308 lines
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308 lines
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#ifndef __gldlist_h_
#define __gldlist_h_
** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** Display list state descriptions.
#include "os.h"
#include "types.h"
typedef const GLubyte * FASTCALL __GLlistExecFunc(__GLcontext *gc, const GLubyte *);
** Maximum recursive nesting of display list calls.
#define __GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING 64
// Turn on list sharing for NT if we're a client/server implementation
#ifdef NT
#ifndef NT
** Machine specific opcodes should start here. All opcodes lower than
** this are reserved by the generic code.
typedef void (FASTCALL *__GLdlistFreeProc)(__GLcontext *gc, GLubyte *);
** A compiled, unoptimized dlist. Conceptually a linked list of operations.
** An optimizer may work through the operations and delete, add, or change
** them.
** These are only stored transiently. They are created, optimized, and
** converted into optimized dlists.
** This structure *MUST* be set up so that data is doubleword aligned!
struct __GLdlistOpRec {
__GLdlistOp *next; /* Linked list chain */
__GLdlistFreeProc dlistFree;
/* This dlist free function is called when
** the entire dlist is freed. It is passed
** a pointer to data. It should *not* free
** data, but only any memory that has been
** allocated and is pointed to by the
** structure contained in data (which will
** be freed after this function returns).
GLuint size; /* Actual size of data */
GLshort opcode; /* Opcode for this operation */
GLboolean aligned; /* GL_TRUE if data needs to be doubleword
** aligned.
GLboolean pad1; /* Padding */
GLubyte data[4]; /* Variable size */
typedef struct __GLcompiledDistRec {
GLint freeCount; /* Number of free functions defined */
GLuint genericFlags; /* Flags needed by generic optimizers */
GLuint machineFlags; /* Machine controlled flags */
__GLdlistOp *dlist; /* The linked list of operations */
__GLdlistOp *lastDlist; /* For quick appends */
} __GLcompiledDlist;
typedef struct __GLDlistFreeFnRec {
__GLdlistFreeProc freeFn;
GLubyte *data;
} __GLDlistFreeFn;
#endif // !NT
** A fully optimized dlist. One of these is stored for every permanent
** dlist.
** NOTE: 'head' is assumed to start at word offset, but NOT a double word
** offset!
typedef struct __GLdlistRec __GLdlist;
struct __GLdlistRec {
GLuint refcount; /* To deal with multi-threading, must be first */
GLuint size; /* Total size of this block */
#ifndef NT
GLint freeCount; /* Number of operations */
__GLDlistFreeFn *freeFns; /* Array of functions called before freeing */
GLubyte *end; /* End of optimized block */
#ifdef NT
#if 0
GLint drawBuffer; /* Contains DrawBuffer calls or not,
used for optimizing lock checking in
DCLDispatchLoop */
GLuint used; /* Amount of space used in the list so far */
__GLdlist *nextBlock; /* Next block in chain of blocks */
#if 0
GLuint pad; /* Pad to put head on a word offset */
#endif // NT
GLubyte head[4]; /* Optimized block (variable size) */
#ifdef NT
// Adds on overhead bytes for a given dlist op data size
// Currently the only overhead is four bytes for the function pointer
#define DLIST_SIZE(n) ((n)+sizeof(__GLlistExecFunc *))
#define DLIST_GENERIC_OP(name) __glle_##name
#define DLIST_SIZE(n) (n)
#define DLIST_GENERIC_OP(name) __glop_##name
#define DLIST_OPT_OP(name) __glop_##name
#ifndef NT
** Some data structure for storing and retrieving display lists quickly.
** This structure is kept hidden so that a new implementation can be used
** if desired.
typedef struct __GLdlistArrayRec __GLdlistArray;
