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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
'//on error resume next
set objArgs = wscript.Arguments
if objArgs.count < 1 then
wscript.echo "Usage defragAnalysis volume"
end if
strVolume = Replace(objArgs(0), "\", "\\")
'// Get the volume
strQuery = "select * from Win32_Volume where Name = '" & strVolume & "'"
set VolumeSet = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery)
for each obj in VolumeSet
set Volume = obj
exit for
wscript.echo "Volume: " & Volume.Name
' illustration of how to handle input parameters - not tested
Set objMethod = Volume.Methods_.Item("Defrag")
Set objInParams = objMethod.InParameters.SpawnInstance_
objInParams.Force = True
fNotDone = True
Set objSink = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemSink","SINK_")
Volume.ExecMethodAsync_ objSink, "Defrag", objInParams
WScript.Echo "Waiting for data return..."
while (fNotDone)
Sub SINK_OnObjectReady(objObject, objAsyncContext)
'WScript.Echo objObject.Name
WScript.Echo "ObjectReady"
Result = objObject.ReturnValue
wscript.echo "Defrag returned: " & Result & " : " & MapErrorCode("Win32_Volume", "Defrag", Result)
Set objAnalysis = objObject.DefragAnalysis
if Result = 0 then
wscript.echo "TotalFragmentation: " & objAnalysis.TotalPercentFragmentation
end if
End Sub
Sub SINK_OnProgress(intTotal, intCurrent, strMessage, objContext)
WScript.Echo "OnProgress: " & intCurrent & "/" & intTotal
if intCurrent > 25 AND fNotCancel = True then
wscript.echo "OnProgress: progress above 25% cancelling call..."
fNotCancel = False
end if
End Sub
Sub SINK_OnCompleted(intHresult, objError, objContext)
WScript.Echo "method complete hresult: " & intHresult
fNotDone = False
End Sub
Function MapErrorCode(ByRef strClass, ByRef strMethod, ByRef intCode)
set objClass = GetObject("winmgmts:").Get(strClass, &h20000)
set objMethod = objClass.methods_(strMethod)
values = objMethod.qualifiers_("values")
if ubound(values) < intCode then
wscript.echo " FAILURE - no error message found for " & intCode & " : " & strClass & "." & strMethod
MapErrorCode = ""
MapErrorCode = values(intCode)
end if
End Function