR)
liSize.LowPart = lowPart;
liSize.HighPart = highPart;
return liSize.QuadPart;
inline HRESULT CFileMapping::HrCreate(void* file, DWORD flProtect, __int64 maximumSize, PCSTR name)
LARGE_INTEGER liMaximumSize;
liMaximumSize.QuadPart = maximumSize;
HANDLE hTemp = CreateFileMapping(file, NULL, flProtect, liMaximumSize.HighPart, liMaximumSize.LowPart, name);
if (hTemp == NULL)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
return S_OK;
inline CFileMapping::CFileMapping(void* file, DWORD flProtect, __int64 maximumSize, PCSTR name)
: Base(NULL)
VCreate(file, flProtect, maximumSize, name);
inline void CFileMapping::VCreate(void* file, DWORD flProtect, __int64 maximumSize, PCSTR name)
CheckHresult(HrCreate(file, flProtect, maximumSize, name));
inline CMappedViewOfFile::CMappedViewOfFile(void* fileMapping, DWORD access, __int64 offset, SIZE_T size)
: Base(NULL)
VCreate(fileMapping, access, offset, size);
inline void CMappedViewOfFile::VCreate(void* fileMapping, DWORD access, __int64 offset, SIZE_T size)
CheckHresult(HrCreate(fileMapping, access, offset, size));
inline HRESULT CMappedViewOfFile::HrCreate(void* fileMapping, DWORD access, __int64 offset, SIZE_T size)
liOffset.QuadPart = offset;
void* pvTemp = MapViewOfFile(fileMapping, access, liOffset.HighPart, liOffset.LowPart, size);
if (pvTemp == NULL)
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
return S_OK;
inline void COperatorCloseHandle::operator()(void* handle) const { CloseHandle(handle); }
inline void COperatorFindClose::operator()(void* handle) const { FindClose(handle); }
inline void COperatorUnmapViewOfFile::operator()(void* handle) const { UnmapViewOfFile(handle); }
inline void COperatorRegCloseKey::operator()(void* handle) const { RegCloseKey(reinterpret_cast<HKEY>(handle)); }
inline void COperatorCloseEventLog::operator()(void* handle) const { CloseEventLog(handle); }
inline void COperatorDeregisterEventSource::operator()(void* handle) const { DeregisterEventSource(handle); }
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::CHandleTemplate(const void* handle)
: m_handle(const_cast<void*>(handle))
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
void* CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::Detach()
void* handle = m_handle;
m_handle = *invalidValue;
return handle;
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
void CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::operator=(const void* handle)
m_handle = const_cast<void*>(handle);
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
void CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::Close()
void* handle = Detach();
if (handle != *invalidValue)
Closer close;
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::~CHandleTemplate()
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::operator void*()
return m_handle;
template <void* const* invalidValue, typename Closer>
CHandleTemplate<invalidValue, Closer>::operator const void*() const
return m_handle;