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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
// MODULE: TSMapClient.cpp
// PURPOSE: Part of launching a Local Troubleshooter from an arbitrary NT5 application
// Class TSMapClient is available at runtime for mapping from the application's
// way of naming a problem to the Troubleshooter's way.
// Only a single thread should operate on any one object of class TSMapClient. The object is not
// threadsafe.
// In addition to the overtly noted returns, many methods can return a preexisting error.
// However, if the calling program has wishes to ignore an error and continue, we
// recommend an explicit call to inherited method ClearStatus().
// Note that the mapping file is always strictly SBCS (Single Byte Character Set), but the
// calls into this code may use Unicode. This file consequently mixes char and TCHAR.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-633-4743
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 2-26-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - JM Original
#define _TSMAPCLIENT_ 1
// ----------------- TSMapClient ---------------
// Class providing mapping methods which will be available
// at runtime when launching a troubleshooter.
class TSMapClient: public TSMapRuntimeAbstract {
TSMapClient(const TCHAR * const sztMapFile);
DWORD Initialize();
// redefined inherited methods
DWORD ClearAll ();
DWORD SetApp (const TCHAR * const sztApp);
DWORD SetVer (const TCHAR * const sztVer);
DWORD SetProb (const TCHAR * const sztProb);
DWORD SetDevID (const TCHAR * const sztDevID);
DWORD SetDevClassGUID (const TCHAR * const sztDevClassGUID);
DWORD FromProbToTS (TCHAR * const sztTSBN, TCHAR * const sztNode );
DWORD FromDevToTS (TCHAR * const sztTSBN, TCHAR * const sztNode );
DWORD FromDevClassToTS (TCHAR * const sztTSBN, TCHAR * const sztNode );
DWORD ApplyDefaultVer();
bool HardMappingError (DWORD dwStatus);
UID GetGenericMapToUID (const TCHAR * const sztName, DWORD dwOffFirst, DWORD dwOffLast,
bool bAlphaOrder);
DWORD SetFilePointerAbsolute( DWORD dwMoveTo );
bool Read(LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead);
bool ReadUIDMap (UIDMAP &uidmap, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition = false);
bool ReadAppMap (APPMAP &appmap, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition = false);
bool ReadVerMap (VERMAP &vermap, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition = false);
bool ReadProbMap (PROBMAP &probmap, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition = false);
bool ReadDevMap (DEVMAP &devmap, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition = false);
bool ReadDevClassMap (DEVCLASSMAP &devclassmap, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition = false);
bool ReadString (char * sz, DWORD cbMax, DWORD &dwPosition, bool bSetPosition);
TCHAR m_sztMapFile[BUFSIZE]; // pathname of file from which to draw mappings
HANDLE m_hMapFile; // corresponding handle
TSMAPFILEHEADER m_header; // header portion of map file
// If we satisf ourselves that the SQL Server database used in preparing the mapping file
// will produce the collating order we want, we could gain some runtime efficiency
// by setting the following true: when we are reading through a file for a match, we
// could bail if we got past it.
bool m_bAppAlphaOrder;
bool m_bVerAlphaOrder;
bool m_bDevIDAlphaOrder;
bool m_bDevClassGUIDAlphaOrder;
bool m_bProbAlphaOrder;
// NOTE: because the mapping file is strictly SBCS, so are the cache values. Typically,
// this requires conversion between these values and Unicode arguments to methods.
// Cache info about selected app. This lets us know (for example) at what offset
// to start a search for relevant versions.
char m_szApp[BUFSIZE];
APPMAP m_appmap;
// Cache info about selected version. This lets us know (for example) at what offset
// to start a search for relevant mappings to troubleshooting belief networks.
char m_szVer[BUFSIZE];
VERMAP m_vermap;
// Cache info about selected device (just name & UID)
char m_szDevID[BUFSIZE];
UID m_uidDev;
// Cache info about selected device class (just name -- a string representing a GUID --
// & UID)
char m_szDevClassGUID[BUFSIZE];
UID m_uidDevClass;
// Cache info about selected problem (just name & UID)
char m_szProb[BUFSIZE];
UID m_uidProb;
#endif // _TSMAPCLIENT_