
256 lines
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2001-01-01 00:00:00 +01:00
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifndef _CHICAGO_
// this file is always compile UNICODE in the library - so the conversions work out right
//Local includes
#include "certupgr.h"
#define BACKUP_ID 'KRBK'
void ReadWriteDWORD( HANDLE hFile, DWORD *pDword, BOOL fRead );
void ReadWriteString( HANDLE hFile, LPTSTR* ppsz, BOOL fRead );
void ReadWriteBlob( HANDLE hFile, PVOID pBlob, DWORD cbBlob, BOOL fRead );
PCHAR pszFileName, // path of the file
PCHAR pszPassword, // ANSI password
PCHAR pszCAPIStore, // name of the capi store
BOOL bOverWrite
// prep the wide strings
PWCHAR pszwFileName = NULL;
DWORD lenFile = (strlen(pszFileName)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
DWORD lenStore = (strlen(pszCAPIStore)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
pszwFileName = (PWCHAR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, lenFile );
pszwCAPIStore = (PWCHAR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, lenStore );
if ( !pszwFileName || !pszwCAPIStore )
goto cleanup;
// convert the strings
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszFileName, -1, pszwFileName, lenFile );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pszCAPIStore, -1, pszwCAPIStore, lenStore );
// do the real call
pCert = ImportKRBackupToCAPIStore_W( pszwFileName, pszPassword, pszwCAPIStore, bOverWrite);
// preserve the last error state
DWORD err = GetLastError();
// clean up the strings
if ( pszwFileName )
GlobalFree( pszwFileName );
if ( pszwCAPIStore )
GlobalFree( pszwCAPIStore );
// reset the last error state
SetLastError( err );
// return the cert
return pCert;
// Import old-style keyring backup file
PWCHAR ptszFileName, // path of the file
PCHAR pszPassword, // ANSI password
PWCHAR pszCAPIStore, // name of the capi store
BOOL bOverWrite
DWORD dword;
// prep the file name
// This code is originally from KeyRing. The fImport controlled whether it was reading
// or writing the file. In this case, we are always and only reading it. so....
const BOOL fImport = TRUE;
// also, this was a method on a class. The appropriate member variables are now here
PVOID pPrivateKey = NULL;
DWORD cbPrivateKey;
PVOID pCertificate = NULL;
DWORD cbCertificate;
PVOID pRequest = NULL;
DWORD cbRequest = 0;
CString szName;
// open the file
hFile = CreateFile(
ptszFileName, // pointer to name of the file
GENERIC_READ, // access (read-write) mode
FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode
NULL, // pointer to security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // how to create
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // file attributes
NULL // handle to file with attributes to copy
return NULL;
// do the backup id
dword = BACKUP_ID;
ReadWriteDWORD( hFile, &dword, fImport );
// check the backup id
if ( dword != BACKUP_ID )
goto cleanup;
// start with the name of the key
ReadWriteString( hFile, &psz, fImport );
// we aren't using the name for now, so throw it away.....
if ( psz )
GlobalFree( psz );
psz = NULL;
// now the private key data size
ReadWriteDWORD( hFile, &cbPrivateKey, fImport );
// make a private key data pointer if necessary
if ( fImport && cbPrivateKey )
pPrivateKey = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbPrivateKey );
if ( !pPrivateKey )
goto cleanup;
// use the private key pointer
if ( cbPrivateKey )
ReadWriteBlob( hFile, pPrivateKey, cbPrivateKey, fImport );
// now the certificate
ReadWriteDWORD( hFile, &cbCertificate, fImport );
// make a data pointer if necessary
if ( fImport && cbCertificate )
pCertificate = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbCertificate );
if ( !pCertificate )
goto cleanup;
// use the public key pointer
if ( cbCertificate )
ReadWriteBlob( hFile, pCertificate, cbCertificate, fImport );
// now the request - if there is one
ReadWriteDWORD( hFile, &cbRequest, fImport );
// make a data pointer if necessary
if ( fImport && cbRequest )
pRequest = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbRequest );
if ( !pRequest )
goto cleanup;
// use the request pointer
if ( cbRequest )
ReadWriteBlob( hFile, pRequest, cbRequest, fImport );
// finally, do the CAPI conversion here
pCertContext = CopyKRCertToCAPIStore(
pPrivateKey, cbPrivateKey,
pCertificate, cbCertificate,
pRequest, cbRequest,
// clean up
if ( hFile )
CloseHandle( hFile );
if ( pPrivateKey )
GlobalFree( pPrivateKey );
if ( pCertificate )
GlobalFree( pCertificate );
if ( pRequest )
GlobalFree( pRequest );
// return the context
return pCertContext;
// file utilities
void ReadWriteDWORD( HANDLE hFile, DWORD *pDword, BOOL fRead )
// read it or write it
ReadWriteBlob( hFile, pDword, sizeof(DWORD), fRead );
// remember - we are only and always reading - never writing.......
void ReadWriteString( HANDLE hFile, LPTSTR* ppsz, BOOL fRead )
// get the length of the string
DWORD cbLength = 0;
ReadWriteDWORD(hFile,&cbLength,fRead );
// allocate the buffer for the new string - it is the responsibility
// of the caller to ensure that ppsz is not pointing to something that
// needs to be freed.
if ( fRead )
*ppsz = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbLength+1 );
ASSERT( *ppsz );
if ( !*ppsz )
// read or write the string
ReadWriteBlob(hFile, *ppsz, cbLength+1, fRead);
/* #pragma INTRINSA suppress=all */
void ReadWriteBlob( HANDLE hFile, PVOID pBlob, DWORD cbBlob, BOOL fRead )
// read it or write it
// - always read it here this isn't keyring anymore
hFile, // handle of file to read
pBlob, // address of buffer that receives data
cbBlob, // number of bytes to read
&cbBlob, // address of number of bytes read
NULL // address of structure for data
#endif //_CHICAGO_