
698 lines
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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <ras.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "icwunicd.h"
#include "RegData.h"
// Defines
#define MAX_REGSTRING 150
#define DEFAULT_DIALOGTIMEOUT 1800000 // half hour
#define DEFAULT_SLEEPDURATION 30000 // 30 seconds
// Global Handles and other defines
time_t g_tStartDate = 0;
int g_nISPTrialDays = 0;
int g_nTotalNotifications = -1;
DWORD g_dwDialogTimeOut = 0;
DWORD g_dwWakeupInterval = 0;
TCHAR g_szConnectoidName[MAX_REGSTRING];
// Registry entry strings.
static const TCHAR* g_szKeyRunOnce = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryRunOnce = TEXT("IcwRmind");
// Key for IE run once stuff
static const TCHAR* g_szKeyIERunOnce = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryIERunOnce = TEXT("First Home Page");
static const TCHAR* g_szHtmlFile = TEXT("TrialExp.html");
// This is the key where all the application data will be stored.
static const TCHAR* g_szKeyIcwRmind = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Connection Wizard\\IcwRmind");
// These entries will be created by the connection wizard.
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryISPName = TEXT("ISP_Name");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryISPPhone = TEXT("ISP_Phone");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryISPMsg = TEXT("ISP_Message");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryTrialDays = TEXT("Trial_Days");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntrySignupURL = TEXT("Signup_URL");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntrySignupURLTrialOver = TEXT("Expired_URL");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryConnectoidName = TEXT("Entry_Name");
static const TCHAR* g_szSignupSuccessfuly = TEXT("TrialConverted");
// These entries will be created by this application.
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryTrialStart = TEXT("Trial_Start");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryTrialStartString = TEXT("Trial_Start_String");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryAppIsVisible = TEXT("App_IsVisible");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryWakeupInterval = TEXT("Wakeup_Interval");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryTotalNotifications = TEXT("Total_Notifications");
static const TCHAR* g_szEntryDialogTimeOut = TEXT("Dialog_TimeOut");
// GetWakeupInterval
DWORD GetWakeupInterval()
if (g_dwWakeupInterval)
return g_dwWakeupInterval;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryWakeupInterval, g_dwWakeupInterval);
// If not in the registry then set the default value.
if (!bRetCode)
return g_dwWakeupInterval;
// GetDialogTimeout
DWORD GetDialogTimeout()
if (g_dwDialogTimeOut)
return g_dwDialogTimeOut;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryDialogTimeOut, g_dwDialogTimeOut);
// If not in the registry then set the default value.
if (!bRetCode)
return g_dwDialogTimeOut;
// IsApplicationVisible
BOOL IsApplicationVisible()
// This data is debug data so it is not cached. Default value is
// FALSE if not found in registry.
BOOL bVisible = FALSE;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
DWORD dwData = 0;
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryAppIsVisible, dwData);
if (bRetCode)
bVisible = (BOOL) dwData;
return bVisible;
// GetConnectionName
const TCHAR* GetISPConnectionName()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (lstrlen(g_szConnectoidName))
return g_szConnectoidName;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryConnectoidName, g_szConnectoidName, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_REGSTRING);
return g_szConnectoidName;
// GetISPSignupUrl
const TCHAR* GetISPSignupUrl()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (lstrlen(g_szSignupURL))
return g_szSignupURL;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntrySignupURL, g_szSignupURL, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_REGSTRING);
return g_szSignupURL;
// GetISPSignupUrlTrialOver
const TCHAR* GetISPSignupUrlTrialOver()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (lstrlen(g_szSignupURLTrialOver))
return g_szSignupURLTrialOver;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntrySignupURLTrialOver, g_szSignupURLTrialOver, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_REGSTRING);
return g_szSignupURLTrialOver;
// SetupRunOnce
void SetupRunOnce()
CMcRegistry reg;
bool bRetCode = reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyRunOnce);
if (bRetCode)
LPTSTR lpszFileName = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH + 23];
if (GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), lpszFileName, _MAX_PATH + 20))
// Add a command line parameter.
lstrcat(lpszFileName, TEXT(" -R"));
bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szEntryRunOnce, lpszFileName);
delete [] lpszFileName;
// RemoveRunOnce
void RemoveRunOnce()
CMcRegistry reg;
bool bRetCode = reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyRunOnce);
if (bRetCode)
bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szEntryRunOnce, TEXT(""));
// GetISPName
const TCHAR* GetISPName()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (lstrlen(g_szISPName))
return g_szISPName;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryISPName, g_szISPName, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_REGSTRING);
return g_szISPName;
// GetISPPhone
const TCHAR* GetISPPhone()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (lstrlen(g_szISPPhone))
return g_szISPPhone;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryISPPhone, g_szISPPhone, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_REGSTRING);
return g_szISPPhone;
// GetISPMessage
const TCHAR* GetISPMessage()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (lstrlen(g_szISPMsg))
return g_szISPMsg;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryISPMsg, g_szISPMsg, sizeof(TCHAR)*MAX_ISPMSGSTRING);
return g_szISPMsg;
// GetISPTrialDays
int GetISPTrialDays()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (g_nISPTrialDays)
return g_nISPTrialDays;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
DWORD dwData = 0;
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryTrialDays, dwData);
if (bRetCode)
g_nISPTrialDays = (int) dwData;
return g_nISPTrialDays;
// GetTrialStartDate
time_t GetTrialStartDate()
// If we already retrieved this then simply pass it back.
if (g_tStartDate)
return g_tStartDate;
// If the trial start date entry does not exist in the registry then
// this is the first we have been executed so the trial start date
// is today's date. Put this back in the registry.