typedef struct __GLdlistMachineRec {
#ifndef NT
__GLdlistArray *dlistArray;
__GLnamesArray *namesArray;
#ifndef NT
** The optimizer for the display list. Runs through a __GLcompiledDlist
** and deletes, changes, adds operations. Presumably, this optimizer
** will be a set of function calls to other optimizers (some provided
** by the generic dlist code, some by machine specific code).
** Operations created by the machine specific optimizers need to have
** opcodes starting with __GL_MACHINE_DLIST_OPCODE.
void (FASTCALL *optimizer)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcompiledDlist *);
** This routine is called before puting each new command into the
** display list at list compilation time.
void (FASTCALL *checkOp)(__GLcontext *gc, __GLdlistOp *);
** This routine is called when a new display list is about to be
** compiled.
void (FASTCALL *initState)(__GLcontext *gc);
#ifndef NT
** Array of functions pointers used for display list execution of
** generic ops.
__GLlistExecFunc **baseListExec;
** Array of functions pointers used for display list execution of
** generic optimizations.
__GLlistExecFunc **listExec;
** The machine specific list execution routines. These function
** pointers are bound into the display list at list compilation time,
** so it is illegal to be changing these dynamically based upon the
** machine state. Any optimizations based upon the current state need
** to be performed in the machine specific code. The first entry of
** this array corresponds to opcode __GL_MACHINE_DLIST_OPCODE, and
** subsequent entries correspond to subsequent opcodes.
** machineListExec is a pointer to an array of function pointers.
__GLlistExecFunc **machineListExec;
** If a list is being executed (glCallList or glCallLists) then this
** is the current nesting of calls. It is constrained by the limit
** __GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING (this prevents infinite recursion).
GLint nesting;
GLenum mode;
** List being compiled - 0 means none.
GLuint currentList;
#ifdef NT
/* Points to the current begin record when compiling poly array */
struct __gllc_Begin_Rec *beginRec;
/* Skip compiling of the next PolyData when compiling poly array */
GLboolean skipPolyData;
#if 0
#ifdef NT
// Whether the current list contains a DrawBuffer call or not
GLboolean drawBuffer;
#ifndef NT
** Data for the current list being compiled.
__GLcompiledDlist listData;
** For fast memory manipulation. Check out soft/so_memmgr for details.
__GLarena *arena;
** Data for current list
__GLdlist *listData;
} __GLdlistMachine;
#ifndef NT
extern void FASTCALL__glDestroyDisplayLists(__GLcontext *gc);
extern GLboolean FASTCALL __glCanShareDlist(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *share_cx);
extern void FASTCALL __glShareDlist(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *share_cx);
// Perform thread-exit cleanup for dlists
extern void __glDlistThreadCleanup(__GLcontext *gc);
** Assorted routines needed by dlist compilation routines.
** Create and destroy display list ops. __glDlistAllocOp2() sets an
** out of memory error before returning NULL if there is no memory left.
#ifndef NT
extern __GLdlistOp *__glDlistAllocOp(__GLcontext *gc, GLuint size);
extern __GLdlistOp *__glDlistAllocOp2(__GLcontext *gc, GLuint size);
extern void FASTCALL __glDlistFreeOp(__GLcontext *gc, __GLdlistOp *op);
** Append the given op to the currently under construction list.
extern void FASTCALL __glDlistAppendOp(__GLcontext *gc, __GLdlistOp *newop,
__GLlistExecFunc *listExec);
extern __GLdlist *__glDlistGrow(GLuint size);
** Create and destroy optimized display lists.
extern __GLdlist *__glAllocDlist(__GLcontext *gc, GLuint size);
extern void FASTCALL __glFreeDlist(__GLcontext *gc, __GLdlist *dlist);
#ifndef NT
** Generic dlist memory manager.
extern void *__glDlistAlloc(GLuint size);
extern void *__glDlistRealloc(void *oldmem, GLuint oldsize, GLuint newsize);
extern void FASTCALL __glDlistFree(void *memory, GLuint size);
** Generic table of display list execution routines.
extern __GLlistExecFunc *__glListExecTable[];
#endif /* __gldlist_h_ */