213 lines
6.4 KiB
213 lines
6.4 KiB
#ifndef __glasm_h_
#define __glasm_h_
** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** Add defines to this file when routines are written in assembler. This is
** so that the functions written in C will not be compiled. If the name is
** not defined, then the functions written in assembler will not be assembled
** The "GROUP" defines turn on a number of functions. See the code in soft
** for details.
** SGI code originally used __GL_USEASMCODE as one big switch.
** This method allows finer control over what is written in assembler.
/* Define the following to disable all asm code and test the C code */
#if defined(_X86_)
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3x3
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3x3BATCH
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DNRW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DNRW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DNRW
#endif /* X86 */
#if defined(_MIPS_)
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DNRW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DNRW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DNRW
#if 0
#define __GL_ASM_POINT
#define __GL_ASM_SAVEN
#define __GL_ASM_SAVECI
#define __GL_ASM_SAVEC
#define __GL_ASM_SAVET
#define __GL_ASM_SAVECT
#define __GL_ASM_SAVENT
#endif /* MIPS */
#if defined(_PPC_)
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_W
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DNRW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DNRW
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DNRW
#if 0
#define __GL_ASM_POINT
#define __GL_ASM_SAVEN
#define __GL_ASM_SAVECI
#define __GL_ASM_SAVEC
#define __GL_ASM_SAVET
#define __GL_ASM_SAVECT
#define __GL_ASM_SAVENT
#endif /* PPC */
#if defined(_ALPHA_)
#define __GL_ASM_VECSUB4
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1BATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2BATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1_W
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1_WBATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_W
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_WBATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_W
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3x3
#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3x3BATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_W
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1_2DW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1_2DWBATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DWBATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DWBATCH
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM1_2DNRW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM2_2DNRW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM3_2DNRW
//#define __GL_ASM_XFORM4_2DNRW
#if 0
#define __GL_ASM_SAVEN
#define __GL_ASM_SAVECI
#define __GL_ASM_SAVEC
#define __GL_ASM_SAVET
#define __GL_ASM_SAVECT
#define __GL_ASM_SAVENT
#endif /* ALPHA */
#endif /* __GL_ASM_DISABLE_ALL_ASM */
#endif /* __glasm_h_ */