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
DWORD dwData = 0;
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryTrialStart, dwData);
if (bRetCode && 0 != dwData)
g_tStartDate = (time_t) dwData;
time_t tTime;
if (reg.SetValue(g_szEntryTrialStart, (DWORD) tTime))
g_tStartDate = tTime;
return g_tStartDate;
// OpenIcwRmindKey
bool OpenIcwRmindKey(CMcRegistry &reg)
// This method will open the IcwRmind key in the registry. If the key
// does not exist it will be created here.
bool bRetCode = reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyIcwRmind);
if (!bRetCode)
bRetCode = reg.CreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyIcwRmind);
return bRetCode;
// ClearCachedData
void ClearCachedData()
// Clear all the global data so that it will be reread out of the
// registry.
g_tStartDate = 0;
g_nISPTrialDays = 0;
g_dwDialogTimeOut = 0;
g_dwWakeupInterval = 0;
g_szISPName[0] = 0;
g_szISPMsg[0] = 0;
g_szISPPhone[0] = 0;
g_szSignupURL[0] = 0;
g_szSignupURLTrialOver[0] = 0;
g_szConnectoidName[0] = 0;
g_nTotalNotifications = -1;
// ResetCachedData
void ResetCachedData()
// Clear all the global data so that it will be reread out of the
// registry.
g_tStartDate = 0;
g_nISPTrialDays = 0;
g_dwDialogTimeOut = 0;
g_dwWakeupInterval = 0;
g_szISPName[0] = 0;
g_szISPMsg[0] = 0;
g_szISPPhone[0] = 0;
g_szSignupURL[0] = 0;
g_szSignupURLTrialOver[0] = 0;
g_szConnectoidName[0] = 0;
g_nTotalNotifications = -1;
// We must also clear the start date and total notifications out
// of the registry.
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szEntryTrialStart, (DWORD) 0);
bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szEntryTotalNotifications, (DWORD) 0);
// GetTotalNotifications
int GetTotalNotifications()
// This is the number of times we have notified the user and the user
// has responded to us. We will only notify them 3 times.
if (-1 != g_nTotalNotifications)
_ASSERT(g_nTotalNotifications <= 3);
return g_nTotalNotifications;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
DWORD dwData = 0;
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szEntryTotalNotifications, dwData);
if (bRetCode)
g_nTotalNotifications = (int) dwData;
g_nTotalNotifications = 0;
return g_nTotalNotifications;
// IncrementTotalNotifications
void IncrementTotalNotifications()
_ASSERT(g_nTotalNotifications < 3 && -1 != g_nTotalNotifications);
if (g_nTotalNotifications < 3 && -1 != g_nTotalNotifications)
// Let's put it back into the registry now.
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
DWORD dwData = 0;
bool bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szEntryTotalNotifications, (DWORD) g_nTotalNotifications);
// ResetTrialStartDate
void ResetTrialStartDate(time_t timeNewStartDate)
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
if (reg.SetValue(g_szEntryTrialStart, (DWORD) timeNewStartDate))
g_tStartDate = timeNewStartDate;
// DeleteAllRegistryData
void DeleteAllRegistryData()
// Delete the Run Once data. We do this by setting the value
// to nothing.
CMcRegistry reg;
bool bRetCode = reg.OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyRunOnce);
if (bRetCode)
bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szEntryRunOnce, TEXT(""));
// Delete the Remind Key and all it's values.
RegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szKeyIcwRmind);
// IsSignupSuccessful
BOOL IsSignupSuccessful()
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
CMcRegistry reg;
// Do not cache this data. Some other app will write this entry
// once the user has successfully signed up.
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
DWORD dwData = 0;
bool bRetCode = reg.GetValue(g_szSignupSuccessfuly, dwData);
if (bRetCode)
bSuccess = (BOOL) dwData;
return bSuccess;
// RemoveTrialConvertedFlag
void RemoveTrialConvertedFlag()
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
CMcRegistry reg;
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
bool bRetCode = reg.SetValue(g_szSignupSuccessfuly, (DWORD) 0);
// SetStartDateString
void SetStartDateString(time_t timeStartDate)
CMcRegistry reg;
TCHAR buf[255];
wsprintf(buf, TEXT("%s"), ctime(&timeStartDate));
if (OpenIcwRmindKey(reg))
reg.SetValue(g_szEntryTrialStartString, buf);
// SetIERunOnce
void SetIERunOnce()
CMcRegistry reg;
bool bRetCode = reg.OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szKeyIERunOnce);
// The html page for the IE run once is in the same directory as
// the IcwRmind exe. Create the full qualified path.
if (bRetCode)
TCHAR* pszBuf = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH];
if (pszBuf)
if (GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), pszBuf, _MAX_PATH))
TCHAR* pszBufPath = new TCHAR[_MAX_PATH];
if (pszBufPath)
TCHAR* pszDrive = new TCHAR[_MAX_DRIVE];
if (pszDrive)
_tsplitpath(pszBuf, pszDrive, pszBufPath, NULL, NULL);
lstrcpy(pszBuf, pszDrive);
lstrcat(pszBuf, pszBufPath);
lstrcat(pszBuf, g_szHtmlFile);
reg.SetValue(g_szEntryIERunOnce, pszBuf);
delete [] pszDrive;
delete [] pszBufPath;
delete [] pszBuf;
// RemoveIERunOnce
void RemoveIERunOnce()
HKEY hkey;
long lErr = ::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szKeyIERunOnce, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hkey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErr)
RegDeleteValue(hkey, g_szEntryIERunOnce);